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Summitt Ball Fields - Web
Summitt Ball Fields - Web
Subject: Summit Park & Ballfields – Continued Preliminary Master Plan Review
Staff presents phasing alternatives and cost estimates for Council review and feedback.
On March 1, 2010, City Council reviewed the preliminary master plan for the Summit
Park and Ballfields site. The presentation that evening included a recap of the project, its
geographic location, and the project planning to date resulting in the preliminary master
plan recommendation.
In addition, staff from the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) spoke about the
potential restrictions in and around the 375 foot wide BPA easement on the land, and
provided information regarding electric and magnetic fields (EMF) and there effects.
BPA staff also noted that there will likely be a second line installed in the area sometime
in the future, and it could be a higher voltage line (500KV) than is currently in place
(230KV), and the restrictions could be different if that were built. Staff confirmed that
the additional line was taken into consideration in the master plan.
Furthermore, BPA staff said that at this point there is nothing to suggest that the City
could not move forward with its proposal from a regulatory perspective.
At the conclusion of the presentation, there was Council concurrence to move forward
with the proposed master plan as recommended by the stakeholder group, and staff was
directed to provide further information on the following items for Council’s next review:
Investigate use of King County owned .23-acre parcel that is adjacent to the park
that would allow for greater flexibility in design of Summit Park;
Evaluate and compare the proposed synthetic turf option with natural grass;
Review the location of the proposed multi-modal trail on the north side of the
property and how it would link up to any future access road should that occur;
Develop a phasing plan and associated costs for the first phase of construction;
Receive necessary approvals to use BPA’s easement area for developing the
proposed master plan;
Take a further look at information regarding Electric Magnetic Fields (EMF) and
how to mitigate impacts.
Compare costs of developing an access road off of SR169 with the proposed
access road off of SE 276th St.
Tonight, City staff along with members of the consultant team have returned to present
information requested by Council at the March 1st meeting.
1. Investigate use of the King County owned .23-acres adjacent to Summit Park.
Staff has been in contact with King County staff, and they are in favor of the City of
Maple Valley using the parcel for developing the park. The preliminary master plan
(Attachment 1, slide #2) reflects the anticipated use of the parcel. Given Council
direction, staff will begin negotiations on developing an easement agreement or the
outright transfer of the parcel with the County.
2. Evaluate and compare the proposed synthetic turf option with natural grass.
The consultant has prepared a cost comparison (Attachment 1, slide #4) showing the
initial cost of each option which includes factoring in maintenance costs over a ten (10)
year period. In addition, the comparison breaks down the cost per hour of use with each
3. Review the design of the proposed multi-purpose trail on the north side of the
Should future development of the privately owned properties to the north or west of the
park site require an alternative access road connecting to the Summit Park site, a 30-foot
buffer along the north boundary of the property has been built into the draft plan for a
future road. Adjacent to this buffer, is a 12-oot wide multi purpose trail. The consultant
has included a sketch (Attachment 1, slide #5) of the proposed section showing distances
between a future road and the proposed trail.
4. Develop phasing plans and cost estimates for the first phase of construction.
The consultant has developed three (3) possible phasing plans and cost estimates
(Attachment 1, slides #6, #7, #8, and #9) for Council’s consideration. All three phasing
plans were presented to the stakeholders on April 26th, and their unanimous choice was
phase 1B.
Phase 1A does not include any sports fields. It does include one unlit tennis court
and associated utilities, entry road, parking, trailhead access, etc.
Phase 1B includes one lighted rectangular sports field and associated utilities, entry
road, parking, trailhead access, etc. This option does not include a restroom or
concession stand. Portable toilets would need to be utilized until a restroom is built.
Phase 1C includes one lighted rectangular sports field, one lighted youth
softball/baseball field and associated utilities, entry road, parking, trailhead access,
etc. This option does include a restroom and concession stand.
5. Receive approval to use BPA’s easement area for developing the proposed park.
The City submitted an application to BPA to request use of BPA’s right of way and
received (Attachment 2) a land use agreement on May 17th. The agreement stipulates the
conditions that must be complied with to construct the proposed park. All conditions
(other than a final grading plan) have been complied with in the preliminary master plan.
Prior to construction, the City’s design documents will need to be reviewed by BPA, and
must conform to all specified conditions as outlined in the agreement.
There are numerous studies that have been developed over the years regarding the effects
of EMF. I have included in your packet a fact sheet produced by the World Health
Organization (Attachment 4), that address issues associated with exposure to EMF.
In researching this issue with other area facility providers, no entities were found that
have policies or signage in place that warn facility users about possible effects of EMF,
or that they will, or should expect, to experience nuisance shocks from high voltage lines
on or near their facility. At this time, staff does not recommend that Council adopt policy
to address this issue.
7. Compare costs of developing an access road off of SR169 with the proposed
access road off SE 276th St.
The cost to construct the proposed park entry road off SE 276th Street is approximately
$350,000 for a 1,400 foot long, 24-foot wide entrance road with a 6-foot wide concrete
sidewalk. If you add approximately $90,000 for design, project management and
construction administration then the total cost for the park entry road off of SE 27th Street
would be $440,000. In comparison, the cost to construct an entry road off SR169 would
be approximately $1.625 million as follows:
The construction of a new intersection on SR169 for the entrance at a cost of
approximately $400,000.
The construction of the entry road of approximately 400 feet in length (24 foot
wide and 6’ concrete sidewalk) at a cost of approximately $100,000.
Design, project management, and construction administration for the project
would cost approximately $125,000.
Purchase of right-of-way for the entry road which would require purchasing the
entire lot south of Goodwill since the roadway would be splitting the lot in two.
The total cost for this purchase would be approximately $1,000,000.
Fiscal Impact
The total Phase 1 budget as identified in the 2010 Final Budget is $3,250,000. The current cost
estimates for Phase 1 is $7,476,181 ($750,489 for management and engineering and $6,725,692
for construction). This excludes changing the entrance to Summit Park as described in 7 above.
Per the consultant budget Phase 1 can be split into three sub phases. Only sub Phase 1A is within
the existing budget but with no State grant applicable to sub Phase 1A, a voted bond issue is
needed to proceed with the project without a repriortization of Park Development and Real Estate
Excise Tax Funds. The components of the cost and funding sources are identified below.
Phase 1 Total
Prior Total Funding 2012-2013 Project
Years Budget 1A 1B 1C Needed Budget Phase 1 & 2
Capital Project
P3 Summit Balfields
Management & Engineering $ 89,570 $ 750,489 $ 750,489 $ 750,489 $ 750,489 $ - $ 500,000 $ 1,340,059
Acquisition 760,092 - 760,092
Construction 10,392 2,500,000 1,922,843 4,183,394 6,725,692 4,225,692 7,900,000 14,636,084
$ 860,054 $ 3,250,489 $ 2,673,332 $ 4,933,883 $ 7,476,181 $ 4,225,692 $ 8,400,000 $ 16,736,235
Sources of Funding
State Grants $ 1,500,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ (1,250,000) $ 250,000
General Fund 99,240 99,240 99,240 99,240 212,000 311,240
Park Development Fund 33.24% 32,500 595,720 570,000 580,000 580,000 (266,000) 346,500
Real Estate Excise Tax Fund 827,554 1,055,529 1,055,529 1,055,529 1,055,529 (746,000) 1,137,083
Voted Bond Issue - 948,563 2,949,114 5,491,412 5,491,412 9,200,000 14,691,412
$ 860,054 $ 3,250,489 $ 2,673,332 $ 4,933,883 $ 7,476,181 $ 4,241,412 $ 8,400,000 $ 16,736,235
With Phase 1 of the project costing $4,225,692 more than budgeted and grant availability
projected at $1,250,000 below what had been estimated, an additional $5,475,692 is needed to
fund the entire Phase 1 project. Funding only Phase 1A requires an additional $948,563. Funding
Phase 1B, assuming a State grant of $250,000, requires an additional $2,949,114. With other
projects currently listed in the City's 2010-2015 Capital Improvement Program, other City funds
for even Phase 1A are not available without a reprioritazation of projects. The only other
alternative at this point would seem to be a Phase 1 voted bond issue. If a voted bond issue is
proposed, it should most likely be for the entire project, both Phase 1 and Phase 2.
Currently budgeted uses of the Park Development and Real Estate Excise Tax Funds in the 2010-
2015 Capital Improvement Program are shown in an attachment to this agenda memo. With
ending the federal housing stimulus program potentially reducing park impact fees and the
continued slow housing market reducing real estate excise taxes, the 2011-2016 Capital
Improvement Program may be require the reduction or deferral of currently budgeted projects.
Also included as an attachment to this memo is sample debt service schedule for the $14,900,000
required to fund both Phase 1 & 2. Amount includes and estimated $209,000 of debt issuance
costs. The voted bond proposal includes both phases as it doesn't seem to make sense to have two
separate votes on the same project.
Direction Sought
Staff seeks council direction and feedback on the proposed phasing plans as well as the
final preliminary master plan. Should Council have any suggested changes, they will be
incorporated into the plan, and a final master plan will be brought back to Council for
adoption at a later date.
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) hereby agrees to your use of BPA's easement
area for construction/installation, use, and maintenance of the Summit Park and Ball
The location of your use is partially within the NW ¼ NE ¼ of Section 34, Township 22
North, Range 6 East, Willamette Meridian, King County, State of Washington, as shown
on the attached segment of BPA Drawing No. 103220, marked as Exhibit A and the
city’s submitted drawing marked as Exhibit B.
You shall not make any changes or additions to your use of the right-of-way without
BPA's review and written approval. Any other uses and utilities on the right-of-way
must be applied for separately.
Please note that BPA is not the owner of this property. If you are not the owner, you must
obtain the owner(s) permission to use this property. There may also be other uses of the
property that might be located within the same area as your project. This agreement is
subject to those other rights.
This agreement is revocable at will by BPA and does not modify, change, or otherwise
alter the rights BPA acquired by Deed. BPA may terminate this agreement upon 30 days
written notice.
The subject use of this easement area has been determined not to be a hazard to, or an
interference with, BPA's present use of this easement for electric transmission line
purposes. Accordingly, there is no present objection to such use. However, if BPA
should determine at any time, that your use has become a hazard to the presently installed
electrical facilities of BPA, or any facilities added or constructed in the future, or if such
use should interfere with the inspection, maintenance, or repair of the same, or with the
access along such easement, you will be required to stop your use or remove such hazard
or interference from the right-of-way at no expense to BPA.
1. It is expected that people will experience nuisance shocks while using this
facility. Nuisance shocks are common on high voltage transmission line rights
of way. Please plan your uses taking this into consideration.
2. Maintain a minimum distance of at least 50 feet between your facilities and the
point where the transmission line steel lattice structure enters the earth. If this
clearance cannot be met, install guard devices such as barriers, guardrails, or
posts, for the protection of BPA's structures. Specifications and installation plans
for these protective structures must be submitted to and approved by BPA prior to
3. Design and build the roadways, trails and parking areas to withstand HS-20
loading from BPA’s heavy vehicles.
4. Maintain a minimum distance of at least 50 feet from steel lattice structure.
5. BPA shall have the right to use the parking area for access to its structures, both
to and along its transmission line right of way, for maintenance purposes.
6. Provide an approach and curb cut, as necessary, off of the edge of the roadway,
wide enough to turn into 16 foot roadway used to access transmission lines and
7. Maintain a minimum distance of at least 15 feet between your facilities and the
transmission line.
8. Lighting standards and basketball hoops and standards shall maintain a height
above grade of no more than 12 feet.
9. A safety watcher will be required when equipment will be operating on BPA
easement right of way and within 20 feet of the transmission lines.
10. Restore BPA's right-of-way to its original condition, or better following
construction. No grade changes to facilitate disposal of overburden shall be
allowed. If the design of the roadway, parking area or park requires cutting or
filling, the elevations of the proposed finished grade and original ground grade
shall be submitted to this office for final approval.
11. At the date of this Land Use Agreement, there has not been a submittal of a final
grading plan for the park and ball fields. It is our understanding that there will be
fill placed within the easement right of way. Because of the proposed fill being
planned for the easement right of way certain restrictions must be placed on the
parking within the easement right of way. Those restrictions are as follows: No
parking shall be allowed within the easement from approximately 350 feet back
on line (generally west) of the structure at 5/5 of the Covington- Columbia Line to
a point approximately 700 feet back on line from the structure at 5/5 of the same
Covington- Columbia Line. Additional restrictions must be placed upon the area
within the easement from 200 feet Back on Line of Structure 5/5 and 850 feet
Back on Line of Structure 5/5 that there shall be no parking of large vehicles
(semi trucks, buses, etc.).
12. There have been no plans submitted to BPA for the planting and caring for
vegetation and ornamental trees and landscaping within the easement right of
way. All plans for vegetation and ornamental trees and landscaping must be
submitted to BPA for review and determination of applicable restrictions before
planting. Any vegetation exceeding the height or obstruction limitation will be
removed by BPA.
13. No structures shall be constructed within the easement right of way.
14. No storage of flammable materials or refueling of vehicles or equipment within
the easement area.
15. Access to BPA transmission line system by BPA and/or its contractors shall not
be obstructed at any time.
16. Construction of an additional transmission line(s) within the currently unoccupied
portion of this right-of-way or a rebuild of the existing transmission line may
require the City to modify or remove their use at that time. This could result in
additional parking restrictions at no expense to BPA.
17. A separate application must be submitted for any additional uses of the easement
right of way, included buried utilities.
18. Modification of your present use requires BPA's written approval prior to
You agree to assume risk of loss, damage, or injury which may result from your use of
the easement area, except for such loss, damage, or injury for which BPA may be
responsible under the provisions of the Federal Tort Claims Act, 62 Stat. 982, as
amended. It is understood that any damage to BPA's property caused by or resulting
from your use of the easement area may be repaired by BPA, and the actual cost of such
repair shall be charged against and be paid by you.
Construction/installation, use, and maintenance of Summit Park and Ball fields shall be at
no cost to BPA.
BPA seeks your help maintaining the integrity of the electrical transmission system.
Please report any Vandalism or Theft to the BPA Crime Witness program at 1-800-437-
2744. Cash rewards of up to $25,000 will be paid should information lead to the arrest
and conviction of persons committing a crime.
BPA shall not be liable for damage to your property, facilities, or injury to persons that
might occur during maintenance, reconstruction, or future construction of BPA facilities
as a result of your facilities being within the right-of-way.
If you have any questions or concerns, please notify this BPA Realty Office. You may
direct any communication to Bonneville Power Administration, Real Estate Field
Services (28401 Covington Way SE Kent, WA 98042 or by telephoning 1-253-631-9154.
A copy of this agreement shall be physically located at the project during
construction activities.
_______________________________ ___________________
By: Date
______________________________ ___________________
Paul B. Woolson Date
Realty Specialist