Sampath Netl
Sampath Netl
Sampath Netl
Dear Sir,
Sampathnet User ID
Account No
Name : __________________________________________________________________________________
Address : __________________________________________________________________________________
(Please mark 9 for your request in the appropriate box and delete inapplicable)
I request you to generate and issue me with a new LOGIN /TRANSACTION /BOTH password(s) for my existing
Sampathnet User ID.
Please unlock my LOGIN /TRANSACTION /BOTH password /s with the existing Sampathnet user ID
Since I know my password (s)
Please send my Password Mailer to my above overseas address through registered Airmail.
Please send my Password Mailer to my overseas address through courier and agree to pay courier
This request is made under the Terms, Conditions and Indemnity of my original Sampathnet User Agreement. I agree
that this request becomes an integral part of my original Sampathnet agreement.
Authorized By : __________________
______________________ ________
Customer/Data Verified by Date
Please generate a new login/ transaction/ both New P/W set : __________________
password(s) or Unlock password for the user
Date : __________________
____________________ ________
Branch Manager Date
User Enabled : __________________
Password Mailer received Date
____________________ _________
Date : __________________
Authorized officer: ______________________
Electronic Banking, 110, Sir James Peiris Mawatha, Colombo 02, Sri Lanka
Tel: +94-11-2305844/5 Fax: +94-11-2305481 e-mail: [email protected]