Adhesive For Wood
Adhesive For Wood
Adhesive For Wood
August 1975
Forest Service
M. L. Selbo, retired, formerly Chemical Engineer,
Forest Products Laboratory-Forest Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Washington, D. C.
August 1975
Selbo, M. L.
1975. Adhesive bonding of wood. U.S. Dep. Agr., Tech. Bull. No. 1512,
p. 124.
Summarizes current information on bonding wood into dependable, longlasting products. Characteristics of wood that affect gluing are detailed, as well as
types of adhesives and processes to be used for various conditions.
KEY WORDS; Bonding wood; adhesives; glues; glue types; glued products;
gluing techniques; glulam.
Oxford No. 824.8
Mote than four decades ago Thomas R. Truax wrote USDA Bulletin No. 1500,
Gluing of Wood. In this bulletin, Truax laid down sound principles that have stood
the critical tests of time.
But adhesive technology has expanded enormously and there are many building
blocks to be added to the solid foundation Truax laid down in the 1920s.
When Truax bulletin was published, synthetic adhesives had not been introduced
and practically all wood gluing was done with glues formulated or compounded from
naturally occurring materials. Some of these glues (based on casein, blood, starch, and
animal extracts) are still being used, but in quantities far overshadowed by synthetics
such as phenol-,, resorcinol-, urea-, and melamine-formaldehyde resins, as well as vinyl
resins of various types.
Furniture was the major glued wood product when Truax wrote his technical bulletin;
softwood plywood, suitable only for interior use, was in its infancy. Currently, gluing
is involved in practically all branches of the wood-using industry. In housing, gluing
is employed extensively, particularly in prefabrication, but also on the building site;
plywood is mass produced in more than half of the States of the Union. Structural
laminated timbers ate produced for spans well over 300 feet and for structures as divergent as churches and minesweepers.
The technology of adhesives and gluing has come a long way. With some synthetic
resins, joints can be produced that withstand the ravages of the elements folly as well
as wood itself.
The author appreciates the cooperation of gluing firms, associations, and equipment suppliers
in providing photographs and granting permission to Publish them. Photographs were Provided
by Rilco Laminated Products; Industrial Woodworking Machine Company; American Plywood
Association; Ashdee Division, George Koch Sons, Inc.; Carter Products Company, Inc.; Chas.
Smith Enterprises, Inc.; Newman Machine Company; James L. Taylor Manufacturing Company;
Evans Division, Royal Industries; Globe Machine Manufacturing Company, Inc.; Black Brothers;
and Treboda Limtr (Sweden).
Use of trade, firm, or corporation names in this publication is for the information and convenience
of the reader. Such use does not constitute an official endorsement or approval of any product or
service by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to the exclusion of others that may be suitable.
Requests for copies of illustrations contained in this publication should be directed to the Forest
Products Laboratory, USDA Forest Service, P.O. Box 5130, Madison, Wis. 53705.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wood Properties Important in Adhesive Bonding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Shrinking and Swelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Adhesives for Wood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Synthetic Adhesives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Adhesives of Natural Origin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Improving Performance of Wood Through Gluing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Crossbanded Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Laminated Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
End and Corner Joint Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preparing Wood for Gluing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Moisture Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Drying and Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Storage Before Gluing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Surfacing Wood For Gluing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Machining Special Types of Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cutting and Preparing Veneer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Adhesives and Bonding Processes for Various products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Plywood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Laminated Timbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Furniture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ship and Boat Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sporting Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Particleboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Housing and Housing Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
New Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gluing Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mixing Adhesive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Spreading Adhesive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Assembling Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Assembly Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pressing or Clamping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Curing Adhesive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conditioning Glued Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Adjustments in Adhesives and Gluing procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gluing Treated Wood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wood Treated With Oil-Soluble Preservatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wood Treated With Waterborne Preservatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wood Treated With Fire-Retardant Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Quality Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
M 138 676
Figure 1 . T h e s e g l u e d - l a m i n a t e d b e a m s s t r e t c h i n g s k y w a r d a r e b u t o n e s t r i k i n g
example of todays profitable partnership between wood and adhesives. Soon
these beams will hold up the roof of a sports arena.
common (fig. 1) but the gluing process
has never become static.
This publication brings together current information on use of adhesives for
bonding wood, so it can serve as a guide
bonds between them when cooled to freezing temperatures. So, an adhesive apparently must wet wood surfaces and subsequently solidify to make a strong bonded
Putting a drop of water on wood and
observing the rate at which it is absorbed
has been proposed as a test for gluability.
This theory holds in most cases; however,
there are exceptions such as southern pine
treated with creosote to an 8 pounds per
cubic food retention. Actually the pine
was glued adequately to serve more than
25 years in bridge stringers, yet the oily
creosote certainly would have made the
water absorption test misleading.
One of the more successful attempts to
explain adhesive bonding of wood was
made in 1929 when Truax,1 Browne, and
Brouse discussed the theories of mechanical
and specific adhesion. Further theoretical
clarification undoubtedly will evolve. But
in the meantime, some practical engineering principles must be applied to assure
dependability in glue joints.
It is well known that numerous factors
(such as pressure, temperature, and assembly time) play an important part at some
time during the formation of a glue bond.
If these factors are controlled within a
reasonable range about the optimum for
each, high-quality glue bonds will result.
But if borderline conditions are used for
one or more of these factors-in other
words, if no substantial factors of safety are
employed-then the end results can be
catastrophic. Also, since the interactions
between the various factors are often illdefined, aiming toward optimum conditions is the safest practice.
In figure 2, good results are indicated
by the flat (horizontal) portion of the curve
and decreasing joint quality by the downward sloping part at left. Under laboratory
conditions good results can consistently be
obtained even when operating near the
breaking point of the curve. In plant production, the control of the factors is usually less exact and variable results may
M 136 540
Sp. g.
Sp. g.
Larch, western . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
F i g u r e 3 . Relation between air space in wood and specific gravity at various moisture contents.
similar manner, the glue-bond quality required for a dense species is greater than
for a lighter one. Hence, the chart indicates
the relative glue-bond quality required for
the species listed and for other species
falling within the density range given.
The solid wood substance of all species
has about the same specific gravity (1.45),
but in high-density species less of the volume in the capillary structure of dry wood
is occupied by air. As moisture is added to
the wood, the air space decreases (fig. 3).
When wood of different species is examined with the naked eye, the ratio of
wood substance to air space is not readily
seen. Under the microscope, the difference
in such characteristics as cell wall thickness, cell diameters, and pore space is
easily noticed. Figures 4 to 8 are photomicrographs of species covering a wide
range in these characteristics. The same
magnification is used for each photo.
The enlarged cross section of western
redcedar (fig. 4) shows that slightly more
M 139 600
M 139 603
M 139 602
Figure 6. Douglas-fir, 33
substance about 32 pct. and air space
68 pct.).
M 139 604
M 139 601
F i g u r e 8. H i c k o r y ( t r u e ) 3 3 ( w o o d
substance about 48 pct. and air space
52 pct.).
M 137 286
F i g u r e 9 . Relation between volumetric shrinkage and specific gravity as the moisture content changes.
Stamm, A. J.
1946. Passage of liquids, vapors, and dissolved materials through softwood. U.S.
Dept. Agric., Tech. Bull. No. 929. 80 p.
Truax, T. R., Browne, F. L., and Brouse, D.
1929. Significance of mechanical wood
joints for the selection of woodworking
glues. Ind. and Eng. Chem. 21:74-79.
U.S. Forest Products Laboratory, Forest Service
1974. Wood handbook: Wood as an engineering material. U.S. Dept. Agric.,
Agric. Handb. 72, rev. 432 p.
Northcott, P. L.
1964. Specific gravity influences wood bond
durability. Adhes. Age 7(10):34-36.
Perry, D. A., and Choong, E. T.
1968. Effect of surface aging and extraction
treatment on gluability of southern pine
veneer. La. State Univ. Wood Util. Note
No. 13, 3 p. La. Sch. Forest.
Rice, J. T.
1965. Effect of urea-formaldehyde resin
viscosity on plywood wood bond durability. For. Prod. J. 15(3):107-112.
Until nearly the middle of the 20th century, glues based on naturally occurring
materials were the principal adhesive
bonding agents for wood. The basic ingredients for these generally were byproducts of meat processing (for animal and
blood glues), or casein, soybean, and
In the early 1930s, synthetic resin adhesives began to appear on the woodworking scene; because of their versatility and
other advantages, they found widespread
use in the woodworking industry. Some
synthetic resin adhesives, when properly
used, will produce joints that remain as
strong as the wood even in unprotected
exposure to the weather. More of them,
and most of the natural glues, will produce adequate joints for normally dry interior use.
The more important adhesives for wood
are currently produced by chemical synthesis. The general synthesis of resin glues
is discussed in numerous textbooks and
other publications and will not be repeated
here. Production details may vary among
manufacturers and are usually not disclosed except in the patent literature.
A hardener or setting agent is usually
required to convert synthetic adhesives
from liquid to solid. These agents may be
furnished separately for addition to the
resin before use, or they may be present
(particularly with spray-dried powdered
resins) in the resin as supplied. Hardeners
sometimes fall in the class of catalysts
which increase the rate of curing but are
not consumed in the reaction.
Use of fillers with synthetic adhesives is
rather common. Fillers are generally inert
materials that are added to the resins in
M 131 639
Figure 11 . Test fence for evaluation of glue-bond durability in plywood. The Forest
Service maintains four such test areas to determine durability of adhesives under
different climatic conditions. One test area is near Madison, Wis.; one south of
Olympia, Wash.; one at San Joaquin Experimental Range, Calif.; and the fourth
at the Harrison National Forest, La. Various types of glued wood products are
exposed at each site.
Phenolic Resins
Phenolic resins are formed by reacting
formaldehyde with phenol in what is called
a condensation reaction, These may be considered in four categories: High-tempera11
M 124 522
Phenol-formaldehyde adhesives were
first introduced in film form (about 1920).
In production of this type of adhesive, the
resin is deposited on a tissuelike paper and
the solvent removed by drying. The film
form of phenolic was particularly convenient for making plywood from thin
veneers since no increase in moisture
content was involved.
As softwood plywood approached mass
production status, phenolic resins became
available in liquid form, making exterior
plywood a reality. This development permitted application of adhesive by roll
spreaders and variation in spreads as
veneer quality required.
Phenolic resins are also available as
spray-dried powders to be mixed in water
or water-alcohol solutions before use.
These phenolic resins (both liquid and film
form) require heat for curing to complete
polymerization; thus they prompted development of hot presses.
Neat phenolic resins as used in the earliest production of exterior plywood had a
tendency to bleed-through or penetrate
the wood excessively, particularly in loosecut veneer. Incorporation of fillers such as
walnut shell flour or powdered oat hull
residue produced a more workable adhesive
by reducing penetration. Small amounts
of wheat flour or heat-treated dry blood
also have been used with phenolic resins,
reportedly decreasing the cure time. Recently, it has been reported that neat
resins, with higher solid contents applied
with thinner spread than the filled resins,
are performing very satisfactorily and also
permit higher moisture content in veneers.
The phenolic resins used for making
plywood are generally alkaline and require
high temperatures for proper curing. Acid
phenolic glues were also developed to set at
moderate-to-room temperatures, but acid
types have not found volume use. The excellent durability characteristics of the
alkaline phenolics prompted their wide-
The intermediate-temperature-setting
types of phenol resin adhesives were developed as durable glues that could be
cured at 210 F. or less, such as in heated
chambers or electrically heated jigs.
Special formulations of phenol resins were
offered for this purpose, being more reactive at the lower curing temperatures because of rather highly acid catalysts. Thus,
this type of adhesive has often been referred
to as acid-catalyzed phenol resin. Some
formulations are suitable for gluing plywood at temperatures as low as 80 F. if
the pressure periods are overnight or longer
and if several days of additional conditioning are allowed before subjecting the plywood to severe service.
The acid-catalyzed phenol resin adhesives have been used to a limited extent
for gluing sandwich panels, prefabricated
house panels, and truck panels. They are
normally supplied as liquid resins with the
acid catalyst furnished separately for addition at the time of use. Acid-catalyzed
phenol resins do not glue as well on wood
at 6 percent moisture content as at 10 to
12 percent.
Since the introduction of the resorcinol
and phenol-resorcinol resin adhesives, the
acid-catalyzed phenol resin adhesives have
not been extensively used, although they
are generally somewhat cheaper and are
lighter colored than the phenol-resorcinol
and resorcinol resins. The acid-catalyzed
phenol resins are not considered as durable
as the resorcinol resin types for long-time
severe service and elevated-temperature
Adhesives based on resorcinol-formaldehyde resins were first introduced in 1943.
M 112 243
Figure 13 . Minimum curing times required at different temperatures for five resorcinol and phenol-resorcinol glues on white oak. A and B are phenol-resorcinols;
C, D, and E are resorcinols.
Urea Resins
Urea resins are normally not recommended for use on wood below 6 percent
in moisture content. This limitation
appears to be related to the porosity of the
species and to the rate at which moisture
is absorbed from the adhesive by the wood.
plywood, durability has generally improved as the amount of fortifier is increased. Because of the special interest in
melamine-urea resin adhesives, these are
described separately. No entirely adequate
room-temperature-setting fortified urea
resin glues have yet been introduced for
industrial use.
temperature and somewhat on the moisture content of the wood, amount of extension, and the amount of glue spread.
The minimum pressure period depends
on the type of glued product and upon the
temperature of the wood and the room, for
these temperatures control the speed of the
curing reaction. Because of slow heat transfer through the wood, room-temperaturesetting urea resin glues generally cure inadequately if the glue is spread on cold
wood and then clamped for only a short
time at 70 to 80 F. At 70 F. a
pressing period of at least 4 hours is generally required on thin, flat members, such
as plywood, and at least 6 to 8 hours is
required on heavy or curved members.
Longer pressing Periods are generally required for heavy species than for lighter
ones. In no case should pressure be released
until the squeezeout is hard.
Room-temperature-setting urea resin
formulations are often used in special heatcuring operations with heated jigs and
high-frequency curing to get faster setting
than is possible with conventional hotpress formulations. But if assembly periods
are excessive, the adhesive may precure before gluing pressure is applied. A roomtemperature-setting glue must be fluid at
the time pressure is applied to adequately
transfer glue to the unspread surface.
These glues will harden at temperatures
below 70 F. but at a very slow rate,
and joints with erratic strength and durability may result. Curing below 70 F.
is therefore generally not recommended.
In special applications where rapid
strength development at room temperature is of primary importance, the normal
room-temperature-setting urea resin formulation without catalyst may be applied
to one wood surface and a strong acidic
catalyst applied to the mating surface.
Sometimes the liquid catalyst is applied in
advance and air dried. The joint is then
assembled and pressure quickly applied.
The separately applied catalyst is assumed
to penetrate into the glue and to cause
rapid setting. Such strong catalysts cannot
be incorporated in the glue before spreading because they shorten pot life.
This technique is referred to as the
separately applied catalyst process.
When properly conducted, it results in
rapid development of joint strength, thus
permitting a shorter pressing period than
with adhesives having catalyst mixed with
the resin. The process has not been widely
accepted, however, because it is difficult
to obtain uniform mixture of catalyst and
resin. Uneven penetration results in erratic
joint quality; moreover, the highly acid
glueline does not seem to be as durable as
gluelines made with adhesive of the same
type without separately applied catalyst.
Melamine Resins
Melamine resin adhesives are normally
of the hot-press type, curing at 240 to
260 F., similar to the hot-press urearesin glues. Special formulations have
sometimes been offered for curing at
temperatures as low as 140 F., but
As a group, melamine resin adhesives generally have a pot life of at least 8 hours
at 70 F. and they tolerate rather long
open and closed assembly periods.
Slow-curing, uncatalyzed melamine
resin glues have shown good durability
characteristics on laminated Douglas-fir
beams exposed for several decades to the
weather. Similar glues used for laminating
white oak failed almost completely after
15 years of soaking in salt water. Rapidsetting, catalyzed melamine resin glues,
in limited tests, have not shown the same
durability as indicated with uncatalyzed
melamines on softwood species.
M 122 542
Figure 14. Cross section of laminated oak glued with thermosetting or crosslinked PVA and subjected to vacuum-pressure soaking, steaming, and drying. The
bridging in the joint at the center might explain why PVA glues have performed
well in cyclic tests on mortise and tenon and dowel joints. Had a brittle glue been
used, fractures would probably have occurred either in the bond or adjacent to
the glueline. The elastic PVA yielded enough to retain the bond between the
joint surfaces.
Hot Melts
Hot-melt adhesives for wood are furnished in solid form, usually as pellets,
chunks, granules, or in cord form on reels.
They involve a wide variety of thermoplastic mixtures that are converted by heat
to spreadable consistency and applied
while hoc and fluid; they set almost instantaneously as the heat dissipates from the
thin glue film to the greater mass of the
substrate. Pressure is applied on the joint
during formation of the bond. The bond
forms very rapidly, depending upon the
temperature difference between the glue
and the parts being joined. Setting times
as brief as a fraction of a second have been
One of the primary uses of hot melts in
wood gluing has been for edge banding of
panel products. Machines are increasingly
common in the furniture industry to apply
edge banding to panels with hot melts at
about 60 to 100 linear feet per minute.
The process is reported to lend itself to
application of veneer and thicker edge
bands to lumber and particleboard cores.
Hot melts are also being used to some
extent for bonding decorative overlays or
films to particleboard for counter and furniture tops and shelves, and for coating
panel products. Methods of application include roll coating, blade coating, and curtain coating.
The composition of hot-melt adhesives
varies a great deal and may include polymers, such as ethylene vinyl acetate copolymers, polyamides, polyolefins, and polyesters, as well as other resins or copolymers. These are generally modified with
Epoxy Resins
Epoxy resin adhesives became available
in the 1940s and found a major use for
metal bonding in the aircraft industry.
However, epoxies do adhere to a variety of
substrates and in recent years have been
employed as bonding agents in numerous
special applications. They are probably the
most versatile adhesives currently available
in that they adhere to more different substrates than other synthetic or naturally
occurring bonding agents. They have not,
however, found extensive use for bonding
Epoxy resin refers in a broad sense to a
wide variety of polymers characterized in
their simplest form by an oxygen atom
linked to each of two adjacent carbon
atoms on a chain, as in ethylene oxide. The
earlier epoxy resins used for metal bonding
were condensation products of bisphenol A
and epichlorohydrin. Curing agents for
these resins were various amines and acid
anhydrides. Improvements in the working
characteristics of epoxies have been made
over the years and a wide variety of formulations are now available. They cure by
additional polymerization with very little
volume change or shrinkage while they
An important advantage of epoxy adhesives is that they can be formulated to
Mastic Adhesives
Adhesives of natural origin-such as
animal, casein, soybean, starch, and blood
glues-are still being used to bond wood
in some plants and shops, but are being
replaced more and more by synthetics.
Animal glue is probably the natural
adhesive most widely used, although
casein glue is being used a great deal for
structural laminating.
Animal Glue
Animal glue is a gelatin adhesive obtained from waste or byproducts of the
meat processing and tanning industries.
The most common raw materials are hides
or trimmings of hides, sinews, and bones
of cattle and other animals. Trimmings
from the leather industry (from tanned
hides) are also utilized.
Glue made from hides is generally of
higher grade than glue derived from bones
and tendons. However, there is considerable variation in the quality or grades of
glue from hides as well as from the other
sources. Glues for woodworking, as well
as most other uses, are commonly blends
of two or more batches from the same
stock or from different classes of stock.
Source is important only insofar as it
affects grade.
Each class of glue is sold in cake, flake,
ground, pearl, shredded, and other forms;
but the form of the glue is no particular
indication of quality. The chief difference
between the various forms is in the time
required to put the glue into solution. The
Casein Glue
Casein glue has been used in Europe for
at least a century and in the United States
for more than two-thirds of a century. The
basic constituent of casein glue is dried
casein which, when combined with alkaline chemicals (usually lime and one or
more sodium salts), is water soluble.
For some uses, the principal requirements of casein glue are water and mold
resistance combined with adequate dry
strengths. For other applications, it is
desirable to formulate a less expensive
casein glue that possesses low staining
tendencies, long working life, high dry
strength, or good spreading characteristics,
even at some sacrifice of water resistance.
The glue supplier can produce, therefore,
a variety of casein glues of different properties from which the user may choose
according to his needs.
When milk becomes sour, it separates
into curd, the chief protein constituent,
and whey. The curd, after being washed
and dried, is the casein of commerce.
When formed in this way, it is known as
naturally soured casein. Casein is also
be mixed with all the necessary ingredients, except water, in the form of a dry
powder that can be handled and stored
conveniently. One way is to replace the
sodium hydroxide with chemically equivalent amounts of calcium hydroxide and a
substance that, when dissolved in water,
reacts with the calcium hydroxide to form
sodium hydroxide. Any convenient
sodium salt of an acid whose calcium salt
is relatively insoluble may be used,
provided it is not hygroscopic and does
not react with the lime or the casein
when the mixture is dry.
Prepared casein glues. -Most manufacturers of wood glues furnish casein glues
containing the required ingredients in
powder form ready to mix with water.
They are prepared for use by merely sifting
them into the proper amount of water and
stirring the mixture. They usually contain
the essential ingredients of casein, hydrated lime, and sodium salt, and are
occasionally formulated to reduce staining,
hardness, or to impart other properties.
Many of the formulas were protected by
patents, most of which are now outdated.
Directions for mixing these glues with
water are usually furnished by the manufacturer
Wet-mixed casein glues. Some glue
users may prefer to mix the ingredients
directly from the basic materials casein,
sodium hydroxide, and lime. Approximately the following proportions of
ingredients should be mixed in this order.
Sodium hydroxide
Calcium hydroxide
(hydrated lime)
Parts by weight
Casein glue sets as a result of chemical
reaction and loss of moisture to wood and
air. Hence, its rate of setting is affected by
the temperature of the wood and surrounding atmosphere, the moisture content of
the wood, and other factors. Longer setting
time is required in a cold shop than in a
warm one, and wood high in moisture
content will retard the setting rate.
Casein glue will set at a temperature
almost as low as the freezing point of water,
but the setting period required to develop
strong joints at such temperatures varies
from several days to several weeks. The
time depends also on the species glued.
The wet strength developed at low tem-
peratures may never be as good as that preservatives ate sometimes added to casein
developed at normal room temperatures. glues. Federal Specification MMM-A-125
gives minimum requirements for waterA pressing period of 4 hours at 70 F.
is considered a minimum for straight and mold-resistant casein glues. Prolonged
members; for curved members, a some- exposure to conditions favorable to mold
what longer period is desirable.
growth or other micro-organisms, howCasein glue will produce adequate bonds ever, will eventually result in failure even
with wood at a wide range in moisture in joints made of casein glue containing
content from about 2 to 18 percent. To preservative.
Outdoors or where high humidities,
avoid serious shrinking or swelling stresses
on the joints, however, the moisture con- either continuous or intermittent, ate intent of the wood at the time of gluing volved, casein glue joints ate not durable.
should be slightly lower than the average Casein glues containing preservatives have
shown greater resistance to high humidiexpected in service.
ties than have unpreserved caseins, but the
preservative did not prevent eventual
destruction of the glue bonds under damp
Well-made casein glue joints will de- conditions. Consequently, casein glue is
velop the full strength of most low- and not considered suitable for glued products
medium-density woods in shear parallel to intended for exterior use, or for interior
the grain and will retain a large part of use where the moisture content of the wood
their strength even when submerged in may exceed 18 percent for repeated or
water for a few days. With dense woods, prolonged periods. Voluntary Product
however, casein glue develops only me- S t a n d a r d P S 5 6 f o r s t r u c t u r a l g l u e d
dium to low wood failure percentages laminated timbers limits casein-glued
when the joints ate tested in shear (fig. 15) material to service where the equilibrium
To improve resistance to deterioration moisture content of the wood does not
caused by molds or other micro-organisms, exceed 16 percent.
M 132 434
M 138 1994
F i g u r e 1 6 . Building erected in 1935 with casein glued-laminated arches. It is currently used for packaging research at the Forest Products Laboratory. Arches are
in excellent condition.
Soybean Glue
Soybean glue was introduced to the
plywood industry in the Pacific Northwest
during the early 1920s, and for many
casein and soybean glues ate used for making plywood of the same species, soybean
glue generally shows the poorer water
resistance. However, it is appreciably
superior to starch glues in resistance to
moisture and high humidity.
As the standards for performance of
plywood have become stricter over the
years, it increasingly has become common
practice to fortify soybean glue with a
certain amount of dried blood or occasionally casein casein if the plywood is
cold pressed and blood if it is hot pressed.
Since softwood plywood is being produced
mote and mote by hot pressing, the bloodfortified soybean glues ate predominant.
Blood Glue
Glues made of soluble dried blood or
blood albumin have been used to some
extent in the United States, but they ate
mote common in some European and
Asiatic countries.
Blood albumin, a slaughterhouse byproduct, coagulates and sets firmly when
heated to a temperature of about 160 F.
It then shows a significant resistance to the
softening effect of water. This character istic makes it a desirable material for glue
to use in products such as plywood.
A number of patents have been granted
on glue formulations based on blood. As
with other protein glues, alkalies such as
caustic soda, hydrated lime, sodium silicate, or combinations of these ate employed in formulating blood glues. Thermosetting resins (usually phenolic) are also
sometimes incorporated to increase the
resistance of the glue bonds to degrading
Hot-press blood glues ate probably the
most resistant of the protein-type glues to
weathering and similar severe service but
ate not recommended for long-term
exterior use as ate the phenols and resorcinols and some other synthetics.
Twiss, Sumner B.
1965. Structural adhesive bonding. Part II:
Adhesive classification. Adhes. Age
U.S. Department of Commerce
1973. Structural glued laminated lumber.
Voluntary Prod. Stand. PS 56-73. Natl.
Bur. Stand., Washington, D.C.
U.S. Forest Products Laboratory, Forest Service
1967. Casein glues: Their manufacture,
preparation, and application. U.S. For.
Serv. Res. Note FPL-0158.15 p. U.S.
Dept. Agric., For. Serv. For Prod. Lab.,
Madison, Wis.
U.S. Forest Products Laboratory, Forest Service
1963. Durability of water-resistant woodworking glues. Rep. 1530. 41 p. U.S.
Dept. Agric. For. Serv. For. Prod. Lab.,
Madison, Wis.
U.S. General Services Administration
1969. Adhesive, casein-type water and mold
resistant. Fed. Specif. MMM-A-125.
Fed. Supply Serv., Washington, D.C.
Williamson, D. V. S.
1965. Hot melt adhesives in Europe. Adhes.
Age 8(8):24-27.
Williamson, F. L., and Nearn, W. T.
1958. Wood-to-wood bonds with epoxide
resins-species effect. For. Prod. J. 8(6):
Both resistance to splitting and uniformity in strength properties can be improved by gluing together sheets or layers
of wood with the grain in adjacent layers
at approximately 90 (plywood).
By gluing together layers all having the
grain approximately parallel (laminating),
the strength in bending and in tension in
the direction of the grain can be improved.
Two-by-fours laminated from low-grade
veneers can be produced with much more
uniform strength properties than solid
structural 2 by 4s. This is accomplished
by dispersion of strength-reducing defects.
By end-joint gluing, material of any
desired length can be obtained; and by
edge gluing, any desired width is obtainable.
To produce high-quality, adhesivebonded wood products, it is not only important to know and understand the properties and use characteristics of the
adhesive, it is equally important to know bow
to select, prepare, and use the wood so that it
will serve to the best advantage.
Wood has good stability and excellent
strength properties in the grain direction.
Across the grain it is stable at constant
moisture content but shrinks with decreases in moisture and swells with increases in moisture. Normal straightgrained wood of some species may also
split or check along the grain when subjected to rapid reductions in moisture
M 138 743
M 138 746
Figure 19. Three different constructions of lumber core plywood and one with laminated veneer core: A, three-ply; B, five-ply, with veneer edge banding; C, sevenply, with laminated veneer core (used where showthrough must be avoided and
good stability is required); and D, extra thick lumber core plywood. Crossband at
middle of core reduces dimensional changes of core.
M 138 744
Quality of flies
In thin plywood, the quality of all the
plies affects the shape and permanence of
form of the panel. For greatest stability all
plies should be straight grained, smoothly
cut, and of sound wood that is of uniform
growth and texture.
In thick, five-ply (lumber core) panels
the crossbands in particular affect the
stability and quality of the panel. Imperfections in the crossbands, such as marked
differences in the texture of the wood,
irregularities in the surface, or even pronounced lathe checks, may show through
thin face veneers as imperfections in the
surface of the panel.
Figured veneer cut from burls, crotches,
stumps, and similar irregular material is
not straight grained but is used because of
its attractive appearance. It shrinks both
with the width and length of the sheet,
whereas plain veneer shrinks chiefly in
width. This difference in shrinkage between the two types of veneer causes warping when they are used as opposing plies
in thin panels. With combinations of
plain and figured veneer, it is not practical
to have a strictly balanced construction and
the effect of the unsymmetrical arrange39
While the crossbands of five-ply construction are usually the critical elements,
the faces are critical in three-ply construction. If the crossbands of five-ply, thick
core construction are properly laid, variations in the direction of grain of the faces
seldom cause objectionable distortion. In
five-ply, thin core construction, however,
parallel grain is important in the faces
as well as in the crossbands.
Ordinarily, the causes of twisting are
easily detected. To avoid or reduce twisting that occurs when grain direction of
plies is not parallel, changes in manufacturing procedure are usually required. One
of the simplest and least costly methods
of reducing twisting is to select for crossbands such species as basswood, aspen, and
yellow-poplar that generally produce
reasonably straight-grained stock. If the
value of the product justifies the added
cost, the veneer should be clipped and
trimmed parallel and perpendicular to
the grain rather than parallel and perpendicular to the axis of the veneer bolt.
Since adjacent pieces of sliced veneer are
very similar in grain formation, twisting
may be reduced or avoided by using two
adjacent pieces of sliced veneer for the two
crossbands of one panel. They must be laid
with the grain parallel to each other in
the panel. The same principle could be
applied to rotary-cut veneer for crossbanding by properly marking and arranging the
veneer as it comes from the lathe to insure
that matching sheets would be used for
the two crossbands of a panel. Such precautions, however, may or may not be
practical in a commercial operation, depending on the cost of the final product.
If a panel changes in moisture content
to a marked degree at the edge while the
center changes very little, the stresses developed may cause twisting. This condition can be detected by determination of
the moisture content at the edges and at
the center of the panel. Much of the twisting will probably disappear when the panel
is reconditioned to a uniform moisture
content. Twisting has also been observed
A high percentage of core total plywood thickness helps maintain a flat, unwarped surface. In general, the core should
comprise five- to seven-tenths of the total
thickness of a five-ply panel where flatness
is important.
When crossbands and face veneers are
relatively thin, the cores for high-grade
panels must be practically free from knots,
knotholes, limb markings (local areas of
cross grain occurring in the region of
knots), and decayed wood. Unless re43
Alder, red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ash, white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Aspen, quaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Basswood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Beech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bitch, yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cottonwood, eastern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Elm, American . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mahogany (Swietenia sp.) ..................
Maple, red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Maple, sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Oak, northern red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sweetgum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sycamore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tupelo, black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tupelo, water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Walnut, black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Yellow-poplar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Density 3
Douglas-fir, coast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fir, white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hemlock, western . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Latch, western . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pine, ponderosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pine, shortleaf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pine, sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Redwood, old-growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Spruce, Sitka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Glued-laminated or parallel-grain
construction, as distinguished from
plywood or other crossbanded construction, refers to two or more layers of wood
joined with an adhesive so that the grain
of all layers or laminations is approximately
parallel. The size, shape, number, and
thickness of the. laminations may vary
greatly. Glued-laminated construction
may be used as a base or core for veneer,
as in doors or tabletops and other furniture
panels, or it may be used without veneer
covering for chair seats, tabletops, bleacher
seats, and bench tops, structural beams
and arches (fig. 21), boat timbers, laminated decking, airplane propellers, spars,
spar flanges, or for sporting goods items
such as baseball bats and bowling pins
(fig. 22).
While the properties of glued-laminated
products are generally similar to those of
M 118 468
M 138 358
woods can be bent more severely than softwoods of the same thickness.
Relief of Stresses
The stresses that develop in gluedlaminated members due to differences in
M 138 756
M 138 532
M 136 539
Figure 26. Miter joints can open when high-shrinkage material is used and wide
variations in moisture content occur. A glued spline or other reinforcement can
reduce or prevent joint separation. Vertical-grained material, having lower shrinkage in width, will reduce chances for separation of this type of joint.
Strength ratio
M 138 461
Adequate data are lacking on the durability of glued scarf joints with very steep
M 137 679
Figure 29. End joints for splicing lumber (occasionally also used for panel
products): A, scarf joint (when used
with a low slope, can develop almost
the full strength of wood); B, horizontal finger joint (cut parallel to wide
face of board); C, vertical finger joint
(cut perpendicular to wide face of
board). Type C is the most commonly
used finger joint for structural purposes.
M 41 387
M 138 748
Figure 31. Approximate percentage of the tensile strength of clear wood obtainable with different types of end joints. (Nearly the full tensile strength of a lowdensity species has been obtained with butt joints in laboratory experiments but
no practical glue or gluing procedure have been developed to do this commercially.)
M 120 740
Figure 33. Finger joints with constant slope (1:14, angle between axis of member
and sloping joint) and tip thickness, but with increasing (from left to right) pitch
and length of fingers.
M 123 420
Figure 34. Tensile strength of Douglas-fir finger joints with constant tip thickness
and six different slopes. For each slope the pitch varied from three-sixteenth to
one-half inch (see fig. 33).
Bohannan, Billy, and Selbo, M. L.
1965. Evaluation of commercially made
joints in lumber by three test methods.
U.S. For. Serv. Res. Pap. FPL 41, 41 p.
U.S. Dept. Agric. For. Serv. For. Prod.
Lab., Madison, Wis.
Bryant, Ben S., and Stensrud, R. K.
1954. Some factors affecting the glue bond
quality of hard-grained Douglas-fir plywood. For. Prod. J. 4(4):158-161.
Cass, S. B., Jr.
1961. A comparison of hot-pressed interior
plywood adhesives. For. Prod. J. 11(7):
M 138 686
Figure 35. Finger-jointing equipment: A, trim saw; B, cutter (or shaper) head; and
C, glue applicator.
Selbo, M. L.
1963. The effect of joint geometry on tensile
strength of finger joints. For. Prod. J.
Stensrud, R. K., and Nelson, J. W.
1965. Importance of overlays to the forest
products industry. For. Prod. J. 15(5):
Strickler, M. D.
1970. End gluing of lumber. For. Prod. J.
Strickler, M. D., Pellerin, R.-F., and
Talbott, J. W.
1970. Experiments in proof loading structural and end-jointed lumber. For. Prod.
J. 20(2):29-35.
U.S. Forest Products Laboratory, Forest Service
1966. Some causes of warping in plywood
and veneered products. U.S. For. Serv.
Res. Note FPL-0136. 8 p. U.S. Dept.
Agric. For. Serv. For. Prod. Lab., Madison, Wis.
U.S. Forest Products Laboratory, Forest Service
1974. Wood handbook: Wood as an engineering material. U.S. Dept. Agric.,
Agric. Handb. 72 rev. 432 p.
L 1
P =
where P
spread 2
or ply
Wood species
Urea resin
Resorcinol or
Mahogany Douglasfir
Moisture calculated on the basis of average specific gravity values as follows: Hard maple, 0.63; white oak,
0.67; mahogany, 0.49; Douglas-fir, 0.48; southern pine, 0.51. Glue mixtures used were:
Casein, 1 part solids to 2 parts wafer; urea resin, 1 Part solids to 0.65 part water; resorcinol and intermediate-temperature-setting phenol, 70 pct. solids.
In pounds per square foot of joint area.
Wood free from casehardening and
other internal stresses will be best for gluing. Internal stresses, which generally
result from drying, may prevent a good
fit of the mating surfaces and mean warping and checking after the wood is glued.
Dried wood should be tested for the presence of such stresses before it is removed
from the kiln. If wood is casehardened or
otherwise stressed, it should be treated to
relieve the stresses.
Parts by weight
Animal glue
The ideal condition is to provide storage
space for dried lumber with humidity and
temperature control to maintain the moisture content in the stock at a level suitable
for gluing-such as 7 percent for most indoor use and about 12 percent for outdoor
service. If the temperature is controlled at
about 75 F. and the relative humidity at
35 percent (wet-bulb depression about 16
to 17 F.), the moisture content of the
wood will be suitable for interior woodwork.
If controlled temperature and humidity
storage is not possible, maintaining the
temperature in the storage room about
20 F. above the outdoor temperature will
provide a moisture content. in the lumber
of 6 to 8 percent in most parts of the United
States. Similarly, if the lumber is stored
under roof in an unheated area, the moisture content will be fairly close to 12 percent when the lumber is stored for a sufficient time to come to equilibrium. It is
very important, however, that during cold
weather the lumber be brought into a
warm room at least 24 hours before machining and gluing; cold lumber will slow
down the rate of cure and generally result
in inferior glue bonds. This is important
when using resin adhesives, but even a
scratching, or sanding with coarse sandpaper in the belief that rough surfaces are
better for gluing. However, comparative
strength tests at the Forest Products Laboratory failed to show better results with
roughened than with smooth surfaces.
Also, studies of the penetration of glue into
wood have shown the theoretical benefit of
the roughened surface to be improbable.
Light sanding has proved an advantage in
preparing for gluing such surfaces as resinimpregnated wood, laminated paper
plastic, plywood that has been pressed at
high temperatures and pressures, or wood
that has been glazed from dull tools or by
being pressed excessively against smooth,
hard surfaces.
Within recent years, significant developments in sanding equipment have been
reported. Advantages of so-called abrasive
planing in preparing wood for gluing are
reported to be deeper cuts in a single pass,
close tolerances, and improved surface
quality for gluing.
M 138 531
End-Grain Surfaces
It has proved practically impossible to
make end-grain butt joints sufficiently
strong or permanent for ordinary service.
With certain synthetic resins (epoxies and
urethanes) it has been possible to approach
the tensile strength of weaker species, but
such end gluing is of little practical value
because of low bending strength and cumbersome gluing procedures. To approach
the tensile strength of various species by
end jointing, use a plain scarf, finger joint,
or other form of joint that exposes a certain
amount of side-grain surface (fig. 29). A
serrated scarf appears advantageous in
providing greater gluing area than a plain
scarf, but has never been extensively used
because of greater difficulties in machining it. Even the plain scarf has essentially
been replaced by finger joints, except in
cases where maximum strength is needed.
Careful machining to insure an accurate
fit of the surfaces is essential to develop
the maximum potential strength of the
joint. With available glues the plain scarf
with a low slope generally will produce
the highest strength. Even with very low
slopes the average strength of scarf joints,
from stumps, burls, and other irregular stock, thin cores (five-sixteenth inch and
parts of logs. These processes consist of less), for cross-banding, and for curved
placing a part of a log or bolt off center laminated members. Most veneer that is
in a lathe, usually with an auxiliary device glued ranges in thickness from one-fourth
called a staylog, and rotary cutting the bolt to one thirty-second inch. Veneer thinner
into small sheets of veneer. As the veneer than about one thirty-second inch is difis bent away from the log during cutting, ficult to bond with liquid glues because the
the open (knife) side often develops checks. sheets are fragile and curl readily when the
This open side is likely to show defects glue is spread. Thin veneers can be glued
in finishing and should be the glue side without prohibitive difficulty, however,
with film glues.
whenever possible.
Veneer surfaces, particularly the loose
Rotary-cut veneer is produced in thicknesses ranging from about five-sixteenths sides, are often somewhat rough and irregular, but by heating the logs and careto one one-hundredth of an inch.
Sliced veneer is cut to obtain a definite ful cutting, veneer can be produced that
figure and is produced in long, narrow is comparatively smooth and firm on both
sheets by moving a flitch or block against sides. Since veneer is seldom resurfaced
a heavy knife. The veneer is forced abruptly before it is glued, the care with which
away from the flitch by the knife, thus it is cut is important to good gluing. If
causing fine checks or breaks on the knife it is equally well cut, veneer produced by
side. The checked or open side should be any of the three processes can be glued
equally well.
the glue side whenever possible.
In gluing operations where mull-sized
In book-matching face stock where the
open side of every other sheet must be the sheets of veneer are available, the sheets
finish side, the veneer must be well cut. may be glued immediately after drying.
Mahogany, walnut, and other prized hard- Cutting to size is preferably done before
woods are commonly sliced for the furni- the final drying. Cutting after drying
ture trade, and slicing softwood for vertical allows more opportunity for the veneer to
grain stock is becoming common practice. reabsorb moisture from the air. Further,
Most sliced veneer is cut in thicknesses very dry veneer is easily damaged and
ranging from about one-sixteenth to one should be handled as little as possible.
one-hundred twenty-fifth or an inch, but
Whenever a face for a high-grade
for special orders veneer one-eighth inch or veneered panel is made of two or more
thicker can be cut.
sheets of veneer, careful edge jointing is
Veneer is also sawed from flitches, usu- necessary to make the joints inconspicuous.
ally to get a desirable figure or grain. It This type of joint is made by placing the
is produced in long, narrow strips which dried veneer in piles of several sheets and
are essentially of the same quality and then running the piles over a special veneer
appearance on both sides. Being equally jointer which makes the individual veneer
firm and strong on both sides, alternate edges smooth and true. These sheets are
pieces may be turned over to match them then laid in the desired position and either
for figure to serve as the faces of veneered glued together in a special machine called
panels. Sawed veneer usually ranges in a tapeless veneer splicer or taped tightly
thickness from one-fourth to one-thirtieth together by taping machines. In recent
of an inch. Because sawing wastes material, years, the taping process has been inmany mills have discontinued production creasingly replaced by a machine that glues
a thread (usually glass fiber) in a zig-zag
of sawed veneer.
Sliced and sawed veneers are used princi- fashion across the veneer joint (fig. 37).
pally for faces in plywood and veneered The glue is a hot melt, permitting very
panels. Rotary-cut veneer is used for face rapid edge bonding of veneers.
M 138 265-11
Davis, E. M.
1962. Machining and related characteristics
of United States hardwoods. U.S. Dep.
Agric., Tech. Bull. No. 1267. 68 p.
McMillen, J. M.
1963. Stresses in wood during drying. U.S.
For. Prod. Lab. Rep. 1652. 33 p. U.S.
Dep. Agric. For. Serv. For. Prod. Lab.,
Madison, Wis.
Peck, E.C.
1932. Moisture content of wood in dwellings. U.S. Dep. Agric. Circ. 239. 24 p.
Rasmussen, E. F.
1961. Dry kiln operators manual. U.S. Dep.
Agric., Agric. Handb. No. 188. 197 p.
Rietz, R. C., and Page, R. H.
1971. Air drying of lumber: A guide to
industry practices. U.S. Dep. Agric.,
Agric. Handb. 402. 110 p.
Simpson, W. T., and Soper, V. C.
1970. Tensile stress-strain behavior of flexibilized epoxy adhesive films. USDA For.
Serv. Res. Pap. FPL 126. 13 p. U.S. Dep.
Agric. For. Serv. For. Prod. Lab., Madison, Wis.
Sisterhenm, G. H.
1961. Evaluation of an oil-fired veneer
dryer-its effect on glue bond quality.
For. Prod. J. 11(5):207-210.
M 138 190
M 138 352
M 138 192
M 138 191
M 138 197
M 137 693
Figure 44. If the panel had 7 to 8 percent moisture content when veneers (crossbands and faces) were separated from the core, it is safe to assume that: A,
moisture content of core was too high at time of gluing; B, moisture content in
core was too low when panel was glued.
Careful inspection ofpanel surfaces, particularly for furniture panels, is also important in various stages of production.
The sooner surface defects can be detected,
the less labor is expended if the panel must
be rejected. Incident lighting fixtures such
M 138 350
Figure 45. Incident lighting fixture for detecting defects such as showthrough, checking, or other surface blemishes in panels.
M 138 747
Figure 46. Lighting arrangement used in some plywood plants to facilitate inspection of panel surfaces as panel emerges from sander.
Adhesives that set at room temperatures
or at moderately elevated temperatures are
most practical for laminated timbers of
appreciable cross section. Casein and
phenol-resorcinol are used for normally
dry interior service (where moisture
content of the wood is not expected to
M 138 313
M 136 847-2
M 137 811
M 136 847-2
M 138 390
M 138 312
density and amount ofshrinkage and swelling the joint is exposed to. In the authors
opinion, more furniture joints fail because
of internal stresses than because of external
load, or they weaken to a degree where
external load brings on failure. It is important, therefore, that the furniture
designer be intimately acquainted with the
properties of the different woods, and
M 136 844-6
M 138 751
least affected by cyclical high-low humidity exposures, and the block corner joint
showed the greatest deterioration (fig. 56).
Of the adhesives evaluated, resorcinol and
phenol-resorcinol generally performed
best. Animal glue and casein glue were in
the upper range on side-grain-to-sidegrain joints but were generally the least
durable in other types of joints. Acidcatalyzed phenol and urea resin glues were
generally intermediate in most joints,
although there was considerable variation
in the performance of the three ureas included in the study. Polyvinyl emulsion
adhesive performed well in dowel and slip
or lock joints but poorly in side-grain-toside-grain joints.
M 138 311
M 138 928
Figure 56. Comparison of percentages of control strength values retained by different types of assembly joints after 36 months of exposure to a repeating cycle
consisting of 4 weeks in air at 90 percent relative humidity followed by 4 weeks
in air at 30 percent relative humidity, both at 80 F. (Two different commercial
animal glues were tested, and urea adhesives from three different manufacturers
were tested.)
M 138 929
M 138 930
M 136 800-2
M 136 801-2
M 136 800-9
M 138 264-6
M 138 704
65. Continuous-feed,
steamheated press for edge gluing. Edges
of lumber spread with glue travel by
conveyor to operators position.
M 138 264-8
M 138 265-5
M 99446 F
M 95398 F
M 94561 F
Figure 69. Laminated white oak frames used in construction of Navy minesweeper.
M 138 750
Figure 70. Three types of flush doors. A, Five-ply, solid-core; B, seven-ply, solidcore. The three-ply faces (door skins) are usually preglued; C, seven-ply, hollowcore door. Core material in this case is wood shavings produced by special process.
M 138 749
Figure 71. Flush doors with three-ply plywood faces. A, Expanded cell-type core;
B, mineral composition core: C, particleboard core.
M 96381
Figure 72. Typical core types used in hollow-core doors. A, lattice; B, ladder; C,
tube; D, honeycomb.
Glued products used for sports include
bowling pins, tennis rackets, snow skis,
water skis, hockey sticks, and various types
of gym equipment. Laminated baseball
bats (fig. 73) have also been produced.
These items generally are subject to
rough usage and must be made of tough,
strong woods. Such woods usually exert
high stresses on the glue joints under loss
or increase in moisture content. For longlasting, safe products, adhesives of good
quality are needed.
For items such as water skis, a waterproof bond is definitely required to obtain
reasonable service life for the product.
Bowling pins are subject to severe impacts and a tough adhesive would be expected to give the best performance. But
because bowling pins never get wet, and
generally have a heavy plastic coating, the
ultimate in water resistance is not needed.
One manufacturer of laminated bowling
pins successfully used a separate application of urea resin (catalyst applied to one
face and the resin to the other) for many
M 84744 F
The risk involved in using a moisturesensitive adhesive would be if such laminated equipment, intended for normally
dry use, would be stored in a damp warehouse for an extended period.
Where facilities for curing at elevated
temperatures are available, a melamine- or
resorcinol-fortified urea would provide a
greater margin of safety than straight urea
resin as far as durability of glue bonds is
Where steel or fiberglass are combined
with wood, as in some snow skis, an epoxy
formulated for this purpose may be the best
Urea resin is used almost exclusively as
binder for interior particleboard. Since the
wood is broken down into small particles,
the stresses on the minute bonds are probably lower with changes in moisture
content than in a solid wood-to-wood
joint. On the other hand, it is well known
that urea-bonded particleboard deteriorates
in a few years when exposed directly to the
weather. This indicates that urea resin is
not a suitable binder for particleboard
where damp or humid use conditions are
For exterior boards, phenolic binder is
employed but no substantial use has been
made of particleboard for exterior service
in this country.
Particleboard has also been made with
melamine resin binder, and at least on an
experimental basis, with extracts from
bark. Binder generally is applied by air
spraying or airless spraying with agitation
of the particles.
When veneering particleboard or bonding particleboard to itself or to wood, an
adhesive fully as durable as the binder used
in the boards should be used. For normally
dry interior applications, urea resin should
be adequate; for uses such as light cabinet
doors, high-quality polyvinyl glue has
been reported to give good service. A good
moisture-excluding finish reduces stresses
M 138 196
M 138 198
M 138 597
ZM 96227 F
Figure 77. Light truss with plywood gusset plates glued to framing members. The
gussets were -inch, five-ply, exterior-grade Douglas-fir plywood; framing members were 1 5/8 by 3 5/8 inches in cross section; and ninepenny nails (indicated by
+ on sketch) were used to apply gluing pressure.
With use of adhesives steadily on the
increase, new bonded wood products or
combinations of wood and other materials-are continuously coming on the
Wood jewelry in many varieties is
generally made by bonding the shaped
wood parts to metal clips or similar
fasteners with epoxy adhesive. When a
clear epoxy is used, a complete coating of
the wood part can also provide a durable
Laminated flooring of various constructions has been made for many years, but
new adhesive bonding techniques are
developed from time to time. A method
of obtaining two three-ply flooring boards
by gluing and pressing one five-ply plank
is illustrated in figure 78. This type of
flooring, made of softwoods with oak top
face, is produced in Scandinavia.
Details of construction of a four-ply,
laminated flooring produced for many
years in Europe are shown in figure 79.
Oak-faced flooring for use in permanent
construction should be bonded with an
adhesive at least as durable as fortified urea.
Where appreciable fluctuations in moisture content or where high humidity and
temperature conditions prevail, a phenolresorcinol would provide greater assurance
of long-term satisfactory performance.
M 138 530
M 138 745
Figure 79. Sketch of glued flooring made with softwood lumber core faced with
wood veneer and a top layer made up of narrow strips of oak laid in various
parquet designs. The finished boards are furnished in about 6- by 120-inch strips,
tongued-and-grooved, and varnished on the top surface.
M 138 351
Figure 80. Machine for applying flexible overlay (vinyl film) to molding and
similar stock. Arrow points to overlaid stock coming through the machine.
Adhesives Age
1964. Fibrous overlay bonded to wood at
high speeds. Adhes. Age 7(5):25.
Adhesives Age
1965. Glued walls for a new building.
Adhes. Age 8(2):36-37.
Adhesives Age
1965. Sprayable adhesive reduces drywall
lamination costs. Adhes. Age 8(6):27.
Anderson, A. B., Breuer, R. J., and Nicholls,
G. A.
1961. Bonding particleboards with bark
extracts. For. Prod. J. 11(5):226-228.
Bergin, E. G.
1969. The strength and durability of thick
gluelines. Can. For. Serv. Publ. No.
1260, 24 p.
Carroll, Murray
1963. Efficiency of urea and phenol formaldehyde in particleboard. For. Prod. J.
13(3): 113-120.
Cass, Stephen, B., Jr.
1961. A comparison of hot press interior plywood adhesives. For. Prod. J. 11(7):285287.
Clausen, Victor H., and Zweig, Arnold
1969. Automatic plywood layup development at Simpson Timber Company. For.
Prod. J. 19(9):62-73.
Ettling, B. S., and Adams, M. F.
1966. Quantitative determination of phenolic resin in particleboard. For. Prod. J.
Freas, A. D., and Selbo, M. L.
1954. Fabrication and design of glued laminated wood structural members. U.S.
Dep. Agric., Tech. Bull. 1069. 220 p.
Gatchell, C. J., and Heebink, B. G.
1964. Effect of particle geometry on properties of molded wood-resin blends. For.
Prod. J. 14(11):501-507.
Heebink, B. G., Kuenzi, E. W., and Maki,
A. C.
1964. Linear movement of plywood and
flakeboards as related to the longitudinal
movement of wood. U.S. For. Serv. Res.
Note FPL-073. 34 p. U.S. Dep. Agric.
For. Serv. For. Prod. Lab., Madison, Wis.
Jarvi, R. A.
1967. Exterior glues for plywood, For. Prod.
J. 17(1):37-42.
Klein, W. A.
1970. How to laminate particleboard with
adhesive-coated vinyl film. Adhes. Age
Lehmann, W. F.
1965. Improved particleboard through
better resin efficiency. For. Prod. J.
Lehmann, W. F.
1968. Resin distribution in flakeboards
shown by ultraviolet light photography.
For. Prod. J. 18(10):32-34.
Lehmann, W. F.
1970. Resin efficiency in particleboard as
influenced by density, atomization, and
resin content. For. Prod. J. 20(11):48-54.
Miller, D. G.
1953. Curved plywood, its production and
application in the furniture industry. For.
Prod. J. 3(2):22-26.
Neusser, H.
1967. Practical testing of urea resin glues
for particleboard with a view to shortening
pressing time. Holzforsch. u. Holzverwert. 19(3):37-40. Wien.
Page, W. D.
1968. Controlled manufacture of plywood
structural components. For. Prod. J.
Pinion, L. C.
1967. Estimation of urea formaldehyde and
melamine resins in particleboard. For.
Prod. J. 17(11):27-29.
Rice, J. G., Snyder, J. L., and Hart, C. A.
1967. Influence of selected resins and bonding factors on flakeboard properties. For.
Prod. J. 17(8):49-56.
Selbo, M. L.
1967. Long-term effect of preservatives on
glue lines and laminated beams. For.
Prod. J. 17(5):23-32.
Selbo, M. L.
1954. Jig for alining scarf joints. Proc. For.
Prod. Res. Soc. J. 4(4):43A-45A.
Selbo, M. L.
1961. Adhesives for structural laminated
lumber. Adhes. Age 4(2):22-25.
Shen, K. C.
1970. Correlation between internal bond and
the shear strength measured by twisting
thin plates of particleboard. For. Prod.
J. 20(11):16-20.
Snider, Robert F.
1960. What to look for in glues for furniture production. Adhes. Age 3(1):38-40.
Webb, D. A.
1970. Wood laminating adhesive system for
ribbon spreading. For. Prod. J. 20(4):
The gluing operation generally consists
of these steps: (1) Mixing the ingredients
that make up the glue, when ready for use;
(2) spreading the glue on one or both joint
surfaces to be bonded; (3) assembling the
individual parts in the order planned for
the bonded product; (4) allowing the
spread glue to thicken and penetrate the
wood surfaces for a certain period (usually
referred to as the open and closed assembly
periods and as a rule specified by the
supplier); (5) applying pressure to bring
the spread surfaces into close contact; (6)
retaining pressure until the bond gains
sufficient strength to permit safe handling
of the glued product; and (7) conditioning the glued stock to complete adhesive
cure and allow any solvent to diffuse
throughout the glued assembly.
Each step will be discussed in more
detail, but inasmuch as the gluing procedures vary considerably for different products, the discussion must necessarily be
somewhat general. It is suggested therefore that the adhesive user follow the
manufacturers instruction very closely,
and that the manufacturers technical
serviceman familiarize himself with the
customers process and product so he will
be able to give sound advice to the customer.
Some adhesives, such as the film types
and the straight polyvinyls, are furnished
ready for use and hence require no mixing.
Others, as the ready-to-use caseins and
some powdered ureas, need only to be
mixed with water, as prescribed by the
glue supplier.
In this operation, usually part of the
water is first run into the mixer, after
M 138 389
M 138 385
81. Counter-rotating
paddletype mixer for protein and resin adhesives. Mixers are available in various sizes.
M 48436 F
Various methods are used to apply adhesive to joint surfaces when bonding wood,
depending largely on the type and amount
of glued product and also to some extent
on the adhesive.
In the small workshop, application by
brush is often practical. When larger
M 139 027-1
M 136 846-8
The interval between spreading the
adhesive and the application of full gluing
pressure is called assembly time. If wood
surfaces coated with glue are exposed freely
to the air, solvent evaporation and changes
in adhesive consistency occur much more
rapidly than if the joint surfaces are in
contact. Free exposure of the coated surfaces is called open assembly; surfaces
in contact, closed assembly.
Proper adjustment of the assembly time
is very important and often has significant
effect on the quality of the glue joints.
A too-short assembly period often results
in starved glue joints, particularly with
low-viscosity adhesives and dense species
that absorb moisture from the glue slowly.
Too long an assembly period (particularly
open assembly) can easily result in skinning over or drying out of the glue film.
The result is inadequate transfer ofadhesive
from the spread to the unspread surfaces.
Because of the large variety of glued
wood products, only a few will be briefly
mentioned to give a general idea of the
assembly operations involved.
The key to success in most industries
today is automation, and significant breakthroughs have been made in recent years
in fields such as plywood manufacture
where layup efficiency has improved immensely. In a similar manner, layup of
large assemblies in the more progressive
lumber-laminating plants is being done
with hardly a piece of lumber being
touched by hand.
In some plants the planer and glue
spreader are arranged in tandem with
synchronized rates of speed. The laminations, end-jointed to length, run conti-
Glue-joint surfaces must be brought
into close contact to enable the adhesive
to form a bond between them. Hence the
application of adequate and uniformly distributed pressure to the joint at the proper
time is essential in production of consistently high-quality bonded joints. Pressure
must smooth the adhesive to a continuous,
fairly thin layer between the wood surfaces,
and hold the parts in close contact while
the adhesive is setting or curing.
The optimum thickness of glue films in
joints varies with the type of adhesive and
wood species. Cured films as thin as 0.002
inch have resulted in good bonds with urea
adhesives, and those as thick as 0.010 inch
resulted in good quality joints with resorcinol adhesives used with dense species.
For best results, pressure should be applied
evenly over the entire joint area. Fluid
pressure, such as used in bag molding with
thin veneers, comes closest to being completely uniform.
In hot-pressing plywood, multiopening hydraulic hot presses (fig. 43)
apply pressure of about 175 pounds per
square inch to the veneers while the glue
is curing. In laminating, retaining clamps
of various types (figs. 52, 87, and 88)
are commonly used. Caul boards are laid
M 87206 F
M 57292
87. Double-bolt
clamps used to apply gluing pressure
to laminated assemblies. The rockerhead equalizes the pressure across the
M 142395
M 96845 F
M 96844 F
F i g u r e 9 2 . Curing phenol-resorcinol in
scarf joints with continuous rubber
pad heated with low-voltage electric
current. Thin sheets of aluminum separate pad from boards to prevent
contamination of pad by squeezedout glue.
M 138 264-2
M 89990 F
M 136 846-6
M 136 846-6
It is usually not economical to maintain
gluing pressure or continue curing under
pressure until the adhesive joints have
reached their ultimate strength. A conditioning period after gluing pressure has
been released is beneficial in many ways.
It allows moisture, if introduced by the
glue, to diffuse away from the glue joints
and equalize throughout the member. It
permits the glue to continue to set and
approach its ultimate bond strength.
Stresses set up in the glued article during
the gluing and curing operation will tend
to be relieved and die out.
Because hot pressing generally lowers
the moisture content of a panel and cold
pressing increases the moisture content,
conditioning panels and other products
under controlled humidity and temperature is generally desirable and also most
A typical example of inadequate conditioning is represented by the sunken
joints sometimes found in edge-glued
lumber panels. They are often caused by
surfacing the stock too soon after gluing.
The wood adjacent to the joint absorbs
water from the glue and swells. If the panel
is surfaced before this excess moisture is
distributed, more wood is removed along
the joints than at intermediate points.
Then during equalization of the moisture,
greater shrinkage occurs at the joints than
elsewhere, and permanent depressions are
formed. This condition is illustrated in
figure 98 where panels were surfaced immediately after gluing pressure was released. When improperly conditioned
panels are veneered, showthrough of
sunken joints and similar defects mars
surface appearance.
Based on research at the Forest Products
Laboratory, the following conditions
maintained in a room with good circulation should provide reasonable assurance
The strength and quality of a glue joint
depend not only on the type of wood or
the quality of the glue used but also on
the gluing procedure in making the joint.
Often the same glue is entirely adequate
for a wide range of species provided the
gluing conditions are adjusted to the requirements of the particular species involved.
A specific example from production
illustrates the type of adjustments that
are required at times. White oak ship
M 86081 F
Figure 98. Yellow-poplar panels edge-glued with urea resin cured by highfrequency dielectric heating and with animal glue set at room temperature. Upper
panels (left, urea; right, animal glue) were surfaced immediately after gluing
pressure was released. lower panels (left, urea; right, animal glue) were conditioned 7 days at room temperature before they were surfaced. Note sunken joints
on panels surfaced without conditioning.
where the same adhesive was used to laminate similar frames, the temperature
ranged from 60 to 70F. To obtain acceptable glue bonds under these conditions,
the mixed glue had to be aged at least
half an hour before spreading and full
gluing pressure was not applied for at least
Adhesives Age
1964. Edge glue spreader with vertical axis
application roll. Adhes. Age 7(9):29.
Bellosillo, S. B.
1970. Nail-gluing of lumber-plywood
assemblies-a literature review. Inf. Rep.
OP-X-29. 70 p. Can. For. Serv., Dep.
of Fisheries and Forest., Ottawa, Canada.
Chow, S. Z., and Hancock, W. V.
1969. Method for determining degree of
cure ofphenolic resin. For. Prod. J. 19(4):
Currier, Raymond A.
1963. Compressibility and bond quality of
western softwood veneers. For. Prod. J.
Freeman, Harlan G.
1970. Influence of production variables on
quality of southern pine plywood. For.
Prod. J. 20(12):28-31.
Rayner, C. A. A.
1965. Cascade gluing in plywood manufacturing. Adhes. Age 8(2):33-35.
Rice, J. T.
1965. Effect of urea-formaldehyde resin viscosity on plywood wood bond durability.
For. Prod. J. 15(3):107-112.
Selbo, M. L.
1952. Effectiveness of different conditioning
schedules in reducing sunken joints in
edge glued lumber panels. For. Prod.
J. 2(1):110-112.
Webb, David A.
1970. Wood laminating adhesive system for
ribbon spreading. For. Prod. J. 20(4):
M 128 112
Figure 99. Bridge on logging railroad near Longview, Wash., built with laminated
stringers pressure treated with creosote-oil mixture before erection.
more, when only the outer layer of a member is treated, checks that sometimes
develop later in service may allow decay
to start. On the other hand, bridge timbers
produced by this method (pressure-treated
with creosote or creosote and oil mixtures
after gluing) have been found to be in excellent condition after more than 25 years
of service.
Wood pressure-treated with preservatives can be used to produce members of
practically any size and shape that are
thoroughly impregnated. By proper selection of materials, thin laminations can be
given complete penetration with preservative chemicals; this as a rule is not possible
with larger timbers. Laminated members produced from such treated stock can
M 124 523
Bergin, E. G.
1963. Gluability of fire-retardant-treated
wood. For. Prod. J. 13(12):549-556.
Blew, J. O., and Olson, W. Z.
1950. The durability of birch plywood
treated with wood preservatives and fireretarding chemicals. Proc. Am. Wood
Preserv. Assoc. 46:323-338.
Selbo, M. L.
1959. Summary of information on gluing of
treated wood. U.S. For. Prod. Lab. Rep.
1789. 21 p. U.S. Dep. Agric. For. Serv.
For. Prod. Lab., Madison, Wis.
Selbo, M. L.
1960. The gluing of treated wood. Proc.
Am. Wood Preserv. Assoc. 56:70-73.
Selbo, M. L.
1961. Effect of solvent on gluing of preservative-treated red oak, Douglas-fir, and
southern yellow pine. Proc. Am. Wood
Preserv. Assoc. 57:152, 163.
Selbo, M. L., and Gronvold, O.
1958. Laminating of preservative-treated
Scotch pine. For. Prod. J. 8(9):25A-26A.
The authors first experience with evaluation of glue-joint quality was gained by
splitting apart the edge and end trims of
plywood panels as the panels came through
trim saws. If the failures were mostly in
the wood, it was a good indication that the
samples would pass the more stringent and
sophisticated laboratory tests, but if the
failures were in the glue joints, there was
a good chance they would not pass.
The purpose of mentioning such crude
tests as ripping apart edge trims of plywood and prying apart laminations from
the end trim of beams and arches with a
chisel is to stress these points: (1) The
sooner defective joints are detected, the
sooner corrections can be made, and the
less loss will be involved; (2) even a crude
quality-control test is better than no test
at all.
ZM 73979 F
Figure 101. Effect of three types of accelerated laboratory tests on glue bonds in
plywood-to-lumber gusset joints made with three types of adhesives. The
vacuum-pressure, soak-dry cycles resulted in the largest amount of joint separation with each type of glue. The data indicate that two of the glues are unsuitable
for severe exposures.
ZM 69813 F
Figure 102. Standard block, A, and stair-step type, B, shear specimens for evaluating glue-joint strength and quality. The stair-step is convenient for testing successive joints in a laminated timber.
M 76703
M 138 763-12
105. Hydraulically
quick acting, tension-shear test machine for plywood.
M 59284 F
M 101 231
M 138 766-11
Absorptiveness. The ability of a solid to
absorb a liquid or vapor, or the rate at
which the liquid or vapor is absorbed.
Aged (Matured). T h e c o n d i t i o n a t
which the reaction between the active
ingredients of an adhesive has reached
the proper stage for spreading.
Air seasoning (Air drying). The process
of drying green lumber or other wood
products by exposure to prevailing
atmospheric conditions outdoors or in
an unheated shed.
Annual ring. The growth layer put on
a tree in a single growth year, including
earlywood and latewood.
Architecturalplywood. Plywood having
esthetic appeal, attractive grain pattern.
Assembly joints. Joints for bonding
variously shaped parts such as in wood
furniture (as opposed to joints in plywood and laminates that are all quite
Assembly time. Interval between
spreading the adhesive on the surfaces
to be joined and the application of pressure to the joint or joints.
Note For assemblies involving
multiple layers or parts, the assembly
time begins with the spreading of the
adhesive on the first adherend.
(1) Open assembly time is the time
interval between the spreading of the
adhesive on the adherend and the completion of assembly of the parts for
(2) Closed assembly time is the time
interval between completion of assembly of the parts for bonding and the
application of pressure to the assembly.
Bacteria. One-celled micro-organisms
which have no chlorophyll and multiply
by simple division.
Bag molding. A method of molding or
bonding involving the application of
fluid or pressure, usually by means of
air, steam, water, or vacuum, to a flexible cover which, sometimes in conjunction with a rigid die, completely encloses the material to be bonded.
Baseboard. A board placed against the
wall around a room next to the floor
to finish properly between floor and
plaster or gypsum board.
Blade-coating Application of a film of a
liquid material (liquid resin) on a panel
surface by scraping the straight edge of
a steel blade, or other material, over the
Blistering. Formation of vapor pocket
in a plywood panel because of too wet
veneer, too much solvent in adhesive,
too high adhesive spread, or too high
cure temperature for the adhesive used.
Blood albumin. Complex protinaceous
material obtained from blood.
Boilproof adhesive Adhesive that will
not fail after many hours of boiling.
Bond failure. Rupture of adhesive
Book matching. Matching veneer by
turning over alternate sheets.
Boom. A spar extending from a mast to
hold bottom of sail outstretched; also
used for loading and unloading purposes.
Bowing. Distortion whereby the faces of
a wood product become concave or
convex along the grain.
Burnished. A glazed surface with which
it may be difficult to obtain a satisfactory bond.
Burl. Burls come from a warty growth
generally caused by some injury to the
growing layer just under the bark. This
injury, perhaps due to insects or
bacteria, causes the growing cells to
divide abnormally, creating excess
wood, that finds room for itself in many
little humps. Succeeding growth follows these contours. Cutting across
End grain. The grain of a cross section of a tree, or the surface of such a
End joint. A joint made by gluing two
pieces of wood end to end, commonly
by a scarf or finger joint.
Equilibrium moisture content. The
moisture content at which wood neither
gains nor loses moisture when surrounded by air at a given relative
humidity and temperature.
Expeller. Device that removes oil from
bean by crushing (See also Roller mill).
Extender. A substance, generally having
some adhesive action, added to an adhesive to reduce the amount of the primary
binder required per unit area.
Exterior service. Service or use in the
open (exposed to weather).
External load. Load applied externally.
External stresses. Stresses imposed by
external load.
Extractives. Any substance in wood,
not an integral part of the cellular structure, that can be removed by solution
in hot or cold water, ether, benzene,
or other solvents that do not react chemically with wood components.
Extrusion spreading. Adhesive forced
through small openings in spreader head
(see also Ribbon spreading ).
Exudation products. Tars and similar
products that migrate to the wood surface.
Fiber saturation point. The stage in the
drying or wetting of wood at which the
cell walls are saturated with water and
the cell cavities are free of water. Also
described as the moisture level above
which no dimensional changes take
place in wood. It is usually taken as
about 30 percent moisture content,
based on the weight when ovendry.
Figured veneer. General term for decorative veneer such as from crotches,
burls, and stumps.
Filler. A relatively nonadhesive substance added to an adhesive to improve
its working properties, permanence,
strength, or other qualities.
Film adhesive. Describes a class of adhesives furnished in dry film form with or
without reinforcing tissuelike paper or
Finger joint. An end joint made up of
several meshing fingers of wood bonded
together with an adhesive.
Fire retardant. A chemical or preparation of chemicals used to reduce flammability or to retard spread of fire.
Flat-grained lumber. Lumber that has
been sawed in a plane approximately
perpendicular to a radius of the log.
Lumber is considered flat grained when
the annual growth rings make an angle
of less than 45 with the surface of the
Flow. In gluing, the state of a substance
sufficiently liquid to penetrate pores and
minute crevasses when pressure is
Fluid pressure. Pressure applied by an
inflated bag or similar means.
Flush panels. Flat panels as on a flush
door (no contorted or shaped parts).
Fortifier. Material improving certain
qualities in adhesives, such as water
resistance and durability.
Fungi. Simple forms of nongreen plants
consisting mostly of microscopic
threads (hyphae) some of which may
attack wood, dissolving and absorbing
substrate materials (cell walls, cell
contents, resins, glues, etc.) which the
fungi use as food.
Gap-filling adhesive. Adhesive suitable for use where the surfaces to be
joined may not be in close or continuous
contact owing either to the impossibility of applying adequate pressure or
to slight inaccuracies in matching
mating surfaces.
Glazed. Worn shiny by rubbing.
Glossy finish. Shiny finish, reflects
Gluability. Term indicating ease or
difficulty in bonding a material with
77, 114
26, 82, 114
21, 22
22, 74, 81, 92,
95, 102
87, 88
82, 83
27, 73
87, 115
11, 65
15, 16, 72, 77,
80, 84, 92,
95, 101
36, 38
22, 23, 73, 89,
10, 11
14, 16, 72, 78,
83, 84, 93,
95, 101, 102
Room-temperature-setting urea
resins ................................
Rotary-cut veneer ..................
Scarf joints ..........................
Serrated scarf joint .................
Shear block test ....................
Ship and boat construction .......
Adhesives used ..................
Gluing operations ...............
Species desired ..................
Use of melamine resin glues
Use of resorcinol resins .........
Shrinking and swelling ...........
Sliced and sawed veneers ..........
Softwood plywood .................
Exterior ..........................
Interior ...........................
Uses ..............................
Solid cores for flush doors ........
Soybean glue .......................
Spreading adhesives ................
Starved glue joint ..................
Storage of lumber ..................
Storage of veneer ...................
Stress relief in laminated construction ..................................
21, 22
22, 23
14, 15, 24
17, 18, 19, 72
23, 73
61, 118