Talent Management Strategies
Talent Management Strategies
Talent Management Strategies
1. Background
• Managing and defining competitive
Talent management is a process that emerged in
the 1990s and continues to be adopted, as more
companies come to realize that their employees’ • Training and development opportunities
talents and skills drive their business success.
• Performance management processes
Companies that have put into practice talent
• Retention programs
management have done so to solve an employee
retention problem. The issue with many • Promotion and transitioning
companies today is that their organizations put Talent management can also be known as HCM
tremendous effort into attracting employees to (Human Capital Management), HRIS (HR
their company, but spend little time into retaining Information Systems) or HRMS (HR
and developing talent. A talent management Management Systems), and HR Modules.
system must be worked into the business strategy
Human capital management
and implemented in daily processes throughout
the company as a whole. It cannot be left solely Companies that engage in talent management
to the human resources department to attract and (Human Capital Management) are strategic and
retain employees, but rather must be practiced at deliberate in how they source, attract, select,
all levels of the organization. The business train, develop, retain, promote, and move
strategy must include responsibilities for line employees through the organization. Since the
managers to develop the skills of their immediate initial hiring process is so expensive to a
subordinates. Divisions within the company company, it is important to place the individual
should be openly sharing information with other in a position where his skills are being
departments in order for employees to gain extensively utilized.
knowledge of the overall organizational The term "talent management" means different
objectives. Companies that focus on developing things to different organizations. To some it is
their talent integrate plans and processes to track about the management of high-worth individuals
and manage their employee talent, including the or "the talented" whilst to others it is about how
following: talent is managed generally - i.e. on the
• Sourcing, attracting and recruiting assumption that all people have talent which
qualified candidates with competitive should be identified and liberated. From a talent
backgrounds management standpoint, employee evaluations
concern two major areas of measurement: is expected to identify potential talent and also
performance and potential. Current employee comprehend, conceptualize and implement
performance within a specific job has always relevant strategies to contribute effectively to
been a standard evaluation measurement tool of achieve organizational objectives. Hence a
the profitability of an employee. However, talent serious concern of every HR manager in order to
management also seeks to focus on an survive this ‘War for Talent’, is to fight against a
employee’s potential, meaning an employee’s limited and diminishing pool of qualified
future performance, if given the proper available candidates to replace valuable
development of skills and increased employees when they leave, dramatically
responsibility. underscoring the difficulty to attract, motivate
and retain the best employees in an organization.
The major aspects of talent management
practiced within an organization must
consistently include:
2.1 Definition
• performance management
Talent management refers to the process of
• leadership development developing and integrating new workers,
× Contribution
Solid Citizens
• Meet organisational expectations
Employee Management
• Appraisals
• Project reviews
• Performance reviews
• Progress monitoring
Talent management implies recognising a TALENT
person's inherent skills, traits, personality and WAYS TO
offering him a matching job.. Every person has a TALENT
6.4 Performance Management: by using the facing large populations which are retiring. How
business plan,, the organization establishes do you identify the roles, individuals, and
processes to measure and manage employees. competencies which are leaving? What should
This is a complex process. you do to fill these gaps? We call this "Critical
Talent Management" and many organizations
6.5 Training and Performance Support: of
are going through this now.
course this is a critically important function.
Here we provide learning and development In the center of this process are important
programs to all levels of the organization. definitions and data: job roles,
roles job descriptions,
competency models,, and learning content.
6.6 Succession Planning: Succession Planning
ensures a company identifies and develops talent
in order to achieve its business strategy.
7. Areas of Talent Management
Developing internal talent can be a competitive
advantage,, thus leaders need to focus on all The service and consulting areas of talent
aspects of succession planning to ensure success. management that thus emerge are:
Succession planning, a very important function,
enables managers and individuals to identify the
right candidates for a position. This function also Areas
of TM
must be aligned with the business plan to
understand and meet requirements for key Talent Potential Acquisition Knowledge
Appreciation Enhancement of Talent Management
positions 3-5 years out. While this is often a
process reserved for managers and executives, it
is more commonly applied across the
7.1 Talent appreciation
TA services from Grow Talent are focused on
6.7 Compensation and Benefits: clearly this is
assessing the way individuals learn, think,
think relate
an integral part of people management. Here
to others, and act. TA is used to evaluate the
organizations try to tie the compensation
compensat plan
capacities, competencies and values of
directly to performance management so that
individuals for assessment of potential for career
compensation, incentives, and benefits align with
development and succession planning.
business goals and business execution.
This is intricately
tely linked to helping organizations
6.8 Critical Skills Gap Analysis: this is a
map their capacity and competency requirements
process we identify as an important, often
and then assessing talent to draw up individual
overlooked function in many industries and
development plans. The talent profiling thus done
organizations. While often done on a project
for organizations helps them identify critical
basis, it can be "business-critical."
critical." For example,
competencies to be developed
develope and capacities to
today industries like the Federal Government,
Utilities, Telecommunications, and Energy are
involves designing learning events and processes Knowledge management services from Grow
that enhance the potential of individuals. Talent are aimed at leveraging knowledge for
Two intrinsic components of Grow Talent PEP performance by creating an environment for
• Having the skills and knowledge available • Costs of training, mentoring etc. that are
• Employee satisfaction
• Difficulty in keeping staff members management elements can have the greatest
motivated and employed by the organisation impact on the business and therefore provide
when they have reached the potential for a a better basis for prioritization and
role but one does not yet exist or has not implementation.
become vacant;
• To create a sophisticated talent management
environment, organizations must:
o Define a clear vision for talent
• Organizations must have meaningful management
descriptions of the capabilities (skills, o Develop a roadmap for technology
behaviors, abilities and knowledge) required and process integration
throughout the organization. o Integrate and optimize processes
o Apply robust technology to enable
• Organizations must be able to relate those processes
skills and capabilities to a role or a center of o Prepare the workforce for changes
demand, such as a job position, project or associated with the new Environment
leadership role.
News Paper:
6. www.scribd.com/doc/19347893/Talent-Management
7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talent_management
8. www.scribd.com/doc/26150041/Talent-Management
9. www.ajoconnor.com/HCS8_1_TM_SucessPlan.html
10. www.sirim.my/techinfo/P3/Management/July-Aug05/july-aug05_article19.pdf
11. http://jobfunctions.bnet.com/abstract.aspx?docid=378211
12. http://blogs.payscale.com/compensation/2009/02/talent-management-strategy.html
13. www.hrexecutive.com/HRE/story.jsp?storyId=98598263&query=talent%20management
14. www.hinduonnet.com/jobs/0407/2004072800100100.htm
15. www.bpir.com/succession-planning-bpir.com/menu-id-71/expert-opinion.html