3 Generation Virtual Computing (The New IT Frontier) : by Matthew Bulat M.Eng - Tech MCSE MCDBA

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3 Generation Virtual


(The new IT frontier)

By Matthew Bulat
What is virtualisation?
A host computer running isolated
guest operating systems \
 A Virtual Machine (VM) is the
representation of a physical machine
by software
 VM can work independently of the
host architecture
Why Virtualization?
 Use hardware efficiently
 Save electricity at the
server/UPS/cooling system
 Setup new computer projects quickly

 Run development systems up offline

on desktop PC
 Save money on yearly hardware
 Save space in computer room

 Less network hardware needed

Who is involved?
 Linux and Xen project
 Microsoft and Virtual PC software

 VMWARE and multiple software

 Apple has virtualization built into
OSX Leopard
 Sun systems
Where is industry heading?
 Future server buying trends are
forecasting virtualization will reduce
 Green IT is becoming a hot issue

 The ability to perform constantly

more with same hardware suits
Virtualization possibilities
 8 CPU server
Server  48 GB RAM
 12 Virtual Machines
Machines  780 Watts

 SAN with 7.5 TB

 840 Watts

Storage  220 mm rack space

Area  1620 Watts total
 ~ $93k in hardware
Virtual Applications
 Install an application in a protected space
with its own installation files and registry
 Allows multiple version of the same
application to run side by side
 Test applications and remove them cleanly

 No more bloated registry and DLL hell

 Remotely deploy new applications very fast

 Applications available can be related to

Group membership
Software Virtualization Solution
Virtual application deployment
Apple and Windows
Windows and Linux
Virtual PC
Virtual Server 2005 R2
 Works currently on top of Windows 2003
Server (free download)
 Make virtual machines of legacy NT4 and
Windows 2000 Servers on modern
 64 virtual machines limit

 Each virtual machine is limited to 1 CPU

 Microsoft running over 1200 VMs on this

Windows 2008 Server virtualization
 Up to 4 CPU can be used by a VM
 Support Linux VM
 Can use ISO images
 Built for server consolidation in mind
 Slow down server sprawl
 Get good utilization of servers
 Standard licences allows 4 virtual servers
 Datacentre licence allows unlimited VM
 Up to 32GB memory per VM supported
Thin Clients
 Very quick to start
 Can be run locally or remotely

 Thin clients are secure, only use

minimal power and do not need
 Centralise all storage requirements

 Only screen, mouse and keyboard

changes on the network
Thin Client Example
 Run 20-40 thin
clients per server
 Full multimedia thin
clients available
 Can use wireless,
Ethernet, modem or
3G card for
 Can also be used for
VOIP telephony
 Use VPN connections
Combine VMs and VOIP
Linux Xen
 Citrix acquired Xen Source
 Products Citrix Xen Server / Xen Desktop
 Desktop VMs hosted at server
 64 bit hypervisor management for fast
input output
 Up to 8 CPUs per VM
 Up to 32 GB RAM per VM
 VM can be moved between servers without
 Supports Windows 2000/2003, Linux, XP
VMWARE Workstation
 Supports 19 version of Windows and
26 versions of Linux
 All VMs have VNC access
 Up to 8GB per VM
 Create whole desktop VMs
 Create VMs for USB devices
 Make VMs for use later on VM player
or ESX server
 Great for development testing on VM
VMWARE ACE desktop
 VMs can use up to 4 CPUs
 VMs can use up to 64GB memory
 iSCSI, SAN, 4 GB Fibre SAN support

 Can use Ghost images of existing

servers to make virtual machines
 Memory allocation to VMs can
change with need
V Motion

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