Thesis Consumer Behavior
Thesis Consumer Behavior
Thesis Consumer Behavior
1. A title
Influence of Sales Promotion on Consumer Behaviuor in
Advance Education Service - Vavuniya
Rapidly growth market competitor’s and information technology & communication system to be
led identifying consumer wants and needs. Now days many of companies identifies consumers’
wants and needs through many ways such as questionnaire, feedback, customers complains.
Used to these information formulated consumer behavior.
One of the season consumer behaviors very important for service sector than production
industry because the consumer directly related but now that theory was broken so service and
production industries have equal share of identify consumers’ wants and needs.
“Education as essence for our life” vavuniya town has many opportunities for gets proper
education system but don’t say proper adapter in our life. Due to find out education system and
availabilities are proper correlated consumer prefers. The Influence of Consumer Behavior in
Education Service in Vavuniya .
3. Objectives
I. General objective
To find out how long Consumer behavior influence in Education Service.
4. Methodology
I. Data Collection tools
A. Questionnaire
Primary tool for my research, Selection only twenty learners in varies qualifications and
D. Performance evaluation
Evaluation of performance based on consumers preference and success of business,
and education qualification analysis.
F. Seasonal calendar
2. How many
Only twenty candidates selected for evaluation influence of consumer behavior
in education.
3. Why
The topic was selected for evaluation availability and needs to be fulfilled and
helps to future marketers & others researchers.
b. How many
Only twenty members to be selected
c. Why
Vavuniya Person moved other place for proper education facilities before the
2010 so many of education institution start new business. Identify gap and
d. Where
The evaluation based on vavuniya town and some village. Village to be selected
by probability of education
C. Examinees
a. Who
b. How many
c. Why
d. where
The following hypothesis have been selected for study –
1. Culture affects the buying decision category of customers selectively.
2. The intensity of culture works in different magnitude in various age group of customers
for buying decisions
3. The life style factors influence buying decisions of customers
4. The culture is adopting flexibility in purchasing of various products
5. The chapterization of the Assignment
2.0 Introduction
The important research step is to review existing literature to determine what is already know
about the phenomenon it is important to review in existing literature relevant to the problem.
A literature review could help a researcher for the following.
To assess the existing knowledge related to their research problem and identify knowledge
To develop new concepts or sharpen the existing concepts.
To concentrate on the areas where little research has been carried out and thereby defined
the scope of the study.
Belch and Belch define consumer behaviour as 'the process and activities people
engage in when searching for, selecting, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing
of products and services so as to satisfy their needs and desires'.'
Consumer behavior is the study of when, why, how, and where people do or do not buy
products. It blends elements from psychology, sociology, social anthropology and economics.
It attempts to understand the buyer decision making process, both individually and in groups.
It studies characteristics of individual consumers such as demographics and behavioural
variables in an attempt to understand people's education wants. It also tries to assess
influences on the consumer from groups such as family, friends, reference groups, and society
in general.
Customer behaviour study is based on consumer buying behavior, with the customer playing
the three distinct roles of user, payer and buyer. Relationship marketing is an influential asset
for customer behaviour analysis as it has a dedication interest in the re-discovery of the true
meaning of marketing through the re-affirmation of the importance of the customer or buyer.
A greater importance is also placed on consumer retention, customer relationship
management, personalization, customization and one-to-one marketing. Social functions can
be categorized into social choice and welfare functions.
We analyze consumers because; this is the basis for all market success like segmenting,
targeting, and positioning. Without an understanding of customer, it would be impossible for
the market to drive the offer. A consumer’s buying behavior is influenced by cultural, social
and personal factor.
Personal Age &
Life cycle
Social - Family
Cultural – Social
Cultural factor
Culture is fundamental determinant of a person’s needs and behavior. People acquire a set of
value, perception and behaviors through his or her family and other institution. vavuniya
people also like effective education system for achievement and success, comfortable
efficiency and practicality, freedom and youthfulness through education.
Every families and relation only think his family members secure their carrier through
education. They want to do invest their relation useful ways and also not take a risk so they
prefer to invest their money in long-term investment for child education and their
professional. In Vavuniya also one of the education person and seeker town, the natural
resources of the town as one of dry zone but the city accommodated the Jaffna displace, after
that new group focus education opportunities so education provide becomes. Many of
education system toward increase chance of victor. People of vavuniya mainly focus good
education opportunities for get better jobs and move to abroad, so mainly they focus computer
and some of profession studies like mechanical, dress making but in intuition provide
education are not to adequate beat the world because the opportunities for foreign jobs they
moves to Colombo side and get training after that apply visa this trend always in our town so
human mentality also change but now days differ from before because country became
peaceful so many of investor prefer to invest northern so the thesis also helps to find out caps
for fulfill future investors. Some of the culture barriers block their education system like
related fashion & style education and some of physical education systems as a major
drawback in our foreign job & education system.
Social factor
Consumers are also influenced by social factor for example; reference group, family, and
social role and status. Consumer behavior is firstly influenced from membership, group such
as family, neighbour and major part of friends Education service also like other services
(insurance, banking). Relationship between education institution and education seekers very
low so many of education system failure / not success, and also the way of education did not
predicate final success so education seeker always have one of terrible mentality. At this point
students & patents awareness take a major role. Some of social group think after the General
Certificate of Examination Ordinary level & Advance level their education path is finished so
people so they don’t try to got education for future so one of social & economical was raised
through poverty & unemployment.
Education & Profession qualification suggests that, this way of education career effective for
your future life. If he goes to follow any education course he makes enquiry about this product
from his personal sources. He study newspaper and search on Internet and gather all
information related availabilities. If he is satisfied from that information, he decides to follow
the course. People also influence from opinion leader, this opinion leader. If opinion leader
say or advertise about any education course, people are influenced from opinion leader
because opinion leader keep good position in society. Teachers and students pattern also
influence consumer behavior. Build a good society more important getting proper education.
Personal factor; -
A consumer decision is also influenced by personal characteristics for example the buyer age
and stage in life cycle, occupation and economics circumstances, personality, self-concept,
life style and value. When we say about age and life, first is bachelor stage. They are
generally young independent and they are in early stage of his carrier and earning. Young
period most of them achieved their career than after elders. However, some people have
some dream and dependent also.
They are in such stage where they can take more time they decide to follow profession
educations, Second stage is followed Graduate Diploma. In that stage people need get job and
social respect. Attitude also affect consumer behaviour positive attitude (about his career &
life) person will take pension plan because people think that they will live more. But negative
attitude person will take negative decision like poverty dependence life.
Competition analysis
The education service also like other service so marketers have more competition many of the
organization provides their service in vavuniya like champers academic of srilanka, vavuniya
campus of University of Jaffna, Technical College, open University, College of Education, No
formal education unit, and also many of private institutions. Their provide many education
systems but one of the grader problem is reliability and future job opportunities.
When we say about competition in this market, competition is very tough. We can say that
market condition is just like same as oligopoly means a few number of large firm is providing
all service partially different along line of quality, feature or services. Each competitor may
seek leadership in one of that major attribute and changing a price for that attribute.
Empirical Studies
o Larry Jabbon sky(1995) has presented a situation have pepsi Affected the consumption
culture in the youth. Giwen Rae Bachmann, Deborah Roedder John and Akshay
Rao(1993) had described the condition that how does children effect through peer pressure
in selecting their purchase choice.
o Dennis W Rook(1985) has written about the various dimension of consumer behaviour.
The article also highlighted the relative importance of various factors of consumer
behaviour. Lise Heroux and Nancy J Church(1992) have justified the behaviour changing
of consumer on the occasion of wedding anniversary and gift giving rituals.
o David M Potter(1954) presented the situation of consumers with diverse nature and
ambitions. Cyndee Miller(1995) has described the 80 different natures of women as a
purchaser in different capacities. Kate Fitzerald(1994) has described the role of life style
in deciding the consumer behaviour factor. David C Mcclelland(1961) has described the
behavioural consumption of customer. Ramesh Venkat and Harold J Ogden(1995) has
described the contribution of social classification in consumer behaviour pattern.
o Rober A Nisbet(1970) has stressed that social bond plays a very important in deciding the
consumer behavioural status.
o Deborah Bosanko(1994) has given the situations that working women play an important
role in deciding role in culture of consumer behaviour.
Etymologically the word education contains educare (latin) "bring up" which is related to
educere "bring out", "bring forth what is within", "bring out potential" and ducere "to lead".
Teachers in educational institutions direct the education of students and might draw on many
subjects, including reading, writing, mathematics, science and history. This process is
sometimes called schooling when referring to the education of teaching only a certain subject,
usually as professors at institutions of higher learning. There is also education in fields for
those who want specific vocational skills, such as those required to be a pilot. In addition
there is an array of education possible at the informal level, such as in museums and libraries,
with the Internet and in life experience. Many non-traditional education options are now
available and continue to evolve.
Higher education
Higher education, also called tertiary, third stage, or post secondary education, is the non-
compulsory educational level that follows the completion of a school providing a secondary
education, such as a high school, secondary school. Tertiary education is normally taken to
include undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as vocational education and
training. Colleges and universities are the main institutions that provide tertiary education.
Collectively, these are sometimes known as tertiary institutions. Tertiary education generally
results in the receipt of certificates, diplomas, or academic degrees.
3.0 Introduction
The theoretical part of the research was based on the academic literature on the subjects of
sales promotion, consumer behavior and education services. Theoretical framework was
constructed based on the literature. The empirical study was conducted as a quantitative
Culture Factors
Social Factors (Buy or
Consumer buying behaviour
Personal Factors
Psychological Factors
Social Factors:
A consumer’s behaviuor is also influenced by social factors, such as the consumer’s reference
group, family, and social roles and statuses.
Reference Group: - A person’s behaviour is strongly influenced by many groups. A
person’s reference groups are those groups that have a direct (face to face) or indirect
influence on the person’s attitudes or behavior. With which there is fairly continuous
interaction, family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers.
Family Group Members of the buyer’s family can exercise a strong influence on the
buyer’s behavior.
Personal Factors
consumer’s purchase decisions are also affected by his personal characteristics such as age,
sex, and stag in family life-cycle, education, occupation, income, life-style, his overall
personality and overall self-concept. We shall now discuss some of the influences.
Psychological Factors
3.4 Operationalizations
Research sample
This study is concerned with Influence of Consumer Behaviour on sale promotion in
Education Service. The problem can be identified how far consumer behavior affect sale
promotion activities in education service. The research based on only twenty advance
education seekers and some of institutions in vavuniya town and nearest.
3.6 Summary
This chapter is devoted to conceptualizing and operationalizing the research problem and to
discussing the method of data collection technique and data analysis techniques.
4.0 Introduction
This chapter seeks to present the data gathered in the field survey and then analyze the data
presented. To conduct effective research, various levels of education seekers are selected in
our town. There are eight independent variables; culture factors, Social factors, Personnel
factors, and Philosophical factors.
The following tables illustrate the coefficient of correlation derives by the analysis for variables
Culture, Social, Personnel and Philosophic factors affected to Consumers buying decision making.
Culture 0.4
Social 0.6
Personnel 0.7
Philosophic 0.5
Total 0.55
When interpreting the coefficient of correlation, the researcher can that, there is weak positive
relationship between Consumer behaviour and buying decision making in the cases r is 0.55. The
relationship is equal in the case of Consumer behavior and buying decision.
4.3Percentage analysis
Influence of Consumer behavior on consumer buying decision making can be analysis by using the
percentage of overall score values of independent variables. The following the table illustrates the
percentage of internal control system in the organization.
Table 03 Consumer Behaviour Percentage of Affection
Culture 60 %
Social 80 %
Personel 90 %
Phylosopic 75 %
Source: survey data
From the above tabulation data presents Culture factors 60 %, social factors 80 %, Personel factors 90
% amd phylisipic 75 % that indicates may the buyers decision making.
5.0 Introduction
This chapter mainly focuses on the findings of the study and possible suggestions. The discussion of
findings may also attempt to explain the results of testing hypothesis and Suggestions. Then
suggestions for further research in the field will be analyzed. Finally conclusion will be provided.
The result of this study revealed that four factors in consumer behavior such as Culture
factors, Social Factors, Personel factors and Phylosopical factors have the significant
influence on Consumer buying behavior. The previous literature indicates that the internal
control system enhance organizational performance. The outcome of these studies in the
organization has more twenty education seekers in vavuniya.
The study reveals that the culture, social, personel and phylofocal factors affects to the
education seekers buying behavior. When a consumer owned the product then the level of
belongingness is different. Age group also plays an important role. In every age group varied
response shows that age affects the culture to a great extent. Life style also playing an
important role a life style varied with the different age group situations. The different class of
life style also exhibits the response to a culture. Every class behave as per their own
parameters. Language also works with its component. The standard format of language works
differently. The regional format of language works differently. The dress code also plays an
important role in dealing with culture aspect. Formal dress code and informal dress code
affect separately. The formal dress code and informal dress codes decides the status of
mindsets for consumers. The festivals also significantly decide the cultural situation.
5.2 Ideas for research in the future
The research has been conducted considering only twenty education seekers in Vavuniya. So that, a
research which should be represented in whole of town.
This research has been conducted the seven categories of education seekers, so in order to make
comparison all categories of employee be taken in to consideration.
The research is doing in the non government organization and area becoming peace of
life, so the data was rapidly change future.
The supervision of heads is necessary. Adequate supervision with a clear and up to date
supply of information should be there.
The role of culture could be decided under the marketing strategy formulation process
5.6 Summary
This chapter includes the all finding of analysis, interpretation of findings, discussion of the
findings and hypothesis testing.
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