Linux Notes
Linux Notes
Linux Notes
Root means highest level of anything so Root user = Administrator, root folder =
home, root drive = c:
Shell means LUI (line user interface like DOS)
sudo means Super User do (super user = Root user = Administrator in windows)
Remember installation of any program or service requires admin rights just like in
windows (Run as Administrator)
apt-get is used to download services or program from repository (repository is a
kind of place where millions of services, programs are stored on the internet.
sudo tasksel (task selection is used to install no of service packages e,g; if you want
to install web server on the linux or windows you have to install one by one each
service like apache server,mysql and php but if you use tasksel in linux and select
lamp (linux apache mysql php) then all of these 3 services will be installed rather
you install one by one
man command is used for help just like ? in some languages
man ping (remember to close this help press q)
sudo apt-get install apache used to install service apache alone
sudo apt-get remove apache used to uninstall service apache alone
sudo apt-get upgrade is used to update all the services install on the server
when you change the configuration in software in linux then you just may have to
restart that particular service only instead of system restart as in windows
sudo /etc/init.d/apache start ---- this is used to start any service like apache
sudo /etc/init.d/apache stop -- this is used to stop any service like apache
sudo /etc/init.d/apache restart - this is used to restart any service like apache
Remember is you make changes in apache service software you may need to restart
it alone instead of system restart. It will take only 1-3 seconds only but if you make
changes in windows apache then it may take 4-10 minutes that means your website
will be offline for 4-10minutes if you are using windows based server which is very
long time as compared to linux
Top command is similar to task manager in windows .It shows all the running
services and processes along with the PID.
sudo top
So if you want to stop any process the just write
k pid # (k=kill) for example -- k 1578