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Digital Signal Processing

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Subject Code : 06EE64 IA Marks : 25

No. of Lecture Hrs./ : 04 Exam Hours : 03


Total No. of Lecture : 52 Exam Marks : 100


Part - A

UNIT - 1 & 2

Discrete Fourier Transforms: Definitions, properties-linearity, shift, symmetry etc, circular convolution –
periodic convolution, use of tabular arrays, circular arrays, stock hams’s methods, linear convolution –
two finite duration sequence, one finite & one infinite duration, overlap add and save methods.

12 Hours

UNIT - 3

Fast Fourier transforms algorithms: Introduction, decimation in time algorithm, first decomposition,
number of computations, continuation of decomposition, number of multiplication, computational
efficiency, decimation in frequency algorithms, decomposition for ‘N<=9’ a composite number inverse

8 Hours

UNIT - 4

Realization of digital systems: Introduction, block diagrams and SFGs, matrix representation, realization
of IIR systems- direct form, parallel form, ladder structures for equal degree polynomial, realization of
FIR systems – direct form, cascade form, linear phase realization.

8 Hours

Part - B

UNIT - 5

Design of IIR digital filters:  Introduction, impulse invariant & bilinear transformations, all pole analog
filters- Butterworth & chebyshev, design of digital  Butterworth & chebyshev, frequency transformations

12 Hours

UNIT - 6

Design of FIR digital filters: Introduction, windowing, rectangular, modified rectangular, Hamming,
Hanning, blackman window(excluding Kaiser window), frequency sampling techniques.

8 Hours

UNIT - 7

DSP processors TMS FAMILY:  Architecture & features, modes and architecture.

4 Hours


1.       Digital Signal Processing Principle, Algorithm & application- Proakis,  -Pearson education/PHI

2.       Introduction To Digital Signal Processing- Johnny R. Johnson-PHI

3.       Digital Signal Processing- Li – Tan - Ist edition, Elsevier, 2008

4.       Digital Signal Processing- Sanjeet. K. Mitra –TMH


1. Discrete Time Signal Processing – Openheim -  person education/PHI

2. Digital Signal Processing- Salivatanan Vallarajgnanpriya-TMH.

3. Digital Signal Processing- Ifeachor Emmauel- Pearson education.

4. Digital Signal Processing- Steven .W. Smith -Elsevier, 2006.



Subject Code : 06EE833 IA Marks : 25

No. of Lecture Hrs./ : 04 Exam Hours : 03


Total No. of Lecture : 52 Exam Marks : 100


Part - A

UNIT - 1 & 2

 Introduction, definition, OR models characteristics and phases of OR. Modeling with linear
programming: Two variable LP model, Graphical LP solution, model in equation form graphical to
algebraic solution, simplex method artificial starting solution, Special cases in simplex method,
sensitivity analysis.

10 Hours

UNIT - 3

Duality: Definition of the dual problem primal to dual relationships, economic interpretation of duality,
additional implex algorithms.

6 Hours

UNIT - 4

Transportation model: definition of transportation model basic feasible solution by different methods,
finding optimal solutions, stepping stone method, MODI method, the assignment model, traveling
salesman problem.            

10 Hours

Part - B

UNIT - 5

Advanced linear programming: revised simplex method, dual simplex method, Bounded variable
algorithm, parametric linear programming.

8 Hours

UNIT - 6

Game theory:  Formulation of two - person, zero sum games, solving simple games, the Max-min min-
max principles, graphical solution procedure, solving by linear programming

8 Hours

UNIT - 7 & 8

PERT & CPM Techniques: Network representation, critical path computation, construction of the time
schedule, variation under probabilistic models, crassing of simple networks, PERT calculations.

10 Hours

Text Books:  

1. “Operation Research An Introduction”-Hamdy A Thoha,  Pearson Education,  8th edition,  2007

2. “Operations Research – Concept and Cases”-Fredrick S Hillier and Lieverman TMH, 8th edition,

Reference Book:

1.  “Optimization Techniques”-S. S. Rao,

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