10SSA 2.0 Manual-Relationship Game

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Note: You must have already gone through the 10SSA 2.0 manual in order to use
this guide.

So you finally found the perfect girl and youre thinking this could be it but
youre also a little worried about blowing it. Well never fear, we at Mehow Inc
have you covered, were going to outline the most important parts of maintaining
a healthy relationship.

1) The Game Changes

Firstly the rules that won you the game arent necessarily the rules that
allow you to maintain your relationship. The steps Pick-Up uses are more
about getting her into bed, which is the first step in a relationship.

Before sex girls are trying to work out if they should sleep with you, after
they are thinking of reasons why it was a good idea. Rationalization at its

So now the time to play games has stopped (to a certain degree), its
about continuing a fun, emotionally charged and sexually exciting
connection between the two of you.

If you are a kind guy at the start most women will assume this behavior is
because you want something rather then because its who you are, this is
why we break rapport and disqualify ourselves as a suitor.

However, after the relationship is established its important to be kind to
her but still tease her and keep her emotionally stimulated.

One interesting thing that we see with 10SSA is that women will start to
run it naturally back to you in a relationship which keeps things fun and
fresh often.

2) Handling Bad Behaviour

Much like in the pick up itself there will be moments that contain good
and bad behavior from her. You need to get the dynamic of your
relationship set up early on, this is mostly done by the implicit
communication (see No Strings Attached bonus) but also by how you
respond to her behavior when she is with you. If you allow bad behavior
in your relationship itll become a norm, leaving you frustrated.

Copyright 2013 Mehow, Inc. www.mehow.tv, Mehow, Inc Confidential and
10SSA Relationship Game www.10secondattraction.com

Most men when they get non compliance (she wont kiss him etc.) will
just start to get all logical on the woman and say stuff like, Baby, we are
*together* so you should kiss me. So their answer is to get logical and
give her logical reasons why she should give compliance. I dont have to
tell you that this doesnt work. You know this already. It has happened to
you. You asked again and again and she said NO again and again.
Getting logical does not help your purpose for many reasons.

Women do not respond to logic. They respond to emotional stimulation.
Logic forces her to think in a way that is foreign to her, which makes her
believe she is doing the wrong thing. It suppresses her emotions. It would
be similar to a man abandoning logic and trusting only his emotions to
make a decision. This would be a foreign mental state, bringing questions
into the decision.

By becoming logical, you are communicating your neediness, which
instantly lowers your attraction. When you need her, you are expressing
that you have lower social value than her, which makes you less
attractive. Lower attraction creates lower compliance creating lower
attraction, etc.

Handling non compliance in a logical way frequently creates a situation
that we call negative compliance momentum. This means one person in
the relationship is used to saying NO to the other person. She says NO,
you ask again. She says NO, you get mad at her. She says NO some more.
Unchecked, that momentum builds and builds until attraction in these
situations dies on both sides and then the relationship dies. Remember
that compliance equals attraction, so the less of one you have the less you
have of the other.

So to keep her you have to keep her complying with you!

Inevitably she wont always do what you want her to. She will say NO
sometimes. My wild guess is that not knowing how to handle this
situation is the cause of 80% of all arguments in relationships. And once
enough arguing and noncompliance occurs the relationship can easily

So what do you do?

Dont get logical on her or ask again or, even worse, start an argument
over her inevitable non compliance. Doing these things makes no logical

Copyright 2013 Mehow, Inc. www.mehow.tv, Mehow, Inc Confidential and
10SSA Relationship Game www.10secondattraction.com

sense as if you got this far with her in the relationship she probably isnt
complying because she is not into you. She isnt complying because of
some unrelated emotional factor and/or how she feels about you at that

Women in relationships, regardless of what the stage of the relationship
is, only comply if their emotions towards you are positive. The logic of the
situation has nothing to do with it! Many of my students who (now) know
how to pick up a girl will just go back to being their logical selves in the
relationship once they think they got her.

The answer is you treat the emotional side of the problem like you would
any physical IOD in the seduction phase during the initial pickup. She
does something you dont like, you simply stay happy and self amused
and IOD her back subtly and non-reactively by ignoring the bad behavior
by getting distracted with anything like your cell phone, work, making tea,
watching a movie.

Later when her state is high, thats when you have a logical conversation
with her about whats bothering you. A perfect time is right after you just
gave her a good sexual experience. Then you can say stuff like, baby, I
really dont like it when youre late to thing we setup together constantly.
Can you work on that for me? Shell usually say, Yes then but No if
you try and fix this problem when it happens on the spot.

Theres a big difference in long term relationship longevity from getting a
ton of Yess vs. a ton of NOs.

3) Qualification Elements Never Stop

No matter how long you and her have been together you never really stop
giving each other IOIs for compliance. Rewarding the things she does for
you is very important in a relationship.

If you dont do it she will feel you dont care about her, or are taking her
for granted, this is where the drama starts to develop. Let her know when
shes doing something you like, shell usually do more of it when you
mention you like it which is an added bonus.

The twist here is that this dynamic works both ways so make sure you
know what she likes and take care of her too.

4) SOIs In The Relationship

Copyright 2013 Mehow, Inc. www.mehow.tv, Mehow, Inc Confidential and
10SSA Relationship Game www.10secondattraction.com

Statement of interest or intent has phases, much like a normal pick up
where youll have lighter SOIs (Im going to abuse you for at least
another 5 minutes.) to more direct ones (Did you guys come here
together? Because youre leaving alone.) So does a relationship, examples
of SOIs in increasing order:

Im fond of you.
Im falling in like with you.
I miss you when you arent around.
I love you.

Obviously these are stated over a much larger period of time, if you are
accelerating the relationship it will be over weeks, if not then months.

5) Maintain Your Own World Reality

Relationships are very symbiotic, what I mean by that is there will come a
time when you and her share very similar emotions or are so intertwined
that you will easily be able to have her bad moods pull you down and vice

Quickly after this you stop making decisions based on what you want but
on what you both want. This leads to a situation where you no longer
seem like the dominant attractive male specimen you once were.

The rule here is quite simple, keep your own priorities sacred and
compromise on the rest. Just purely leading her through activities isnt
going to cut it, and just being non-reactive makes it seem like you dont
care. Select a set of things that are a priority in your life (ideally things
that she doesnt have a big problem with) and dont compromise on those

The ideal world lies in between, you have to create a shared world
between you and her, this should be filled with jokes you only share with
each other (call back humor), nicknames and a personal life that others
only get a glimpse into. But this ideal world of in-between requires that
there are separate personalities to join.

6) Meeting Her Friends & Family

This is an important step as most girls like their friends and families to
like you. It isnt important in all cases, but I notice that in my past

Copyright 2013 Mehow, Inc. www.mehow.tv, Mehow, Inc Confidential and
10SSA Relationship Game www.10secondattraction.com

relationships the fact that her friends loved me validated her choice in me
and made her extremely happy and dare I say she loved me more because
of it.

Luckily all of the 10SSA sound bites (minus sexual and edge) work just as
well on her female friends and family as they do with her. For guy friends
its just about being genuine with them as long as they are cool to you.

Follow the above guidelines and you should be set.

Copyright 2013 Mehow, Inc. www.mehow.tv, Mehow, Inc Confidential and
10SSA Relationship Game www.10secondattraction.com

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