XI. Nursing Care Plan: Nursing Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation

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Nursing Care Plan

Nursing Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Ineffective After -Assessed patient’s knowledge -Patient education will vary on disease as well as After
airway 30minutes to about his condition. the patient’s cognitive level. 30minutes to
clearance 1 hour of 1 hour of
related to nursing -Monitored vital signs -To gather baseline data and noted changes. nursing
accumulation intervention, intervention,
of excessive the patient -To take advantage of gravity decreasing pressure the patient
mucus will expel -Elevated head of bed/ change on diaphragm. was able to
secretions on secretions position every 2 hours. expelled
tracheobronch easily to -To maximize effort in mobilizationof secretions. secretion
ial as promote -Encouraged deep breathing and easily.
evidenced by airway coughing exercises.
difficulty of clearance. -To promote systematic hydration and to help
breathing. -Increase oral fluid intake to liquefy secretions.
atleast 2000 ml/day.

-Discourage use of oil based

products around nose. -To prevent aspiration into lungs.

-Monitored vital signs and

observed for signs of respiratory
distress. -To assess changes and noting complication.

-Provided with information about

the necessity of expectorating
-For the patient to be aware of the importance of
-Given bronchodilators expectorating secretions.
(Salbutamol nebulizer) as ordered
by doctor.
-For mobilization of secretions.

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