Importance of Consumer Knowledge
Importance of Consumer Knowledge
Importance of Consumer Knowledge
Consumer Knowledge
• The information stored in memory that’s
relevant to the purchase, consumption, and
disposal of goods and services.
• What differences are there between Rolex and
Timex watches?
• “ Express Yourself” is the logo which
• Should young children drink large quantities
of juices?
• Which product category contains a brand
name “Forhans” ?
Importance of Consumer Knowledge
What we know or don’t know
strongly influences our decision-
making processes
It affects how decisions are
It may determine the final
decision itself
• Automobile second hand used cars.
• Organic Foods
Consumer Knowledge Affects
Product Demand
Importance of Consumer Knowledge
Knowledge about a brand’s
associations (linkages in memory
between the brand and other
concepts) can affect consumer
behavior in many ways
Different Brand Associations Have
Different Effects on Consumers
Source: A. Belen del Rio, Rodolfo Vacquez, and Victor Iglesias, “The Effects of Brand Associations on Consumer Response,” Journal of
Consumer Marketing, 18 (2001), 410–425.
Importance of Consumer Knowledge
Knowledge about competitors’
prices can determine consumer
acceptance of a company’s price
Importance of Consumer Knowledge
Knowledge can influence
consumer response to
Types of Consumer Knowledge
Types of Consumer Knowledge
Product Knowledge
Purchase Knowledge
Consumption and Usage Knowledge
Persuasion Knowledge
Types of Consumer Knowledge
Product Knowledge
Product Knowledge
Represents information stored in
consumers’ memory about
Product Knowledge
Represents information stored in
consumers’ memory about
Can be divided into product
category knowledge (i.e.,
knowledge about a general
product category) and brand
knowledge (i.e., knowledge about
a brand in the product category)
Product Knowledge
Product Category Knowledge
What is a TV set?