Resonance YCCP Brochure (2010-11)

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., (A Unit of Resonance Eduventures Pvt. Ltd.)

In a world full of competition. the law of averages pervades the lower spectrum of life. whereas high up there. only a handful of winners invade the skies to lead the mediocre. To belong to this world of the influential, you need to soar beyond the realms of the ordinary. defy the gravity and breach the everyday threshold. This is thetimeto learn how to fly high and rise to experience a whole new world. where only a select few reside. And to be there. you need to master the science of being above the rest. Resonance will be your springboard. be the powerto propel your future and take you to the world where only success will embrace you.

institutes of higher education are established and declared as Institutes of National Importance by the Government of India. The IITs were created for scientists and engineers. with the aim to develop a skilled workforce to support the economic and social development of India after independence in 1947.

Institute of Technology. Banaras Hindu University (IT-BHU). Varanasi and Indian School of Mines University (ISMU). Dhanbad are the oldest institutions oftheir own kind in India. The admissions to the undergraduate programmes for these institutions are also made through joint Entrance Examination UEE) along with IITs.

About IITs

The World of the Titans

Engineering is one of the most sought after careers in India. as engineers aid in the economic development of the country by contributing to sectors like manufacturing. infrastructure. IT etc. Moreover. engineers dominate the top-rungs of private and public sector institutions. This makes it the career of choice for most students. And. what better place to do engineering than lIT? liT is the mecca of some of the most brilliant minds in India. It propels ambitious students into the orbit of top-notch careers in various spheres like business. public & private corporations. academia etc.

The Indian Institutes of Technology or IITs. a group of 1 5 autonomous engineering and technology oriented



Indian Institute ofTechnology - joint Entrance Examination (IIT-jEE) is a common entrance test for the admission in all 1 5 IITs. Institute ofTechnology - Banaras Hindu University (IT-BHU). Varanasi & Indian School of Mines University (ISMU). Dhanbad.

IIT-j EE is considered to be one of the toughest examinations in the world at undergraduate level. It is conducted by the IITs. 384977 students took IIT-j EE in 2009 for 8295 seats with a participants to selection ratio of less than 3%. The Main Merit List of successful candidates is 1 .20 times of total number of seats.

The Extended Merit List (EML) of IIT-jEE is the list of candidates drawn up with some further relaxation in the aggregate cut-off beyond the cut-off of the IIT-jEE Main Merit List. All the candidates who are declared qualified in the EMLare eligible for admissions in institutions like Indian Institute of Space Science & Technology (liST). Thiruvananthapuram. Indian Institute of Science Education & Research (IISER) at Pune. Kolkata. Thiruvananthapuram. Bhopal & MohalL Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology (RGIPT). Rai Bareilly and Indian Institute of Maritime Studies (Merchant Navy) at Mumbai & Kolkata.


A student appearing or appeared in Class-XII board examination with Physics. Chemistry & Mathematics can appear in IIT-j EE.

Candidates belonging to GEN. OBC and DS categories must secure at least 60% marks in aggregate in their qualifying examination to be eligible to write IIT-jEE. Whereas. those belonging to SC. ST and PD categories must secure at least 55% marks in aggregate in the qualifying examination. One can attempt IIT-j EE only twice. in consecutive years. First. with the qualifying exam and second. in the very next year.

There are two Objective Papers of 3 hours each having questions from Physics. Chemistry & Maths. Normally. there is negative marking for wrong answers. IITjEE 2009 paper was of480 Marks (160 marks for each subject). The result of IIT-jEE is normally declared in the last week of May every year. In IIT-jEE 2009. All India Rank (AIR) 1~ student scored 424 marks (88.33%) while the aggregate cut-off marks for General category students was 178 (37.08%). for OBC category it was 161 (33.54%) & for SC. ST and PD categories it was 89 (18.54%) out of 480. The total seats in IITs are filled up according to Govemment of India's reservation policy with 27% seats for OBC (Non-creamy layer). 15% for SC and 7.5% for ST category students. Further. 3% seats in each category (GEN. OBC. SC & ST) are reserved for Persons with Disability (PD) category students. Two seats in each ofthe IITs are available for preferential allotmentto children of defence services under Defence Staff (DS) category.


Excellence in career education.


Practice. Persistence and Performance.


Leadership with humane touch at various levels.

Integrity. Transparency and Openness in all our actions.

Innovation and pursuit of excellence in career education.

Address the needs of the students through career oriented initiatives.

Strive to continuously improve our processes and quality of deliverables.

The Inspiration behind Aspiration

Mr. Ram Kishan Verma is the quintessential example of the liT brand and success.

Brought up in a small village at Rajasthan. he did exceedingly well in school and later cleared IIT-JEE with confidence of an achiever. He pursued Electrical and Electronics Engineering at liT Madras and graduated in 1994. After finishing B.Tech. he joined BHELasTrainee Engineer.

While working as a Trainee Engineer. he nursed an ambition of becoming an entrepreneur in the burgeoning field of education. Hence. he started with a reputed coaching institute as Physics faculty in Kota in 1995 and continued with the same till 2001.

In 2001 • he realised his dream by founding Resonance and since then he has been working assiduously to make the institute a name to reckon with.

Dear Student.

Welcome to Resonance!

At the outset. let me support your decision of finding a place into the prestigious Indian Institutes ofTechnology (IITs). The IITs are amongst of the best technical institutes across the globe. The entrance test of liT. Indian Institute ofTechnology - Joint Entrance Examination (IIT-J EE). is considered the toughest examination of this kind at 10+ 2 level all overthe world.

The most difficult part and the first step of achieving something. whether small or big. is to think about it. You may have decided to take the IIT-JEE yourself or with the help of your parents. teachers. mentors. relatives or friends. However. you should be thankful to them forever. The next and the last step to achieve your goal would be to work strategically and systematically. Sometimes a student can become successful all by himself by just aiding his studies with books and study material. but many a times the combination of a good student and a good teacher becomes a sure shot formula of success. The faith and confidence that you have shown in Resonance. to make it your strategic partner in your journey to IITs. is commendable. All we can promise is that we will take your career to newer heights and take it as seriously as you do.

Since our inception in 2001. we have been considered one ofthe fastest growing institutions in India in the sphere of competitive examinations. especially IIT-J EE. We are an institution committed to excellence in teaching. By joining Resonance. one confers to privilege. prestige and a unique opportunity to taste success. but at the same time there are a lot of responsibilities to be dealt with. I think these responsibilities can be summed up in three simple words: "Practice. Persistence. and Performance." In IIT-JEE 2009. the accomplishment of our yearlong classroom student Mr. Anvit Singh Tawar with All India Rank (AIR) 9 in GEN category & All India Highest Marks in Mathematics: 156/ 160 and 1621 selections (Classroom: 859 & Distance Learning: 762) is a testimony of Resonance's winning teaching methodology. The increasing number of selections of girl students (2009: 132. 2008: 81) and Hindi medium students (2009: 161.2008: 74) and also various category students in IIT-JEE entails our approach towards impacting inclusive education to the various segments of students fraternity.

In the last eight years. Resonance has taken up many challenges for itself like starting Distance Learning Programmes. Pre-foundation Career Care Programmes (for Classes VII. VIII. IX and X). coaching in Hindi medium and opening Study Centres outside Kota along with a huge expansion at Kota. It has come out with flying colours in all its ventures with the help of adequate planning. appropriate action and an excellent execution team.

Many people fail in life not because they lack the knowledge or talent but because they quit when very close to success. When problems seem insurmountable. quitting seems to be the easiest way out but we. at Resonance. strongly discourage student from quiting. We are with the students at every step and always teach them that 'A winner never quits and a quitter never wins'. We at Resonance also believe in inculcating strong moral values and ethics along with subject knowledge so that they may turn into responsible citizens.

I encourage you and your parents to explore our website to leam more about Resonance and contact us if you would like to have additional information. Choosing Resonance might be one of the most important decisions you will ever make. We will further welcome and guide you at Resonance after you complete the selection and admission process successfully.

I wish you every success in the future.

Yours sincerely.

R. K. Verma Managing Director B.Tech. (liT-Madras 1994)


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Don't believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find out what you already know, and you III see the way to fly.

A bird's eye view of Resonance

11th April. 2001 saw the dawn of Resonance that was conceptualised to provide objective-centric coaching education in a systematic and conducive learning environment in the challenging field of IIT-JEE. The Institute was named Resonance with the pledge to effectively blend Teacher-Pupil efforts to bring out the best output required to crack IIT-JEE. The aim was to give wings to the dreams of an IIT-JEE aspirant. eventually making him an IITian.

In just eight years since its inception. the Institute has risen beyond expectations and proven itself in terms of volume and quality of results. The remarkable growth in the enrollment of students and their successful admission to the prestigious IITs has proven to be a benchmark for Resonance.

Our belief - "Learning that is redundant is no longer knowledge" - has fuelled us with enough impetus to continuously update our pool of courses and initiate new ones. By doing so. it allows the students and the teaching faculty to stay abreast with the latest developments and methodologies of IIT-JEE.

Resonance has its own Study Centres which offer Classroom Contact Programmes for IIT-JEE at Kota. jaipur; Bhopal. Delhi (4 Study Centres) Lucknow (2 Study Centres). Kolkata. Nagpur. Mumbai (7 Study Centres). More Study Centres at Udaipur. Bengaluru. Bhubaneswar. Surat. Rajkot and in some other cities are coming up for the academic session

2010-11. It has also established Information Centres in Chandigarh. Indore. Patna and Ranchi to provide the aspirants with information about the various Classroom & Distance Learning Programmes of Resonance at their native places. The Institute has also entered into associations with some of the reputed schools across the country for the Integrated In-School Classroom Contact Programmes for the preparation of IIT-J EE.

The Institute has diversified its portfolio by launching AIEEE Division in the Academic Session 2009-10 exclusively for its old students who

have exhausted their limited IIT-JEE attempts. Apart from coaching for competitive examinations. the Institute is also offering Classroom & Distance Learning Programmes forthe students of Class VII to X who appear in Talent Search Examinations like National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) and National & International Olympiads conducted by various Government and Private Organisations.

Milestones of Resonance

1. 2001-02: Started Yearlong Classroom Contact Programmes (YCCPs) for IIT-J EE at Kota with 1000 + students. 161 selections in the very first result in IIT-JEE 2002.

2. 2004-0S: For the first time. Resonance National Entrance Test (ResoNET) for the admission in YCCPs was conducted across India.

3. 200S-06: Launch of Distance Learning Programmes Division (DLPD) in August 2005 followed by opening of jaipur Study Centre in November 2005.

4. 2006-07: Launch of Pre-foundation Career Care Programmes (PCCP) Division at Kota (for Classes-VII. VIII. IX & X). Commencement of separate Hindi medium batches for YCCPs at Kota. Started e-VIDYA (On-line Test Series for IIT-JEE) and Introduced Faculty Training Programme (FTP). Two students from Classroom Programmes won Gold & Silver medals in International Physics Olympiad (IPhO).

S. 2007-08: Launch of Bhopal Study Centre and introduction of Unique Scholarship Programme (USP) in YCCPs at Kota.

6. 2007-08: Students enrollment in Classroom Programmes (YCCPs) crossed the figure of 10000+. Expansion of network with Information Centres (ICs) in Delhi. Lucknow. Indore. Chandigarh. Patna. Ranchi and Kolkata.

7. 2008-09: Launch of Delhi. Lucknow. Kolkata. Nagpur and Mumbai Study Centres with IIT-JEE Division and Udaipur Information Centre with PCCP Division. 177 students got selected in National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) in 2008. NTSE is conducted by the National Council of Educational Research & Training (NCERT) for the students of class VIII.

8. 2008-09: 1621 selections in IIT-JEE (Classroom: 859 I Distance Learning: 762) with first Top -10 All India Rank (AIR) in IIT-JEE from the Institute. The Best Rank (AIR-9) so far by a Yearlong Classroom student. All India Rank - 1 in both SC and ST categories.

9. 2008-09: Two students (One from Classroom & One from Correspondence Programmes) won Silver Medal in International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO) - 2009 held in London. UK. 189 students got selected in National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) in 2009 from PCCP Division.

10. 2009-10: More than 18000 + students enrolled in YCCPs. Launch of Yearlong Classroom Contact Programme (YCCP) for AI EEE (Course Name:

AJAY) exclusively for old students of Resonance. Three students have won silver medals in the final stage of International Jr. Science Olympiad held at Baku. Azerbaijan in December 2009.

._ Study Centre Information Centre Test Centre

Upcoming Study Centre

The Grit of Resonance: A Pan-India Presence

Study Centres

Resonance evolved from a simple thought process which took shape in Kota in April 2001 and gradually created a colossal movement across India. In order to cater to the growing demand of the students at different places. the Institute came up with its own Study Centres across the country. In order to replicate the quality standards of training & teaching followed at Kota Study Centre. Resonance followed a meticulously devised academic planner and channelised processes like Faculty Training Programme (FTP). Faculty Development Programme (FDP) and Research & Development (R&D). The Institute came up with its own Study Centres at [alpur in the year 2005. Bhopal in the year 2007. Delhi. Lucknow. Kolkata. Nagpur and Mumbai in the year 2008. Resonance started its own Study Centres in these cities to cater to the latent needs ofthe local students and provide them an

ideal learning environment while still living attheir homes.

These Study Centres are not franchisees. They are established and managed by Resonance. Kota.

The students of jaipur Study Centre in IIT-JEE 2007 and 2008 performed notably well with 17 and 47 selections respectively in these two years with 6 ranks in Top - 100 (cumulative of both the years). Bhopal produced 8 selections in the IIT-JEE 2008. Study Centres of Resonance at jaipur, Bhopal. Delhi. Lucknow. Mumbai. Nagpur and Kolkata contributed 48. 18. 19. 13. 10. 5 & 2 selections respectively in the success of Resonance in IIT-JEE 2009. The Delhi Centre in IIT-JEE 2009. in its very first result. produced an All India Rank (AIR) 75 (GEN). These performances have been the crowning glory for Resonance and offer testimony of the systematised planning and execution across all the centres of Resonance.

Note: At Study Centres (other than Kota) the students and parents may observe a little variation and customisation in some features like teaching methodology. course pedagogy and frequency of classes. which are given in the information brochure and admission packet contents as it may be as per the local requirements of school-going students. The students or parents shall get the detailed information at respective Study Centres only.

Only at Resonance

In order to make the students competitive and prepare their temperament for IIT-JEE. Resonance has developed a multiple-level system of Periodic Assessment Tests (PATs) and relative ranking that encompasses the entire student pool which increases at every level. This system is unique to Resonance because of the reach of its Study Centres through Classroom Contact and Distance Learning Programmes across India. The PATs include Part Tests (PTs). Cumulative Tests (CTs). Major Tests (MTs). Full Syllabus Tests (FSTs). JEE Preparatory Tests (JPTs) and Open Test (OT).

Unparallel Student Pool, Incomparable Competitive Edge

• All City! Study Centre Rank including the students of a particular centre and! or city of the same Class! Course! Programme through PTs. CTs and MTs

• All Resonance Rank (ARR) including classroom students of Study Centres across India of the same Class! Course! Programme through PTs. CTs and MTs

• All Resonance Rank (ARR) including students of more than one Class! Course! Programme across the Study Centres through FSTs and J PTs

• All Resonance Rank (ARR) including students of Distance Learning Programmes (DLPs). across India through CTs along with All India Test Series (AITS)

• All India Rank (AIR) through Resonance Open Test (OT) including the above mentioned

students and students of other institutes! classes! schools not enrolled in Resonance's Classroom & Distance Learning Programmes

Advantage Resonance

The PATs provide students the perfect platform to compete and gauge their performance with regard to their peers. This enables them to plan their study accordingly and move towards their ultimate goal of cracking IIT-JEE.

Teaching Methodology:

1. Academic Team (Faculty) Faculty constitutes the most innate and intricate part of any educational institute and Resonance has one ofthe best faculty team who themselves have gone under the rigours of IIT-JEE and have passed out of the portals of different I nd ian I nstitutes of Technology (IITs). The faculty is selfdriven and motivated to the commitment of making aJEE aspirant realise his! her dreams.

Faculty Training Programme (FTP) is a ground-breaking initiative in the field of IIT-JEE training. The programme aspires to create and train as per Resonance teaching methodology and make a proficient faculty team that will meet the existing and future requirements of intellectual faculty that are needed in the Institute in line with the increasing professional challenges and the contemporary needs of the students. Further to groom and redefine the coaching skills of the faculty team. Resonance has evolved a Faculty Development Programme (FDP) under which continuous enrichment and value addition is done to keep the faculty members abreast with the changing trends of IIT-JEE and the world beyond.

2. Regular Classes

Resonance conducts daily classroom teaching with a systematised course plan for timely completion of the syllabus of IIT-JEE and keeps the students in touch with the rigorous curriculum of JEE. The planned session of 90 minute lecture comprises theory. solved-unsolved examples. illustrations. discussion of daily practice problems and sheets. The class notes taken in the Regular Classes is the best guiding tool to the students.

3. Daily Practice Problems (DPPs)

It is a set of 8-10 problems regularly given to the students to practice and concretise the concepts taught in daily classes. The DPPs are just like practice

papers with time and score mentioned on them to help a student inculcate the ability and temperament of facing the reaIIIT-JEE through practice & revision of ongoing topics as well as problems in completed topics.

4. Sheet

The package is a typical topic-wise collection of each subject in a sequential order which are provided to all the students as printed study material. It comprises condensed theory of the respective topic followed by assorted problems arranged from fundamental to advanced level. It aids students for guided and referential studies at home and to solve problems by themselves.

5. Doubt Discussion Classes Doubt Discussion Classes empower the student to clarify his! her doubts and queries through the mode of discussion with faculty members at micro-level in one-to-one interaction. These initiatives help the students to improve their academic performance.

6. Periodic Assessment Tests (PATs)

The Periodic Assessment Test acts as a yardstick to gauge the level of preparedness of the students and how committed and willing they are towards their studies. It is an alternate cycle of Part and Cumulative tests (PTs and as) conducted once in a month. Other tests like JEE Preparatory Tests OPTs}. MajorTest (MT). Full Syllabus Tests (FsTs). All India Open Test (AIOT) and AIEEE Preparatory Tests (APTs) are also conducted at the end of the academic session to give him! her enough poise and confidenceto face] EE.

1 Ox1 0 Commandments

7. Academic Research & Development (R&D)

Research and Development (R&D) team regularly updates and enriches the work of Question Bank Development (original! assorted). On a regular basis. the R&D team analyses the performance of students through periodic tests and accordingly develops the academic curriculum for the students to enhance their performance. The R&D team keeps in mind the needs of the students and develops new academic products accordingto the changing times.

8. Academic Administration and Management

The entire academic year is systematically segmented into different parts so as to map the planned progress of the student. Proper planning. execution and supervision of the syllabus coverage. course planner and test and academic schedule is rightly directed and channelised by Academic Administration and Management.

9. Academic Performance Analysis

The academic performance of the students is compiled. analysed and reviewed to help the students know their strengths and weaknesses. Periodic reshuffling of batches augment the competitive spirit.

Comparative micro and macro analysis of the performance of the individual student in the test enables the student to plan and prepare accordingly. These initiatives help the students improve their academic performance.

10. Co-academic Arrangements The Institute organises performance enhancement classes. motivation and counselling sessions to give confidence to students and give them an edge. Information and assistance for various competitive exams and Olympiads are made available.

R.K. Verma Managing Director

Qualification: B.Tech. (liT-Madras. 1994) Work Experience: 1 5 years

Working with Resonance: Founder (since 2001)

He is the man behind the foundation of Resonance and the captain ofthe ship. Before founding Resonance. he worked with one of the leading institutes for IIT-JEE in Kota as Head. Department of Physics from 1995 to 2001. He is heading Resonance as an inspiring leader who has a heart of a teacher and the thought of a trailblazer. In his career; more than 6500 IIT-JEE selected students. including numerous toppers. have been mentored by him. His own rise from an ordinary to extraordinary has made him one of the best motivators and counsellors in the country for students aspiring for success in competitive examinations especially IIT-J EE.

Lokesh Khandelwal Director (Strategy 6i. Planning)

Qualification: B.Tech. (IIT-Kanpur. 1994. CFA-PGDBA [IBSA]) Work Experience: 12 years

Working with Resonance: Co-founder (since 2001)

He is the co-founder of Resonance. After graduating from IIT-Kanpur and having worked for few years with Infosys Technologies and ABB Ltd .. he switched to his passion of teaching Mathematics to IIT-JEE aspirants. He has worked with some of the leading IIT-JEE coaching institutes at Kota and Delhi before co-founding Resonance. He has patronised the Department of Mathematics since the inception of Resonance and is held in high esteem by students for his excellent teaching and sharp explanatory and analytical skills.

Shiv Pratap Raghuwanshi Additional Director (Academics - IIT-JEE Division)

Head of Deptt. (HOD)Department of Chemistry

Asheesh Sharma Additional Director (Study Centre Academics &. Global Business Development)

Sankarshan Tripathi Head of Deptt. (HOD) Department of Mathematics

Qualification: B.Tech. (IIT-Kanpur. 2002) Work Experience: 08 years

Working with Resonance: Since 2003

An IIT-Kanpur alumnus. Mr. Raghuwanshi is one of the rare academicians who have delivered enlightening discourse. and portrayed enough adroitness in all the three subjects (Physics. Maths and Chemistry) for IIT-JEE. His passion for Chemistry has made him stick to this subject and he has succeeded in honing the talents of IIT-J EE aspirants. Based on his extraordinary competence in Chemistry. he has devised innovative ways to master the tough sections of the subject and has gained enormous respect from students.

Qualification: B.Tech. (IIT-Kanpur. 2002) Work Experience: 08 years

Working with Resonance: Since 2002

He started his career by teaching Physics at Resonance. immediately after completing his B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering from IIT-Kanpur. His managerial acumen and an astute sense of strategy & planning helped Resonance in spreading its Study Centres at different places and today he plays a key role in taking both academic and non-academic decisions.

Qualification: B.E. (University of Roorkee. 1997) Work Experience: 11 years

Working with Resonance: Since 2005

He qualified IIT-JEE & REE both in 1993 but opted

for the University of Roorkee (now IIT-Roorkee). Before joining Resonance. he already possessed an extensive work experience at various coaching institutes in Delhi. He is a great contributor in the consistent success growth of the students of Resonance. through his ability of carving and then shaping the oozing talent by infusing in them mathematical prudence. He always makes students feel that they can conquer the subject and teaches them ways to achieve their desired results.

Dr. V. P. Mittal Additional Director (Students Welfare - Girls)

B.K. Matoria Additional Director (Students Welfare - Boys) Head of Deptt. (HOD) Department of Physics

Manoj Sharma Additional Director (Administration &. Management)

Qualification: Ph.D .. M.Sc. (Gold Medallist) Work Experience: 21 years

Working with Resonance: Since 2004

A veritable library herself. she has a vast experience of teaching Organic Chemistry including her years at Resonance and a considerable span in Govt. College and at a leading IIT-J EE coaching institute at Kota. Her grip on the subject and years of student interaction makes her indispensable source of techie wisdom and personal care. Apart from being a Professor (Organic Chemistry). she also holds the responsibility of an Additional Director (Students Welfare-Girls).

Qualification: B.E. (2001) Work Experience: 09 years

Working with Resonance: Since 2001

Enormous perseverance in making Physics an easy play for IIT-J EE aspirants and his panting toil of getting his students a clear mental frame of the nitty-gritties of the subject took him from the post of an assistant faculty to the grandeur of the Head of the Department (HOD). Physics. His zeal to master the subject and infuse the same in his students has transformed him into a legendary teacher over the years. His classes are an example of total mind involvement of students through in-depth explanations and interest developing teaching ways. Students feel a sense of complete guidance under his mentorship.

Qualification: 1. M.I.D. (International Development) - Kota University. Kota

2. M.S. (Quality Management). BITS - Pilani

3. MDPM&IR. Symbiosis IMS. Pune

4. B.Tech. (DT). Rajasthan Agriculture University. Bikaner

Work Experience: 14 years

Working with Resonance: Since 2002

He is leading the management functions and initiatives of Resonance. Being an active participant and coordinator in spectrum of activities under academic planning and implementation. he is serving as the catalyst for attaining the best efficiency and effectiveness in the processes. His role spans in the areas of strategic management. business decision making. Study Centre heads coordination. quality management and MIS. He worked with AMUL in Gujarat for six years before joining Resonance.

Faculty: Pillars of Success

The faculty team consists of experienced. professional and qualified Gurus. The faculty team reflects the Institution's care for the students and endeavours to achieve the objective of providing education i.e. intellectualy stimulating as well as result oriented success. A perfect blend of subject knowledge. experience and the art to teach the most complex topic in a very lucid way makes the faculty of Resonance one ofthe bestteams for IIT-JEE under one roof.

The pie-charts given below bring out clearly the teaching experience. subject-wise strength and educational qualification of the faculty members associated with Resonance.


l~' ._


"To teach is to touch the heart and impel it to action. II

Faculty: Teaching Experience

• > More than 5 years

• Between 2-5 years

• < Less than 2 years

....... . .......


Faculty: Subject-wise Strength

• Chemistry

• Mathematics

• Physics

Faculty: Educational Qualification

• .;ij;,jI.

• • •

B.Tech. (from IITs) M.Sc./ M.Phil./ M.Tech.

B.E./ B.Tech. (from other than IITs)


B.Se. & Others

*The figures are as at the time of printing of brochure.

The best All India Rank (AIR) in IIT-JEE from Resonance since inception (From Classroom Contact Programme. General category)


Excellence Manifested IIT-JEE 2009 results

• All India Rank (AIR)-9 in GEN Category

• All India highest score in Mathematics obtained by a Resonite (156/160)

• 40.35% growth in classroom result (2009 : 859. 2008 : 612)

• Every 6th student selected is from Resonance

• 1 6.1 5% selections out of total selected students (1621 out of 1 0035)

• 63% growth in selections of girl students (2009: 132. 2008 : 81)

• 117.56% growth in selections of Hindi medium students (2009 : 161. 2008 : 74)

• Best All India Rank in Hindi medium from Resonance: 79 (GEN)

Note: The complete details of result from IIT-JEE 2002 onwards are available on website.

The ascent of Resonance since inception ~

Resonance has broken its own records and has set new benchmarks year on year. 161 entrants in IITs through J EE- 2002 to 1621 entrants (859 from Classroom Programmes & 762 from Distance Learning Programmes) in IITs through JEE-2009 stand as proof of Resonance's academic success in the field of IIT-JEE.

esonance ...

The To

Vaibhav Gupta AIR - 54 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2009

Tarique Aliz AIR - 65 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2009

Ayush Singhal AIR - 75 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2009

Raiat Khandelwal AIR - 79 (GEN)

Hindi medium, IIT-JEE 2009

Arup Kr. Pat AIR - 97 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2009

Ravindra Singh AIR - 18 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2008

Heman! Noval AIR - 24 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2008

Prashant Jain AIR - 42 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2008

Apekshit Sharma AIR - 58 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2008

Prabodh Dabariya AIR - 77 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2008

Kunika Goyal AIR - 85 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2008

Saurabh Agarwal AIR - 92 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2008

Anvit Singh Tawar AIR- 9 (GEN)

(lIT -JEE 2009)

Also the highest marks at all India level in Maths in IIT-JEE 2009 (1 S6 marks out of 160)

Savin Goyal AIR - 95 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2008

Kevin Dias AIR - 100 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2008

Vlvak Jhunlhunwala AIR - 14 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2007

Raman Sharma AIR - 20 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2007

Abhlshak Katyal AIR - 25 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2007

Ankl! Agarwal AIR - 33 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2007

Adhip Agarwal AIR - 46 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2007

Pratyush Pandey AIR - 85 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2007

Shashank AIR - 28 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2006

Saurabh Upadhyay AIR - 36 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2006

Daapak S Karwasara AIR - 73 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2006

Peeush Jain AIR - 84 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2006

Jaiprakash AIR - 85 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2006

Shagun Jhaver AIR - 94 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2006

Mayank Agarwal AIR - 80 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2005

Makrand Sinha AIR - 82 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2005

Adltya Chordla AIR - 96 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2004

Anshu Agarwal AIR - 87 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2003

Pragya Goyal AIR - 100 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2003

Varun Garg AIR - 48 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2002

Prataak Choudhary AIR - 69 (GEN) IIT-JEE 2002

The Upper Crest

"Though JEE demands a lot of hard work on the part of the student. a proper channelisation of work is equally important. Resonance gave me the guidance, with proper training, appropriate classroom atmosphere, good competition and perfect attention, which made it for me and motivated me to score well in JEE. Moreover, the faculty here ensures an optimum level of confidence in the students, which is critical for an exam like JEE."

Anvit Singh Tawar (AIR - 9 in IIT-JEE 2009 - GEN category) All India highest marks in Maths (156/160) in IIT-JEE 2009

(Student of Two Year Regular Classroom Programme) Home Town: Vadodara

"I would like to thank Resonance which provided me a correct path to IITs. The quality education provided by the best faculty at Resonance helped me in getting a good rank in JEE. The Study Material. including Modules, DPPs, Test papers, is well tuned with JEE. The healthy competitive environment amplified my performance in every test of Resonance & finally in J EE."

Vaibhav Gupta

(Student of Two Year Regular Classroom Programme)

AIR- 54 (GEN)

IIT-JEE 2009

"Personal care and motivation provided by Resonance gave me enough strength to crack IIT-JEE 2009. I received 50% and then 1 00% scholarships in consecutive years in coaching fees at Resonance. My faculty members contributed a lot by boosting my morale, time to time. They made me learn that there is never a bad performance and that one improves gradually. Periodic tests made me practice hard on the conceptual part finally making me attain All India Rank- 65 inJEE 2009. At the end, I want to thank my parents and all my faculty members for supporting me throughout."

Tarique Aziz

(Student of One Year Regular Classroom Programme)

AIR-65 (GEN)

IIT-JEE 2009

"Before joining Resonance, I couldn't expect to procure the seventy fifth All India Rank, but due to the persistent efforts of myself and my faculty members, I could attain a good AIR and made my dreams come true. The dedication of my faculty members ignited in me the spark to excel in studies and prove my merit. Regular practice and periodic tests inculcated in me the confidence to take IIT-JEE with ease and comfort. I want to thank Resonance for showing me the path for excellence, both personally and professionally. It is one of the best institutes for IIT-J EE aspirants."

Ayush Singhal

(Student of One Year Regular Classroom Programme)

AIR-75 (GEN)


"~lf<f3l'Rm~m~~~ ~T~ 3l'R 311'11f ~ m ~ .,m, ~ I ~1f~qSl~~~ ~~w.r-w.r~~qSl~q;r ~~~~mor~ I ~~-q{;itmtt .mor~ I ~~q;l~~~lf<f ~ qSl ~m'Iflft ~ wutt ~ Cf;(tiTlU I ant~-~ 20091f 79tft~'ifT1<f~ 1f~~~~~ft;rq~~q;l ~q5lRT~il"


(Student of One Year Regular Classroom Programme)

AIR-79 (GEN)


Student of Hindi medium batch Home Town: Alwar

From Bottom 10 Up:

1" Row (LeH to Right): Anupam Kumar [128 (OB- 0017)]. Pritesh Kumar [110]. Abhishek Sharma [1664 (PD-04)]. Kirtesh Meena [281 (ST-001)]. Rajat Khandelwal [79]. Tarique Aziz [65]. Anvit Singh Tanwar [9]. Mr. Manoj Sharma (Additional Director-Admin. & Mgmt.). Mr. Asheesh Sharma (Additional Director Global Business Development & Study Centre Academics). Mr. Shailendra Parnami (HOD-ChemistryMumbai Study Centre). Mr. Bharat Bhansali (HODChemistry-Nagpur Study Centre). Mr. Sudhanshu Kumar (HOD-Chemistry-Lucknow Study Centre). Mr. Uttam Kumar Chaudhary (HOD-Mathematics-Nagpur Study Centre). Mr. Abhishek Bansal (HOD-PhysicsNagpur Study Centre). Mr. Jagjeet Singh (HODMathematics-Jaipur Study Centre). Mr. Sankarshan Tripathi (HOD-Mathematics-Kota Study Centre). Dr. (Mrs.) v.P. Mittal (Additional Director-Students WelfareGirls & Functional Head-Organic Chemistry). Mr. Lokesh Khandelwal (Director-Strategy and Planning). Mr. R.K. Verma (Managing Director). Mr. Shiv Pratap Raghuwanshi (Addijional Director Academics & HODChemistry-Kola Study Centre). Mr. Bharat Kumar Matoria (Addijional Director-Students Welfare-Boys & HODPhysics-Kota Study Centre). Mr. Safdar Seraj (HODMathematics-Delhi Study Centre). Mr. Sudesh Kumar Chaudhary (HOD Physics-Delhi Study Centre). Mr. Sunil Kumar Shivhare (HOD Chemistry-Delhi Study Centre). Mr. Prafull Kumar Agarwal (Professor & Head East Delhi Study Centre). Mr. Amay Pandey (Centre Head-Delhi Study Centre). Mr. Rajesh Sharma (HOD-Mathematics-Bhopal Study Centre). Mr. Rijesh Agarwal (Centre Head & HOD Chemistry-Bhopal Study Centre). Vaibhav Gupta [54]. Ayush Singhal [75]. Mukul Singh [220 (SC-001)].

Vikram Singh [551 (ST-002)]. Sanjesh [2779 (ST- 004)]. Ankit Khandelwal [3516 (PD-06)]. Rohit Kumar [194]. Mihir Mehta [138]. Nehchal Jindal [124]. Naveen Chaudhary [282]. Vaibhav Goyal [265]. Saurabh Chokhra [233]

2" Row (LeH 10 RighI): Rahul Kansal [707]. Umesh Sharma [563]. Rahul Gupta [369]. Naman Vijay [653]. Anshul Kumar [732]. Rohit Chaturvedi [548]. Ashish Pareek [691]. Rohan Agarwal [679]. Abhinav Agarwal [697]. Miss Parva Goyal [1796]. Miss Nupur Jain [2412]. Miss Surbhi Singhania [2567]. Miss Kalpi Mittal [2638]. Miss Shaivya Vashishtha [2874]. Miss Sumedha Pareek [2925]. Miss Saloni Gautam [3392]. Miss Divya [3515]. Miss Hershita Gupta [4138]. Miss Shreya Kasliwal [4247]. Miss Kshitija Gupta [4256]. Miss Sugandha [4614]. Miss Kanchan [5177 (OB- 0818)]. Miss Richa Bindal [672]. Miss Manisha Bansal [353]. Miss Surabhi Yadav [5565 (OB-0889)]. Miss Surbhi Gopal Mor [5670]. Miss Parthvi Sharma [7802]. Miss Deepshikha [7533]. Miss Novi Kapoor [7632]. Miss Ankita Mathur [8176]. Miss Kirti Meena [ST-180]. Miss Pallavi Raj Kilania [SC-892]. Miss Yaditi Rangari [SC-614]. Miss Vandana Meena [PT-575]. Miss Sulochana Shakyawal [PC-460]. Miss Sonal Chauhan [eml]. Miss Komal Chauhan [PC-219]. Ankush Jindal [278]. Shailesh Sahu [757]. Abhilash Ku. Goyal [395]. Abhishek Tiwari [306]. Naman Sandeep Kothari [396]. Himanshu Agrawal [480]. Arpit Pareek [490]. Ashish Tajane [210 (OB-0023)].lshan Bajaj [567]. Arpit Kumar Khandelwal [605]

3" Row (LeH to Right): Abhay Jain [2694]. Nitin Nagwani [1797]. Atul Kumar Sharma [1652].

Manvendra Singh [1933 (OB-0256)]. Akash Agarwal [1953]. Lekhraj Gurjar [1810 (OB-0233)]. Nikhil Dosi [1569]. Lokesh Gupta [1728]. Ashish Kumar [1245 (OB-0145)]. Aditya Poonia [1910 (OB-0253)]. Mayank Agrawal [1559]. Sumit Kumar [1434 (OB-0183)]. Aman Singhal [1326]. Suneel Maloo [1283]. Swapinl Shridhar Bhoyar [1387 (OB-0175)]. Apoorv Gupta [1359]. Arpij Jain [1153]. Sarvesh Kumar [1040]. Shubham Vijay [1339]. Sumit Dubey [857]. Sumij Chouhan [919 (OB-Ol00)]. Mohammad Hamid Hasnain [901]. Anurag Khandelwal [814]. Faizan Khan [829]. Prateek Malviya [827 (OB-0089)]. Tavneet Singh Bedi [975]. Yatharth Sharma [841]. Ashwini Choudhary [780 (OB-0077)]. Rahul Tak [1082 (OB- 0122)]. Vaibhav Jain [1047]. Bhuvnesh Sharma [1473]. Pushpendra Singh [1301]. Raushan Kumar [1374]. Shailendra Singh [1314]. Rahul Gupta [1341]. Pradeep Kankani [1535]. Abhishek Agrawal [1685]. Vishal Agarwal [1787]. Vaibhav Jain [1829]. Shubham Baheti [1901]. Yogesh Choudhary [1866 (OB-0243)]. Raj Sahu [1848 (OB-0242)]. Uday Shankar Sinha [1744 (OB-0226)]. Gaurav Chaudhary [1879 (OB- 0247)]. Pranav Jaiswal [1923 (OB-0255)]. Neetesh Bhargava [1528]. Shubham Gupta [1785]. Ashish Inani [1756]. Rajat Gupta [1808]

4" Row (LeH to Righi): Kunwar Vikram Singh [3237 (OB-0455)]. Ashish K. Poojari [3202 (OB-0449)]. Navin Kumar [3091 (OB-0432)]. Satyendra Singh Jadaun [3014]. Ravin Kumar Jain [3125]. Harshvardhan Singh [3052]. Shubham Ranka [3186]. Rishabh Jain [3117]. Sahil Jagnani [3067]. Anant Tiwari [2065]. Bhuvnesh Kumar [2605]. Sachin Sharma [3042]. Rahul Garg [2582]. Deepak Mittal [2831]. Parth Gattani [2614].

Ankit Bindal [2698]. Shyam Kumar [OB-1386]. Amuly Ratn [2917 (OB-0396)]. Rajesh Kumar [SC-475]. Dishank Mittal [6737]. Umesh Kumar Garg [2474]. Nawal Kishore Agrawal [2064]. Phool Chand Yadav [2712 (OB-0366)]. Divanshu Chaturvedi [2513]. Sudesh Kumar Agrawal [2878 (OB-0389)]. Ayush Kumar Jain [2774]. Vikas Kumar Rahi [2185 (OB- 0289)]. Manoj Garg [2308]. Puneet Gupta [2098]. Sumij Choudhary [2654 (OB-0357)]. Navneet Kumar [2750]. Jogendra Dhaka [2801 (OB-0380)]. Prateek Agrawal [2178]. Rajat Goyal [2928]. Manik Jindal [2164]. Deepchand Prajapati [2958 (OB-0405)]. Gaurav Rathi [2027]. Abhishek Kumar [2462]. Suneet Choudhary [2765 (OB-0373)]. Narendra Singh [2038 (OB-0267)]. Anurag Sharma [2030]. Hemant Bhora [2602 (OB-0348)]. Saurabh Kumar [2167 (OB- 0285)]. Nikhil Agrawal [2428]. Akhilesh K Shah [2012]. Shashank Verma [2833 (OB-0384)]. Nitesh Dhasmana [2961]

5" Row (LeHlo Right): MrigendraJoshi [3498]. Pravesh Jain [3286]. RajatYadav [3480 (OB-0503)]. Arjun Singh Yadav [3373 (OB-0476)]. Shubham [3374]. Amit Kankani [3255]. Avinash Kumar [3472 (OB-0500)]. Rishi Agarwal [3275]. Subhajyoti Ghosh [3311]. Nishant Kumar Jaiswal [3473 (OB-0501)]. Rahul Pancholi [3599]. Siddharth Yadav [3511 (OB-0511)]. Harsh[ R. Shah [3529]. Abhinav Dadhich [3501]. Prakhar Jain [3640]. Adarsh Khandelwal [3531]. Pawan Dhoot [3676]. Pankaj Kumar Yadav [3387 (OB-0481)]. Vikash Jawaria [3948]. Agam Kuchhal [3730]. Vishvendra Joshi [3733]. Htesh Kumar [3991]. Ajay Sharma [3518]. Akash Agrawal [3973]. Anish Kumar [3808 (OB-0563)]. Saurav Jain [3950]. Ankit Kumar Vyas [3928].

Ashish Pathak [3752]. Jitesh Sharma [3912]. Piyush Gupta [3791]. Hemant Manwani [3796]. Yash Singhvi [4486]. Abhay Prakash [4093]. Kumar Ashish [4290].Basant Agarwal [4369]. Rakesh Kumar Goyal [4350]. Prakhar Gahlot [4041 (OB-0608)]. Partha Jyoti Dowara [4347 (OB-0649)]. Gaurav Jain [4153]. Romil Jain [4218]. Shubham Gupta [4062]. Ankur Nahar [4063]. Naveen Jangir [4203 (OB-0630)]. Abhinay Agarwal [4328]. Ankit Garg [4979]. Udij Rastogi [4755]. Rohit Kumar [4860]. Anil Kumar [5836 (OB- 0940)]. Tarunesh Kumar Gupta [5877]. Rajendra Choudhary [5657 (OB-0907)]

&" Row (LeH 10 Righi): Prakhar Agarwal [4951]. Sandeep Patidar [4849 (OB-0755)]. Ankit Garg [4711]. Ankit Itoria [4537]. Arpit Singh Parmar [7128]. Akshay Nagpurkar [4640 (OB-0710)]. Prem Raj [4592 (OB- 0695)]. Mohij Gupta [4802]. Mukesh Patel [4777 (OB- 0741)]. Siddartha Vashishtha [4883]. Rajendra Nagar [4383 (OB-0661)]. Romil Varadkar [4913 (OB-0764)]. Sandeep Kumar Kataria [4595]. Anurag Shukla [4924]. Neeraj Kumar [5069 (OB-0793)]. Ratnesh Sharma [4966]. Bhanu Paliwal [4799 (OB-0748)]. Rachij Vijay [5223]. SumitYadav [4741 (OB-0728)]. SumitShekhar [4604]. Kapil Sanodia [5623]. Alankrij Porwal [5367]. Saurabh Goenka [5241]. Adarsh Jain [5588]. Pratyaksh Sindhwani [5486]. Rahul Bansal [5315]. Shubham Mittal [5322]. Anshul Kumar Pushkar [5215 (SC-035)]. Ankur Suresh Jaiswal [5369 (OB-0851)]. Prashant Kumar [5555 (OB-0886)]. Jalaj KumarVishwakarma [5900 (OB- 0965)]. Sachin Kasera [5575]. Arpit Jain [5827]. Amrit Lal Sahu [5874 (OB-0952)]. Vinit Khicha [6040].

Akhil Sharma [5894 (OB-0954)]. Huzefa Kanchwala [5446]. Yajuvendra Rat HOD [5292 (OB-0535)]. Rishi Pateriya [5268]. Arvind Kumar [5455 (OB-0867)]. Jaideep [5666]. Akshay Kumar Goswami [5999 (OB- 0979)]. Harsh[ Singhal [5962]. Parth Sharma [6025]. Sumit Kumar Garg [6306]. Dinesh Kumar [SC-582]. Vikas Dangi [6291 (OB-l 037)]. Amit Kumar [6189 (OB- 1017)]. Javed Ahmad Khan [6487]

l' Row (Lett 10 Righi): Rahul Kushwah [8094 (OB- 1343)]. Gourav Bansal [8225]. Govind Khandelwal [8209]. Neeraj Kumar Nagar [OB-1685]. Rajneesh Kumar Mitharwal [8164 (OB-1357)]. Yogendra Nagar [7902 (OB-1315)]. Shauvik Agrawal [7820]. Ravendra Kumar [7699 (SC-067)]. Kanishk Bharadwaj [7787]. Dilip Bansal [7889]. Nitin Mittal [7716]. Priyadarshan Jain [7755]. Gaurav Dubey [7761]. Mohij Sharma [7999]. Srijan Gupta [7762]. Vineet Mimrot [7519 (SC- 063)]. DeepakDiwaker [SC-358]. Manoj Kumar [6796]. Kartik Choudhary [6790]. Shubham Choudhary [6735]. Nikhil Jain [6905]. Abhjeet Rawat [6769 (OB-1118)]. Kishan Suthar [6776 (OB-1122)]. Sanjeev Bijrania [6882 (OB-1136)]. Tarun Kumar Garg [6916]. Sonesh Jain [6683]. Vishesh Gupta [6544]. Gaurav Tiwari [6958]. Kuldeep Kumar [6560 (OB-l087)]. Amit Lathi [6792]. Sanjib Talukdar [6753]. Shubhankit Verma [5621]. Anshul Agarawal [6313]. Ankij Jain [6845]. Anshul Deedwania [6168]. Pramod Kumar [6033 (OB- 0985)]. Omprakash Latiyal [6179 (OB-l 013)]. Vaibhav Garg [6303]. Aseem Mongia [6286]. Preet Kumar Jain [7068]. Tanay Nigam [7274]. Babu Lal [7076 (OB- 1167)]. Ashok Kumar Dhakad [7105 (OB-1169)].

Akash Tripathi [7251]. Harshit Goyal [7336]. Ronak Parmar [7044]. Rakesh Bansal [7086]. Aayush Kesarwani [7073]. Parag Mittal [7373]

B" Row (LeH 10 RighI): Neeraj Kumar Meena [ST-196]. Anurag Shivran [OB-1601]. Shyam Kumar [PT-145]. Manish Kumar Meena [PT-600]. Ramkesh Meena [PT- 468]. Jeetendra Kumar Meena [PT-273]. Surendra Kumar Meena [PT-637]. Dileep Kumar Meena [PT-022]. Navneet Meena [PT-346]. Asheesh Kumar Meena [PT- 462]. Veer Singh Meena [PT-420]. Ram Lakhan Meena [PT-350]. Avinash Kumar Meena [ST-lll]. Vijendra Kumar [PT-070]. Nagesh Kumar Meena [ST-088]. Hemant Kumar Meena [ST-163]. Ravi Meena [ST-145]. Vipin Kumar Meena [ST-147]. Vikram Singh Meena [PT- 182]. Ashok Kumar Meena [PT-130]. Dewarat Meena [ST-089]. Jitendra Kr Meena [ST-091]. Krishan Kant Meena [PT-193]. Rahul Kumar Meena [ST-130]. Narendra Kumar Meena [ST-161]. Ashok Kumar Meena [ST-207]. Tarun Kumar [PT-506]. Rakesh Kumar Meena [PT-085]. Nijesh Meena [ST-174]. Akhilesh Kumar Jeengar [PC-346]. Ravindra Verma [PC-051]. Kundan Kanwariya [SC-092]. RoM Barolia [SC-350]. Deepak Nayak [SC-828]. Ashish Medhekar [SC-395]. Bhavin V. Ravaliya [SC-839]. Akash Chandela [SC-964]. DivyaAlok Nirmal [SC-568]. Rahul Verma [SC-267]. Rameshwar Prasad Meghwal [SC-578]. Neeraj Kumar Jhingoniya [SC-809]. Lalit Kishore [SC-255]. Saurabh Kumar Duvesh [SC-354]. Bhanu Pratap [SC-196]. Mahendra Prajapati [SC-251]. Jasvindar Singh Singariya [SC-323]. Ankit Arya [SC-414]. Ajay Kumar Bilare [SC-403]. Dhirendra Singh [SC-143]. Ranjeet Singh [PC-Oil]

g" Row (LeH to Right): Manoj Meena [PT-175]. Ankit Kumar Kulhari [OB-1492]. Ram Mohan Meena [ST- 101]. Ajeet Singh Meena [ST-115]. Vijay Singh Kulahar [OB-1469]. Sushil Riyar [OB-1393]. Tarun Meena [PT- 154]. Manoj Kumar Meena [PT-242]. Naresh Kumar Meena [PT-I89]. Rajnesh Ku. Meena [PT-257]. Gaurav Kumar Meena [PT-147]. Brijesh KumarMeena [PT-036]. Anuj Minz [PT-370]. Lokesh Kumar Meena [ST-165]. Shivsingh Meena [PT-053]. Ashok Kumar Meena [ST-055]. Abhishek Meena [ST-074]. V.P. Singh Meena [PT-152]. Yogender Singh [ST-082]. Devendra Kumar Meena [PT-421]. Ravindra Kumar Meena [PT-133]. Rajeshwar Raj Meena [PT-293]. Amit Kumar Meena [PT-453]. Ravi Kumar [PT-527]. Manish Kumar Manchaina [PT-588]. Vijendra Kumar Meena [PT-034]. Abhishek Agrawal [PD-062]. Dinesh Kumar Mehta [OB-1607]. Deepant Kandoi [OB- 1658]. Mayank Aamseek [OB-1559]. Jagdish Prasad Malav [OB-1543]. Yeshwant Meena [ST-151]. Yogesh Kumar Meena [PT-061]. Jetha Ram [OB-1821]. Tarun Meena [PT-154]. Kamal Kumawat [OB-1555]. Rahul Kumar Meena [PT-l06]. Manish Kumar Meena [ST- 102]. Krishan Gopal Meena [PT-198]. Satish Solanki [OB-1591]. Jitender Singh [OB-1855]. Bharat Ratan [OB-1609]. Vishal Yadav [OB-1590]. Narendra Singh Meena [PT-425]. Ankesh Kumar Meena [PT-080]. Pankaj Kumar Meena [PT-311]. Dinesh Kumar Meena [ST-033]. Shivshankar Meena [PT-066]. Naveen Kumar [PC-383]. Babu Lal Meena [ST-052]. Deepak Kuamr [OB-1728]. Komal Kumar Nagar [OB-1704]

The photograph shown above is of the students who were present at Resonance's Students Felicitation Function - VICTORY 2009 for IIT-JEE 2009 qualified students. The complete list of all the selected students in IIT-JEE 2009 is available on the website:

The Testing Ground: ResoNET

About ResoNET:

Resonance National Entrance Test (ResoNEn is conducted for the admission into Yearlong Classroom Contact Programmes at Resonance.

The test is conducted in two phases for admission for Classes XI & XIII and in another phase for Class XII. The duration of test is 3 hours and the questions asked are objective in nature.

Syllabus of ResoNET:

The syllabus for the test is the syllabus of last class passed and questions are asked from Physics. Chemistry & Mathematics (including Mental Ability). The syllabus is also mentioned in the Sample Test Paper set given with the admission packet.

On the basis of performance in ResoNET students are admitted in YCCPs (Yearlong Classroom Contact Programmes) and outstanding performers are awarded scholarships under the various Scholarship Programmes of Resonance.

Test Cities! Centres for ResoNET:

ResoNET is conducted in most of the major cities of the country which includes the cities of Resonance Study Centres & Information Centres and few more cities. The list of cities for ResoNET - 2010 is available on the Institute's website and in the ResoGuide. (The Institute reserves the right to include or exclude any of the test cities).

How to prepare for ResoNET:

• Go through the Sample Test Papers provided with Admission Packet for reference and try to solvethem.

• An additional set containing 10 Practice Test Papers (PTPs) can be procured from the Institute.

• The test centre and venue. date & time etc. (as mentioned on ResoNET admit card) will remain unchanged until communicated in writing from the Institute.

• A student has to make his! her own arrangements of conveyance. boarding & lodging etc. to appear in ResoNET at any of the test centres and no reimbursement of any expenses shall be made in this respect.

Result of ResoNET:

The result of ResoNET will be available only on Institute's website - and shall also be communicated to the parents on the mobile number given by them in the application form. It shall not be available or communicated through the Institute's notice board. on telephone (at reception) or in writing from the Institute.

Any canvassing for the admission may put the student! parents into legal and/or administrative trouble. The Institute will not be held responsible for any financial loss or harassment of any nature occurred to the student! parents because of the canvassing for admission. Hence parents! students are advised to stay away from canvassing in any form.


The Gamut of Coursesl Programmes

(For Academic Session: 2010-11)

Yearlong Classroom Contact Programmes (VcCPs):

... . .
VIKAAS (A) Class-XI IIT-JEE 2012
VIPUL (B) Class-XI IIT-JEE 2012
VIjETA (P) Class-XII IIT-JEE 2011

Class-XI & XII Class-XI & XII

IIT-JEE 2012 & 2011 IIT-JEE 2012 & 2011

Short-term Classroom Contact Programmes (SCCPs):

... . .
VINAY (y) Class-IX The PCCP Courses are aimed at developing
VIMAL (Z) Class-VIII Competitive Quotient (CQ) amongst the
VINOD (W) Class-VII young students apart from improving their
VIPIN (L) Class-X performance in school! board examinations
VINEET (M) Class-IX and competitivel scholarship examinations
like NTSE. STSE. KVPY and various Sciencel
VINAMRA (N) Class-VIII Maths Olympiads.
VIBHAV (K) Class-VII VISTAAR (DL) Class-XI. XII & XIII IIT-JEE 2011 & 2012
VIKALP (TS) Class-XI. XII & XIII IIT-JEE 2011 & 2012
VISTAAR - NTSE Foundation Class-VII PCCP
e-VIDYA (OL) Class-VII. VIII. IX & X PCCP Note: Please contact at respective Study Centre for availability of the particular course.


Course Name Course Code Eligibility


Class-X appearing! passed students

Course Name Course Code Eligibility



Class-X appeared! passed students

Regular Periodic Assessment Tests (PATs) are conducted to evaluate the learning of student at Resonance. On the basis of students' performance in these tests they are reshuffled so as to enhance the competitive spirit amongst them. Promotion ofthe students to Second Year i.e. Class - XII ofthis course (VIJ ETA) solely depends upon his/ her academic performance in Class-XI at Resonance. If a student is unable to qualify the promotion criteria and wishes to continue his/ her studies at Resonance. he/ she will have to appear in the Selection Test (ResoNET - 2011) ofVISHWAAS course. The student who fails to fulfill the criteria to qualify the ResoNETforVISHWAAS Course will have to withdraw from the Institute.

Ignited Batches (IA & IB): Resonance has an innovative technique of identifying the creme de la creme since the day of a course commencement. The top 20 students of ResoNET are given more personalised attention from the senior faculties and HOD and special training is given to them so asto enable them to compete better in competitive exams like International Olympiads and KVPYapart from IIT-JEE. Ignited Batches are available only at Kota Study Centre.

Course Duration: 43-Weeks (I-Year). about 38-Weeks (II-Year). Medium: English/ Hindi*

(*Hindi medium is available at Kota Study Centre only)

Target IIT-JEE: 2012

Course Commencement: 3roWeekof April. 201 0 Who should join:

A student appearing! passed in Class-X Board Examinations in 201 0 with strong academic background especially in Science & Maths.

Course Concept:

A course specially designed for those students who wish to take an early advantage by enrolling immediately after Class-X Board examination. The surplus advantage of 7 weeks in comparison to VIPUL Course (begins in the month of June) gives them the exposure to the course curriculum of IIT-JEE. best utilisation of the crucial summer vacations and early building of poised attitude. It also enhances their analytical thinking. conceptual knowledge and confidence level to face the brunt of competition. The course is divided into two academic sessions (2010 - 11 & 2011 - 12). Initially. the course begins with fundamental study as the students are not exposed to the syllabus and pattern of IIT-JEE. Normally. the frequency of lectures in a week in this course varies from 3-4 lectures per subject. However. it may vary a little at different Study Centres of Resonance as per the local requirements and other engagements of students.

Admission Process:

Admission through ResoNET-201 0 (Selection Test).

Course Duration: 36-Weeks (I-Year). about 38-Weeks (II-Year). Medium: English/ Hindi*

(*Hindi medium is available at Kota Study Centre only)

Target IIT-JEE: 2012

Course Commencement: 2'd/ 3'" Week of June. 2010 Who should join:

A student appeared/ passed in Class-X Board Examinations in 2010 with strong academic background especially in Science & Maths.

Course Concept:

This course is meant for those students who miss the opportunity to enroll themselves in VIKAAS course in April. It also gives ample time to the student to make up his/ her mindset for IIT-JEE. The duration of this course is 7 weeks less in comparison to VIKAAS Course. however. the Curriculum. Methodology and Study Material is absolutely a replica of VIKAAS Course. Normally the frequency of lectures in a week in this course varies from 4-5 lectures per subject. However. it may vary a little at different Study Centres of Resonance as perthe local requirements & other engagements of students. The course is divided into two academic sessions (2010 - 11 & 2011 - 12). Initially the course begins with fundamental study as the students are not exposed to the syllabus and pattern of IIT-JEE.

Admission Process:

Admission through ResoNET - 201 0 (Selection Test).


Course Name : 'VIJETA'

Course Code : 'P'

Eligibility : Class-XI appeared! passed students

(Studied at Resonance)

Course Duration: 38-Weeks Medium: English/ Hindi*

(*Hindi medium is available at Kota Study Centre only)

Target IIT-JEE: 2011

Course Commencement: 2,d Week of Apri I. 201 0 Who should join:

Students who have studied their Class-XI at Resonance in the courses 'VIKAAS' & 'VIPUL' and have been promoted to Class-XII on the basis of satisfactory academic performance in Periodic Assessment Tests (PATs) conducted at Resonance in Class-XI.

Course Concept:

This is the second academic session for old students of Resonance who have been promoted from Class-XI (VIKAAS/ VIPUL Courses) to ClassXII. Once the syllabus of IIT-JEE is completed. the students will also be taught few chapters of CBSE Class-XII syllabus (which are not in IIT-JEE syllabus of Physics. Chemistry & Maths).

Admission Process:

Direct promotion of those students who perform satisfactorily in their first year i.e. Class-XI (VIKAAS/VIPUL Courses) at Resonance.

Ignited Batch (IP): Resonance has an innovative technique of identifying the creme de la creme since the day of a course's commencement. The top 20 students of VIKAAS & VIPUL Course promoted to VIJETA Course are given more personalised attention from the senior faculty members and HOD and special training is given to them so as to enable them to compete in competitive exams like International Olympiads. Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) apart from IIT-JEE. Ignited Batch (IP) is available only at Kota Study Centre.

Course Name : 'VISHWAAS'

Course Code :' F'

Eligibility : Class-XI appeared! passed students

(Not studied at Resonance)

Course Duration: 43-Weeks

Medium: English/ Hindi*

(*Hindi medium is available at Kota Study Centre only)

Target IIT-JEE: 2011

Course Commencement: 1 st Week of April. 2010 Who should join:

A student who missed the Foundation Course of Resonance in the previous year but prepared for IIT-JEE somewhere else (in some other institute or with individual teachers or on his/ her own) or not prepared for IIT-JEE can join this course.

Course Concept:

For students who did not join the Foundation course at Resonance do have a chance of undergoing the training at Resonance in Class-XII as a fresher student. This course runs parallel to the VIjETA course (of old students of Resonance) but in comparison to it the duration is 5 Weeks more and the pace of the course is a little fast with more numberof classes per subject per week (4 to 6). The student istaughtentire portion of ClassXII along with the important and critical topics of Class-XI as per the curriculum and content followed at Resonance. Once the syllabus of IITJEE is completed. the students will also be taught few chapters of CBSE Class-XII syllabus (which are not in IIT-J EE syllabus of Physics. Chemistry & Maths).

Admission Process:

Admission through ResoNET - 201 0 (Selection Test).


Course Name : 'VISHESH'

Course Code : '0'

Eligibility : Class-XII appeared! passed students

Course Duration: 46-Weeks Medium: English/ Hindi*

(*Hindi medium is available at Kota Study Centre only)

Target IIT-JEE: 2011

Course Commencement: 3'" Week of April. 2010 Who should join:

Class-XII appearing! appeared students with 60% Marks (Agg.) for GEN & 55% for SCI ST/ PD in Class-XII board exam.

Course Concept:

It is an immediate help to those students who have not undergone specialised Coaching! Training for IIT-JEE during their Class XI & XII and wish to capitalise in the last attempt for IIT-JEE. The idea behind this course is to make a student learn elementary & important topics for IITJEE in detail inthe first two months until the course is merged with VIjAY course in June. The duration of VISHESH course acts as a bridge between VISHESH and VIjAY course and provides a fair opportunity of competing usually with those students who have taken up IIT-JEE once and joined VIjAY Course in June. Once the course is merged with VIjAY. the teaching methodology of VIjAY is followed. Regular periodic tests are conducted to evaluate the learning of student at Resonance. On the basis of students' performance in these tests they are reshuffled in order to boost their morale and sprite up the vigour in them to cut the clutter.

Admission Process:

Admission through ResoNET - 201 0 (Selection Test).

Course Name : 'VUAY'

Course Code : 'R'

Eligibility : Class-XII appeared! passed students

Course Duration: 36-Weeks Medium: English/ Hindi*

(*Hindi medium is available at Kota Study Centre only)

Target IIT-JEE: 2011

Course Commencement: 4th Week of June. 2010 Who should join:

Class-XII appearing! appeared students with 60% Marks (Agg.) for GEN & 55% for SCI ST/ PD in Class-XII board exam.

Course Concept:

This course comes as a saviour for students who have the last and final chance to appear in IIT-JEE. This is the fastest course amongst all the Year long Classroom Contact Programmes for IIT-JEE available at Resonance. The course begins with conceptual learning and understanding of the fundamentals of subject. The frequency of classes in this course is 5-6 lectures per subject per week. It may vary a little at different Study Centres of Resonance as perthe local requirement. It is assumed in this course that the students who have enrolled are thorough with the theoretical aspects of the subjects but lack the application part of the Formulae. Concepts and Approach of solving numerical problems. The concept of this course is to give a rigorous practice to the students for next 8 months for IIT-J EE. Regular periodic tests are conducted to evaluate the learning of students at Resonance. On the basis of students' performance in these tests. they are reshuffled.

Admission Process:

Admission through ResoNET - 201 0 (Selection Test).

In-school Classroom Contact Programmes (ICCPs)

Course Name : 'VIOYALAYA' Course Code : 'SL'

Eligibility : Class-X & XI appearing! passed students

Medium: English

Target IIT-JEE: 2012 &2011

To facilitate the students in preparation for competitive exams. Resonance offers integrated In-school Classroom Contact Programmes in association with schools. The programme is offered to students in their school premises during school hours.

The core objective of the course is:

To expand the reach of the expertise of Resonance in IIT-J EE training to the students staying in various parts of the country and abroad. To benefit the students by providing them adequate exposure to specialised coaching for IIT-JEE. It helps in saving money. time and efforts of the students! parents occurring due to migration to other cities from respective town/ city forthe need of specialised coaching for IIT-JEE.

Course Name : 'VISTAAR PLUS'

Course Code :' OL + '

Eligibility : Class-VII to XII studying students

This course is a linkage between Short-term Classroom Contact Programmes and In-school Classroom Contact Programmes. It is offered within the school premises but for a shorter duration unlike other ICCPs. Students are provided complete detailed study material. support of All India Test Series and live Concept Building Classes (CBCs) by the faculty members of Resonance. The course curriculum is distributed and spread to develop gradual and complete learning.

Course Name : 'VICHITRA'

Course Code : 'H-E'/'H-T'

Eligibility : Class-X & XI appearing/ passed


Course Duration: 24/12-Weeks

Medium: English

Target IIT-JEE: 2012 &2011

Course Commencement: 1 nWeekof April. 2010

Who should join:

Class-XlXI appeared / passed students Course Concept:

It is a Special Classroom Contact Programme which is offered to students of Class-XI (24-Weeks for two years) and XII (12-Weeks for one year) both during their summer vacations. The course curriculum is designed in such a manner that a student can continue his/her school studies in the school at his/her native place without missing on the chance to get training at Resonance. The course is powered by the support of Resonance Study Material and All India Test Series in Distance Learning Mode. The students get a fair opportunity of resolving their doubts in subject during the Concept Building Classes (CBCs) which are conducted twice in a year of one/two weeks duration each during the Diwali and Winter vacations. This course has come up as a complete programme for students who could not leave their native places for a long period in search of training for IIT-JEE.

Admission Process:

Merit-based Direct Admission

Course Name : 'VIVEK'

Course Code : 'CC'

Eligibility : Class-XII passed students

Course Duration: 1 S-Weeks

Medium: English

Target IIT-JEE: 2011

Course Commencement: 1 nWeek of December. 2010

Who should join:

Class-XII passed students having exposure to IIT-J EE coaching in the past Course Concept:

It is the Compact Course of 1 S-Weeks duration and is best suited to the needs ofthose aspirants who wish to accelerate the revision of the entire syllabus before the final round. The course pedagogy followed is focussed more on discussing problems. understanding concepts and systematically cover the complete portion under perfect guidance. The students are given pre-printed lecture notes; regular evaluation & analysis of student's academic strength and highlighting the need to strengthen the weaker topics for getting through IIT-JEE. In addition to the regular Periodic Test the students are also given the support of All India Test Series. JEE Preparatory Tests OPTs). All India Open Test (AIOT) and AIEEE Preparatory Test (APTs).

Admission Process:

Merit-based DirectAdmission

Course Name : 'VIDYUT'

Course Code :' E'

Eligibility : Class-XII appearing/passed students

Course Duration: 03-Weeks

Medium: English

Target IIT-JEE: 2011

Course Commencement: Any 3 weeks during December. January. February & March months of 201 0-11

Who should join:

Class-XII appearing/ passed students

Course Concept:

Many of IIT-J EE aspirants do feel atthe fag end of their preparation thatthey wantto quickly revise the entire syllabus at least once or twice to make them feel more confident and better equipped to face IIT-J EE. Resonance offers' Resonance-Rank Booster (R-RB)' Course for last few years under its Distance Learning Programme Division (DLPD). The R-RB is a meticulous collection of 4000+ assorted problems (1000 + each in Physics. Chemistry and Mathematics). These problems cover the complete IIT-JEE syllabus of respective subject through various concepts and variety of problems. VIDYUT is a classroom version/ extension ofR-RB.ln VI DYUT, the expert Faculty Team of Resonance discuss the problems in R-RB in the Classroom in a period of three weeks beforeJEE. The classrooms will be as interactive as possible to make the students learn and quickly revise the entire IIT-JEE syllabus with high level of conceptual understanding and grasp of fundamentals. VIDYUT acts as a catalyst in fine-tuning the confidence and motivational level of students.

Admission Process:

Merit-based DirectAdmission

Resonance's PCCP courses are meant for students of Class VII. VIII. IX and X. The courses seek to develop the following qualities in the young students at an early stage:

• Scientific Temperament

• Problem Solving Attitude

• Competitive Psychology

• Mathematical Aptitude

• Logical Thinking/ Reasoning

The courses will help students develop Competitive Quotient (C.Q.). which is essential to crack competitive examinations. An early beginning is essential to succeed in NTSE at Class VIII & SSTSE and other scholarship-linked examinations. KVPY and Olympiads at Class-XI & XII level and various other competitive examinations. The basics of Mathematics. Science and Mental Ability developed at early stage of learning may also prove to be of assistance to the students in performing better in various competitive examinations like Engineering/Medical entrances. CAT & other management tests. Civil Services examinations. Combined Defense Services & N DA. C.S./ C.A.!ICWN CFA etc.

COURSES offered at PCCP

Resonance PCCPs Division offers both Classroom and Correspondence courses. All the courses have been designed to make students capable to perform better both in Board! School as well as various National & International Competitive! Scholarship Examinations.

NOTE: The Classroom Contact Programmes of PCCP are available only at select Study Centres of Resonance.

Courses offered as Classroom Contact Programmes for classes - VII, VIII, IX & X students

[Course Code] [X] [Y] [Z] [W] [L] [M] [N] [K]
Class X (Phase-I) IX (Phase-I) VIII (Phase-I) VII (Phase-I) X (Phase-II) IX (Phase-II) VIII (Phase-II) VII (Phase-II) To know more about PCCP Courses. write to us at: [email protected] or visit us at:

Major Achievements of PCCP

1. Three students won silver medals in the final stage of Junior Science Olympiad held in Baku, Azerbaijan in December 2009

2. Five students nominated for "NASA event" in February'08

3. Two students won a trip to Russia Heliodyssey-2008

Two of PCCP (Kota) students were selected forthe scientific expedition to Russia to study solar eclipse. which took place on 1 st August 2008. The various measurements ofthe variation oftemperature. humidity. win speed and light intensity were taken with excitement by the students.

NTSE Selections (Final Stage) Class-VIII




National Talent Search Examination (NTSE). a scholarship examination. is conducted in three stages for Class-VIII students by NCERT. New Delhi.

Resonance formally launched its Distance Learning Programmes for IIT-JEE through its DLP Division during the Academic Session 2005-06. In the very first year. 215 students from various Distance Learning Programmes (DLPs) were selected in IIT-JEE 2006 with 2 students capturing All India Rank (AIR) in Top- 100. Number of selections increased in following years with 401 & 452 selections in IIT-JEE 2007 and 2008 respectively. The total number of successful students in IIT-JEE 2009 from Distance Learning Programmes reached 762 (With 11 AIR in Top 100). The course material comprises of study material sheets covering detailed theory. solved-unsolved examples. questions compiled in graded form from basic to advanced level and support of on-line doubt clarification are few of the features that support the preparation of student and supplimentthe self study! classroom learning.

The Institute offers following Distance Learning Programmes (DLPs) for IIT-J EE aspirants.

Courses Offered for Academic Session 2010-11 for classes - XI, XII & XIII students

Course Name Course Code Class(es) Course Contents



Study Material & Test Papers at home




All India Test Series (Home & Live) Rank Booster (Revision Package) having Assorted Question Bank

Last 10 Years' papers of IIT-JEE and their solutions and similar unsolved problems








Topic wise test papers

On-line All India Test Series

Note: The Institute is planningto add a couple of new courses for IIT-J EE aspirants through its DLP Division during Academic Session 201 0-11.

Courses Offered as Distance Learning Programmes for Classes VII, VIII, IX & X:

Course Name (Course Code) Class Target

Class-VIII. IX and X Class-IX. X Class-VIII





VISTAAR - NTSE Foundation



Class-VII. VIII. IX and X

Note: The Institute is planning to add couple of new courses for IIT-JEE aspirants through its DLP Division during Academic Session 2010-11 .

To know more about DLPs, write to us at [email protected] or visit us at

You don't want a million answers as much as you want a few forever questions. The questions are diamonds you hold in the light. Study a lifetime and you see different colours from the same jewel. The same questions, asked again, bring you just the answers you need, just the minute you need them.

Life at Resonance

Rules and Regulations

Details regarding rules & Regulations have been provided separately in ResoGuide. Management has the right to make addition and alteration in the rules. study hours and time table as and when required. The Managing Director of Resonance reserves the right to admission given to any student in the Institute. He may even deny the admission to a Selection Test (ResoNEl) qualified student without assigning any reason. A student found guilty of breaking the disciplinary guidelines or misbehaving in the Institute shall be penalised according to the degree of offence. It may even lead to expulsion from the Institute without any refund of fees. All the rules and regulations mentioned in ResoGuide shall be applicable for the academic session 2010-11. In case of any legal dispute pertaining to Resonance and its various academicJ ad min istrative activiti es. th e jurisdiction of Kota City (Rajasthan) shall be applicable.

General Discipline

Resonance bears the responsibility of students' academic performance and discipline within its premises only. The Institute is not responsible. for students' general behavior. act & conduct. discipline outside its premises and boarding & lodging arrangements etc. Parents are advised to remain in touch with their wards and keep a strict vigilance on his! her activities and behaviour throughout the academic session.

Fee Deposition/Refund Policy Details regarding course fee. refund of course fee has been provided separately in ResoGuide (The Information Booklet) available with the Information Brochure. Parents!

• Applicable for Kola Study Centre only

students are advised to read the fee structure. deposition schedule and refund rules carefully before applying ortaking admission in Resonance.

Identity Card

Once the registration is completed the student gets the identity of a "RESOnite" in the form of an Identity Card. Students are not allowed to enter the premises of the Institute for class or test if they are not wearing their I-card. I-card allows an access to students to the academic resources of the Institute. Guidelines (Do's & Don'ts) related to the Identity Card are provided to the student in the Reso rule book! orientation booklet after registration.

Batch Formation & Reshuffling

The initial batches of students in a course are formed on the basis of performance in ResoNET. Then after the batches are shuffled periodically (2-3 times in a year) on the basis of student's cumulative performance in the Periodic Tests held at the Institute. Once the reshuffling is done then no request for change of batch is entertained. Sometimes. student's attendance! discipline may also be considered for batch reshuffling.

Student Uniform*

The Institute provides two pairs of uniform for its students at * Kota Study Centre for which the applicable fee may be charged at the time of admission apart from the course fee. It is mandatory for the students to wear it while coming forthe class or test.

Coaching Sessions *

Morning Session: 8.00 am - 1.00 pm for Class-XIII students (Non-school going students)

Evening Session: 3.00 pm - 8.00 pm

for Class-XI & XII students (School going students)

The Institute reserves the right to change! modify! reduce! increase the teaching hours! academic session duration.

Attendance System

At Resonance. we feel students' attendance in classroom is vital for their success in IIT-JEE. Hence. we have a regular attendance marking and monitoring system. The students! parents are apprised of student's attendance regularly.


There is no long vacation time at Resonance during course period except 9-day Diwal i hoi idays. Resonance also observes National Holidays ( Republic Day. Independence Day and Gandhi Jayanti). Apart from these. the Institute is also closed on its Foundation Day (11 th April) and Felicitation Function-VICTORY and Holi! Dhulandi.

Student's Academic Performance and Evaluation Report (SAPER) Sheet

SAPE R Sheet is the performance report of a student which is sent by the Institute to hisl her parents on a periodic basis. It communicates the result and reflects the efforts being made by the student. The test performance is also made available on the website ( at parents 'I students' corner and communicated to parents through SMS.

Resonance. Kota is considered a home away from home for IIT-JEE aspirants as it provides a conducive environment forthe child's intellectual growth and success in IIT-JEE.


i) Rental Accommodation

ii) Private Hostels

iii) Paying Guest (PG) Accommodation

All such accommodations are easily available in the close vicinity of the Institute. Separate girls' hostels and PGs are also available and proper security measures are undertaken by their owners for the safety of girl students.

Food: The food can be arranged from different eating outlets/ mess. paying guest accommodation providers. private cooks etc. The Tiffin system (door to door delivery) by several messes is also prevalent. These messes provide hygienic and nutritious food which suits the taste buds of students coming from different parts ofthe country.

School Education: A student aspiring to join Yearlong Classroom Contact Programmes in Class-XI or XII has to simultaneously join a school at respective Study Centres (as applicable) to undergo formal school education to appear in School/Board examinations which are the qualifying examinations for IIT-J EE and other engineering/similar entrance or scholarship examinations.

Resonance has no formal or informal tie up with any of the schools anywhere in the country for 'formal' school education. Resonance only provides classroom coaching for IIT-JEE for the students of Class-XI & XII. However. there are number of CBSE/ICSE/ State Board schools in the city of respective Study Centres where the student can take admission for their schooling. The Institute (Resonance) will not be responsible for any matter regarding school education.

Website: The Institute's website ( is the important official mode of communication from Institute to students and parents. Information on the website is updated periodically and this comprises of the instructions about the information related to students. programmes of Resonance and other important events which are scheduled or are being conducted at Resonance. It is a very convenient and useful support to parents as they can keep themselves updated abouttheirward's performance.

The facilities and their details which are useful according to the point of view of parents and students include:

1. Institute's profile

2. Institute's strength (Academic & Non-Academic)

3. Complete details of upcoming and ongoing programmes

4. On-line filling of Resonance Application Forms for its various programmes and on-line payment of course fee

5. Institute's performance in IIT-JEE. Olympiads. NTSE and other

competitive examinations

6. Student's attendance status in the regular classes

7. Student's performance in the periodic tests conducted at Resonance

8. Weekly time-table

9. Schedule ofthe upcoming tests

10. Facility of on-line testing/ learning in case the student is not able to appear in live tests of Resonance

Any Time Marks (ATM)

A digital touch-screen computer panel is installed in the Institute premises for students/ parents to view students academic progress. analysis. attendance and various other sort of information relevant to students' need.

To foster the academic growth of the students. Resonance has taken various Student Welfare Initiatives. These Programmes! Initiatives have been specifically conceptualised to make the interaction of students and parents with Faculty members easier and one to one. It includes Students Mentoring Programme (SMP). Parents Teachers Meeting (PTM). Resonance Parents Meet (RPM) & Head of Department (HOD) Students Meet (HSM). Girls Counselling Cell (GCC). These initiatives have acted like a clutter breaker for Resonance and has helped itto carve a niche for itself.

Girls Counselling Cell (GCC)

We take special care of girl students through our Girls Counselling Cell. Female faculty and staff members regularly meet. interact and motivate the girl students towards achievement of their career goals. The GCC takes care of girl students' academic. co-academic. non-academic and personal problems by listening to them and by taking appropriate measures.

Student Mentoring Programme (SMP)

Student Mentoring Programme has been introduced to further fine-tune the quality of service and non-academic deliverables. A team of non-academic staff has been assigned the responsibility to attend their allotted batches regularly. listen to the students non-academic concerns & take necessary measures to improve services. This programme encourages students to lose inhibitions and discuss freely with the staff members.

Parents Teachers Meet (PTM)

Resonance has been keenly updating the parents about their ward's performance. This is a platform which facilitates the meeting of parents with the faculty members of their child's batch. They can have a consultation. share their views and observations about the performance of their child and help them achieve success.

Parents Resonance Meet (PRM)

At times. parents wish to share their views and thoughts even with the nonacademic staff about the services being offered by the Institute. Parents Resonance Meet is also an ideal platform for this. It ensures the best utilisation oftime of parents on the occasion ofthe visitto meet their child.

Students-HOD Meet (SHM)

Students-HOD Meet bridges the gap between an aspirant and subject-wise Head of the Departments of IIT-JEE Division at Resonance by allowingoneto one interaction. It serves the purpose of boosting the confidence of students by discussing their academic performance & studyingtechniques.

Scholarship Programmes

Resonance awards scholarships to IIT-JEE aspirants under its various Scholarships Programmes in all the courses to reward and financially assist the deserving students. For the Academic Session 2010-11. the following Scholarship Programmes are available:

1. General Scholarship Programme (GSP)

In GSP. the financial assistance is provided in the form of concession in the course fee. All the deserving students including NTSE Scholars. Olympiads Medallist! Participation etc. are eligible for Resonance Scholarship Programme. It varies from 10% to 75% concession in the total course fee. Under GSP. scholarship is also provided to students on the basis of their performance in Resonance National Entrance Test (ResoNET). There are some other criteria also for scholarship! financial assistance under GSP. The details regarding various other scholarships and percentage of fee concession under GSP are available in Institute's ResoGuide (The Information Booklet) and on the website.

Rewards Programmes

Rewards for Performance in Periodic Assessment Tests is only for the students of Yearlong Classroom Contact Programmes of Resonance. The institute conducts periodic tests (Part Test-PT and Cumulative Test-CT) through out the academic session for the students enrolled in Yearlong Classroom Contact Programmes. There will be maximum 10 cash prizes per course for each Cumulative Test (CT). To become eligible for this reward. a student should have appeared in both the papers (Physics. Chemistry & Mathematics) of a Cumulative Test. The performance of students in these Cumulative Tests (CTs) will be rewarded with following prizes:


2. Unique Scholarship Programme (USP)

In USP. upto 100% financial assistance is offered. This scholarship is awarded only to the students of Yearlong Classroom Contact Programmes (VCCPs) at Kota in its completeness. Through USP 'Zero Cost'. study as reimbursement of Coaching. Schooling & Living expenses (upto 100%) is given to the deserving student for a maximum period of two years and also the living expenses during studies at IITs for a maximum period of four years. The complete details regarding USP are given in ResoGuide (Information Booklet) and also available on our website




Rs. 2000!- (Only one) Rs. 1000/- (Max. 04) Rs. 500/- (Max. OS)



1. A student will be eligible for any of the above awards on the basis of All Resonance Rank but if he! she does not satisfy the minimum % criterion. then he! she will be eligible for the award equivalent to his! her cumulative percentage marks.

Note: Scholarship holders of Resonance will have to fill up the Scholarship Form atthe time of admission to avail the benefits of scholarships.

2. If more than the specified number of students are eligible for the award. the award money shall be shared in similar proportion amongst all the eligible students.

3. All the benefits of Scholarship Programmes (GSP & USP) & Performance Rewards in YCCPs shall be available to the students who have appeared and qualified ResoNET-201 0 (The Selection Test) for admission.

4. The Institute may convert the reward amount into kinds of equivalent worth if required.

5. A student has to maintain minimum 90% attendance in the classroom to become eligible forthe performance rewards.

6. The Institute may increase! decrease the reward amount, number of rewards or add new category of rewards at its convenience.

We take pride in acknowledging the success of our Classroom Contact Programmes students in IIT-JEE. We honour our students who secure top ranks in IIT-JEE in all categories. The awards for Top - 100 All India Rank holders (in General category-GEN) and Top - 10 All India Rank holders in OBC/SC/ST/PD category are as follows:

1st Rs. 200000/- GEN
2nd to 10th Rs. 1 00000/- GEN
11th to 25th Rs.75000/- GEN
26th to so- Rs.50000/- GEN
51stto 100th RS.25000/- GEN
1st RS.25000/- aBC! SC! ST/ PD
2nd to 10th Rs. 10000/- aBC! SC! ST/ PD
Note: 1. If a student from Short-term Classroom Contact Programmes (SCCPs) achieves any of the above ranks in IIT-JEE. the award amount shall be halved.

2. To get the above mentioned awards for performance in IIT-JEE. the student has to attend the Resonance Felicitation Function "VICTORY" usually held at Kota immediately after the announcement of IIT-JEE result. The presence of student's parents/ guardian shall not be treated at par in relation to giving Cash Awards.

3. A student of Yearlong Classroom Contact Programmes (VCCPs) may be denied or stripped off from the above award. if his/ her name is published/ declared in public domain by any other institute/ organization as part of their promotional strategy by taking the credit of his/ her selection in IIT-J EE as a classroom/ distance learning students.

4. All the selected students in IIT-JEE are felicitated by the Institute during its Felicitation Function (VICTORy) with gifts. certificates and mementos.

5. If a student is eligible for more than one award/ scholarship then he/ she will get only the best award/ scholarship.

The felicitation is one of the most sought-after ceremonies at Resonance. On this day, the victorious liT entrants (IIT-J EE qualified students) are felicitated by various dignitaries. Such days create everlasting memories forthem and atthe same time inspire the othersto work harder and be in the elite class of liT entrants.

*Profile of Chief Guest Mr. Ajay Goyal - Sr. Analyst, Merryl Lynch Inc. (Asia-Pacific Region, Hong Kong)

PGDM 11M Ahmedabad - 2009, B.Tech. (Computer Sc. & Engg.) liT Kanpur - 2001, Former Head of the Department-Mathematics, Resonance, [alpur Study Centre (2005-07).

• Ex-Resonance Faculty. Department of Maths. Kota (2002 to 2005)

• IIT-JEE 1997: All India Rank (AIR): 23

• Roorkee 1997: All India Rank (AIR): 06

• Rajasthan Pre-Engg. Test (R-PET) 1997: All State Rank (ASR): 02

• Merit holder in Class-XII of Raj. Board in 1996

The Administration & Management create a cohesive unit that fosters an amalgamation between the various processes and practices that affect the academics ofthe students. All the major administrative and management activities of Study Centres and Information Centres are regulated from Head Office of Resonance. Kota.

However. each Study Centre has independent administrative set-ups functioning under the guidelines of Resonance. Kota. The administrative staff is student-friendly and takes care of different facilities that have been specially designed for the smoother coordination of all academic & non-academic activities related to student's learning and performance. The Institute's administration includes the following functions that are headed by the Departmental Heads or Functional Managers respectively.


• Core Academics (Physics. Chemistry. Mathematics)

• Research & Development (R&D)

• Training & Development (r&D)


o ResoWatch

o General Administration

o Operations

o Examinations

o Finance & Accounts (F&A)

o Human Resource Development (HRD)

o Student Welfare & Public Relations (SW & PR)

o Information Technology & Quality Systems (ITQS)

o Study Material Development (SMD)

o Business Development (BD)

o Study Centre Coordination (SCC)

o Commercial & Vigilance (C&V)

o Distance Learning Programmes (DLP) Division

o Pre-foundation Career Care Programmes (PCCP) Division

We are here for you ...

Study Centres

KOTA Corporate Office

j-2. jawahar Nagar Main Road. Kota (Raj.) - 324 005

Tel. No.: 0744-3012222. 2437144 Fax: 0744-2427144

e-mail: [email protected] website:


Lakshya. C-8. Nursery Plots. Talwandi. Kota (Raj.) - 324 005 Tel. No.: 0744-3204024. 2434727 Fax: 0744-2427146

e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]


Central Campus

Plot no. 8. Satya Vihar Colony. Near New Vidhan Sabha. Lal Kothi. jaipur (Raj.) - 302015

Tel. No.: 0141-3217766. 3152277 Fax: 0141-2722105

e-mail: [email protected]

South Campus

Plot No-7. Adinath Nagar. Opp. World Trade Park.

J.L.N. Marg. jaipur (Raj.) - 302018 Tel. No.: 0141-3208866. 3152266

West Campus

B-99. Vaishali Nagar.

Behind National Handloom. jaipur (Raj.)

Tel. No.: 0141-3103666

East Campus

Krishnam Building. 5/495. Gali No.5. Near AC Market. Raja Park. jaipur (Raj.)

Tel. No.: 0141-3101166

North Campus

D-248. Hare Krishna Apartments. Bihari Marg .Opp K.P. Automotive. Bani Park. jaipur (Raj.)

Tel. No.: 0141-4042188


224. Smriti Complex. Zone-l.

M.P. Nagar. Bhopal (M.P.) - 462 011 Tel No.: 0755-3206353

Fax: 0755-4044453

e-mail: [email protected]


41- A. First Floor. Kalu Sarai. Sarvapriya Vihar.

New Delhi -110 016

Tel. No.: 011-32637290. 32020563 Fax: 011-46061339

e-mail: [email protected]

North West

10. Ground Floor.

Central Market. Punjabi Bagh. (West). New Delhi - 110 026

Tel No.: 011-32651927. 32436425 e-mail:[email protected]


15. Pratap Nagar. MayurVihar (Phase 1). New Delhi - 110 096

Tel No.: 011-32637291. 32020564 e-mail: [email protected]


RZ-3. Indra Park Extn ..

Old Pankha Road. Uttam Nagar. New Delhi - 110 059

Tel No.: 011-32920033. 32920066 e-mail: [email protected]

Upcoming Study Centres



The infrastructure development at upcoming Study Centres is in progress. The details will be available on website in due course of time.



Information Centres


SCO-172. Sector 38-(, Chandigarh - 160 036

Tel. No.: 0172-3255721 email: [email protected]


107. Trade Centre.l B, South Tukoganj.

Indore - 452 001 (M.P.).

Tel. No.: 0731-3295721.4274200 email: [email protected]


29/9. Raj Chamber. 3rd Floor. Rana Pratap Marg.

Lucknow - 226 001 (U.P.)

Tel No.: 0522-3205854. 3247268 e-mail: [email protected]

Basant Tower 2nd Floor. Opp. One up Motors. Near Avadh Hospital. Alambagh. Lucknow (U.P.) Tel No.: 0522-3206974


41-A. SP Mukherjee Road. Near Hazra Crossing.

Kolkata (West Bengal) - 700 026

Tel No.: 033-32417069. 32417072 Fax: 033-24850516

e-mail: [email protected]


2nd Floor. Sanskrutik Sankul. jhansi Rani Square. Sita Buldi. Nagpur (Maharashtra) - 440 012 Fax: 0712-6639697

Tel. No.: 0712-6462622.3277111 Mob.: 09372137857

e-mail: [email protected]

MUMBAI Andheri

344. AI-Noor Bldg ..

Opp. Municipal Market. S.V. Road. Andheri (W). Mumbai - 400 058 Tel. No.: 022-3219 1497

e-mail: [email protected]


Paranjpe Udyog Bhavan. 2nd floor. Above Khandelwal Sweets. Opp. station. Thane (W). Mumbai - 400 607

Tel. No.: 022-3219 1498

e-mail: [email protected]


Office No.17 & 18. 2nd Floor. City Centre. Club Road. Ranchi (jharkhand)

Tel No.: 0651-3249721

email: [email protected]


C-ll. Amrita Sadan. Plot no. 13/14. Sector-22. Opp. Nerul Rly. Station. Nerul (W). Navi Mumbai - 400 706 Tel. No.: 022-3219 1499

e-mail: [email protected]


Swami Vivekanand International School & junior College. Parekh Nagar.

Behind Gokul Nagar. S.V. Road Kandivali (West). Mumbai - 400 067 Tel. No.: 022-32991498

e-mail: [email protected]

Govandi/ Chembur

Swami Ramkrishna Paramhans junior College. Sri Ram Arcade. Above Bank of Baroda. Govandi (E). Mumbai - 400 088

Tel. No.: 022-32961499

e-mail: [email protected]


C-8 (A). Kasturchand Mill Compound. Near Manish Market. Senapati Bapat Marg. Near Dadar Railway Station. Dadar (W) - 400 028/59

Mob.: 9769210458

e-mail: [email protected]


jai Hind College.

Admissions Office "A" Road. Churchgate. Mumbai - 400 020 Mobile: 9769210460

e-mail: [email protected]

UDAIPUR Vardman-149.

Road No.-l0. Ashok Nagar. Udaipur (Raj.) - 313 001

Tel No.: 0294-3262733. 2427858 email: [email protected]


1 st floor. Binda Bihar Apartment. Opp. Tiwari Bacher Petrol Pump. Kankarbagh Main Road.

Patna (Bihar) - 800 020

Tel. No.: 09334592285

email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected] Website: Phone: 0744-3012222

Fax: 0744-2427144

SMS: RESO to 56677

Study Centres at:

Jaipur Bhopal



., (A Unit of Resonance Eduventures Pvt. Ltd.)

Corporate Office:

J-2. jawahar Nagar Main Road. Kota (Rajasthan) - 324 005

Ph: +91-744-3012222.2437144 I Fax: +91-744-2427144 Website: I Email: [email protected]



Udaipur Bengaluru



Delhi Mumbai

Rajkot Surat

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