Beer Industry in India
Beer Industry in India
Beer Industry in India
Presented by Group 2
• Today no brewer in India makes India Pale Ale. All Indian Beers
are either:
ü Lagers (4.3% alcohol)
ü Strong lagers (15 % alcohol)
2 ) UB ( United Breweries Ltd .) -
Market leader in the Indian
beer market with a 47.5%
market share. Its flagship
Kingfisher brand alone
commands 25% market share
– But with strong players in the market the new entrant will
face problems as following:
a) Economies of scale For example benefit associated with
bulk purchases and sales
b) Cost of entry For example investment in technology
c) Distribution channel For example ease of access for
d) Government Legislations introduction of new laws might
weaken companies position
e) Differentiation For example certain brands that cannot
be copied
f) Supplier power Possibility of forward integration by
4 ) Bargaining Power Of Customers
Beer consumption is increasing High Taxes & Regulations
Per capita beer consumption in Prohibition on Advertising
India -0.5 litres which is very low Indian Culture is a Major
Brand Extension Benefits Hindrance
Changing lifestyles of middle Negative perceptions about
class alcoholic beverages widely
Increase in disposable income prevalent
Many International Player
Entering In India
This is a ‘regulated’ industry
• Management Team
– Professional Managed
– Seasoned Professionals with Significant Industry
• Segment Market Presence
– Least Vulnerable to Policy Volatility due to Large Spread
• Local Sourcing
• Almost Completely Locally Sourced
• Manufacturing Technology
– Largest Manufacturing Space
– Maximum Capital Utilization
• Branding
– Value Chain Ownership
– Initiatives Planned for Integrating into Retailing
• Core Competency
– Strong brand image with continuous innovation and
technology along
– with good marketing and distribution channel are the core
strength of the company
• Danish brewing company founded in 1847 by J. C. Jacobsen
• Entered Indian market in 2006 & operates here through a
joint venture named South Asia Breweries. Positioned itself
as a premium mild beer. With the launch of its flagship
brand, the company is trying to create a premium, all-malt
beer category.
• In 2009 Carlsberg is the 4th largest brewery group in the
world. Products are sold in more than 150 markets. In 2008
the Group sold more than 120 million hectolitres of beer,
nearly 100 million bottles of beer a day.
• Carlsberg India Pvt. Ltd. headquartered in Gurgaon, National
Capital Region, India is a Foreign direct investment
company formed to brew and market Carlsberg beer in India.
• Brought Tuborg and Palone brands into India. Palone is sold
as a 'strong' beer with 7.5% alcohol by volume. Strong
beers dominate the Indian market, estimated in 2008 to
total approximately 17 million hectolitres with over a
72% share.
Ø Segmentation
International beer companies have a good enough
reason to tap markets like India. That their main markets,
North America and Europe, are either flat or in a state of
decline is no secret.
Ø Political
Ø Environmental
– Environmental factors include the weather and climate
change. As the climate here is generally warm,
Carlsberg increases the promotions during summer
time. As the company is new, we yet have to see its
effect on environment and vice versa.
Ø Legal
– Again The Carlsberg Group is very careful about the
steps it takes because of the political environment
which could land it in trouble. As the laws are
different for different states, Carlsberg India has
played smart in making a social networking website
so that its purpose of marketing is also solved and
it didn’t cross the line of law as well.