Pathophysiology of CVA
Pathophysiology of CVA
Pathophysiology of CVA
Production of Acidosis
Inc. osmolarity Inc. serum glucose level glucose from protein
due to glucose and fat stores
Acetone breath
Wasting of lean
Glycoprotein cell body mass Fatigue
wall deposits
Weight loss
Impaired immune
(decrease level of Small vessel
morphonuclear disease
Neuropath atherosclerosis
Numbness Autonomic
and tingling neuropathy
in the
changes in
Decreased Tissue
perfusion (brain)
Loss of speech
Hemisensory loss
Cerebral Hypoxia
Syncope/ Vertigo
Cerebral ischemia
Long term
Short term Eschemia
Eschemia (>10-
(<10- 15mins)
Temporary Permanent
Deficit Deficit
No Irreversible
permanent damage
Aphasia Apraxia
DEFINITION OF DISEASE] Vascular Disease which includes C.V.A. is the
second leading cause of death in the Philippines with a total
Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is the medical term for of 51,680 according to DOH 2004. Along with this are 37,092
what is commonly termed as stroke. It refers to the injury to the
who survived with it.
brai n that occurs when flow of blood to brain tissue is interrupted
by a clogged or ruptured artery, causing brain tissue to die because (
of lack of nutrients and oxygen.
New therapies can now prevent or limit the extent
A stroke (sometimes called a cerebrovascular accident
(CVA)) is the rapidly developing loss of brain function(s) due to can now prevent or limit the extent of damage to brain tissue
disturbance in the blood supply to the brain, caused by a blocked caused by acute ischemic stroke. Thrombolytic therapy must
or burst blood vessel. This can be due to ischemia (lack of glucose
and oxygen supply) caused by thrombosis or embolism or due to a be administered as soon as possible after onset of the
hemorrhage. As a result, the affected area of the brain is unable to stroke; a treatment window 3 hours from the onset of
function, leading to inability to move one or more limbs on one
side of the body, inability to understand or formulate speech, or manifestations has been established. To convey this sense
inability to see one side of the visual field. A stroke is a medical of urgency regarding the evaluation and treatment of stroke,
emergency and can cause permanent neurological damage,
complications, and death. health care professionals now refer to stroke as brain attack.
Public education is focused on prevention, recognition of
Stroke is a term used to describe neurologic manifestation, and early treatment of brain attack. (Joyce M.
changes caused by an interruption in the blood supply to Black et al Medical Surgical Nursing 7th edition Elsevier
part of the brain. Two major types of stroke are ischemic and Suanders 2005)
hemorrhagic. Ischemic stroke is caused by thrombotic or
embolic blockage of blood flow to the brain. Bleeding into the Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic systemic disease
brain tissue or the subarachnoid space causes a characterized by either a deficiency of insulin or a decreased
hemorrhagic stroke. Ischemic strokes account for about 83% ability of the body to use insulin Diabetes mellitus is
of all strokes. The remaining 17% of strokes are sometimes referred to as “high sugars” by both clients and
d. Hyperlipidemia –too much lipid in the blood may cause DIABETES MELLITUS
increase plaque formation which may cause thrombus
e. Drug addiction –This may cause vasopasm, hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus type II may be due to lack of
hypercoagulability and cerebral eschemia which may cause physiologically active insulin that stimulates glucose uptake
CVA. in the muscles and tissues. Therefore, it leads to an
accumulation of glucose in the intravascular space. The
glucose is not utilized by the body and it remains in the blood
f. Excessive alcohol consumption –heavy alcohol
consumption increases one’s risk of a stroke, light or POLYURIA
moderate alcohol may protect against ischemic stroke.
Polyuria is an increased frequency of urination. This may be
g. High dose Estrogen Oral Contraceptives –increases the due to the osmotic diuretic effect of the glucose, wherein it
risk of stroke in women. attracts water during urination.
h. Diabetes Mellitus –The mechanism is related to When you have diabetes, excess sugar (glucose) builds up
macrovascular changes in people with diabetes mellitus. in your blood. Your kidneys are forced to work overtime to
There is an increase viscousity of blood which may cause filter and absorb the excess sugar. If your kidneys can't keep
formation of thrombus formation. up, the excess sugar is excreted into your urine along with
fluids drawn from your tissues. This triggers more frequent
i. Atrial fibrillation –pulling of blood from poorly emptying
urination, which may leave you dehydrated.
atrial which leads to formation of tiny clots in Left atrium
which can move on the cerebral circulation. POLYDIPSIA
j. Type A personality –stress causes hypertension thereby Polydipsia is an increased thirst and fluid intake. This may
increasing chance of having hemorrhagic stroke. be due to the activation of the thirst center in the
hypothalamus resulting from the intracellular dehydration or
k. Sedentary lifestyle –increase of having DM and Obesity
volume depletion caused by excessive urine production.
which one of the factors of having CVA
Increased hunger and food intake. Because glucose cannot Testing the urine for microalbuminuria shows early
enter cells of the satiety center of the brain without insulin, nephropathy, long before it would be on routine urinalysis,
the satiety center in the hypothalamus is stimulated resulting
in a “hunger sensation” as if there were very little blood ANEMIA
2. seizures – due to hyper-excitability of neurons because of
Diabetes can affect the lens, vitreous, and retina, causing irritation.
Despite eating more than usual to relieve constant hunger by 1. transient hemiparesis
the stimulation of satiety center, weight loss may still exist.
2. loss of speech
Without the glucose supplies, muscle tissues and fat stores
may deplete.
3. hemisensory loss
High levels of blood sugar impair your body's natural healing Specific Deficits
process and your ability to fight infections. For women,
bladder and vaginal infections are especially common. 1. Hemiparesis/Hemiplegia – the former means weakness of one side
of the body while the latter means paralysis of one side of the body.
2. Aphasia – defects on using and interpreting symbols of language