What Is Value Chain Analysis
What Is Value Chain Analysis
What Is Value Chain Analysis
Dr.Kedar Karki
The value chain approach was developed by Michael Porter in the
1980s in his book “Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining
Superior Performance” (Porter, 1985). The concept of value added, in
the form of the value chain, can be utilized to develop an
organisation’s sustainable competitive advantage in the business arena
of the 21st C. All organisations consist of activities that link together
to develop the value of the business, and together these activities
form the organisation’s value chain. Such activities may include
purchasing activities, manufacturing the products, distribution and
marketing of the company’s products and activities (Lynch, 2003). The
value chain framework has been used as a powerful analysis tool for
the strategic planning of an organisation for nearly two decades. The
aim of the value chain framework is to maximise value creation while
minimising costs.
Value chain analysis is a powerful tool for managers to identify the key
activities within the firm which form the value chain for that
organisation, and have the potential of a sustainable competitive
advantage for a company. Therein, competitive advantage of an
organisation lies in its ability to perform crucial activities along the
value chain better than its competitors.
The value chain framework of Porter (1990) is “an interdependent
system or network of activities, connected by linkages” (p. 41). When
the system is managed carefully, the linkages can be a vital source of
competitive advantage (Pathania-Jain, 2001). The value chain analysis
essentially entails the linkage of two areas. Firstly, the value chain
links the value of the organisations’ activities with its main functional
parts. Then the assessment of the contribution of each part in the
overall added value of the business is made (Lynch, 2003). In order to
conduct the value chain analysis, the company is split into primary and
support activities (Figure 1). Primary activities are those that are
related with production, while support activities are those that provide
the background necessary for the effectiveness and efficiency of the
firm, such as human resource management. The primary and secondary
activities of the firm are discussed in detail below.
Primary activities
The primary activities (Porter, 1985) of the company include the
• Inbound logistics
These are the activities concerned with receiving the materials from
suppliers, storing these externally sourced materials, and handling
them within the firm.
• Operations
These are all the activities concerned with distributing the final
product and/or service to the customers. For example, in case of a
hotel this activity would entail the ways of bringing customers to the
• Marketing and sales:
Support activities
This is a function concerned with recruiting, training, motivating and
rewarding the workforce of the company. Human resources are
increasingly becoming an important way of attaining sustainable
competitive advantage.
• Technology Development
• Firm Infrastructure
Porter used the word ‘margin’ for the difference between the total
value and the cost of performing the value activities (Figure 1). Here,
value is referred to as the price that the customer is willing to pay for
a certain offering (Macmillan et al, 2000). Other scholars have used
the word ‘added value’ instead of margin in order to describe the same
(Lynch, 2003). The analysis entails a thorough examination of how each
part might contribute towards added value in the company and how
this may differ from the competition.
In a study of Saudi companies, Ghamdi (2005) found that 22% of the
companies in the study used value chain frequently, while 17%
reported that they somewhat used it, and 42% did not use the tool at
all. An interesting finding of the study was that the manufacturing
firms were frequent users of the tool compared to their service
counterparts (Ghamdi, 2005).
the activities. One of the problematic areas of the value chain model,
however, is that the costs of the different activities of the value chain
need to be attributed to an activity. There are few costing systems
that contain detailed activity level costing, unless an Activity Based
Costing (ABC) system is in place in the company (Macmillan et al,
2003). Another relevant area of concern that analysts must pay
particular attention to is the customers’ view point of value. The
customers of the firm may view value in a generic way, thereby making
the process of evaluating the activities in the value chain in relation
with the total price increasingly difficult. It is imperative for analysts
to note that the overall differentiation advantage may result from any
activity in the value chain. A differentiation advantage may be
achieved either by changing individual value chain activities to
increase uniqueness in the final product or service of the company, or
by reconfiguring the company’s value chain.
the success of the company as its business strategy. Notably, both the
strategy and business model of an organisation are crucial for the
robustness of the overall value chain.
undergone many changes over the last two decades, due to the rapidly
changing business environment. Information technology and the
Internet have played a fundamental role in transforming certain parts
and the interlinkages between parts of the value chains of companies
today. Moreover HRM is increasingly becoming a vital asset in the value
chain that contributes to competitive advantage. Strategic alliances
are also becoming an integral part of the value chains. For example,
IBM once enjoyed backward vertical integration into the disk drive
industry and forward vertical integration into the consulting services
and computer software industries (Hill et al, 2007). According to the
changing business environment, IBM had more than 400 strategic
alliances as of 2003 (Thompson et al, 2003). Herein, the value chain
analysis is useful in providing a framework to examine the advantages
that partners can give to each other (Pathania-Jain, 2001). It is
important to note the source of competitive advantage of a company
for the value chain analysis. The competitive advantage for IBM, for
example, lies in depth, breadth and the geographic spread of its global
operations (Rai, 2006) and the loyalty that the big blue enjoys from its
Lastly, analysts should look for the managerial implications that the
new era of capability outsourcing may bring. The value chain decisions
of companies will increasingly shape their organisational structure.
Furthermore these decisions will determine the types of managerial
skills that companies may need to develop to survive in an increasingly
competitive business environment.
created in the particular industry in which the company operates and
which activities play a key role in the generation of that value.
The value chain framework has been used as a powerful analysis tool
for organisational strategic planning for nearly two decades now. The
value chain framework shows that the value chain of a company may
be useful in identifying and understanding crucial aspects to achieve
competitive strengths and core competencies in the marketplace. The
model also reveals how the value chain activities are tied together to
ultimately create value for the consumer. The five primary activities
and four support activities form an interdependent system that is
connected by linkages. Analysts conducting the value chain analysis
should break down the key activities of the company according to the
activities entailed in the framework, and assess the potential for
adding value through the means of cost advantage or differentiation.
Finally, it is important to determine strategies that focus on those
activities that would enable the company to attain sustainable
competitive advantage.
Ghamdi, S. M. Al (2005), The Use of Strategic Planning Tools and
Techniques in Saudi Arabia: An Empirical study, International Journal of
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Gottfredson, M. & Puryear, R. & Phillips, S. (2005), Strategic Sourcing
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Hill, W. L. C. & Jones, R. G. (2007), Strategic Management: An
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Lynch, R. (2003), Corporate Strategy, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall Financial
Macmillan, H. & Tampoe, M. (2000), Strategic Management, Oxford
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Pathania-Jain, G. (2001), Global parents, local partners: A value-chain
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Media Economics, Vol. 14, No. 3, p. 169-187.
Pearson, G. (1999), Strategy in Action, Prentice Hall Financial Times.
Porter, M. E. (1985), Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining
Superior Performance, New York: Free Press.
Porter, M. E. (1990), The competitive advantage of nations, New York:
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Rai, S. (2006), India becoming a crucial cog in the machine at IBM, The
New York Times.
Rainbird, M. (2004), A framework for operations management: the
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