ACOG Practice Bulletin No163
ACOG Practice Bulletin No163
ACOG Practice Bulletin No163
clinical management guidelines for obstetrician gynecologists
Aneuploidy is defined as having one or more extra or
missing chromosomes, leading to an unbalanced chromosome number in a cell. Because each chromosome
consists of hundreds of genes, the loss or gain of large
chromosomal segments disrupts significant amounts of
genetic material and often results in a nonviable pregnancy or offspring that may not survive after birth. In the
case of a surviving newborn, congenital birth defects;
failure to thrive; and functional abnormalities, including mild-to-severe intellectual disability, infertility, and
shortened lifespan, may occur.
Committee on Practice BulletinsObstetrics, Committee on Genetics, and Society for MaternalFetal Medicine. This Practice Bulletin was developed by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Practice BulletinsObstetrics, Committee on Genetics, and the Society
for MaternalFetal Medicine in collaboration with Nancy C. Rose, MD and Brian M. Mercer, MD.
The information is designed to aid practitioners in making decisions about appropriate obstetric and gynecologic care. These guidelines should not be
construed as dictating an exclusive course of treatment or procedure. Variations in practice may be warranted based on the needs of the individual patient,
resources, and limitations unique to the institution or type of practice.
births (1). The most common sex chromosome aneuploidy is Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY) with a prevalence of 1 in 500 males. The only viable monosomy is
Turner syndrome (45,X).
Down syndrome is the most common form of inherited intellectual disability, with approximately 6,000
affected infants born in the United States each year. It
is estimated that 95% of cases of Down syndrome result
from nondisjunction involving chromosome 21. The
remaining cases result from translocations or somatic
mosaicism (2). Although the clinical presentation of
Down syndrome can vary, it is associated with characteristic facial features, learning disabilities, congenital
heart defects (eg, atrioventricular canal defects), intestinal atresia, seizures, childhood leukemia, and earlyonset Alzheimer disease. Fetuses affected with Down
syndrome often do not survive pregnancy; between
the first trimester and full term, an estimated 43% of
pregnancies end in miscarriage or stillbirth (3). In economically developed countries, the median survival of
individuals with Down syndrome is now almost 60 years
(4). Factors associated with an increased risk of Down
syndrome include higher maternal age, a parental translocation involving chromosome 21, a previous child with
a trisomy, significant ultrasonographic findings, and a
positive screening test result. After a prenatal diagnosis
is made, prenatal assessment cannot predict the severity
of the complications from Down syndrome.
In general, the process of aneuploidy screening identifies two groups of individuals: 1) those with a positive
screening test result who have an increased risk of having
a fetus with an aneuploidy and 2) those with a negative
screening test result who have a lower posttest probability of the evaluated aneuploidies. Women with a positive screening test result should be counseled regarding
their higher risk of aneuploidy and offered the option of
diagnostic testing. Those who have a negative test result
should be counseled regarding their lower adjusted risk
and their lower residual risk. Women who have a negative screening test result should not be offered additional
screening tests for aneuploidy because this will increase
their potential for a false-positive test result. Even if a
woman has a negative test result, she may choose diagnostic testing later in pregnancy, particularly if additional
findings become evident (eg, fetal anomalies or markers
of aneuploidy identified on follow-up ultrasonography).
Aneuploidy screening or diagnostic testing should be
discussed and offered to all women early in pregnancy,
ideally at the first prenatal visit. The choice of whether
to perform screening or diagnostic testing for aneuploidy
depends on the womans goals and values and her desire
for informational accuracy. Although maternal age may
Age at Term
Risk of Any
Cuckle HS, Wald NJ, Thompson SG. Estimating a womans risk of having a
pregnancy associated with Downs syndrome using her age and serum alphafetoprotein level. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1987;94:387402.
10 0/7 weeks and 13 6/7 weeks of gestation), firsttrimester screening includes a nuchal translucency measurement, serum free -hCG, or total human chorionic
gonadotropin (hCG) along with pregnancy-associated
plasma protein A analyte levels. A specific risk estimate
for aneuploidy is calculated using these results as well
as maternal factors such as maternal age, prior history of
aneuploidy, weight, race, and number of fetuses.
The nuchal translucency refers to the fluid-filled
space measured on the dorsal aspect of the fetal neck.
An enlarged nuchal translucency (often defined as
3.0 mm or more or above the 99th percentile for the
crownrump length) is independently associated with
fetal aneuploidy and structural malformations (6). The
risk of adverse pregnancy outcome is proportional to the
degree of nuchal translucency enlargement. Meticulous
technique in nuchal translucency imaging is essential for
accurate risk assessment because undermeasurement by
even 0.5 mm can reduce the test sensitivity by 18% (7).
Independent credentialing of ultrasonographers in appropriate technique is important to screening performance.
Quadruple Screen
The quadruple marker screen (quad screen) can
be performed from approximately 15 0/7 weeks to
22 6/7 weeks of gestation; the range is dependent on the
laboratory that the obstetriciangynecologist or other
obstetric care provider uses. This test does not require
specialized ultrasonography for nuchal translucency
measurement and gives information regarding the risk
of open fetal defects in addition to aneuploidy risk
assessment. The best time to perform a quad screen is
from approximately 16 weeks to 18 weeks of gestation
because this optimizes screening for neural tube defects.
The quad screen involves the measurement of four
maternal serum analytes: 1) hCG, 2) alpha fetoprotein
(AFP), 3) dimeric inhibin A, and 4) unconjugated estriol,
in combination with maternal factors such as age, weight,
race, the presence of diabetes, and plurality to calculate
a risk estimate. First-trimester and quad screening have
similar detection rates for Down syndrome: more than
80% at a 5% positive result rate (Table 2) (5). Accurate
gestational dating at the time of blood sampling is important because inaccurate gestational dating decreases the
accuracy of the result. The later timing of this test leaves
fewer options available for the patient if the results are
Penta Screen
The penta screen includes hyperglycosylated hCG (also
known as invasive trophoblast antigen) in addition
to the quad screen markers and also is available for
Table 2. Characteristics, Advantages, and Disadvantages of Common Screening Tests for Aneuploidy ^
Screening Test
First trimester
1013 6/7
Triple screen
Quad screen
Sequential :
Cell-free DNA||
1013 6/7
1. Early screening
2. Single test
3. Analyte assessment of
other adverse outcome
1. Single test
2. No specialized US required
3. Also screens for open fetal defects
4. Analyte assessment for
other adverse outcomes
1. Single test
2. No specialized US required
3. Also screens for open fetal defects
4. Analyte assessment for
other adverse outcomes
Highest DR of combined tests
Also screens for open fetal defects
Lower DR than
combined tests
NT required
then quad
PAPP-A, then
quad screen
PAPP-A, then
quad screen
Abbreviations: AFP, alpha fetoprotein; DIA, dimeric inhibin-A; DR, detection rate; FTS, first-trimester screening; hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin; NPV, negative predictive value; NT, nuchal
translucency; PAPP-A, pregnancy-associated plasma protein A; PPV, positive predictive value; uE3, unconjugated estriol; US, ultrasonography.
*A screen positive test result includes all positive test results: the true positives and false positives.
First-trimester combined screening: 87%, 85%, and 82% for measurements performed at 11 weeks, 12 weeks, and 13 weeks, respectively; Malone FD, Ball RH, Nyberg DA, Comstock CH,
Saade GR, Berkowitz RL, et al. First-trimester septated cystic hygroma: prevalence, natural history, and pediatric outcome. FASTER Trial Research Consortium. Obstet Gynecol 2005;106:28894.
Because of variations in growth and conception timing, some fetuses at the lower and upper gestational age limits may fall outside the required crownrump length range. Also, different laboratories use slightly different gestational age windows for their testing protocol.
Cuckle H, Benn P, Wright D. Down syndrome screening in the first and/or second trimester: model predicted performance using meta-analysis parameters. Semin Perinatol 2005;29:2527.
Bianchi DW, Platt LD, Goldberg JD, Abuhamad AZ, Sehnert AJ, Rava RP. Genome-wide fetal aneuploidy detection by maternal plasma DNA sequencing. MatErnal BLood IS Source to Accurately
diagnose fetal aneuploidy (MELISSA) Study Group [published erratum appears in Obstet Gynecol 2012;120:957]. Obstet Gynecol 2012;119:890901 and Palomaki GE, Kloza EM, LambertMesserlian GM, Haddow JE, Neveux LM, Ehrich M, et al. DNA sequencing of maternal plasma to detect Down syndrome: an international clinical validation study. Genet Med 2011;13:91320.
Triple Screen
The triple marker screen measures serum hCG, AFP, and
unconjugated estriol to determine a risk estimate. This
test provides a lower sensitivity for the detection of Down
syndrome (sensitivity of 69% at a 5% positive screening test result rate) than quad screen and first-trimester
screening (5).
Ultrasonographic Screening
Although fetuses with trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome,
which occurs in 1 in 10,000 births) or trisomy 18
(Edwards syndrome, which occurs in 1 in 6,000 births)
Clinical Considerations
and Recommendations
Who should be offered screening for
All women should be offered the option of aneuploidy
screening or diagnostic testing for fetal genetic disorders,
regardless of maternal age. The choice of screening test is
affected by many factors, including a desire for information before delivery, prior obstetric history, family history,
and the number of fetuses. Other factors to be considered
include gestational age at presentation, the availability of
a reliable nuchal translucency measurement, screening
test sensitivity and limitations, the cost of screening, the
constraints of long-term care of an affected child, and
options for pregnancy care or termination for an abnormal diagnostic test result. No one test is superior for all
test characteristics and not every test is available at all
centers. Each test has advantages and disadvantages that
should be discussed with each patient, with the appropriate test offered based on her concerns, needs, and
values. Obstetriciangynecologists and other obstetric care
providers should become familiar with the available
screening and diagnostic testing options for their patients
within their practice and adopt a standard approach
for counseling. Regardless of which screening tests are
First-Trimester Screening
The first-trimester screening, or first-trimester combined
screening, comprising nuchal translucency measurement
and serum analyte measurements combined into a single
test, generally is performed before 14 0/7 weeks of
gestation (with the range determined by the laboratory
accepting the sample, typically between 10 0/7 weeks and
13 6/7 weeks of gestation) and requires a crownrump
length between approximately 3845 mm and 84 mm.
Advantages of first-trimester screening are a slightly
higher, but not significantly different, detection rate for
Down syndrome compared with second-trimester screening. This test gives the potential for earlier diagnoses as
well as the ability to screen for other fetal or placental
disorders. However, first-trimester screening lacks the
Imaging Criteria
Aneuploidy Association
Aneuploidy risk increases with size of NT
Also associated with Noonan syndrome,
multiple pterygium syndrome, skeletal
dysplasias, congenital heart disease, and
other anomalies
1. Genetic counseling
2. Offer cfDNA or CVS
3. Second-trimester detailed anatomic survey
and fetal cardiac ultrasonography
First trimester:
enlarged nuchal
Certified ultrasonography
measurement 3.0 mm or
above the 99th percentile
for the CRL
First trimester:
cystic hygroma
Large single or multilocular If septate, approximately 50% are aneuploid 1. Genetic counseling
fluid-filled cavities, in the
2. Offer CVS
nuchal region and can
3. Second-trimester detailed fetal anatomic
extend the length of the fetus
survey and fetal cardiac ultrasonography
Second trimester:
Second trimester:
echogenic bowel
1. Further counseling
2. Offer CMV, CF, and aneuploidy screening
or diagnostic testing
Second trimester:
thickened nuchal fold
1. Genetic counseling
2. Second-trimester detailed anatomic
ultrasound evaluation
3. Consider diagnostic testing for aneuploidy
and CMV
4. Repeat ultrasound in third trimester
Second trimester:
choroid plexus cysts
Abbreviations: CF, cystic fibrosis; cfDNA, cell-free DNA; CMV, cytomegalovirus; CRL, crownrump length; CVS, chorionic villus sampling; IUGR, intrauterine growth
restriction; LR, likelihood ratio; NT, nuchal translucency.
Data from Reddy UM, Abuhamad AZ, Levine D, Saade GR. Fetal imaging: executive summary of a joint Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health
and Human Development, Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists,
American College of Radiology, Society for Pediatric Radiology, and Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound Fetal Imaging workshop. Fetal Imaging Workshop Invited
Participants. Obstet Gynecol 2014;123:107082; Malone FD, Ball RH, Nyberg DA, Comstock CH, Saade GR, Berkowitz RL, et al. First-trimester septated cystic hygroma:
prevalence, natural history, and pediatric outcome. FASTER Trial Research Consortium. Obstet Gynecol 2005;106:28894; Aagaard-Tillery KM, Malone FD, Nyberg
DA, Porter TF, Cuckle HS, Fuchs K, et al. Role of second-trimester genetic sonography after Down syndrome screening. First and Second Trimester Evaluation of Risk
Research Consortium. Obstet Gynecol 2009;114:118996; and Nicolaides KH, Azar G, Byrne D, Mansur C, Marks K. Fetal nuchal translucency: ultrasound screening for
chromosomal defects in first trimester of pregnancy. BMJ 1992;304:8679.
Integrated Screening
Integrated screening combines first-trimester nuchal
translucency and serum analyte screening with secondtrimester quad screening to give one result for aneuploidy risk, with a detection rate for Down syndrome
of approximately 96% at a 5% positive screening test
result rate (Table 2). In addition to having a high sensitivity for Down syndrome, integrated screening provides
information that is not available from nuchal translucency assessment regarding fetal abnormalities as well
as a risk assessment for open fetal defects. However,
integrated screening is complex, requiring first-trimester
ultrasound assessment and two different blood tests, and
the final result is not available until the second trimester.
Cell-free DNA screening tests do not provide information regarding the potential for open fetal defects.
Therefore, women who undergo cell-free DNA screening
should be offered assessment for open fetal defects with
ultrasonography, MSAFP screening, or both.
Summary of
Recommendations and
The following recommendations and conclusions
are based on good and consistent scientific evidence (Level A):
Women who have a negative screening test result
should not be offered additional screening tests for
aneuploidy because this will increase their potential for
a false-positive test result.
If an enlarged nuchal translucency, an obvious anomaly,
or a cystic hygroma is identified on ultrasonography, the
patient should be offered genetic counseling and diagnostic testing for aneuploidy as well as follow-up ultrasonography for fetal structural abnormalities.
Because cell-free DNA is a screening test with the potential for false-positive and false-negative results, such testing should not be used as a substitute for diagnostic testing.
All women with a positive cell-free DNA test result
should have a diagnostic procedure before any irreversible action, such as pregnancy termination, is taken.
Women whose cell-free DNA screening test results are
not reported, are indeterminate, or are uninterpretable (a
no call test result) should receive further genetic counseling and be offered comprehensive ultrasound evaluation and diagnostic testing because of an increased risk
of aneuploidy.
Women with a positive screening test result for fetal
aneuploidy should be offered further detailed counseling
and testing.
All women should be offered the option of aneuploidy screening or diagnostic testing for fetal
genetic disorders, regardless of maternal age.
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