Siemens Microwave Network

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M.Alberti, M.Bernini, M.Frassetto

Siemens Networks S.p.A. - Cassina de' Pecchi (MI), Italy

Abstract: Starting from the birth of NetViewer, the Siemens EMS for microwave radio
equipment, a lot of choices were taken and a lot of changes were performed to make the
product more effective and powerful, accordingly to the changes of the network scenario
in which it operates. The core of the paper concerns the experiences collected during the
development of this product, the problems encountered, the solutions applied to face
them and the reasons for some choices. Little space is reserved to technical details and
theory, only when they give significant clarification about an issue, or when they explain
the reason of the choice. Copyright Siemens Networks S.p.A. 2007.
Keywords: Management systems, Information Technology, Network topologies,
Communication networks, Communication protocols, Telecommunication.


The rapid expansion of the mobile access networks,

occurred in the middle of the nineties and still in
progress today, has changed the characteristics of the
networks implemented by microwave equipment.

microwave radio links; on the other hand these

devices became cheaper and sometimes simpler, also
from the management point of view, than the trunk
radio equipment.

Previously the microwave networks was composed

mainly by trunk links, implemented for example by
high capacity SDH radio devices. A typical usage of
microwave equipment was to complete the fiberbased transport networks, where fiber backbones had
to be protected with links based on different
technology for security reasons or where fiber was
not suitable: e.g. islands to be connected or areas
where it was difficult to dig to deploy cables.

This change had a strong impact also on the

microwave management systems. Previously the
EMSs were designed to be able to manage hundreds
of quite complex NEs: for SDH equipment this
complexity was due to a complex management
protocol (OSI) and a huge information model
(CMIP), in addition to the intrinsic complexity of the
trunk SDH equipment and their large number of
configurations. These EMSs were normally based on
UNIX and often were tailored for a given (and
generally very expensive) HW configuration.

In the nineties, this scenario changed: the fixed

microwave radio networks started to be used in
mobile networks (see Fig. 1). In fact the microwave
radio links, mainly PDH, provides a convenient
solution to reduce investments for infrastructures for
base station interconnections, with respect to wired
connection. Reasons for that are the lower cost
respect other solutions, short time needed for their
deployment and their simplicity in changing or
expanding the network structure.

Anyway, the SDH microwave radio equipment was

quite expensive and its EMSs could be expensive too!
Finally, it was quite normal to have different
management systems for different technologies: the
user of a management system was typically an expert
of a particular technology and he appreciated
complex EMSs able to manage every aspect of the
Networks. For these reasons the integrations between
different EMSs were possible, but generally not

These networks increased more and more and now

they are normally composed by a large number of

Towards Core Network

Collector RAN




perform preventive maintenance, in order to forecast

possible failures, analyzing the trend of equipment
performance data. To support the preventive
maintenance tools, EMSs are required to be able to
collect and store, in an efficient way, a large amount
of data, depending on the large number of devices to
keep under control.


Also the collection of the physical inventory data is

important in this scenario: due to the high number of
NEs installed, it is a real advantage to have online the
exact situation of equipment on field and their cards
in order to properly manage spare parts, swaps, etc.


Peripheral RAN
Access PDH MW



Fig. 1. Microwave radio links usage in mobile

networks: a typical scenario.
In the new scenario, the EMSs have to manage
thousands of NEs, simpler than the previous ones: the
simplicity was due to a simpler management protocol
(OSI was abandoned in favor of TCP/IP based
protocols) and a simpler information model (i.e.
SNMP MIB), in addition to the intrinsic simplicity of
PDH 1+0 or 1+1 equipment with respect to the SDH
radio trunk radios. These microwave equipment are
cheaper than the SDH trunk and also their
management system has to be cheaper too! It is
mandatory to keep low the cost of the HW, the cost of
the operative system and to reduce the time for the
system installation and maintenance: in this context
Microsoft Windows becomes a valid option as host
operative system, and also the possibility to use
standard HW becomes a strong advantage.
Referring to the mobile scenario with simple NEs,
the main target of a microwave management system
is to easily and quickly detect the failure of a link
(fault management [FM]): in fact, a radio link can be
roughly modeled as a wire in the air with two
states: working and alarmed: considering an
integration path of a new equipment in a management
system, as a first step performing an effective FM is
enough, as normally a mobile operator is mainly
focused on the Radio Access Network [RAN]
equipment and their management (see Fig. 1). On the
other hand, the configuration management of these
devices is less important than in the scenario of
transport network: the provisioning is usually simpler
and seldom, after the first installation, configurations
changes are required.
The performance statistics collection becomes
important when the network operator wants to

In this scenario the possibility of the integration of the

microwave EMS in the RAN EMS is very
appreciated; the RAN EMSs become the entry point
for the management of the whole network and in this
case the information about the relation between, for
example, a BTS and its MW link has to be provided;
nevertheless, there are some networks operators who
prefer to maintain the RAN and the MW management
separated, and where it occurs, normally the
responsibility for the different technologies is in
charge of different management teams.
In addition to the integration to the RAN EMS, it is
often mandatory to integrate an EMS in a set of
Operation Systems and Software [OSSs] performing a
particular management task for all the network
entities (for example: performance management) or in
a upper layer Network Management System [NMS]:
for this reason the availability in the EMS of standard
and easy-to-use northbound interfaces is nowadays
Last, but not least, it is not unusual for an equipment
manufacturer to resell third party equipment: for this
reason the possibility for the EMS to easily integrate
equipment not especially designed for it is a real
advantage over the competitors.
Finally, it is quite clear that the scenario is very
various and complex, so for a manufacturer the
availability of a flexible microwave EMS that is
adaptable to different situations is a real advantage.


2.1 NetViewer initial stages

NetViewer, the Siemens EMS for microwave radio
equipment, appears in the second half of the nineties.
The first version of NetViewer was a very simple
management product: it was a monolithic SW running
on a Wintel PC with low-end operative systems
(Windows 95 or NT workstation). It appeared as a
simple evolution of the Local Craft Terminal [LCT],
with the difference that it was able to connect
remotely a few dozens of Network Elements at the
same time instead of the co-located one only. In

addition a very limited network view (map view) was

The features implemented were the typical feature of
LCTs, i.e. it was possible to focus to a single NE
reading its alarms, configuring it completely via the
graphical user interface [GUI] and retrieving its
measurement data. No database was present; data
were stored only in RAM and they were intended to
be displayed only in the integrated GUI.
This first release of NetViewer was enough, as a first
step, to manage small networks of simple PDH
microwave equipment, which were in that time under
installation to support the emergent mobile radio
networks. But it was not possible to automatically
collect and save in a persistent storage the
performance data, the alarm records and the events
describing what occurred in the network: these
limitations became very soon no more acceptable.

An upper layer adaptation module can be mounted on

the top of NetViewer server to export data to upper
layer OSSs and NMSs. This module is described at
the end of the article.
Single server and multi server installation. The need
to manage large networks led to the definition of a
server to sub-server hierarchical structure (see Fig. 2).
The network can be divided in sub-networks, which
contain a part of the entire set of NEs; a main server
connects all the sub-servers, and gives a vision of the
system as a whole. The operator can manage the
entire network connecting to the main server, or only
a region connecting to the relative subserver.
NetViewer systems can manage small and medium
networks up to 2000 NEs, where multi-server
installations cover large networks, up to 8600 NEs.

It was the beginning of an evolution path which, at

the end, would have given to NetViewer the classic
functionalities of a management system, with
distinctive solutions in same cases.

2.2 NetViewer architecture

The Siemens Element Management System [EMS]
product NetViewer Suite provides convenient solution
for the problem of NE Operating & Maintenance
NetViewer covers the usual management areas for an
EMS: Fault, Performance, Configuration and Security
Management on the network elements. It is based on
client-server architecture. The server is always
connected to the NEs in order to collect and save in a
persistent storage the information collected from the
network. It is logically structured in two layers: a core
layer and a modular adaptation layer (described
further in the article) to adapt the different
management protocol towards the NE.
The NetViewer operators access the system via
NetViewer client that connects to the server and
displays the requested information in graphical
screens. More than one NetViewer GUIs could
connect to the same server, so it is possible to have
different operators in the same networks at the same
responsibilities and tasks.
A relational database (currently Microsoft MS SQL
Server) is used to make persistent the data collected
by NetViewer and to make them available also to
other systems.

Main Server


The following paragraphs briefly describe the actual

NetViewer system, focusing on the distinctive
solutions and explaining the reasons behind them.




Fig. 2. Main server and sub-server concept in


2.3 Platform and update process

The continuous cost decrease of the microwave radio
equipment forces the management systems designers
keeping low the costs of these products in the same
way. This requirement has led to some key choices in
NetViewer Suite development:
The product is based on Windows platform that
guarantee low hardware costs, widespread
familiarity about its man-machine interface,
simple integration and maintenance of other tool
based on the same platform: this means low
Total Cost of Ownership [TCO].
There are no fees to pay for included third party
libraries or components, because only royalty
free open source software is used. On the other
hand, this choice allows also using already
development from scratch.
The man-machine interaction is based mainly on
a graphical user interface and not on a command
line interface, so it is simpler to use for an
operator, which therefore can be operative in
shorter time.
The use of well-known platform for NetViewer
deployment gives to the customer the possibility,
when there is the need, to customize the installation
of the product and sometimes to add to the system
some functionalities developed by its own. An

example is the DTS technology, which allows to

easily elaborate and process the data extracted from
the Microsoft SQL server database: in principle every
customer could develop this type of tools according to
his needs, as the database schema is public and well
documented and the necessary tools are available as
part of the database bundle.
The NetViewer hardware and software platforms are
subject to a continuous process of technological
modernization: the aim is to provide compatibility
with the emerging platforms and to achieve the
required performance growth. This process is
necessary because the size of the managed networks
continually increase, together with the amount of data
to be processed.
On the other hand, the activities and the development
plans, which has the purpose of maintaining our
products always at the top of technology, have also
some drawbacks. The usage of most recent products
and development platforms can take advantages, but
also some possible problems:
some of the involved technologies can be not
completely mature (bugs, instabilities);
need of frequent updates, during development
phase, may cause waste of time;
lack of documentation or use cases;
possible incompatibility between products or
platforms, with the relative solution still not yet
provided by the vendors.
All these problems require a constant effort of study
to state the right moment for the introduction of a new
technology and for the minimization of the possible

2.4 The use of TCP/IP protocol stack

One of the most important choices in the NetViewer
project was the decision to use management protocols
based on the TCP/IP protocol stack instead of
protocols based on OSI stack. It has been possible
because in 1995 we started developing PDH
microwave equipment implementing this protocol
stack; nowadays it seems quite common for a PDH
equipment to implement a TCP based protocol, but in
the middle of nineties, when words like TCP or
internet was known only by IT experts, this choice
was uncommon and long-sighted.
The choice of TCP stack allowed simplifying the
manager implementation, not requiring the
implementation of the heavy OSI protocol stack and
taking advantage of the fact that the TCP/IP protocol
stack was included and ready to be used in the
operative systems hosting NetViewer.

2.5 Management protocols: the choice of the

applicative layer
Adherence to standards often is considered as a must,
but sometimes proprietary solutions have significant
advantages: it is the case of TNMP, the applicative
management protocol implemented in SIEMENS
microwave equipment. The TNMP (Trivial Network
Management Protocol) is similar to SNMP, but it is
much simpler and it is convenient when exchanging
simple data.
The first application of TNMP (based over TCP) was
in a small point-to-point radio device with low
processing capabilities, especially if compared to the
ones available today; in fact in that context the
management protocol simplicity was really a strength.
On the contrary, SNMP requires more resources in
general and the implementation of (relatively)
complex algorithms in order to implement the MIB
structure and the related management. In other words,
TNMP simplicity allowed having simple agents (in
the NEs) and efficient managers supporting high
TNMP message rate.
Another difference between SNMP and TNMP is that
SNMP is normally based on UDP, while TNMP is
based on TCP. The reason of this choice is that TCP
is a connection oriented reliable transport protocol
assuring that messages are correctly delivered if the
connection is active, or that disconnection condition
is detected automatically if connection goes down.
As far as in a radio network the DCN is embedded in
the radio frame, the automatic detection of a
disconnection due to fading is important. Fading can
make NEs temporary unreachable and this situation
has to be correctly managed to maintain EMS and
NEs aligned.
Nevertheless the TNMP protocol has severe
limitations in transporting structured objects (e.g.
tables) and in exchanging massive data, and this
consideration suggested finding alternative solutions
as long as equipment were going to support a number
of new and more complex O&M features.
When a large amount of data must be transferred, for
example in case of NE performance data collection by
the EMS, a mechanism based on file transfer is often
more suitable; for this reason we adopted the solution
to transfer these type of data as a structured XML file
transported via FTP.
Another solution to deal with more complex MIB is
the use SNMPv2/UDP protocol stack (adopted for
example in the Siemens fixed WiMAX BS): the pros
are the ease to describe structured data and the
diffusion of this protocol; the cons are the complexity
in managing the status of NE unreachable using
UDP that is a non reliable transport protocol.

The plug-in concept in NetViewer is applied at

different levels and some examples of the
implementation of this approach are detailed below.
"Plug-in" for NE specific management. NetViewer
has a data-driven engine, which can load additional
"plug-in" modules that give to the engine the specific
knowledge about the equipment to manage. For each
equipment type supported by NetViewer a plug-in
must be issued; this plug-in is composed by a set of
files of different type for different purposes: for
example, there is an XML file describing the alarms
of the equipment and their filtering rules, another file
describing the data to be displayed in the specific
panels related to that equipment type, etc. The plug-in
provides also the mapping rules to map the NE
specific MIB in the generic NetViewer internal
information model.
The NetViewer internal information model can be
roughly considered as it was in tabular format, very
simple and generic, logically similar to an Excel file
composed by a lot of sheets: one sheet for each
instance of NE and other sheets containing
NetViewer specific information.
The plug-ins are dynamically loaded by the
NetViewer engine and can be released separately
from it; there's no need to wait a new product release
to manage a new equipment type or a new version of
equipment: plug-in solution avoids frequent main
product release migrations and allows reducing the
customer acceptance tests and related costs.
Advantages are:
no wasted time for customers
fast deployment
the "core" part of the product is more reliable,
because generally does not need changes to add
a new plug-in.
"Plug-in" for protocol adaptation. Sometimes it is
necessary to manage via NetViewer a new equipment
type implementing a management protocol not yet
supported by the NetViewer engine: in this case the
specific NE plug-in is not enough, but a protocol
adapter managing the new protocol has to be
developed and deployed to the NetViewer system.
This is possible because the NetViewer server
component is logically divided in two main layers:
the core layer on the top, managing the NetViewer

SNMP Agent


OSS/J Agent


NV Conn.



To "plug" in NetViewer new functionalities via

optional modules is a key concept in our management
system design. The possibility to add a new module
implementing a new feature in the existing system,
with few changes (or none at all), significantly reduce
the effort of developing that new feature and reduce
the time to market giving the possibility to react in a
short time to the changes coming from the customer.

core common functions, and the adaptation layer in

the bottom, that contains the protocol adapter
modules (see Fig. 3). Once added the protocol
support, a specific NE plug-in is necessary anyway.


2.6 Plug-in concept in NetViewer


FEM Northbound Interface


NetViewer Server













Fig. 3. NetViewer overall architecture.

"Plug-in" concept for additional modules. Plug-in

concept is applied also to additional modules which
can be added to the NetViewer Suite. An example is
the addition of optional adaptation modules towards
network managers [NMSs] or other OSSs in general;
these additional components implement the mapping
between NE information base stored in NetViewer
and external managers' information base, usually
based on data structures and operations defined by

2.7 GUI portability and remote GUI launch

The original version of NetViewer GUI was written
in C++ for Windows, which prevents from porting it
on a different operative system.. A major change has
been to develop that GUI in java language, in order to
make the interface portable also in non-Windows
operating systems, with low effort. The aim was also
to simplify the integration of NetViewer in other
systems, for example an upper-layer NMS, because
the NMS operator could launch the NetViewer GUI
in the same O.S. he/she usually works on.
The experience about this point, anyway, revealed
that java porting is not a smooth process, because it
always requires some work to adapt the product to the
new operative system and a lot of tests to guarantee
that it really works. On the other hand, the experience
taught that a widely accepted solution is the remote
GUI launch on the destination operating system, via a
commercial remotization tool as, for example, Citrix
Metaframe. With the usage of such tools it is not

necessary to retest the graphical interface in other

environments than the native one.

2.8 A more recent evolution: the functional model

The more recent growing requests of mobile radio
services led to the increase of the network
complexity: examples are the introduction of traffic
protection, ring topologies, etc. This change drove the
development of the informative model of the product,
from a physical oriented model of the managed radio
devices, to a functional centric one. Functional
modeling provides enhanced support to service
provisioning and makes easier to adhere to standard
reference model such as ITU-T and Tele Management
Forum series.
NetViewer previous releases provided only a physical
modeling (NE, Shelf, Slot and Card). Most recent
versions supports a standard TMF MTNM 608 V2.1
information model including Functional component
(Termination Point [TP], Cross-Connection and
Link). .. ITU-T was discarded because it was too
much complicated and somehow old, in the sense
that TMF MTNM represents its natural evolution.
The 3GPP information model was discarded because
it has been conceived for the modeling of RAN and
UTRAN networks. TMF MTNM / 3GPP adaptation
was considered a good solution to place in field when
3GPP is required at Integration Reference Point.
Basing on the functional model, additional modules
allow NetViewer to provide a Network Layer
function. The key functionalities are:
impact of faults on topological links;
impact of faults on circuits;
Connections, Links, Sub network Connections
and Termination Points;
automatic discovery of transport circuits;
visualization of the Link State between NEs.
Filter capability are available to analyze the
interesting aspects of the network circuits
(Operational State, Subnetwork Alarm State, and
availability of circuit supporting resources).
This recent evolution has been driven also by the
introduction, in Siemens MW portfolio, of the
WiMAX system, along with Ethernet cards on
SDH/PDH equipment. In this modified scenario, still
more importance is related to the provisioning issue,
for example to configure quality of service to be
offered to the end users. The need to configure a endto-end service has as consequence the need to know
and model the entire circuit and all the related objects,
and a higher level informative structure is needed in
order to be able to manage, in a coherent and atomic
manner, the network connections.

Management issues of new IP based equipment have

driven a further evolution of the informative model of
the product including the participation to
standardization process: TMF MTNM and TMF
MTOSI are the most relevant standards.
NE Specific Functional Plug-ins. NetViewer
proprietary model / standard model adaptation is
performed by means of the Functional Element
Manager [FEM] additional module, which is a
component of the NetViewer Suite.
The plug-in oriented solution of NetViewer is
retained in the FEM; it is composed by a core datadriven engine, a number of NE specific plug-ins
(well-defined XML document set) and a RMI / JMS
based north bound interface. Each NE specific plug-in
provide the functional model extension.
NetViewer Suite connectors towards NMSs (or other
OSSs) exchange information with NetViewer core by
means of FEM and its functional plug-in.
NetViewer does not need further information other
than the MIB definition of the specific NE in order to
provide Inventory, FM and PM management on
single NE base. The only correlation supported is the
relation between faults, measurements and
configuration and the NE. TMF MTNM and 3GPP
models foresees more complex relations and object
hierarchy. Ports, Cross-Connection, Measurement
Points, Link, Trails and other are key objects in such
models. FEM adapts the simple physical model of
NetViewer in the target logical one.

2.9 Positioning and interfaces

NetViewer often acts in a multi-actors scenario: in
many case the NetViewer system in not installed as
stand-alone, but it is integrated in other Operations
Systems and Software [OSSs], either standard or
proprietary. In this scenario NetViewer plays the role
of a mediation device between the Siemens
microwave NEs and the higher level OSS (see Fig. 3).
North-bound interfaces. The following north-bound
interfaces are provided with the NetViewer Suite:
SNMP Agent, a real-time northbound interface
implementing the SNMP over UDP/IP
TCOA (TMF CORBA Agent), a real-time
northbound interface implementing the TMF
MTNM 814 V2.1 CORBA Solution Set;
TNMS Core - NetViewer Connector, a TCOA
customized northbound interface enabling the
integration of NetViewer in TNMS Core, the
Siemens Network Manager for Transport
Radio Commander - NetViewer Connector, a
set of products that allow the integration of
NetViewer in Radio Commander, the Siemens
Element Manager for Radio Access Networks;

SPOTS - NetViewer Connector, a suitable

interface (based on XML File Transfer) that
allows SPOTS to manage MW Performance
Measurements (ITU-T and ETSI) and relevant
post-processing. SPOTS is a Siemens product;

technology in the management system using SOAP

Integration activities at the customer premises and
product development and deploy will gain great
benefits from this solution.

All of these interfaces gain advantage from the

common information model.
3.3 Compliance to new standards
The adaptation layer is developed using the J2EE
technology. The open source J2EE application server
JBoss was chosen as framework because it is open
source product and there is a development community
that provides support, share knowledge and manage a
bug repository.

NetViewer integration in OSSs compliant with wellspecified standards and customer requests of
compliance are the main drivers to introduce the
emerging standards solution (i.e.: MTOSI) in the
microwave management system.

Application server JBoss. There are a number of

reasons behind the use of an Application Server:
J2EE is emerging as a middleware to cut
development costs
J2EE is emerging as a standard in order to
achieve independence of applications from
operating systems, DBMS, protocol stacks etc.
J2EE is emerging as a middleware to simplify
interoperability between software applications,
having been originated in the EAI (Enterprise
Application Integration) application framework.
For such reason, it is an optimal starting base for
the development of Open Interfaces.


Marco Alberti
He was born in Milan in 1969 and was graduated in
Electronic Engineering in 1996 (Milan University).
He works for Siemens since 1996 and is responsible
for a TMN SW Development team in the R&D area.
He is in charge of Design, Development and
Integration activities of additional north bound
modules in the NetViewer Suite.


3.1 Post-processing capabilities

Extension of post processing capabilities on collected
data are foreseen, in order to provide better
maintenance tools based on performance statistics. In
this direction, the reporting services of SQL Server
product are under study; the analysis is evaluating the
advantages provided by this environment, concerning
task design, post-processing of stored data, reporting

3.2 Web services and Service Oriented Architecture

Current NetViewer Suite implementation is oriented
to tightly coupled NMS EMS interactions; SNMP
Agent [SMI and MIB], TMF MTNM Agent [Specific
V2.1 IDLs, Naming and Notification Services],
OSS/J Agent (QoS PM API) are RMI/JMS based.
Due to the strongly typed interface used, OS,
framework [i.e.: Vendor ORB] and implementation
languages constitute the main issues to take into
OSS/J and TMF MTOSI introduce the XVT concept
[XML Value Type]; well-defined documents and
content format make possible to decouple the EMS
and NMS applications. Next step to gain a loosely
coupled pattern is to integrate the Web Services

Massimo Bernini
He was born in 1967 and
Electronic Engineering in
1993 at Pavia University.
In 1995 he joined the
Siemens Networks S.p.A.
where currently is in
charge of the architecture
and the development of NetViewer core System.

Michele Frassetto
He was born in 1973 and
Engineering in 1999 at
Padua University; he is a
employee since 2000. He
is senior software architect
of NetViewer core system.

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