The Homeopathic Bowel Nosodes

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pioneered by Pasteur and Koch,

Introduction much as genetics is today.

The Bowel Nosodes are a series of
The Homœopathic Bowel Nosodes Homeopathy was in the shadow of
homeopathic remedies made from "Inside our own bodies, we are outnumbered nine to one" the apparent success of the new
human intestinal flora, developed first wonder-drugs, antibiotics so it is no
3rd Year Project for the Irish School of Homoeopathy. surprise that this influenced
by Dr. Edward Bach and continued
by John Patterson and his wife, Mark O'Sullivan, June '07 Homeopathy which, through Swan,
Elizabeth from 1920 until 1960. was already making extensive use of
These remedies were used chiefly in nosodes in association with
British Homeopathic practice but after Hahnammanian miasmatic theory.
some years of neglect they are gaining more favour, especially now with Bach came to identify the bacteria
the issues of allergies and antibiotic damage prevalent in today's patients. that he had discovered with the Psoric miasm.
Their field of action is much broader than their name suggests, with
indicating symptoms arising from the whole system rather than just the Initially, Bach created conventional vaccines from these cultures and
bowel. administered them to patients. However, after reading The Organon while
Bach discovered that certain non-lactose fermenting bacteria were more working at the London Homeopathic Hospital in 1919 as house
prevalent in the stool of sick people than pathologist and assistant bacteriologist, he was struck by the connections
in healthy people. This led him to type between conventional vaccine theory and the
these bacteria and investigate their Homeopathic Law of Similars and sought to link
connection with pathology. Up until this the two disciplines.
point, these bacteria had been ignored
even to the point of being unnamed and It was then that he began administering the
generally regarded as harmless. vaccines as potentised nosodes to his
patients orally and over a period of ten years
At the time there was an exponential gathered clinical data from 500 cases which he
growth in the investigation of bacteria claimed demonstrated a 95% rate of
and their association with disease. It was improvement with their use.
conventional medicine's new frontier,
Dr. Edward Bach John Paterson

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In 1928 Bach left London on a conventional perspective, Paterson
quest to discover new natural regarded large amounts of non-
cures which led him to Mt. Vernon lactose fermenting bacteria in the
in Oxfordshire and the stool as being a positive, healthy sign
development of the Bach Flower that the patient was eliminating them
Remedies. A further innovation in successfully and found that this was
their own right. the case after the administration of the
patient's constitutional remedy.
John Paterson, who had assisted
Bach in his research, continued Non-lactose fermenting bacteria not
the work after 1928. He refined are not unequivocally pathological per
the discoveries and their clinical se, some of which serve useful
indications, added more remedies, functions in the breakdown of complex
formulated theory and guidelines carbohydrates. They can make a
for using the remedies in practice. diseased situation worse in that they
He potentised the diplococcic tend to impair the assimilation of food,
intestinal bacteria, similar in nature to Gonorrhea, associated it with the acidify the environment of the gut, making it more habitable for parasites
Sycotic Miasm and successfully used this Sycotic compound to treat the and fungi and less so for healthier, more symbiotic bacteria. They also
GI's Gonorrhea during the war. After his death in 1955, his wife Elizabeth produce more toxic substances as wastes such as Hydrogen Sulphide
continued the work for nine years, collating clinical data, making and histamines and even perforate the gut wall as they proliferate.
presentations and writing papers. Insufficient nutrition and assimilation are part of these remedies' pictures
as a result as well as the presence of other parasites such as yeasts and
Throughout this work, neither Bach nor Paterson saw the bacterium as worms.
being the cause of pathology but rather a concomitant or reflection of it.
Paterson saw the bacteria as the scavengers of disease and their Lactose fermenting bacteria in the gut, such as L.acidophilis, L.casei and
presence in the stool as being of constitutional significance. The Bifidobacterium have a broad spectrum of benefits, which will be outlined
disordered vital force of the patient alters their susceptibility and the in more detail below.
intestinal flora changes in accordance with this. Contrary to the

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Paterson's conclusions at the centre Case Strategy
of this page, were reached after
Directions on the use of the Bowel Nosodes
extensive research into the effects of
Paterson suggested the following
homeopathic remedies on bowel 1. The specific organism is related to the disease
indications for the use of the Bowel
flora. He noticed that when a patient
2. The specific organism is related to the homeopathic Nosodes.
undergoing treatment was
experiencing improvement and felt
better in themselves, the amount of 3. The homeopathic remedy is related to the
I. New Case:
pathogenic bacteria yielded in their disease
For a patient who has not
stool increased.
received homeopathic
treatment the indicted remedy
From the conventional point of view,
should be given and not the
this meant the patient had a disease and should not be feeling better at
all. It contradicted the germ theory of disease espoused by Pasteur
Where a tricky choice lies between a number of different remedies
and others. Paterson concluded that the germs in the stool were the
and most of those fall within those associated with a Bowel
result of the action of the vital force of the patient as stimulated by the
Nosode, the nosode may be given.
remedy administered. The patient was eliminating harmful germs as part
of a curative process as his vital force strengthened.
II. Old Case:
For a patient who has undergone homeopathic treatment for a
By this logic, Paterson was able to map out the relationships between
while and is no longer responding satisfactorily, a study can be
the specific non-lactose fermenting bacteria that had increased in the
made of their clinical history and the nosode associated with most
patient's stool to the remedies that had been administered. In this way,
of the effective remedies administered may be given. Even if there
each one of the Bowel Nosodes were assigned associated remedies
is no movement in the case after the nosode, the patient's
arising from clinical experience, removing the need for homeopathic
response to subsequent remedies will be more beneficial.
practitioners to have the stool samples of their patients examined.

The remedies associated with each bowel nosode are listed with the
description of each one of these remedies below.

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Warnings The Remedies
Listed below are descriptions of the
1. Never Mix Bowel Nosodes major Bowel Nosodes with a mind map
2. Don't repeat a Bowel Nosode
and description for each one. The
within three months
associated polychrests for each nosode
3. Don't give a Bowel Nosode
when the stool count for non- are listed on the mind maps.
lactose fermenting bacteria is
They are as follows:
50% or higher and rising
I. Morgan Pure
These are deep-acting remedies that II. Morgan Gaertner
alter the homoeostasis of the patients III. Gaertner
digestive metabolism, with all that that
IV. Proteus
entails for the assimilation of food,
V. Sycotic Co.
allergic reactions and flow of essential
nutrients to the body. A nosode should not be repeated within three VI. Dysentry Co.

months to allow for it to act. If a remedy is necessary give one from the
group of medicines associated with the nosode. Similarly, mixing the The “Minor” Bowel Nosodes of B. No 7, No. 10, Faecalis and Mutable are
nosodes can be too much change for the body to handle and may outside of the remit of this project in this version, being little prescribed
produce severe reactions, particularly when there is challenging and mostly of historical interest.
pathology present.

In the case where the stool count of non-lactose fermenting bacteria is

over 50% and rising, the patient is actually getting better on the existing
treatment and no additional remedies are required.

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Enterobacteriacae Moganella outstanding action is on the skin. It is
morganii famous for Dry, itching, hot, red, raw
and irritating skin conditions such as
Moran Pure is Bach's original
“Morgan” group of intestinal flora re- Morgan Pure acne, boils, psoriasis and excema
together with dry, weeping cracks and
named “pure” by Patterson to
“Congestion” fissures. Their skin is sensitive
differentiate it from “Morgan
especially to the sun and from
Gaertner”, which he developed as a
wearing wool. Once can see why the
sub-group of Bach's original Morgan
leading remedy associated with this
Co. It is one of the most frequently
nosode is Sulphur.
prescribed of the Bowel Nosodes
reflecting that bacteria from the From congestion there is sudden
Morgan group are the most numerous in most stool samples. explosion in the form of bilious attacks, the hot flashes of the
menopause and the violent pains of renal colic and calculi. They are also
On a mental level there is gloomy introspection with great anxiety about
prone to attacks of Jaundice, heartburn and burning pains in the stomach
health, depression that can extend
and throat. Kidney stones are a big indication for this remedy.
to a suicidal disposition (by
jumping) with the paradox of Their circulation is sluggish & congested, with high blood pressure,
desiring to be alone despite being varicose veins & ulcers and easy bruising.
anxious and fearful while being so.
Female symtoms include poils and polyps of the vulva, vagina and anus
Hence it's appearance the rubric
leading to painful coition. They get offensive, corrosive Leuchorrhea in
“MIND FEAR alone, of being company, with aversion to, yet fears to be
green, brown or yellow hues.
alone”. They can't stop thinking about their diseases and will let you know
how much they are suffering and that you should be suffering along with The picture is congested and irritable, with so many “-itis” conditions of

them. They are insomniacs who must have total darkness to sleep, to the the air passages in the head and chest, genito-urinary tract, skin and

point of wearing blindfolds. mucous membranes. They get bronchitis and Pneumonia – one indication
for this remedy is NBWS Pneumonia or protracted convalescence.
Congestion and Explosiveness are keynotes of Morgan Pure and its

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Morgan Gaertner is closely related to urticarial eruptions on their
the Lycopodium state – a bilious extremities.
remedy acerbic and irritable with
much criticism and nit-picking. They Morgan Gaertner Gastrointestinally, they are more
prone to diarrhoea than
are critical and censorious with a “Irritation” constipation, which they get from
short temper, jealous and
Pissed off emotional excitement and there is
apprehensive. Their sleep is disturbed
the signature extreme, smelly
by night terrors which make them cry
flatulence which causes
out. They are nervous nail biters who,
uncomfortable distension. They
in extreme states experience nervous
have hard, dry stool in constipation
and can get itchy, painful haemmorrhoids.
They fear crowds, like many of the Bowel Nosode pictures, and suffer
The keynote “irritation” extends to dozens of “-itis” conditions of the
from claustrophobia. Like their temperament, they have a bitter taste in
mouths & gums, digestive tract, urinary tract, eyes, ears and extremities.
their mouths.
This really is a very irritated remedy.
As a “pissed off” remedy, it's no surprise that one of
They have heart and circulation issues to go with the
it's primary actions is on the urinary tract. This
mental stress. Heart enlargement with tightness of
bacteria is found in the stool of those who have
the chest extending to the left arm in a classic angina-
suffered renal colic or kidney stones and this
like syndrome. They are woken by palpitaitons in the
symptom is one of its chief indicators. They have
night which they have to move about, fart and burp to
frequent micturation and Enuresis.
Their skin issues are dryer than Morgan Pure with
Finally, they have stiffness and pain in the joints of
flaky skin, psoriasis and dry cracks in the corners of
their extremities in rheumatic and arthritic-type
their mouths and ears. They have herpetic and

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The Salmonella bacterium, food in the form of Anorexia
associated with food poisoning, Nervosa. Overall, there is the
Typhoid, gastroenteritis and in tendency to malignancy with
humans and animals.
Gaertner possible prognosis of tumours in
Also known as the "The Childrens
Bowel Nosode". Nervy, thin, “Nutrition” Their food sensitivities may cause
precocious children with fair hair, blue Children's Nosode them to purge in the form of
eyes, freckles and long eyelashes. projectile vomiting or attacks of
They have overactive minds and acidosis in the digestive tract,
undernourished bodies with poor leading to headaches cause by
muscular development. (Phos, Silica). overacidity.
They are curious and eager to please,
All of these food assimilation issues ensure that the body is not getting
fearful of being on their own and lacking in vital heat, taking chills easily
its required nutrients to build a strong and health body and their physical
and their symptoms are worse for cold. Despite this they do not like to be
form is skinny and malnourished as a result. The patient has a lack of
inside stuffy rooms. They may have nervous habits like sucking their
stamina , looks pale and may have dark rings around their eyes.
thumbs, on a blanket or biting their nails. Inability to concentrate (ADD,
Emaciation is an indication for the use of this nosode.
ADHD) They have fears of being alone in the dark and of trying new
things, like unfamiliar foods which may upset. They find it hard to There is a connection between antibiotic damage and Gaertner firstly in
assimilate emotionally as they do physically, being oversensitive to that this nosode treats condition for which antibiotics are routinely given –
reprimand and pessimistic. recurrent ear, nose and throat infections and also because slow recovery
is in the picture and antibiotics contribute to this. Gaertner is the “infection
Of great value for children or adults with food sensitivities and issues with
link-breaker” and also restores the bowel flora to health after being upset
sensitive digestion such as Chrone's disease, colitis, IBS or lactose
by antibiotics. Adults who are slow to recover after being treated
intolerance. They can be hyperactive from food allergies from food
extensively with antibiotics can also need this remedy.
colourings and additives. Wheat and dairy can also aggravate and this
remedy can be useful in cases of Coeliac disease or lactose intolerance. Gaertner has a desire for oatmeal. Not only is this a herbal remedy for
Fats also cause trouble along with sugars (Ketosis). They can be flatulent their overactive nerves (Avena Sativa) but the nutrients in oats are
and their diarrhoea can contain mucous and blood (phos, merc). This can prebiotics which feed the healthier Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium
alternate with constipation. Older children may manifest these issues with bowel flora species.

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The digestion is very sensitive and
Proteus is named after the worse for eating, although overall
shapeshifting sea-god of Greek myth the are better for it. Aggravated by
whose stench was said to be rank. Proteus wine and eggs but unusually,
ameliorated by neat whiskey.
Besides being worse for storms and “Brain Storm”
Photosensitivity to UV light is
sun, the proteus remedy has a strong Angry adrenaline
interesting, since UV light is used to
connection with the sea in its
kill pathogenic bacteria in some
connection with chlorite metabolism
water purifiers. This remedy is
and the remedy Natrum Muriaticum,
associated with prolonged nerve
or sodium chloride.
strain leading to a susceptibility to febrile and convulsive conditions.
Shapesifting is a good metaphor for hysteria, a trait this remedy has in
The person is "stressed out" to the point of dizziness and indeed there is
spades. With Proteus, sudden onset is the keynote. It is a violent,
an increase in number of the Proteus bacterium in the gut when a person
aggressive, spasmodic remedy with cramps, tantrums and attacks of
undergoes a stressful situation.
convulsions overwhelming the nervous system from the metabolism.
One of the functions of salt in the cells is the transmission of nervous
The patient is closed and uncommunicative, with stubbornness and fixed
electricity which comes in sudden flashes of communication around the
ideas, hence the relationship with the Muriaticum remedies. The have a
body. The suddenness, association with salt and < for storms are
delusion of importance and may fly off the handle if questioned or
connected in this way and underline all the suddenness and intensity of
opposed even to the point of violence.
the physical and mental symptoms.
It has an affinity with the kidneys (the adrenal fear and sudden anger)
This stressed out state uses a huge amount of energy and this remedy
and their role in chloride metabolism (muriaticum). Not only do Proteus
has a large appetite and is ameliorated by eating. Proteus craves what
have the symptoms of active adrenals: fear, stress, anger - a "fight of
aggravates it, especially eggs & meats. If they give in to their craving for
flight" response but this remedy is also known for its kidney and urinary
beer & wine they pay for it with dire hangovers. The craving-aversion-
tract infections.
desire cycle is a keynote of Proteus.

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Diplococcus bacteria, like consequences of their appearance
gonorrhoea, with strong affinities to on their social standing. Sycotic Co.
the mucous membranes and the patients tend to be fat and flabby
sycotic miasm. Like Gonorrhoea, Sycotic Co. compared to the skinny Gaertner.
infection with this bacterium results in They have the Sycotic ailments
states of chronic catarrh, placing it from anticipation.
Chronic Catarrh
firmly in the province of the Sycotic
Sycotic co is characterised by
Miasm, just as Bach had associated
catarrhal, irritated conditions of the
Morgan and all its skin conditions with
genito-urinary tract, lungs and
the Psoric Miasm. Patterson
gastrointestinal problems of acidity
successfully used Sycotic Co. to treat the Gonorrhoea of US GI's
and diarrhoea. The mucous is thick, green and copious and effects the
stationed in Britain during World War 2 as a sort of “alternative
throat, sinuses and lungs, where they may also be asthmatic. Meningitis,
as a swollen, irritated and angry conditions may call for this remedy.
Patients who fit the picture
There are lots of irritated reactions to food and airborne allergens. They
of this remedy are beset
have irritated conditions, especially of the genitourinary tract and the
with all sorts of fears. Of
mucous membranes of the head and lungs.
the dark, being alone and
They get diarrhoea with prolapsed rectums, acid conditions, headaches
of dogs. There are
and vomit with digestive problems and emotional excitement. They may
convulsions and epilepsy
have IBS
in the picture. They are
nervous, twitchy and These are cold, sensitive pale patients with greasy skin, warts and herpes
irritable but attempt to hide all of this as they have the sycotic keynote who are worse for cold, damp conditions yet ameliorated by the seaside.
“fear of obscurity”. They wish to be noticed and approved of. This is unlike Unlike Medhorrinum, they are averse to and aggravated by oranges. They
Gaertner who is openly nervous and fearful with little thought as to the also have strong issues with eggs.

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These are nervous, fearful and very air.
hurried patients who fear everyting
Main physical complaints centre
they do is wrong and is about to go
wrong. They fear disaster in the future Dysentry Co. around the nerves, heart,
circulation and digestion. The feel
and this puts them in a perpetually
“Apprehension” their tension in the epigastrium, they
hightly-strung state of fluster which
The Heart Nosode tremble, perspire, vomit, get
precipitates chiefly in stomach and
heart complaints. It is the “heart diarrhoea, urinate and break out in

nosode” rashes from their excitement. They

get sinking and electric shock
The keynote "apprehension" is further
towards terror on the fear spectrum.
They have the usual bowel nosode complaints of the skin and digestive
They are hypersensitive to criticism and are beset with all sorts of
tract, tending towards diarrhoea and ulcers. Their skin cracks split, re-
nervous tics, twitches and fidgeting symptoms in their highly-strung
heal and split open again. They get blinding headaches, nosebleeds and
state. They blush easily. They are panicky and everything seems to be an
ordeal for them. They are afraid of going out, yet have claustrophobia,
leading to the tubercular symptom of wanting to go out and wishing they It is the affinity for the heart which stand out however with ailments from
were at home when they are. They are tense, restless, dizzy and stress in the form of palpitations, tachycardia and pounding heartbeats.
extremely busy. They blush and stammer. It is a good remedy for There is a characteristic fluttering sensations in both the heart and
postnatal depression, being a picture easily thrown into weariness and stomach.
depression with much weeping. The blend between Ars, Arg-nit and Tuberculinum symptoms is well
They cry to release the effects of bad news and are averse to marked here, along with the arsenicum nervous chilliness and
consolation. They like to spend a lot of time in bed recuperating from the amelioration from fresh air.
stresses they experience. They are ameliorated for heat and for the open

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The Bowel Nosodes were developed One the one hand, conventional
amid the backdrop of the heyday of medicine seeks to obliterate all
Antibiotics. Conventional medicine bacteria in a sick person in the hope
had conquered disease and the future
was bright. Homeopathy languished
Afterword of killing a select pathogenic few
and on the other hand, vaccines
as a result for a number of decades Lacs, Probiotics, Antibiotics and Autism inject those same bacteria directly
before reinventing itself outside of the into our bloodstreams, in systems of
confines of the more conventional the body that are less able to cope
model of disease treatment. with that kind of intervention.
The irony is that it was the influence The results are a modern blooming
of the brave new frontier of medical of digestive and assimilative
microbiotics that brought the Bowel disorders, allergies and intolerances
Nosodes into Homeopathy, yet it is only in latter years that they have of all kinds with their concomitant systemic and behavioural symptoms.
come into their own as potential remedies for the very damage that that Sound familiar? That's because you've been reading about them in the
movement within conventional medicine has done to the intestinal flora of remedy pictures listed above. In the Bowel nosodes we have important
an antibiotic-using population. The bacteria have “won” a war that they tools to address the imbalances that we have created by our
did not start and modern biology is starting to realise that it has ultimately misunderstanding of what role bacteria have to play in our health.
been a war with ourselves. What are animals other than masses of
When a child is born, her bowel is quickly populated by E.coli and other
cooperating bacteria?
non-lactose fermenting bacteria picked up by the child's journey through
Bacteria outnumber our living cells by a factor of ten to one within our her mother's vagina. The first “probiotics” that we naturally receive are the
own bodies in symbiotic relationships built on trends started in nature species Bifidobacterium which is ingested with breast milk, from which the
eons before the arrival of mammals. They renew themselves at a rate of remedy Lac Humanum is made. These aid digestion, reduce allergic
reproduction measured in minutes rather than years, giving them reactions and can even prevent tumour growth. From Cow's milk, cheese
unparalleled capacity for adaptation to changing environments. Small and fermented foods such as yoghurt, sauerkraut, miso soup, kombucha,
wonder that the common theme for remedies made from bacteria is kefir and pickles we get the species Lactobacillus. These bacteria further
restlessness. Due to this fecundity we have antibiotic resistant diseases aid digestion by breaking down lactose (milk sugar) and proteins, create
proliferating, exemplified in modern Ireland by MRSA, a condition both digestive enzymes and limit the range of Ph within the gut, making it
created and encouraged by antibiotics, the wonder drugs which the inhospitable for pathogenic species, yeasts and other parasites. The
bacteria kingdom has taken in its stride. process that begins with mothers' milk and continues with a healthy diet

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brings our gut flora to a intolerances, cravings and
healthy balanced state, not allergies.
too acidic, and with an
The lack of adequate
ecosystem that works
nutrition and release of
symbiotically with our
toxins leads to primal
nutritive needs making the
behavioural states of fear,
body more efficient,
stress, anger and nervous
nourished and resistant to
tension; all expressed in the
remedy pictures above.
The use of formula and
In practice Morgan Pure
cow's milk with babies
follows well from Lac
breaks that cycle. It is further
Humanum. This makes
damaged by the heavy use
sense from the perspective
of antibiotics early in life.
of the bowel flora and its
The non-lactose fermenting
process of development
bacteria become dominant,
from birth. The connection
creating their own more
between the bowel
acidic, congested
nosodes, the Lac remedies
environment, hampering the
and remedies made from the substances involved in nutrition, such as
assimilation of nutrients, congesting the gut and creating a septic
Lactic Acid, Saccharinum Officinarum and other sugars is a topic that
environment much more favourable to yeasts and parasites such as
deserves further research..
worms (Many of the Bowel Nosodes listed above have worms in their
picture). They can even penetrate the gut wall, causing the spread of Finally, reflecting some of the remedy pictures above that have short
toxins to other systems of the body, compromising the overall immunity. attention spans, hyperactivity or are fearful and introspective. It has been
found conclusively that the bowel flora of autistic spectrum, hyperactive
The pictures of the Bowel nosode remedies reflect this influence of non-
and ADD/HD children consistently show a higher percentage of non-
lactose fermenting bacteria on human health and the systemic impact of
lactose fermenting bacteria. The Bowel nosodes may well assist us in the
impaired assimilation of food. Acidity in digestion with its attendant ulcers,
treatment of these conditions that are on the rise in modern society which
headaches and bilious attacks. Eruptions and warts on the skin of the
in turn are connected, albeit controversially, with both antibiotics and
extremities. Vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation and a whole host of food

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Synoptic Materia Medica 2 Franz Wikipedia References
Vermeulen, Emryss, Haarlem, 2003
Monera – Kingdom Bacteria and References Anaerobic organism,
Viruses, Vol 1. Franz Vermeulen,
Books, Journals, Web Resources Bifidobacterium, Biotin, Diabetes
Emryss, Haarlem, 2005
mellitus, Escherichia coli,
A Treatise on the Bowel Nosodes. Fructooligosaccharide, Lactic Acid,
Dr. Y.R. Agrawal, Vijay Publications, Lactic Acid Bacteria,
Delhi, 2003 Lactobacillales, Lactobacillus
acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei,
The Bowel Nosodes. Dr. John
Lactose, Probiotic, Proteus
Paterson. B.Jain, Delhi 1998
(Bacterium), Salmonella, Salmonella Enterica, Vitamin K, Gut Flora
Remedy Notes 2. John Wallace, SrP Press, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, UK,
Bifidobacteria: their significance in human intestinal health
Ishibashi N, Yaeshima T and Hayasawa H. Morinaga Milk Industry Co.
The Bowel Nosodes: A group of neglected remedies. Ai-ling
Ltd., Nutritional Science Laboratory, 5-1-83, Higashihara, Zama-City,
Makewell., August 2006
Kanagawa, 228-8583, Japan

Bowel Nosodes, My Clinical Experiences Ai-ling Makewell, Lac Maternum or Lac Humanum … How do We Choose? Patricia, August 2006 Hatherly, Homoeopathic Links 2007; 20:63-67
Mark O'Sullivan, Homeopath
Gut and Psychology Syndrome: Natural Treatment for
This Project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-
Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD. Medinform Publishing, 2004

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