Self-Reflection Rubrics (27 Aug 2010)

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Ngee Ann Secondary School

SPARKS – Reflection Rubrics for Learning Blog

(Total possible marks = 15 marks)

CRITERIA Reflective practitioner Aware Reflection novice Below

(4 marks) practitioner (2 marks) Expectation
(3 marks) (1 mark)
Format Ideas were expressed in a Ideas were expressed in a Ideas were somewhat The reflection seemed to be a
clear and organized fashion. clear manner, but the organized, but were not very collection of unrelated
organization could have been clear. sentences.
It was easy to see what the better.
topic of the reflection was. It took more than one reading It was very difficult to figure out
Evident use of the Thinking to figure out what the reflection what the reflection was about.
Evident use of the Thinking Routine in the reflection. was about.
Routine reflection. Did not use the Thinking
Did not use the Thinking Routine in the reflection.
Routine in the reflection.
Relevance The learning experience being The learning experience being Student makes attempts to Most of the reflection is
& Inter- reflected upon is relevant and reflected upon is relevant and demonstrate relevance, but the irrelevant to student and/or
connection meaningful to student and meaningful to student and relevance is unclear to the course learning goals.
course learning goals. course learning goals. reader.
No attempt to demonstrate
The reflection demonstrates The reflection demonstrates There is little to no attempt to connections to previous
connections between the connections between the demonstrate connections learning or experience.
experience and material from experience and material from between the learning
other courses; past experience; other courses; past experience; experience and previous other
and/or personal goals. and/or personal goals. personal and/or learning

Length The reflection is 10 or more The reflection is between 8-9 The reflection is between 5-7 The reflection is less than 5
sentences / at least 100 words sentences or 80-90 words. sentences or 50-70 words sentences or less than 50
Timeliness The reflection was written The reflection was not written
regularly. regularly.

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