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Macedonia 12.6.2012

Handbook for Emission Measurements for Macedonia

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Requirements for measurement site ........................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 General ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Access to measurement site .................................................................................................................................6
2.3 Selection for measurement site and measurement section ...................................................................................7
2.3.1 Selection of measurement point and number ................................................................................................ 8
2.3.2 Fixed measurement equipment of installations ........................................................................................... 10
2.4 Size of measurement ports ................................................................................................................................. 10
2.5 Working space and conditions of the measurement site .................................................................................... 11
2.6 Equipment for the measurement site.................................................................................................................. 13
2.7 Work safety........................................................................................................................................................ 14
3. Determining the flue gas velocity and flow rate ...................................................................................................... 14
3.1 Pitot measurements ............................................................................................................................................ 15
3.2 Determining the water content in the wet gas .................................................................................................... 16
3.3 Determining the wet gas density ........................................................................................................................ 17
4. Particulate measurement .......................................................................................................................................... 18
4.1 General .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
4.2 Factors influencing the reliability of the particulate measurements .................................................................. 19
4.2.1 Filter material ............................................................................................................................................. 19
4.2.2 Weighing .................................................................................................................................................... 19
4.2.3 Field blank .................................................................................................................................................. 19
4.2.4 Isokinetic sampling ..................................................................................................................................... 20
4.2.5 In-stack sampling method ........................................................................................................................... 21
4.2.6 Out-stack sampling method ........................................................................................................................ 22
5. Measurement of gaseous components- continuous methods ................................................................................... 23
5.1 Sampling ............................................................................................................................................................ 23
5.1.1 Sampling line .............................................................................................................................................. 24
5.1.2 Conditioning techniques ............................................................................................................................. 25
5.2 Different measurement techniques for gaseous components ............................................................................. 28
5.2.1 Most common techniques for the measurement of gaseous components ................................................... 28
5.2.2 Standard reference methods SRM for different components in EU ............................................................ 29
5.3 Factors affecting the measurement uncertainty ................................................................................................. 29
5.3.1 Calibration .................................................................................................................................................. 29
5.3.2 Check for the linearity ................................................................................................................................ 30
5.3.3 Undertaken measures in studying interfering gases .................................................................................... 30
5.3.4 Test for NOx-converter ............................................................................................................................... 31
5.3.5 Environmental conditions ........................................................................................................................... 31
6. Measurement of gaseous components- discontinuous methods............................................................................... 31
6.1 Absorption methods ........................................................................................................................................... 32
6.1.1 Sampling for absorption methods ............................................................................................................... 32
6.1.2 Methods for analysis ................................................................................................................................... 35
6.2 Adsorption methods ........................................................................................................................................... 36
7. Emission calculation ................................................................................................................................................ 37
7.1 Calculation of the gas flow rate in stack according to the Finnish standard SFS 3866...................................... 37
7.2 Calculation of the particulates and the emission according to the Finnish standard SFS 3866 ......................... 40
7.3 Changes between different gas component units ............................................................................................... 42
7.4 Conversions between dry and wet concentrations and standardisation to reference oxygen concentration ...... 42
8. Calculation of measurement uncertainty ................................................................................................................. 43

9. Reporting of emission measurements ...................................................................................................................... 45

9.1 Reporting of the emission measurement teams.................................................................................................. 45
9.2 Reporting of the emission data by the installations ........................................................................................... 45
9.3 International reporting by MEPP ....................................................................................................................... 45
10. Standardisation of emission measurement ............................................................................................................. 46
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................................ 47
ANNEX I ..................................................................................................................................................................... 47
ANNEX II ................................................................................................................................................................... 49

1. Introduction
Air Quality continues to be among the main environmental problems in the Republic of Macedonia.
To fulfil the objective of emission reduction, we are using emission monitoring. We are monitoring
and measuring in order to fulfil the measures described in the Plans for air quality improvement.
This refers especially to the installations having significant share in the total emission in the
country, in order to determine whether they abide the prescribed emission limit values.
The implementation of the plans should ensure whether air quality is on a satisfactory level, i.e.
whether concentrations of pollutants in the ambient air are according to the limit values.
The aim of this guideline is to assist the owners of the installations and the consultant-analysts in
performing emission monitoring and measurement, and in order to abide the Law on Ambient Air
Quality article 47 (Official Gazette of RM, No. 67/04, 92/07, 35/10. 47/11, 59/12) and the Rulebook
on the methods, means and methodology for measurement of emissions from stationary sources
(Official Gazette of RM, No.11/2012).
The guideline describes the general aspects of measurement of emissions from stationary sources
and they are further prcised with the standards specified in it. The QA/QC procedures of
measurement of emissions from stationary sources have been described.
The ten chapters specify directions for performing the measurement process starting from:

the requirement for measurement, selection and number of measurement points, the size of
the measurement ports, working area and measurement place conditions, the measurement place
equipment and the work safety;

determining the velocity of the flue gas, the flow rate, water content in the flue gas and wet
gas density;

particulate measurement, factors influencing the reliability of the measurement, the

isokinetic sampling, in-stack and out-stack sampling;

gas components measurement continuous methods starting from sampling, , most

frequent gas component measurement techniques, other gas component techniques, factors
influencing the measurement uncertainty and calibration;

gas component measurement discontinuous methods under absorption methods,

sampling according to absorption methods, analysis methods adsorption methods;

emission calculation, flow rate calculation, calculation of particulate and emission

calculation, conversion of units of gaseous components from wet into dry concentrations and
normalization of the oxygen reference level

calculation of the measurement uncertainty

emission measurement reporting, from the emission measurement teams, from

installations for the emission data, international reporting from MEPP

standardization of emission measurement

The directions are also invaluable for any company or agency wanting to get accurate assessment
of the environmental impact of their activity.

2. Requirements for measurement site

2.1 General
For the measurements to be carried safety and efficiently by the measurement personnel it
is needed to have free access to the sampling plane and appropriate measuring ports and working
platforms for typical sampling equipment.
Before measurement is being conducted, it is necessary to have a discussion with
the persons responsible for environmental issues in the installation for the purpose of
sampling/measurement. The nature of the process, continuous or batch process can influence the
sampling programme.
Representative of the plant should be present for guidance and information about the plant
operating conditions for the measurement objective and further assessment strategy and planning
of the measurements.
The preliminary review of the factory will enable determination of the best measurement
location and determine the number and the scheme of the sampling points.
Working areas should be protected from heat and dust and ensure the necessary
environmental working conditions.
The planning of measurement site and inspections during the use will limit personal
injuries and unnecessary investments.
The access to the site has to be easy and unlimited, the site must have appropriate facilities
and protective equipment in case of emergency and the measurement level must be on the correct
part of the stack. The location of the measurement level is the most significant factor in the
reliability of the results. The size of the measurement port has to be large enough and be located in
a correct place in the canal to ensure good quality results.
The flow of gases has to be stable and homogenic for the measured components, because
the measured emission concentration of the component has to be representative of the emission. If
this is not the case, the result from an individual monitor is not representative of the emission and
the results cannot be used. If the flow conditions of the measurement level are not for all parts
according to the standards MKC ISO 10780 and MKC ISO 9096 and the measurements have to be
done nevertheless, it should be evaluated in the emission measurement report whether the gas flow
conditions have affected the reliability of the measurement results. This impact on the reliability of
the measurement results, should be taken into consideration when determining the total
measurement uncertainty. The requirements for emission measurements should be taken into
account already when planning the structure of a new installation. The changes in the structure of
already constructed installation will create additional expenses but are needed for reliable
emission measurement results and work safety.

Figure 1. Selection of level of measurement place of circular duct

2.2 Access to measurement site
Measurement sites shall be installed in such a way as to comply with national safety requirements.
Important to guarantee ergonomically correct access without too heavy physical load to
fixed measurement equipment for maintenance and regular comparison measurements.
The route should be a fixed part of the structure of the installation taking into account the
safety concerns. For example ladders or removable scaffold should not be used in the
measurement site or in the measurements.
To avoid areas of sources that emit unexpectedly such as rupture disks overpressure valves
or steam discharges. Any hazard measures by engineering, areas of positive pressure.
To take into consideration the design of the installation. Many installations were designed
before the time of current level emission measurement practices. Since the emission
measurements activities were not taken into account in planning, the stack often have only
spiral stairs and lifting equipment for maintenance. The emission measurement equipment
are lifted up usually with lifting equipment or if not available, carrying or lifting with rope to
the measurement site.
For large combustion plants and waste incinerators the control measurements are done at
least once per year for several days. If the measurement technician needs go to the site tens
of times per day, which using spiral stairs is very heavy and time consuming, having a
mobile platform is preferable, therefore contributing to the increase of safety and

2.3 Selection for measurement site and measurement section

The following criteria need to be taken into account when selecting the measurement site and
measurement section.
Selected according to the standard criteria.
The measurement section should be situated in the vertical part of the canal.
The measurement section is the surface of the cross-section of the canal, where the samples
are taken (AMS and SRM).
Disturbing factors to the flow (bends on the canal, fans) should be as far as possible from
the measurement level. Usually it is enough that the distance is five times the hydraulic
diameter before the measurement level and two times the hydraulic diameter after the
measurement level. Five times the hydraulic diameter is needed before the end of the stack.
The gas flow direction deviation can be maximum 15 of the canal axis direction.
Determination of the direction deviation can be challenging in practice and can be done
with Pitot tube. There should not occur local negative flow and the dynamic pressure of the
flow should be more than 5 Pa. The ratio between the lowest and highest velocity of the gas
flow should be smaller than 3:1.
If the sampling (measurement) in the horizontal channels cannot be avoided, the access
entries located at the top of the canal can be taken into account as practical advantage.
However, the nozzles of probes should not be in contact with the possible bottom dust layer
of the canal.

Figure 2. Measurement points after the duct bend (SFS 5625).


Figure 3. Measurement points after the vent (SFS 5625).

2.3.1 Selection of measurement point and number

In case of circular ducts you can have two options how to choose the location of the
measurement points. In method A, one measurement point is located at the center of the
channel and in method B, there is no measurement point in the center of the channel.

Figure 4. The locations of the measurement points in a circular duct , methods A and B
(SFS-EN 13284-1, source Finnish Handbook for Emission Measurements)

Figure 5. The locations of the measurement points in a rectangular duct

(SFS-EN 13284-1, source Finnish Handbook for Emission Measurements)
The minimum number of measurement points is established by the dimensions of the
channel. Generally speaking, this number is increasing by increasing the dimensions of the
channel. The minimum number of required measurement points is given in the relevant
standards EN 13284-1 and ISO 9096. If there is an increase of the turbulence it is
recommended that the number of measurement points is increased from the minimum in

order to achieve more reliable results. Sampling points shall be located either more than 3
% of the sampling line length or more than 5 cm whichever is the greater value from the
inner duct wall.

2.3.2 Fixed measurement equipment of installations

Requirements from appropriate standards (e.g. EN 15259) should be taken into account in
the selection of the location of the measurement equipment and the measurement level.
The equipment should be located so that the results will be representative.
Easy and safe access to the equipment should be guaranteed as well as the requirements of
the maintenance taken into account.
Mostly installation of the measurement equipment is suppliers responsibility, but the
operator must show a location to the measurement equipment and level which follows the
requirements of the standards.
The supplier and the operator should go through the requirements caused by the specific
measurement technique well advance the installation.
Also safety issues should be taken into account

2.4 Size of measurement ports

The measurement port should primarily be with flange and the recommended nominal size
is 125 mm (5 inches). For small canals the port can be smaller but large enough for
measurements probes. Selected according to the MKC EN 15259 standard criteria..
The ports with flanges should reach so far outside the insulation that the placement of
fastening bolt is easy.
The measurement ports should always be covered with insulating gap to prevent
The ports can be also equipped with u-shaped iron stand that is welded to the stack below
the port to support the probes.


Figure 6. Size of the measurement ports (SFS 5625)

Source Finnish handbook on emission measurement
2.5 Working space and conditions of the measurement site
The basic requirement is that there is a space for measurements where the conditions are
The temperature should be such that there will not be disturbances regarding the
measurement methods and that the temperature does not cause harm to the health or
working capabilities of the measurement technician.
The dust or vibration shall not affect the measurement method reliability.
It is recommended to build a shelter for measurements where the conditions are controlled
in case of outside stack. Temporary measurement tents or similar do not guarantee
adequate protection for example due to changes in weather. This is also valid for inside
stack measurement sites, where measurement room is required due to the dust and
vibration. (when there are comparison measurements with SRM and AMS), the used
analysers have to be able to be situated as close as possible to the AMS.
For the sampling line there is recommended to make through holes to the walls to avoid the
lines being compressed by the doors.(if needed)
The width of the work plane has to be at least the length of the probe needed in the
measurements, when the diameter of the canal is two meters (two particle sampling ports


and gas sampling port). It can be estimated that generally the width of the space needed is
at least the diameter of the stack + 1 meter. If the diameter of a round canal is larger than 2
meters when usually four particle sampling ports and equivalent gas sampling ports are
needed, should the working base be around the stack and the width be 50 % of the diameter
of the stack. The free space in front of the measurement port should be at least the length of
the sampling probe needed in the measurements in order to install and remove the probe
safely and without problems.

Figure 7. Measurement place (SFS 5625, source Finnish Handbook for Emission Measurements)


Figure 8. Measurement platform (SFS 5625, source Finnish Handbook for Emission Measurements)

2.6 Equipment for the measurement site

Equipment to the measurement site depends on the measurement techniques and work
The route and measurement site should have adequate lightning.
Electricity, compressed air and running water should be available depending of the used
measurement equipment and the extent of the measurements.
The site should have land line phone or other way of communicating if there is a risk
than mobile phones cannot be used.
All stack levels (including the cap between the stack and the level) should be covered to
prevent fall of items. Most of the inner stacks of concrete stacks have been built so that
they can move sideways and the cap between the inner stack and measurement level
can vary due to the conditions. This kind of cap can be covered with special ring built to
the stack. Step is built to the measurement level under the ring to prevent items falling.
Information board about the measurements should be placed on the foot of the stack.
The by-pass gases from the analysers should be directed outside through outlet tube to
prevent intoxication of technicians. For this there should be through holes on the walls
of the measurement site.


2.7 Work safety

Law for Safety and Health at Work (Official Gazette No. 92/07)
Safety precautions:
- helmets
- proper shoes
- personnel alarm systems for example for CO
- protection for ears, eyes
Instructions how to escape from the measurement place e.g in case of fire
Proper stairs to climb to the measurement place

3. Determining the flue gas velocity and flow rate

Data about the gas volume flow is needed in order to determine emission. Volume flow can
be determined by sampling the velocity of the gas flow.
International standards direct to manual methods to determine the velocity and volume
flow of gas streams in ducts, big and small stacks with emissions of pollutants in the
atmosphere. The velocity of the gas flow can be determined with measurements with the so
called Pitot tube.
Rough calculations can be made using data on the fuel type used and the technological
process. To determine the volume flow and emission, the local values of the velocity is also
needed to select the input nozzle for isokinetic sampling when measuring dust. The
emission mass flow is needed to determine the data of the volume of the leaking gas.
The flow can be determined by measuring the velocity of the gas and the diameter of the
measurement plane.
The measurement plane can be determined by determining the inner diameter of the duct,
for example by placing a calibrated stick (meter) through the entrance of the measurement
port and repeating that at the second measurement port at an 90 angle, therefore
determining the diameter of the duct (stack). For rectangular ducts, the plane can be
determined by measuring the external dimensions of the duct, taking into account the
thickness of the duct wall. When it is not possible to measure the diameter of the duct, the
layout of the duct provided by the company can be used.
The bends of the duct, the valves, the compressors as well as changes to the size of the duct
can cause interferences of the gas flow and therefore, there should be adequate distance
between these disturbing factors and the measurement port Cyclones can additionally
cause turbulences in the flow. These factors have to be taken into consideration when the
measurement level and measurement points are being selected.
The variations in the process cause changes in the gas flow during measurement of the gas
emissions, which can also cause measurement uncertainty. These variations can be noticed
in the industry where continuous measurements are performed when, during the entire
process, there are changes in the dynamic pressure at one individual location. In order to


obtain the true velocity during the measurement, if needed, the measurement should be
3.1 Pitot measurements
During sampling (taking samples) with Pitot tube, the velocity of the gas is determined
from the dynamic gas flow in the stack and the wet gas density. The dynamic gas pressure
is measured with a Pitot tube and micro manometer. Figure? presents the dynamic
pressure measurement principle used with Pitot sampling tube. The prevailing pressure in
the duct is determined by measuring the difference between the pressure in the duct and
the outside pressure.

Figure 9. L and S type of Pitot tube

There are two types of Pitot-tubes, L and S type. L type tube is used for relatively dry gases
and low concentrations of particles (dust) since the tube could be clogged. S type tubes are
used for gases with high concentration of particles and humidity. The velocity correction
factor for S Pitot-tube varies between 0,82 and 0,83.
Pitot tubes can be calibrated as described in the international standard (ISO 10780).
The main opening of the Pitot tube is directed downwards opposite to the gas flow
direction, as precisely as possible, so that measurement uncertainties do not occur.

The dynamic pressure is a function of the flow according to the following equation:

On site, the dynamic pressure values are being measured at several measurement
points of the measurement plane. Therefore, the mean gas flow velocity is :

If the dynamic pressure is determined at 4 points, the mean gas flow can be calculated by
determining the mean at each point:

The example of calculations of the flow rate is displayed in chapter 7.1.

3.2 Determining the water content in the wet gas
The water content of flue gas is often determined gravimetric with condensation of the
sampled gas. If the determination is done separately, the duration of the sampling should
be long enough to enable the condensate water quantity to be measured with appropriate
In order for the condensation to take place, the residual water moisture should be small
enough to absorb the silica gel.

The condensate collection container should be kept at sufficiently low temperature (for
example acclimatized water bath) so that the condensate would be complete. Before and
after the sampling, the sampling line and the gathered condensate water and the silica gel
cartridge are weighed.
Water content can also be determined with the so called dry-wet-temperature, the
example is shown in Annex 2 of the Finnish Manual. In this case, in order to perform the
measurement with dry-wet-temperature, the temperature needs to be measured with
thermo-element. The thermo-element is wrapped with wet towel. When it is placed in a
duct, his temperature starts to rise. When the evaporation point is reached, the raise of the
temperature shall stop until there is enough water to evaporate to reach thermic balance,
where the temperature is conducted both ways. When the towel dries out the temperature
shall start to rise again. Water content can also be measured continuously with IR or FTIRinstrument.
3.3 Determining the wet gas density
In order to determine the wet gas density we shall need the following data:

concentrations of gas components O2, CO2 etc.
pressure difference between the stack and the ambient air
ambient air pressure
gas pressure in the stack
water content

The temperature is usually measured with a thermo-element (as K-type thermo-element)

Gas concentrations O2, CO2 or any other concentrations (> 2%) as significant gas
component measured in accordance to paragraph 5.2. When measuring O2, CO2, the so
called combustion triangle can be used, meaning that when you measure the combustion
processes and know the oxygen concentration, the carbon dioxide concentration can be
determined (look at following image)


Information about the difference of pressure between the stack and the ambient air, is
prepared by taking the tube displaying the dynamic pressure and is connected to the part
measuring the static pressure, the tube connected to the part measuring the static pressure
in the Pitot tube is left outside the stack.
Ambient pressure is determined with a barometer or can be found on the internet, can be
obtained from the local meteorological institute etc.
The pressure of the gas in the stack is measured in the following manner:
- when the stack has greater pressure:
the pressure of the gas in the stack = pressure of the ambient air + difference of
the pressure in the stack and the ambient air
- when the stack has too small pressure:
the pressure of the gas in the stack = pressure of the ambient air - difference of
the pressure in the stack and the ambient air
Determining the water content is explained in the previous chapter

4. Particulate measurement (dust)

4.1 General
This part is related to the MKC EN 13284-1 standard (Stationary source emissions Determination of low range mass concentration of dust. Part 1: Manual gravimetric
method) for particulate measurement.


4.2 Factors influencing the reliability of the particulate measurements

Most important factors are:
Sampling must be representative
No leaking in the sampling lines
Avoid touching stack walls with the probe when inserting the probe in the duct or
when taking it out (you will get more particles on the filter)
Temperature control of the nozzle (opening), the probe and the filter in order to
avoid condensation
Control that the sampling is isokinetic
Gas sample needs to be properly dried before it is taken to the gas meter

4.2.1 Filter material

It is usual that quartz fibers are used as particulate filter fabric, since they are relatively
inert to external conditions and can tolerate temperatures up to 950 :C.
Glass fiber filters are usually cheaper compared to quartz fiber filters. However, when
using glass fiber filters make sure that the flue gas does not contain high quantities of sulfur
components, since they easily react with the glass fiber fabric and form sulfates, therefore
increasing filter mass. Usually glass fiber filters tolerate temperatures up to 550 :C.
Note! Prior to the measurements, the filters need to be treated in a furnace, at a
temperature which depends on the standard method which is used. This thermal
treatment makes the filters inert and they can tolerate the stack temperatures without

4.2.2 Weighing
Attention needs to be devoted to the precision in the weighing procedure! For example, the
balance needs to be placed in rooms with stable temperatures, and the humidity of the
ambient air is minimized.
Before measuring the filters, they need to be dried in desiccators.
The balance needs to be regularly calibrated with reference weights.
Several effects contributing to mistakes in weighing need to be taken into consideration,
such as the insufficient temperature equilibrium, the effect of temperature variation, and
the effect of barometric pressure variations. The uncertainty which may occur is usually
not only related to the balance performance, but rather to the procedure applied.

4.2.3 Field blank

An overall field blank sample shall be taken after each measurement series or at least once
a day, following the normal sampling procedure without starting the suction device. The
sampling nozzle is recommended to be kept in the channel for 15 min at 180 from the

direction of the flow. The measured mass variation provides an estimation of the
uncertainties. The overall blank value, divided by the average sampling volume of the
measurement series, provides an estimation of the detection limit (in milligrams per cubic
metre) of the whole measurement process, as carried out by the operators. The overall
blank includes possible deposits on the filter and on all parts upstream.
The purpose of this sample is to check that there is no contamination of filters and of
rinsing solutions during handling on site, transport, storage, handling in the laboratory and
weighing procedures. Field blank is especially important when the measured dust
concentrations are low.
Note! Field blank cannot be subtracted from the measured result.Field blank values shall be
reported individually in the measurement report. No result below the overall blank value is

4.2.4 Isokinetic sampling

The isokinetic sampling is sampling where the direction and velocity of the gas entering the
sampling nozzle (opening) is equal to the one of the gas in the duct at the measurement

Image 10: Isokinetic effect in particulate sampling.


The permitted deviation during isokinetic sampling according to the 13284-1 standard is 5% to + 15%.

4.2.5 In-stack sampling method

The filtering method in the stack with the filter and the filter holder placed opposite of the
probe nozzle (opening).
The in-stack method is used when the flue gas temperature is above the water or acid due
point, meaning that the gases are not saturated.

Image 11: In-stack sampling method according to the MKC EN 13284-1 standard.
EN 13284-1 requires:
a) The filters, before the measurements, need to be heated at minimum 180 :C and
always at a temperature for at least 20 :C higher than the flue gas temperature
(meaning, for example, if the flue gas temperature is 350 :C, the filter before the
measurements need to be heated at a temperature of 370 :C.


b) The sampling is also performed at the same flue gas temperature (since the filter
itself is within the stack at the same temperature).
c) The filter needs to be heated in a furnace after the measurements at
temperatures of 160 :C

4.2.6 Out-stack sampling method

Out-stack method is filtering out of the stack and its heated holder placed away from the
nozzle, at the back side of the probe.
The out-stack method is usually used when flue gases are saturated, meaning that there is a
possibility for condensation. The out-stack method can also be used when measuring nonsaturated gases.

Image 12: Out-stack sampling method according to the MKC EN 13284-1 standard.
When out-stack is used for non-saturated gases:
a) The filters, before the measurement, need to be heated at minimum 180 :C and
always at temperatures, at least, 20 :C higher that the flue gas temperatures
(meaning, for example, if the flue gas temperature is 350 :C, the filter, prior to
the measurements, need to be heated at temperatures of 370 :C.
b) The sampling is performed at the temperature of the flue gas
c) The filter, after the measurement, needs to be heated at a temperature of 160 :C.


When the out-stack method is used for saturated gases and the flue gas temperature is
below 160 :C, than:
a) The filter prior to the measurements needs to be heated at 180 :C minimum
b) The sampling line temperature is 160 :C
c) The filters after the measurements need to be heated in a furnace at a
temperature of 160 :C

When the out-stack method is used for saturated gases and the flue gas temperature is
above 160 :C, then:
a) The filter, prior to the measurements, need to be heated, at least, 20 :C
higher than the flue gas temperature
b) The sampling is performed at the flue gas temperature
c) The filters after the measurements need to be heated in a furnace at a
temperature of 160 :C
Table 1 Overview of the methods used in different situations.

Flue gas

Flue gas





Flue gas




Flue gas


< 160 :C

160 :C

180 :C

160 :C


> 160 :C

Flue gas

Always at flue gas

temperature + 20 :C

160 :C


Filter pretreatment
Always at flue gas
temperature + 20 :C,
at least 180 :C
Always at flue gas
temperature + 20 :C,
at least 180 :C

Filter posttreatment
160 :C
160 :C

5. Measurement of gaseous components- continuous methods

5.1 Sampling
Continuos measurements of gaseous components can be divided into different types based
on the sampling:
- Extractive methods
- In-situ-methods

Remote sensors

This text focuses on extractive methods and on their quality assurance.

5.1.1 Sampling line

Simplified figure on the extractive sampling line is presented below.

Figure 13. Extractive sampling line

Often the flue gas is hot and moist and it can contain lots of particulates. In order to prevent
the condensation of the moisture in the sampling lines, heated lines and heated filter
holders must be used in the sampling before the cooling unit.
The sampling line and filter must be made from inert material. Most common materials
used in sampling lines are PTFE (Teflon) and polyethylene (PE).
Note! The use of silicone must be avoided because of its non-inert properties (it can e.g
adsorb organic compounds quite easily).
Typically the calibration gas is fed to the beginning of the line, so that it follows the same
route to the analyser as the actual sample gas. Then the effect of sampling line is similar
both on the calibration gas and to the sample gas.
When the extractive sampling line is constructed, at least following things must be taken
into account:

Probe: length and material

Filters: materials, not to cause pressure losses
Sampling line: material, length, diameter
Connections, valves
Pressure meters: reading accuracy
Calibration gases: accuracy, stability time
Pumps: type, capacity
Gas conditioning (drying) techniques

It must be noted that all the cold spots must be eliminated in the whole sampling line in order
to avoid any condensation and losses of components!

5.1.2 Conditioning techniques

There are several conditioning configurations the sample gas, such as:
1. Condensation method.
2. Permeation dryer
3. Dilution probes
4. Heated line and heated analyser
1. Condensation methods
These methods are easy to use, many different methods available on the market.
However, you must make sure that you do not lose the components you are studying in
the condensate. For example, SO2 and NO2 are easily absorbed in the water, however
NO is not. So, make sure you select the right condensation method for your purpose!
Note! It is required in many standards (e.g MKC EN14972) that the temperature of the
sample gas at the exit of the cooling unit needs to be recorded and that it must be < 4 C;
then the gas can be considered to be dry!
A maximum dew-point temperature of 4 C shall not be exceeded at the outlet of the
sample cooler.


Figure 14. Jet stream condenser (source Finnish Handbook for Emission
2. Permeation dryer
There is no need for condensation unit when using this method. On the other hand,
there is a risk that the permeation dryer can be easily blocked if the sample gas contains
lot of particulates or condensating components. Therefore, the sample gas must be
filtered before it is led to the permeation dryer.
The gas temperature in the permeation dryer needs to be above the water dew point.
The gas sample in the permeation dryer is dried while still in gas condition in order to
avoid losses of the water dissolved components (i.e. NO2 and SO2) in the sample.


Figure 15. Permeation dryer (source Finnish Handbook for Emission Measurements)
3. Dilution probes
When using dilution probes the sample gas is dried with dry dilution air already when
the sample is taken and as a consequence, there is no need for separate condensation
Following factors can have an affect to the accuracy of the dilution probe:
- Changes in the flue gas pressure
- Changes in the flue gas density
- Changes in the flue gas temperature
- Quality of the dilution air (how clean it is!)
The dilution air must be clean enough, so that there is no mistake during measurement
and in the result. During the measurements care must be taken that the dilution probe
does not clog because this will change the dilution ratio. The critical orifices that are
used for the control of dilution ratio can be cleaned with ultrasound wash.

Figure 16. Dilution probe (source Finnish Handbook for Emission Measurements)
4. Heated line and heated analyser
The most preferable way is to lead the hot and moist sample gas directly to the analyser
without cooling it. By doing this, the risk of losing components in the condensate will be
eliminated To avoid condensation the user shall maintain the temperature of the
sampling line up to the measuring cell. The analyser itself must be also heated.


The concentrations are given on wet basis and shall be corrected so that they are
expressed on dry basis. The correction shall be made from the water vapour
concentration measured in the flue gases
Note! As a summary, the measurer must choose the conditioning system that is fit for its
purpose! For some cases, condensation method can be perfect, for some you need to choose
another cooling system in order to avoid the loss of the sample gas in the condensate.
5.2 Different measurement techniques for gaseous components

5.2.1 Most common techniques for the measurement of gaseous components

In the Table Z below the most common measurement techniques for different gaseous
components are presented.
Measurement method
Individual organic
Total organic
carbon (TOC)

Zirkonium oxide cell, Paramagnetic methods, electrochemical cells

Thermal conductivity detectors, gas chromatographs
Measurement of dry/wet temperatures, heated IR, FTIR
electrochemical cells, Chemiluminescence
IR, FTIR, Thermal conductivity detectors
IR, FTIR, electrochemical cells
IR, FTIR, UV, UV fluorescence, electrochemical cells
Converter with UV fluoresence, converter with FTIR
Absorbtion into liquids, determination with colorimetrical methods
UV, gas chromatographs, electrochemical cells
Chemiluminescence, IR, FTIR, UV, electrochemical cells
UV, Chemiluminescence, IR, FTIR
UV absorption, Chemiluminescence
IR, FTIR, gas chromatographs
Flame ionisation detector (FID)


5.2.2 Standard reference methods SRM for different components in EU

List for SRM-methods can be found in Annex 1 of this guideline.
When these European Standards are used as the SRM, the user shall demonstrate that:
performance characteristics are better than the minimum performance criteria
given for each method in the relevant standard; and
overall uncertainty calculated by combining values of standard uncertainties
associated to the performance characteristics given in relevant standard is less than
the requirement stated in the standard
Overall expanded uncertainty for standard reference methods are defined in EN reference
standards :
NOx: < 10 % of the daily emission limit values (MKC EN 14792)
CO: < 6 % of the daily emission limit values (MKC EN 15058)
SO2: < 20 % of the daily emission limit values (MKC EN 14791)
O2: < 6 % (relative) of the measured concentration (MKC EN 14789)
H2O: < 20 % (relative) of the measured concentration (MKC EN 14790)
5.3 Factors affecting the measurement uncertainty
At least following factors have an effect to analysers measurement uncertainty:
- Repeatability
- Linearity
- Drift (for zero and span)
- Noise
- Environmental conditions
- Interfering components
- Calibration (accuracy of the calibration gases)
Expert using the analyser must know the total effect of all possible factors which can have
an influence on the results ! Typically, analyser manufacturers give these performance
characteristics in their manual but the user of the analyser must know his own instruments

5.3.1 Calibration
Calibration of the gaseous analyser is one of the most important things in the QA and
reliability of emission measurements. The aim in the calibration is to have information on
the possible deviation between the concentration and the reading.


Typically the calibration is performed before the measurements by feeding into analyser a
certain gas concentration of studied gas and also zero gas which is usually either nitrogen
or synthetic air. This calibration must be performed at the site, before and after the
measurements!!! The calibration of the analyzer needs to be added to the normal working
procedure. Laboratory must define the criteria for the acceptable deviation between these
calibrations. Meaning that if the deviation is larger, then in the worst case, the
measurements have to be rejected.

The calibration gases must be stored in proper temperature, not too cold, not too
The stability time given in the certificate must be respected
When the pressure in the calibration gas bottle drops below critical limits, there
might be changes in the gas concentrations. Therefore, the minimum pressure info
needs to be respected also!
It must be noted also that some components might react with each other, for
example it is not possible to have mixture for NO and O2 because NO will react with
oxygen. However, gas manufacturers are experts on this!
In some cased the background gas in the calibration gas can have an effect to the
results. For example, if you use UV-fluorescence for SO2-measurements the oxygen
concentration in the calibration gas has an effect to the measured results. Thus, in
this case, it is recommended that the background gas oxygen concentration should
be as close as possible to the stack gas oxygen level.

5.3.2 Check for the linearity

The linearity of the gas analyzer has to be checked on a regular basis, for example once in a
year. It is checked by feeding different concentrations of the studied gas into the analyser
(0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 % of the measurement range and all the ranges need to be checked).

5.3.3 Undertaken measures in studying interfering gases

Below are listed few methods and typical interfering components:
- Measurement of CO with IR-technique => CO2 will interfere
- Measurement of NOx with chemiluminescence => H2O and CO2
- Measurement of SO2 with UV-fluorescence => some organic substances interfere
and therefore, UV-fluorescence analysers have an unit to remove organic substances
from the sample gas
It must be emphasized, however, that these interferences do not mean that this measurement
method could not be used when interfering components exist in the flue gas!! You can
minimize the effect of interfering substances by feeding the gas mixture with similar gas
composition to the analyser. (However, this means that laboratory has to have a mixing
system for different mixtures). The test for interfering components must be performed at
least when you take a new analyser into use and when new functional parts have been

changed to the analyser. The tests are performed by feeding the components separately to
the analyser and the response of the analyser is registered.


i 1


S = the sum response of interfering components
Ri = response of individual component
Mr = measurement range of the analyser
n = number of tested components
In many standards it is stated that S must be < 4 % of the measurement range studied.

5.3.4 Test for NOx-converter

The NOx-converter efficiency needs to be checked when using the chemiluminescence
method. Especially when the NO2-concentrations in the flue gas are expected to be high, it
is of great importance that the converter is working properly. Converter must be tested on
a regular interval, e.g once in a year. Instructions for this test can be found in the analysers
Typical requirement for the converter efficiency is > 95 %.

5.3.5 Environmental conditions

Users of the analyser must respect the recommended operational temperatures that are
given in manuals. Typically, the operation temperatures are + 5 C - +35 C and the relative
humidity of the air 5-95 %. Measurer needs to take into account the conditions at the site
(temperature, humidity, air pressure) and record them for example in the diary. It is
important to mention also if there is lot of vibration, dust, draught etc because these might
affect to the results.

6. Measurement of gaseous components- discontinuous



6.1 Absorption methods


Process where the gaseous air pollutant reacts with the liquid reactant to form a
stable, nonvolatile and easily detected product in the liquid phase
Often used as primary (reference) method
Absorption solutions used for sampling can be divided into inorganic and
organic dilutions. Most common inorganic solutions are water, different
acids,HNO3 (H2SO4) and bases(e.g. NaOH). Alcohols, e.g. ethanol, are used as
organic absorbing solutions.

6.1.1 Sampling for absorption methods

1. Isokinetic/Non isokinetic sampling => the choice depends on the flue gas. If there
are droplets present or if the component is attached to the particles, then the
sampling has to be performed using isokinetic sampling. For example, inorganic
fluorine components and heavy metals can be combined with the particles present
in the flue gas and therefore, particulates need to be filtered before the absorption
sampling and also analyzed. Isokinetic sampling may be required e.g in those cases
when a wet scrubber is used without subsequent reheating.
Non-isokinetic sampling can be used if the component to be determined are not
attached to the particles, sample gas is not saturated and there are no droplets.
Isokinetic sampling requires usually volume flow rates much higher than those
which can be admitted by the washing bottles used for the collection of pollutants.
Therefore, downstream of the filter, only a part of the gases is drawn through the
washing bottle(s) through a secondary line, the main line and the secondary line
having their own gas metering systems and suction devices. The ratio between the
main and the secondary line volume flow rates shall be kept constant. Principles for
this sampling is shown in Fig. X.
2. Selection of sampling point => representative sampling
3. Preparations before the measurements
- rinsing of the sampling lines, gas impingers
- velocity measurements
- leak tests (also during sampling by measuring the O2-concentrations at the end of
the sampling line and comparing this information with the flue gas O2!!)
- blanks; chemical blanks and field blanks. More information about these can be
found e.g from EN 14791: SO2- measurement method, below an example of field


blank text from this standard:

Field blank
To check the sampling procedure, a field blank shall be performed at
least before each measurement series or at least once a day, following
the whole measurement procedure specified in this European
Standard and including the sampling procedure described in 7.2.3 to
7.3 without the suction step i.e., without starting and operating the
suction device.
The average sampling time shall be used for calculation of the blank
value expressed in mg/m3.
If the equipment in contact with the measured substance is cleaned
and reused in the field, a field blank shall also be taken after the
measurement series. If several measurements are performed at the
same industrial process or on several lines of the same industrial
process, then only one single field blank at the beginning and one at
the end of the series shall be performed.
The field blank shall be less than 10 % of the emission limit value
(ELV). If the calculated value of the measurement is less than the field
blank, the measured value result shall be reported as less or equal to
the field blank.
The result of field blank shall not be subtracted to the result of
measured value. However, it is necessary to take into account the
value of the field blank in the calculation of the uncertainty of the
measured value
4. Requirements for sampling:
- gas residence time should be minimized
- probe, filter and sample lines must be heated
- all parts in the sampling line must be resistant to corrosion and temperature
- sampling line should not consist the elements which are collected (meaning that
for example stainless steel probes cannot be used in heavy metal sampling because
there will be contamination)


Figure 17. Sampling arrangement for iso/non-isokinetic sampling

In Table 2 examples of absorption measurement methods for different components are
Table 2. Examples of absorption methods for different components



Absorption liquid

Method for analysis

Ammonia (NH3)

SFS 3869

0,1 M H2SO4

NH3- specific


Ammonia (NH3)
Mercury (Hg)

VDI 2461 Blatt 1 ja 0,05 M H2SO4

VDI 2461 Blatt 2
EN 13211
4 % K2Cr2O7 +
20 % HNO3


Ethanol and methanol

(C2H5OH and CH3OH)
Gaseous fluorine
Formaldehyde (HCHO)

VDI 2457, Blatt 2

Hydrochloric acid (HCl)

Reduced sulfur
compounds (TRS)
Heavy metals (As, Cd,
Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb,
Sb, Tl ,V)
Sulfur dioxide (SO2)
Hydrogen syanide

EN 1911
SFS 5727

Cold vapour- atomic

spectrometry (CVAAS)
Gas chromatography
Ion selective
Ion chromatography
Hydrogen peroxide liquid Titration

EN 14385

4,5 % HNO3 +1,7 % H2O2 ICP-AES

EN 14791
SFS 3869

Hydrogen peroxide liquid Titration

1 M NaOH

VDI 2470 Blatt 1

VDI 3862 Blatt 2

SFS = Finnish Standards Association

VDI= Verein Deutscher Ingenieure
EN = European standard produced by CEN

6.1.2 Methods for analysis

a list of typical analytical methods which are used:
- AAS; atomic absorption spectrometry
- HPLC; High-performance liquid chromatography
- GC; Gas chromatography
- ICE; Ion specific electrode
- IC; Ion chromatography
- titration methods
- gravimetric determination
- etc


6.2 Adsorption methods

Adsorption is merging or attaching of atoms, ions, or molecules of gas, liquid or dissolved solid
substances on a certain area. This process creates an adsorbent film on the surface of the
There are several materials which are used in the adsorption sampling. The most typically
used substances are active charcoal, Tenax-hartz, polyuretanfoam (PUF).
Typically for example PCDD/PCDF-components are measured using adsorption techniques.
PCDDs / PCDFs can form in the combustion of organic materials (e.g. municipal
waste incinerators)
The also occur as undesirable byproducts in the manufacture or further processing
of chlorinated organic chemicals
Universally they are present in very small concentrations
PCDDs (polychlorinated dibenzodioxins) consist of 75 individual substances
PCDFs (polychlorinated dibenzofurans) consist of 135 congeners
17 congeners are necessery to measure to calculate the total I-TEQ (International
Toxic Equivalent)
European Standard EN 1948: 2006 specifies the sampling of PCDDs / PCDFs in stationary
source emissions. The standard is also suitable for the determination of other low-volatile
substances e.g. of dioxin-like PCBs. Standard consists of three parts which are necessary for
the performance of the dioxin measurements
Part 1: Sampling of PCDDs/PCDFs
Part 2: Extraction and clean-up of PCDDs/PCDFs
Part 3: Identification and quantification of PCDDs/PCDFs


Figure 18. Principle of dioxin and furan sampling

7. Emission calculation
7.1 Calculation of the gas flow rate in stack according to the Finnish standard SFS 3866
Ratio of the dry gas flow (m3/s), NTP
Measurement data:
Gas composition
rCO2 = 0,090
= 9,0 % (vol)
rO2 = 0,088 = 8,8 % (vol)
rCO = 0,00
= 0,0 % (vol)
rN2 = 0,82 (= 1 - rCO2 - rO2 - rCO)
-dynamic pressure
(16 measurement points)
- mass of water condensate
- gas volume achieved with the
measurement rota-meter
- ambient pressure
- under pressure
- stack pressure
- gas temperature in the gas-meter
- stack temperature
- measurement plane area
- water vapor density

= 40 Pa, 50 Pa, 60 Pa, 100 Pa, 95 Pa, 80 Pa,

70 Pa, 60 Pa, 60 Pa, 80 Pa, 100 Pa, 115 Pa,
100 Pa, 80 Pa, 70 Pa, 55 Pa
= 100 g





0,375 m3
101,9 kPa
- 0,3 kPa
pa ppod =>101,9 kPa 0,3 kPa =101,6
27 C
131 C
2,269 m2
0,8038 kg/m3

Calculation in NTP (normal temperature and pressure), 273 K and 101,3 kPa.
a) Dry gas density in standard conditions.




44.01 kg/kmol
22,26 m3 / kmol

M O2




M N2

32,00 kg/kmol
22,39 m3 / kmol



28,02 kg/kmol
22,40 m3 / kmol

1,332 kg/m 3

b) Mass relation between the water and the dry gas




0,100 kg
273 K
101,3 kPa
1,332 kg/m 3
273 0 K 101,3 kPa

=> x s

0,375 m

T pa

Ta p

0,200 kg/kg

Note! The above mentioned calculation presumes that the values from the roto-meter are
already expressed as NTP, therefore there is no need to correct the temperature or
And the dry density of the gas, NTP

1 xs
1 s

=> 1,332 kg/m 3


1 0,200 kg/kg
0,200 kg/kg 1,332 kg/m 3
0,8038 kg/m 3

1,201 kg/m 3

c) Wet gas density in the stack






1,201 kg/m 3

273 K
101,6 kPa
273 131 K 101,3 kPa

0,814 kg/m 3

Wet density is needed for Pitot tube measurements!

Wet gas velocity in the stack (measured with L-pitot tube)


2 x p 1 - i
1- i


2 x 40 kPa
0,814 kg/m 3

v 1

9,91 m/s

(first point velocity)

Average stack velocity:


v1 .....vi


d) Ratio of the wet gas flow in the stack


v A

=> q 13,53 m/s 2,269 m2

30,70 m3 / s

e) Ratio of the wet gas flow, NTP


=> q




30,70 m3 / s

273 K
101,6 kPa
273 131 K 101,3 kPa

20,81m3 / s

f) Ratio of the dry gas flow, NTP


=> q


x s

20,81 m3 / s

0,200 kg/kg 1,332 kg/m 3
1,201 kg/m 3

15,63 m3 / s

7.2 Calculation of the particulates and the emission according to the Finnish standard
SFS 3866
Particulate concentration, mg/m3, NTP
Particulate emission, g/h

Measurement data:
- particulate mass
(including the deposition)
- gas temperature in the gas meter
- data taken from the gas meter
- ambient pressure
- sampling duration
- ratio of the dry gas flow



5,30 mg
27 C
1,346 m3
101,9 kPa (= pa)
48 min
15,63 m3/s

Calculation in NTP (normal temperature and pressure), 273 K and 101,3 kPa.
g) Sampled dry gas volume, NTP


=> V 1,346 m3


273 K
101,9 kPa
273 27 K 101,3 kPa


1,232 m3

Particulate concentration in the dry gas, NTP

5,3 mg
1,232 m 3

=> c


4,3 mg/m 3

Emission of particulates in stack


c q

=> q

4,3 mg/m 3 15,63 m3 / s 67,21 mg/s

242 g/h

For particulate concentration, for more than one gas sample (and filtration) in the measurement plane


i 1
i 1


mi particulate mass [g] on filter + deposition
Vi sampled dry gas volume, NTP [m3] during sampling
(isokinetic sampling and sampling duration at each measurement point is the same)

To ensure the calculated emission





= particulate emission = 242 g/h (calculated normally)


= nozzle area = d2/4 = 3,14 x 0,00842 /4 = 0,0000554 m2

= sampled particulate + deposit = 3,5 mg = 0,00350 g
= sampling duration = 48 min

A = measurement plane area = 2,269 m2


=> q

2,269 m2
0,00530 g
0,0000554 m
48 min

factors to consider in isokinetic sampling

q ,




k = isokinetic ratio (in this example k = 1,12)

=> q ,

271,4 g
1,12 h



The emission result is same as calculated normal way!

7.3 Changes between different gas component units

Gas density

c mg/m 3

c ppm

c mg/m 3



= concentration in units mg/m3

= concentration in units ppm
= molar mass (g/mol)

Volume of ideal gases 22,4 m3/kmol (NTP; 101,3 kPa, 0 C)

7.4 Conversions between dry and wet concentrations and standardisation to reference
oxygen concentration
Wet concentration in dry concentrations:


1 H2O



= we concentrations
= water vapor (%)vol.

Dry concentrations in wet concentrations:


c (1



Where we appropriately refer the concentration to specific concentration gas component of gas
mixture for example oxygen concentration.

cO 2

20,9 O2,


20,9 O2,

8. Calculation of measurement uncertainty

A National Physical Laboratory NPL-document A beginners guide to uncertainty of
measurements introduces the subject of measurement uncertainty. Below you can find
text from this document describing for example the sources of uncertainties, as well as
types of uncertainties.
Many things can undermine a measurement (Bell, Stephanie, 2001, NPL). Flaws in the
measurement may be visible or invisible. Because real measurements are never made
under perfect conditions, errors and uncertainties can come from:
The measuring instrument - instruments can suffer from errors including
bias, changes due to ageing, wear, or other kinds of drift, poor readability,
noise (for electrical instruments) and many other problems.
The item being measured - which may not be stable. (Imagine trying to
measure the size of an ice cube in a warm room.)
The measurement process - the measurement itself may be difficult to
make. For example, measuring the weight of small but lively animals presents
particular difficulties in getting the subjects to co-operate.
Imported uncertainties - calibration of your instrument has an uncertainty
which is then built into the uncertainty of the measurements you make. (But
remember that the uncertainty due to not calibrating would be much worse.)
Operator skill - some measurements depend on the skill and judgement of
the operator. One person may be better than another at the delicate work of
setting up a measurement, or at reading fine detail by eye. The use of an

instrument such as a stopwatch depends on the reaction time of the operator.

(But gross mistakes are a different matter and are not to be accounted for as
Sampling issues - the measurements you make must be properly
representative of the process you are trying to assess. If you want to know the
temperature at the work-bench, dont measure it with a thermometer placed
on the wall near an air conditioning outlet. If you are choosing samples from a
production line for measurement, dont always take the first ten made on a
Monday morning.
The environment - temperature, air pressure, humidity and many other
conditions can affect the measuring instrument or the item being measured

The effects that give rise to uncertainty in measurement can be either:

random - where repeating the measurement gives a randomly different result.
If so, the more measurements you make, and then average, the better estimate
you generally can expect to get or
systematic- where the same influence affects the result for each of the
repeated measurements(but you may not be able to tell). In this case, you
learn nothing extra just by repeating measurements. Other methods are
needed to estimate uncertainties due to systematic effects, e.g. different
measurements, or calculations
There are two approaches to estimating uncertainties: Type A and Type B evaluations. In
most measurement situations, uncertainty evaluations of both types are needed.
Type A evaluations - uncertainty estimates using statistics (usually from
repeated readings)
Type B evaluations - uncertainty estimates from any other information. This
could be information from past experience of the measurements, from
calibration certificates, manufacturers specifications, from calculations, from
published information, and from common sense.
From NPL (National Physical Laboratory) - webpages you can find some excel-sheets
where calculation examples for gaseous components and particulates are given. Here is the
web-address .
In the appendix II you can find examples of NPL calculation sheets as well as an example on
the calculation of the measurement uncertainty for gaseous analyser with the use of EN ISO
14956 standard.


9. Reporting of emission measurements

9.1 Reporting of the emission measurement teams
The working team performing the measurements prepares a report for all activities according to
the measurement plan. The working team hands over the report to the responsible person in the
laboratory. That person verifies the report and sends it to the installation and the competent

9.2 Reporting of the emission data by the installations

The reporting of the installations that are sources of ambient air pollution towards MEPP is defined
in article 45 of the Law on ambient air quality (Offical gazette of RM num 67/2004, 92/2007,
35/2010, 47/2011). In this article the frequency of data submission to MEPP by installations as
well as manner on which emission data are gained is defined.
The form and content of the forms for submitting data of emissions in the ambient air from
stationary sources, the manner and the time period for submission in accordance with the capacity
of the installation, the content and manner of keeping the emission diary are prescribed in the
Rulebook on the form and the content of the forms for submiting data and the form, the content and
the manner for keeping the diary for emissions in the air (Official gazette of RM num 79/2011)
which is available on the following web side www.moepp.gov.mk.

9.3 International reporting by MEPP

The emission data reported by the installations (previous chapter) are used and will be
used for international reporting by MEEP.

Type of

Legal acts





15.02 each
year for the


Web page of available

http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ From



1 January
each year




31 March
each year


10. Standardisation of emission measurement

The focus areas of C17-Air quality are methods for air quality characterization of emissions,
ambient air, indoor air- gases in and from the ground and deposition- in particular measurement
methods for air pollutants (for example particles, gases, odours, micro organisms) - methods for
the determination of the efficiency of gas cleaning systems. TC17 committe consist of 7 members
(from the relavant institutions IPH and HMA and the major industries) under ledearship of MEEP.
The duty of this committe is to translate the standards titles and adopt the air quality and air
emission standards by the method of indorsment. Regarding the different types of standards in EU
Member Countries it is mandatory to use EN-standards if they are available. In case, EN-standards
do not exist, it is allowed to use ISO-standards if they exist. In non candidate countries the both type
of standards for emission measurements are used. The national standards are also allowed to be
used. However, it must be ensured that the data will have equivalent scientific quality when other
than EN-methods are used. The list of the adopted EN emission standards and ISO
emission standards and MKC ISO emission standards by the TK17 that we refer to in this guidebook
are specified in Annex of the Rulebook, as well as Technical Specifications (TS)- and Technical
References (TR)- referred in this guidelines are given in Annex I of this guidelines. The updated list
of standards and information how to purchase them is available on the following web side of the
institute for standardisation of the Republic of Macedonia www.isrm.gov.mk.


A beginners guide to uncertainty of measurement, Stephanie Bell, Centre for Basic,
Thermal and Length Metrology, National Physical Laboratory, NPL, Measurement Good
Practice Guide No. 11 (Issue 2), 41 p., 2001
Finnish Handbook on Emission Measurements, 2004, 57 p. + appendices,

EN emission standards
EN 1911-1:1998-04 Air quality Stationary source emissions Manual method of determination of HCl Part 1: Sampling of gases
EN 1911-2:1998-04 Air quality Stationary source emissions Manual method of determination of HCl
Part 2: Gaseous compounds absorption
EN 1911-3:1998-04 Air quality Stationary source emissions Manual method of determination of HCl
Part 3: Absorption solution analysis and calculations
EN 1948-1:2006-03 Stationary source emissions Determination of the mass concentration of
PCDDs/PCDFs and dioxin-like PCBs - Part 1: Sampling of PCDDs/PCDFs
EN 1948-2:2006-03 Stationary source emissions Determination of the mass concentration of
PCDDs/PCDFs and dioxin-like PCBs Part 2: Extraction and clean-up of PCDDs/PCDFs
EN 1948-3:2006-03 Stationary source emissions Determination of the mass concentration of
PCDDs/PCDFs and dioxin-like PCBs Part 3: Identification and quantification of PCDDs/PCDFs
EN 12619:1999-06 Stationary source emissions Determination of the mass concentration of total gaseous
organic carbon at low concentrations in flue gases Continuous flame ionisation detector method
EN 13211:2001-01 Air quality - Stationary source emissions - Manual method of determination of the
concentration of total mercury
EN 13284-1:2001-11 Stationary source emissions Determination of low range mass concentration of dust
Part 1: Manual gravimetric method


EN 13284-2:2004-09 Stationary source emissions Determination of low range mass concentration of dust
Part 2: Automated measuring systems
EN 13526:2001-11 Stationary source emissions Determination of the mass concentration of total gaseous
organic carbon at high concentrations in flue gases Continuous flame ionisation detector method
EN 13649:2001-11 Stationary source emissions Determination of the mass concentration of individual
gaseous organic compounds Activated carbon and solvent desorption method
EN 13725:2003-04 Air quality Determination of odour concentration by dynamic olfactometry
EN 13725:2003/AC Corrigendum of EN 13725:2003
EN 14181:2004-07 Stationary source emissions Quality assurance of automated measuring systems
EN 14385:2004-02 Stationary source emissions Determination of the total emission of As, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu,
Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Tl and V
EN 14789:2005-11 Stationary source emissions Determination of volume concentration of oxygen (O2)
Reference method Paramagnetism
EN 14790:2005-11 Stationary source emissions Determination of the water vapour in ducts
EN 14791:2005-11 Stationary source emissions Determination of mass concentration
of sulphur dioxide Reference method
EN 14792:2005-11 Stationary source emissions Determination of mass concentration of nitrogen oxides
(NOx) Reference method: Chemiluminescence
EN 14884:2005-12 Air quality Stationary source emissions Determination of total
mercury: Automated measuring systems
EN 15058:2006-05 Stationary source emissions Determination of the mass concentration of carbon
monoxide (CO) Reference method: Nondispersive infrared spectrometry
EN 15259:2007-10 Air quality Measurement of stationary source emissions
Requirements for measurement sections and sites and for the measurement objective, plan and report
EN 15267-1:2009-03 Air quality Certification of automated measuring systems Part 1:
EN 15267-2:2009-03 Air quality Certification of automated measuring systems Part 2: Initial assessment
of the AMS manufacturer's quality management system and post certification surveillance for the
manufacturing process
EN 15267-3:2007-12 Air quality Certification of automated measuring systems Part 3: Performance
criteria and test procedures for automated measuring systems for monitoring emissions from stationary
EN 15445:2008-01 Fugitive and diffuse emissions of common concern to industry sectors Qualification of
fugitive dust sources by Reverse Dispersion Modelling
EN 15446:2008-01 Fugitive and diffuse emissions of common concern to industry sectors Measurement of
fugitive emission of vapours generating from equipment and piping leaks

MKC ISO emission standards


EN ISO 23210:2009-08 Stationary source emissions Determination of PM10/PM2,5 mass concentration in

flue gas Part 1: Measurement at low concentrations by use of impactors (ISO 23210:2009)
EN ISO 14956:2002-08 Air quality Evaluation of the suitability of a measurement method by comparison
with a stated measurement uncertainty (ISO 14956:2002)
EN ISO 9169:2006-07 Air quality Definition and determination of performance characteristics of an
automatic measuring system (ISO 9169:2006)
ISO 10780 Stationary source emissions measurement of velocity and volume flow rate of gas streams in
ISO 9096 Stationary source emissions Manual Determination of Mass Concentration of Particulate
ISO 12039 Stationary source emissions-Determination of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and oxygen
Performance characteristics and calibration of automated measuring systems;
ISO 7935 Stationary source emissions-Determination of the mass concentration of sulphur dioxide
Performance characteristics of automated measuring methods;
ISO 10849 Stationary source emissions- Determination of the mass concentration of nitrogen oxides
Performance characteristics of automated measuring methods.

Technical specifications
CEN/TS 15675:2007-10 Air quality Measurements of stationary source emissions
Application of EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 to periodic measurements
CEN/TR 15983:2010-01 Stationary source emissions Guidance on the application of
EN 14181:2004
CEN/TS 15674:2007-10 Air quality Measurement of stationary source emissions
Guidelines for the elaboration of standardised methods
CEN/TS 14793:2005-03 Stationary source emissions Intralaboratory validation procedure
for an alternative method compared to a reference method
CEN/TS 1948-4:2007-07 Stationary source emissions Determination of the mass concentration of
PCDDs/PCDFs and dioxin-like PCBs Part 4: Sampling and analysis of dioxin-like PCBs

NPL- Spreadsheets for uncertainty calculations in accordance with the referred standards
According to the requirements laid down in the standard MKC N 13284


According to the requirements laid down in the standard MKC EN 14789


According to the requirements laid down in the standard MKC EN 14792



Combined standard uncertainty is sum of all partial standard uncertainties:



where up = partial standard uncertainty

For example










where ulin = the standard uncertainty of the unlinearity of the analyser

ur = the standard uncertainty of the repeatability
The expanded uncertainty is:

U c k uc
- k = the coverage factor (= 2 (normal distribution,
level of confidence 95 %)
- uc= combined standard uncertainty
The upper and lower bounds of deviations of an influence quantity are known,
the standard uncertainty can be calculated:

where xj,p = maximum positive difference of xj between measurement and

corresponding calibration
xj,n = maximum negative difference of xj between measurement and
corresponding calibration
Here it is assumed that the probability distribution function is uniform
Often this calculation formula is used for such parameters which might vary
during measurements (such as temperature, selectivity etc)
Example: the interfering effect of NO to O2-measurment:
- fluctuation of NO-concentration in the sample gas: 100 150 mg/m3
- studied in the laboratory that 300 mg/m3 NO has an effect of + 0,05 %
(abs.) to O2-results
=> equation (1) is applied here:
150 2 150 100 100 2
The interfering gases can have either a positive or negative impact to the result. When
calculating the uncertainty, these parameters are taken into account following:
- calculate all standard uncertainties
- sum all standard uncertainties of interferents with positive impact
- sum all standard uncertainties of interferents with negative impact
- retain the highest sum as the representative value for all interferents




If the extremes are symmetric about zero, standard uncertainty can be presented as:
x j, p
u( x j )
Performance characteristic that is not able to create a standard uncertainty of more than 20%
of the highest standard uncertainty of the others may be excluded from the selections
Measurement range: 0 100 ppm CO
Measured value: 70 ppm CO
Environmental conditions during the measurements:
- temperature (at the measurement site) during the calibration: 25 C
- variation of the temperature during the measurements: 5 C
- barometric pressure during calibration: 99 kPa
- variation of barometric pressure during measurements: 0,5 kPa
- calibration gas and its accuracy: 80 ppm CO 2 % (rel.)
Performance characteristics
Obtained value
- Non-linearity
2% of range
- Pressure dependence
1% / kPa
- Drift
1 % of range / 8h
- Temperature dependence
0,3% / C
- Repeatability standard deviation
0,5 % of reading
- Uncertainty of calibration gas
2 % of reading
- Drying of sample gas
2 % of reading
- Selectivity (gas interferences)
1 % of range


Performance characteristics
Pressure dependence


2 100
1 100




Temperature dependence



2 70
100 2
2 70
Drying of sample gas
1 100
Selectivity (interfering gases)

Uncertainty of calibration gas











3,68 ppm


The combined uncertainty is thus:
1,15 2 0,58 2 0,612 0,70 2 0,812 0,58 2
= 1,87 ppm
The expanded uncertainty Uc = 2 x uc = 3,74 ppm
Note! The effect of pressure dependence and repeatabillity is not taken into account in the
calculations because their uncertainties are below 20 % of the highest standard uncertainty


When calculating if the analyser fulfills the criteria which is set for it, the relative expanded
uncertainty is calculated at the selected concentration.
For example, emission limit value is 200 mg/m3 (=c) and previously calculated expanded
uncertainty was = 3,74 ppm => 1,25 x 3,74 = 4,67 mg/m3 (conversion factor : 1 ppm CO = 1,25
=> Relative expanded uncertainty is thus:
=( Uc/c) x 100 % = 2,3 %



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