Guide To Passing Primary FRCA 2014 Update1 PDF

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Guide to Passing Primary FRCA

Dr James Shorthouse
Updated February 2014

The FRCA Primary examination is a daunting prospect to both the postgraduate exam newcomer
and the seasoned campaigner. The sheer breadth and depth of knowledge required over a wide
range of specialties, combined with a punishing exam schedule, can make it seem an impossible
task. Passing the exam requires a combination of preparation, hard work and a little bit of luck
on the day. It is important to remember that everyone works in different ways, so there may be
some disagreement as to the methods or suggestions proposed in this guide. Study leave and
financial circumstances certainly have an impact on preparation, as does geographical location.
However, the aim of this guide is to be precisely that: a guide or a framework that can be
adapted to the individual as needed. The aim is to prove that this is achievable.
Exam structure, marking, & updates are continually under review by the RCOA and, as such, it
is very important that the candidate keeps abreast of these updates or changes by regularly
visiting the Examinations section of the RCOA website here. Information may also be obtained
by accessing or downloading The Candidate Newsletter.

The two main reasons that candidates fail the Primary are through a lack of preparation, and an
unwillingness to take it seriously and devote adequate time and resources. The recently failed
candidate is often heard loudly proclaiming how unfair his/her OSCE/viva (or Structured Oral
Examination!) was because they asked me in detail about depth of anaesthesia monitoring in
my physics viva. What they havent mentioned (or even realised sometimes!) is that they
werent able to talk about propofol in a structured sensible manner, or that they werent able to
examine a patient's respiratory system confidently, or they didnt know their resuscitation
algorithms. The OSCE/SOE section of the exam is structured to be fair. It allows the prepared
candidate to demonstrate as much knowledge as they can in the allotted time, giving the best
possible chance of succeeding.
For the old-style examination where the OSCE/SOE occurred approximately five weeks after the
MCQ, the average candidate required six months to prepare for this exam, give or take. Since
June 2007, the structure has changed and the MCQ/SBA section has become a stand-alone
pass/fail examination. The length of time taken to prepare oneself for an MCQ/SBA examination
alone will vary according to working patterns but, even though the Primary now presents itself
as two separate examinations, the approach taken should be very similar if not identical to that
of the old-style Primary. The syllabus has not changed and therefore the time taken to cover it
will not either. Currently, successful candidates at the MCQ can apply for the next sitting of the
OSCE/SOE so there exists considerable time-pressure to achieve an adequate standard for the
OSCE/SOE section in a relatively short period of time.
Before starting the work in earnest, a period of planning is required. Part of this is mental
preparation and gearing yourself up for the fact that this will take up a significant proportion of
your time and energy. It is also extremely difficult to motivate yourself to revise for an exam in
six months time. The other factor is the logistical preparation: planning and booking courses
(see later), speaking to people whove already taken the exam, taking the plunge and actually
booking the exam (no going back!), deciding on which books to buy, and plotting your assault
on the syllabus with an inevitably colourful and detailed revision timetable.
a) Finance
This is not a cheap exercise. As well as being an emotional and mental challenge, it can prove to
be a dent in the finances. You wouldnt spend a couple of thousand pounds on a TV and throw it
away because you couldnt understand the manual and subsequently couldnt watch the TV.
Likewise, it is pointless to spend all the money on this exam only to fail because you couldnt be
bothered to put the work in. Factors to consider include: the cost of books, courses (with
concurrent travel and accommodation), the exam fee, and accommodation and travel to London
for the exam.

b) Study leave
If you are planning on attending courses, you need to check with your department how much
study leave you qualify for prior to booking. Do not forget to factor in the exam periods as well;
otherwise, youll end up using valuable annual leave (required for post-exam holiday: see later!).
You may or may not have a study leave budget: use it wisely!
c) Syllabus
It is often evident during Guidance Interviews for candidates who have failed the exams, that
reasons for failure point towards poor study technique, particularly an ability in following the
syllabus when structuring their revision. It is recommended that candidates use the syllabus for
the Primary FRCA to form a road-map during their study period. I structured my revision using
the FRCA primary syllabus with some adaptations. It can be downloaded here.
d) Exam application
The Primary FRCA Examination Calendar for MCQ and OSCE/SOE is found on the RCOA website.
Examination application forms may be found here. Examination regulations are found here. It is
imperative that you read and understand the procedures involved in applying and paying for the
e) Courses
Some candidates are fans of courses and others prefer their own styles of revision - it is up to
the individual to decide! I am extremely pro-courses and have always done as many as I could
prior to exams. I believe that they concentrate your mind to the task at hand, and provide you
with valuable teaching, practice and experience not gained just from books. They are invariably
run by or taught by some of the actual examiners you may meet on the day, and, as such, will
be pertinently relevant to the exam. A list of the recommended courses can be found here.
There are many other courses of a similar vein, all of which have been recommended by those
attending. It is a matter of talking to previous candidates and finding something that suits the
f) Books
There are some books you must acquire, which are fundamental to passing this exam, and there
are others that are a personal choice. A good place to start looking is the Anaesthesia UK
recommended Primary FRCA Book List. Also vital to preparation is the Guide to the FRCA
Examination. The Primary. Recently updated in December 2013, it provides an invaluable source
of information and practice questions with model answers a unique insight into what
examiners are looking for in successful candidates. I bought all of my textbooks new (at great
cost) in the pre-Amazon/eBay era so I could scribble in them, but its also worth checking
whether anyone in your department has got old books to sell. In the 'prehistoric' days when I
was studying for the Primary, I liked to visit the bookshop (old-fashioned, I know!) to get a
physical feel for each book i.e. what it entailed and ease of reading. These days, with the vast
array of online availability and various auction sites e.g. eBay, prices can be competitive. It is
also possible to preview most books online, either at Google Books or other online stockists such
as Amazon or Waterstones. A worthy mention should go to the modern way of revising either
via podcast; the extremely successful Dr Podcast series caters for both Primary and Final FRCA,
or out of the box as with the viva-tastic Primary FRCA in a Box!
g) Online revision
A large proportion of learning and exam revision has moved to an online basis. With the
explosion of e-learning resources and portable computing/tablets, it has never been a better
time for candidates to have a multitude of resources at their fingertips. A good starting place is
the e-learning portal developed in conjunction with the RCOA and e-Learning for Healthcare.
Another really important internet site to aid in revision is AnaesthesiaUK. Register on their exam
home page for free access to the online interactive examinations. There is a large bank of
Primary MCQs taken from previous exams, with accompanying explanations. Using the exam
menu on the left side of the page, you can also access the OSCE and SOE resources. They have
an enormous bank of OSCE stations and SOE questions sent in by previous candidates. There
are also large tutorial sections with many diagrams and explanations on vital topics in
anaesthesia, especially relating to basic principles. Together with the text books used above,
this website formed the basis for my revision and ultimate success in this exam.
Subscription-based question databases:
- FRCAQ: Over 1500 SBA and MTF multiple choice questions

- BMJ Over 1000 SBA and MTF multiple choice questions
- Examdoctor: Over 1600 5-part MCQs and SBAs, including mobile browser access plus free app
- PasTest: Over 1000 multiple true/false questions and single best answer questions; also
includes a multiplatform app for revision on-the-go
- 123Doc: online e-course with a database of over 800 Primary FRCA exam questions
- Conquest FRCA: Over 880 five stem questions (including over 100 SBAs)
- iFRCA: Over 500 Multiple Choice Questions and Single Best Answers
- Anaesthesia exams: Provides structured oral vivas to simulate the real thing!
- CEACCP: Useful for both Primary and Final FRCA revision. Short review articles on many
relevant Primary-based topics.
- Anaesthesia Tutorial of the Week: useful articles/web-based tutorials written about basic
principles/important topics and run by the World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists.
- NYSORA: great for regional block techniques found in some OSCE stations
- Neuraxiom: another fantastic anatomy/regional anaesthesia resource
- Open Anesthesia: a huge repository of anaesthesia-based information and knowledge
- Virtual-Anaesthesia-Textbook: huge site with many anaesthetic-related resources
- Anaesthesia Education Website: a portal site for other sites containing exam tutorials/MCQs &
various other resources
- Handwritten Tutorials: A cartoon-based website for alternative methods of revision

h) Holiday
Book a holiday for just after the exam. It will give you something to aim for and look forward to.
Can you honestly say that a week of nights on the labour ward post-exam is just reward??

The Exam
There are different schools of thought on how to revise for this section of the examination.
Some candidates plough through the textbooks, and then attempt MCQs later on. Others like to
base their revision around MCQs topic by topic, referring continually to textbooks. There is no
correct method, but I believe the key factor to passing this section is sheer volume of MCQs
completed. Most candidates will have experienced medical MCQs at some point in their careers,
i.e. Finals, MRCP or other, and will also have their own methods for answering MCQs. The MCQ
exam is no longer negatively marked; therefore it makes sense that all stems from the
questions should be attempted.
There are 60 Multiple True/False (MTF) questions (five stems in each question) and 30 Single
Best Answer (SBA) questions to be answered in 3 hours. There are 20 pharmacology MTF
questions, 20 physiology (including related biochemistry and anatomy) MTF questions and 20
physics, clinical measurement, and data interpretation MTF questions. There are 30 SBA
questions in any of the categories previously mentioned. For the MTF paper, candidates are
provided with a question booklet, some scrap paper, & an Optical Mark Reader sheet to record
answers in a True/False style or the single best answer from 5 options. Candidates have a
maximum of five attempts at the examination, and a pass is valid for three subsequent years
from the published start date of the exam applied for.
As mentioned by the College: "One mark will be awarded for each correct answer in the MTF
section. Four marks will be awarded for each correct question in the SBA section. The marks for
each section are combined to produce a total mark. With 60 MTF (60 x 5 stems) and 30 SBA the
maximum mark obtainable for the MCQ paper is 420 marks. The passmark is set by the
Examiners using Angoff Referencing. To allow for the examinations reliability this mark is then
reduced by one Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) to give the passmark.
Regarding SBA technique, current advice would be to get your hands on as many of the SBAstyle questions as possible. The RCOA is continually expanding their bank of example SBAs
which can be found here, here, and here. An extremely insightful document by Dr Anthony

McCluskey, Chair of the Primary MCQ, can be found here, with the rationale and justifications
behind the introduction of this format into the FRCA examinations.
On the day itself, make sure you know the way to the College (type WC1R 4SG into Google
Maps). Arrive early and make sure you bring photo ID. Ensure that you fill your
details/candidate number in correctly on the answer sheet, and then get cracking!! Obvious
things to say include: read the question, check that the relevant answer is marked in the correct
box, and re-check everything at the end. It would be tragic to fail because the paper was filled
in incorrectly. Once finished, go and have a drink at the Square Pig across the road and ignore
everyone else dissecting the exam in intimate detail!!
Again, turn up early and register with photo ID. Dress smartly i.e. suit (neutral shirt/tie) for
men and interview clothes for the ladies. Bring a stethoscope. It is a long and stressful day;
some people even bring a change of shirt/underwear for the afternoon!
The OSCE section of the examination is held in one room, divided by many little cubicles. There
are 16 active stations and 1 test station; neither examiner nor candidate knows which stations
are live or test, so treat all equally! Make sure that you write your candidate number at the top
of all answer sheets! Some cubicles have one or two examiners in them, some will have a live
patient in them as well. Others, e.g. X-ray, just have a question/answer sheet. Each station is
five minutes long, with a one-minute break in between, to gather your thoughts and read the
instructions for the next station. By understanding the format and marking of the OSCE, you
give yourself the best chance of passing it. Each station has a specified mark sheet with tick
boxes; if you say/do the right thing, you get a tick - i.e. there is no examiner discrepancy. Each
station is marked out of 20, the pass marks for all 16 stations are added together to determine
a final score out of 320 for the OSCE.
i) OSCE stations
The RCOA has produced a useful pdf document describing the layout, marking and content of
the OSCE section of the exam. It can located and downloaded in pdf format here.
Multiple examples of OSCE stations can be found on the Anaesthesia UK website.
There are some important points to remember:
- If you have a bad station, as hard as it may seem, forget about it and move onto the next
station. You will not do yourself justice if an under par performance in one station affects
subsequent ones. My first three OSCE station were, in my opinion, disastrous and I felt like
leaving right there and then. My next one was a respiratory exam which I could do, and it got
me back on track.
- There may also be an anaesthetic machine check. This could include the old Boyles machine.
Practice until you can do it blindfolded if you fail this station, it looks very bad if youre
borderline elsewhere! The Association of Anaesthetists publish the guidelines for checking the
machine here and here. There may also be checking of various circuits, e.g. Bain.
- There will be two resuscitation stations. You are expected to know the updated 2010
algorithms for both ALS & PALS, including emergency paediatric drug doses. They can all be
downloaded from the Resuscitation Council UK website. Resuscitation of a pregnant woman has
been included in the past. Dont forget left tilt, and request obstetric/paediatric assistance.
Again, there is no excuse to fail these stations it should be a gift! Similarly, there may be
trauma or paediatric scenarios, so ATLS/APLS knowledge is required.
- Re-learn how to examine body systems (the Finals way - i.e. like a medical student!). You are
likely to get one of cardiovascular, respiratory, cranial nerves, upper and lower limb peripheral
nervous system. This may also include measuring and describing pulse, BP and CVP. You need
to look slick and gain yourself an easy pass at this station.
- In communication stations, you get a mark for introducing yourself and also for checking who
you are speaking to sometimes. There are also further points for empathy etc., so be nice!!
Some of the patients (actors/actresses) may get quite aggressive, e.g. the tooth-knocking-out
scenario. This has been known to upset candidates in the past. Do not be put off by this,

remain calm and try to diffuse the situation professionally, as you would do at work.
- Have a structure for examining/presenting CXRs and ECGs.
ii) Anatomy
There will be anatomy OSCE stations in the exam. The majority of candidates find anatomy
tedious to learn and will often skimp on this revision section. This is not advisable, for reasons
already mentioned. Although not exhaustive, the following list can be used as a guideline (full
list found in the RCOA syllabus):
Regional blocks
These must include: landmarks, indications, contraindications, technique, LA dose and
- Epidural
- Spinal
- Brachial plexus (interscalene/supraclavicular/axillary)
- Upper and lower limb (especially femoral and ankle blocks)
N.B. occasionally lumbar/celiac plexus blocks have turned up
- Respiratory tract
- Cardiac + coronary arterial/venous supply
- Vertebrae (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum)
- Upper limb (brachial plexus, antecubital fossa)
- Head and neck (Base of skull, including holes and CN pathways, neck/laryngeal/pharyngeal
anatomy, the orbit, Circle of Willis)
- Ascending/descending motor/sensory tracts
- Dermatomes
c) Structured Oral Examination
The Structured Oral Examination (SOE) is a game, and to succeed or win at the game, one
needs to learn how to play it. It is the section of the exam which the majority of candidates are
most apprehensive about, as the onus is on them to do the talking. In fact it is much more
structured than the candidate realises.
The Structured Oral Examination has been merged into a single SOE examination which is taken
as two sub-sections, each with two examiners (one asks questions and the other one marks,
and then they swap after 15 minutes), and the number and contents of questions are
The two SOE sub-sections, each lasting 30 minutes, are divided as follows:
- 30 minutes consisting of three questions in Pharmacology, and three questions in Physiology &
- 30 minutes consisting of three questions of Physics, Clinical Measurement, Equipment, and
Safety, and three questions on Clinical Topics (which will most likely include a Critical Incident).
There are 12 questions, 2 marks for a pass, 1 mark for a borderline performance, and 0 marks
for a fail, giving a maximum total score of 48 marks and a pass mark of 37.
The examiners are not allowed to ask any question they like, avoiding the problem of pet
topics in times gone by. They have a list of questions/topics upon which they have to guide the
candidate through; obviously, the better the candidate, the more material covered and potential
marks picked up. The examiners will also move the candidate on to a different topic if they
appear to be struggling or have stalled; again, the idea being to find out what the candidate
does know. Contrary to popular belief/scare-mongering, the examiners are very friendly and do
their best to put you at ease. The RCOA has made an extremely interesting resource available
to candidates here; the videos do not provide model answers, rather performance behaviours.
The hardest part of viva preparation is starting the viva practice itself. You may have all the
knowledge in the world, but the trick is to be able to impart this knowledge in a concise,
relevant, structured and confident manner. Practice is the key; bully your consultant/StR/SHO
colleagues to give you regular viva practice. At first, it will be an awkward experience but do not
be concerned about humiliating yourself in front of them they have all been through the same
ordeal. The more you practice, the more refined and polished your technique will become, and
the more tips you will pick up from various colleagues. If you are lucky enough to have a
Consultant who is a Primary examiner, make full use of this valuable resource. They will know

exactly what is required to be successful in the viva section. There is a bank of viva questions
asked in previous Primary exams on the Anaesthesia UK website.
The big secret to passing the viva is to look at it from the examiners' viewpoint. Examining
multiple candidates on the same questions for several hours can be boring! Your job is to make
it easy for the examiners to pass you. They will generally be able to tell whether they want to
pass you in the first couple of minutes; from the moment you sit down to your opening
statement. Your appearance matters, so dress appropriately (see earlier), smile and look
confident, even when you feel like a spot of reverse peristalsis!! Maintain good eye contact,
especially with the person asking the questions, and avoid wild gesticulations and nervous
tics/habits (hopefully these will have been spotted during previous practice). Hands clasped in
lap, unless drawing a diagram/graph is usually recommended. Once completed, to avoid playing
with the pencil, I would put it back on the table and clasp my hands again! Do not mention
subjects about which you know very little; the examiner may ask you to elaborate!
You must have a confident opening statement. Do not say the first thing that comes into your
head! Take a few seconds to think about the question - i.e. what the examiner requires - take a
deep breath and then proceed. I used the DEFINE & CLASSIFY approach which was
recommended on a course, e.g. Tell me about Thiopentone.. Thiopentone is a
thiobarbiturate used for the intravenous induction of anaesthesia and in the management of
status epilepticus etc etc. At this point, the examiner will start to relax: here is a candidate who
knows his essential basics well, and so on.
i) Drugs
On the subject of drugs, it is vital to have a framework which can be used to talk about any
drug. I used a combination of structures obtained from textbooks & courses:

Presentation/Manufacture/Physicochemical properties
Action & mechanism/Duration of action
Onset/Offset of action
Doses/Routes of administration
Effects CVS, Respiratory, CNS, Other
Side effects/ Toxicity/Contraindications/Interactions
Kinetics Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion

ii) Drug you should be able to talk about

Anaesthetics: Intravenous/Inhalational agents / Muscle relaxants (non-depol/depol) /
Anticholinesterases / Local Anaesthetics / Anticholinergics
Intravenous fluids: Colloids / Crystalloids
Analgesics: Opioid / Simple
CVS: Antiarrhythmics/Antihypertensives/Beta-blockers/Inotropes
CNS: Stimulants/Anti-epileptics
GI: Antiemetics / prokinetics
Other: Antidiabetics (Insulin/PO hypoglycaemics) / Diuretics / Anticoagulants / Antibiotics

iii) Drugs you should be able to draw

It is quite feasible to be asked to draw the structure of a drug, and then describe the structureactivity relationship.
Inhalational anaesthetic agents
Local anaesthetics basic structure
Acetylcholine + suxamethonium
Anticholinesterases basic structure
Catecholamine synthesis pathway
iv) Clinical

Candidates are given a clinical scenario, including blood results/ABGs/ECG etc to read and think
about approximately ten minutes before starting the viva. The viva usually begins with: How
would you anaesthetise this patient? I used the following approximate approach:
I would divide my approach to anaesthetising this patient into preoperative, perioperative, and
- In my preoperative assessment, I would go the ward to introduce myself to the patient,
explain my role, and establish a rapport. I would perform a full history and examination, review
of observations and investigations, e.g. blood results, ECG (+ further cardiac investigations) and
CXR. I would also read the case notes, particularly paying attention to previous anaesthetic
charts and any documented perioperative complications. I would explain the nature of the
anaesthetic to the patient, documenting any potential complications of procedures discussed.
- The next section would involve perioperative management. It is wise to mention that you
recognise that this patient has numerous comorbidities and you would request the advice and
help of a senior anaesthetist, i.e. Consultant, to be present for the anaesthetic (at which point
you are usually told that there are none available!!). Plan your anaesthetic sensibly. Rapid
sequence induction is not: RSI with thio, sux and tube; rather, I would ensure that I had
checked the anaesthetic machine and all equipment according to the Association of
Anaesthetists guidelines. I would have a trained assistant with me and all drugs, including
emergency drugs (be prepared to explain which ones), pre-drawn up before patient arrival. I
would apply monitoring according to the Association of Anaesthetist's minimum monitoring
guidelines. I would check that I could tip the trolley, and that adequate suction is to hand. I
would preoxygenate the patient for at least three minutes, and, with cricoid pressure
maintained, I would administer intubating doses of thiopentone and suxamethonium via a fastrunning wide-bore cannula. Upon cessation of fasciculations, I would pass the endotracheal tube
through the vocal cords into the trachea and inflate the cuff. I would check the position of the
endotracheal tube by auscultation bilaterally, visible chest movement, and by looking for the
presence of a capnography trace. Upon confirmation of tube position, the cricoid pressure will be
released and the endotracheal tube fastened securely in position.
- Postoperatively, I would ensure that the patient is maintaining their own airway with
spontaneous respirations, has supplemental oxygen, stable observations, good fluid balance,
and is ideally pain-free or with a pain management plan. There must also be a clear plan for
discharge from the Recovery suite, i.e. ward/HDU/ITU.
v) Critical incident
At some point, inevitably, there will be a critical incident either perioperatively or
postoperatively. It is your job to anticipate it and recognise its onset. It can be quite subtle
sometimes, so be alert. The Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia has a well-organized and concise
section on anaesthetic emergencies. It is imperative that you know how to deal with a range of
critical incidents; poor performance in this area is not favourable!! The following list is not
exhaustive but provides a guide for revision:
- Difficult/failed intubation
- Difficult ventilation
- Displaced ETT during operation
- Pneumothorax
- Bronchospasm
- Postoperative hypoxia/hypercarbia
- Intraoperative hypoxia/hypercarbia
- Postoperative airway obstruction
- Postoperative apnoea
- Failure to wake postoperatively
- Hypothermia
- Anaphylaxis
- Aspiration of gastric contents
- Malignant hyperthermia
- Suxamethonium apnoea
- Cardiac arrest/peri-arrest
- Arrhythmias/Heart block
- Hypertension/Hypotension
- Massive haemorrhage
- Pulmonary/Air/Cement embolism
- Complete/high spinal block
- LA toxicity

- Blood transfusion complications

- TURP syndrome
Candidates may be asked to produce formulae, definitions and diagrams/graphs to form the
basis of an answer to a particular question. These should be at the tip of your tongue, so before
the examiner has finished the question, the pencil is in your hand, ready to reproduce what is
required. Blank paper is provided with a pencil make sure your sketchings are large, welllabelled and clear. When drawing graphs, label the axis first (correctly), and then proceed with
the rest of the graph. The excellent 'Equations for Primary FRCA at the top of this guide by Dr
Adrian Jennings covers all of the equaitons you will need to know and understand for the exam.
The following list also contains examples of diagrams and definitions.
i) Diagrams
- Iso-shunt graphs
- Valsava manoeuvre
- Action Potential: Cardiac Muscle fast-response & Pacemaker slow-response cell
- Cardiac cycle
- Starlings law
- Jugular venous pressure waveform
- Pulmonary artery catheterisation waveforms
- Fowlers Method for anatomical dead space
- Compliance curves
- Oxygen cascade
- Alveolar wall-cross section
- West zones
- Oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve
- Lung volumes
- Action potential
- Spinal cord: Transverse section
- Pain pathway + gate control theory
- Cerebral blood flow/Cerebral perfusion pressure
- Nitric oxide isotherms
- Vacuum insulated evaporator
- Vaporisers including desflurane
- Defibrillator circuit
- Electrical symbols
- Wheatstone Bridge circuit
- OxyHb/DeoxyHb wavelength absorptions
- Mapleson breathing circuits
- Bioavailability
- Agonists/partial agonists/antagonists
- Renal: Nephron/Juxtaglomerular apparatus
- Starlings forces
- Body water distribution
- Meyer-Overton hypothesis
ii) Definitions
- Potency/efficacy/affinity

Volume of dstribution
Pressure + units
Electrical units e.g. Ampere/Joule/Coulomb etc
Critical/pseudocritical temperature
Critical pressure
Filling Ratio

Good Luck!!
A lot of material used in this guide has been obtained from the textbooks, courses and online
resources described above. I make no claim that any of it is my own work, merely that this
guide is a collaboration of these sources, in addition to an account of my experience of passing
the FRCA Primary examination. There is no personal financial gain to be made from this guide;
it is freely available to all online, and will in no way act as a substitute for textbooks, online
revision and courses.

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