Royal College X Anesthesia
Royal College X Anesthesia
Royal College X Anesthesia
Annex D
Higher Level Training
Glossary of terms 3
Assessment method decode 5
General Medical Practice decode 5
Essential Units 6
Anaesthesia for neurosurgery, neuroradiology and neuro critical care 6
Cardiothoracic anaesthesia and cardiothoracic critical care 8
General duties 11
Airway management* 12
Day surgery 14
Head, neck. Maxillo-facial and dental surgery 15
General, urological and gynaecological surgery 17
Management of respiratory and cardiac arrest* 19
Non-theatre 20
Obstetrics 21
Orthopaedic surgery 23
Perioperative medicine* 25
Regional 28
Sedation 30
Transfer medicine 31
Trauma and stabilisation 34
Vascular surgery 36
Intensive care medicine (See Annex F)
Paediatrics 38
Optional Units 40
Pain medicine 40
Paediatric intensive care medicine 42
Ophthalmic 44
Plastics/Burns 46
Anaesthesia in developing countries 48
Conscious sedation in dentistry 50
Military anaesthesia 54
Remote and rural anaesthesia 63
Glossary of terms
Assessment method decode
A Anaesthesia Clinical Evaluation Exercise [A-CEX]
C Case Based Discussion [CBD]
D Direct Observation of Procedural Skills [DOPS]
E Examination
I Intensive Care Medicine Clinical Evaluation Exercise [I-CEX]
L Anaesthesia List Management Assessment Tool [ALMAT]
M Multi-source Feedback [MSF]
S Simulation
T Acute Care Assessment Tool [ACAT]
Essential Units
Anaesthesia for neurosurgery, neuroradiology and neuro critical care
Learning outcomes:
Capture the maturation process by building on the knowledge, understanding and skills gained during intermediate training
Become more independent in managing neurosurgical anaesthesia as demonstrated by requiring less consultant guidance and supervision
Competence Description GMP
Is able to discuss and critically analyse the risks and benefits of available anaesthetic techniques for all aspects of
neurosurgery and neuroradiology identified at the intermediate level and in addition for:
• acoustic neuroma surgery and facial nerve monitoring
NA_HK_01 A,C 1,2
• complex spinal surgery
• interventional neuroradiological procedures including coiling of intracranial aneurysms and embolisation of vascular
Is able to evaluate the anaesthetic and critical care implications of stroke including but not exclusively: subarachnoid
NA_HK_02 haemorrhage, intracerebral haemorrhage and ischaemic stroke Discusses the indications for, and the management of A,C 1,2
techniques for spinal drainage
Discusses the indications and risks of therapies and monitors available to achieve optimal intracranial pressure and cerebral
NA_HK_03 A,C 1,2
perfusion in both neuroanaesthesia and neuro-critical care
NA_HK_04 Shows awareness of current trends in the management of all aspects of neuroanaesthesia and neuro-critical care C.M 1,2,3,4
Competence Description GMP
Demonstrates how to critically evaluate the pre-operative condition, plan appropriate optimisation and deliver peri-operative
NA_HS_01 A,C 1,2,3,4
anaesthetic care to adult patients requiring routine and emergency neurosurgery
Demonstrates the ability to provide peri-operative anaesthetic care for complex spinal surgery [including patients with
NA_HS_02 A,C 1,2,3,4
unstable cervical spines]
Demonstrates the ability to engage appropriately in compassionate and authoritative discussions with patients pre-
NA_HS_03 A,M 1,3,4
operatively about the risks and complications associated with major neurosurgery
NA_HS_04 Demonstrates authority and team leadership in the management of major neurosurgical emergencies A,M 1,2,3,4
NA_HS_05 Demonstrates the ability to supervise and teach less experienced trainees in all aspects of neuroanaesthesia A,M 1,2,3,4
NA_HK_06 Demonstrates the ability to conduct a ward round in neuro-critical care under direct supervision A,M 1,2,3,4
Cardiothoracic anaesthesia and cardiothoracic critical care
It is recognised that many cardiothoracic competences may be achieved not only in the theatre setting, but also in the cardiac catheterisation suite.
Learning Objective:
Capture the maturation process by building on the knowledge, understanding and skills gained during intermediate training
Understands the place and value of the more complex monitoring devices used in the perioperative period
Understands the role of minimally invasive surgery for the treatment of cardiac disease and the specific anaesthetic requirements for such surgery
Be able to provide safe and effective anaesthetic care to patients undergoing elective mitral/ aortic valve surgery +/or coronary artery surgery and open thoracic
surgery under direct supervision
Be able to provide safe and effective care to patients admitted with acute chest trauma
Competence Description GMP
Explains the relevance of pre-operative assessment and optimisation of patients with cardiac and thoracic disease and
CT_HK_01 demonstrates an in depth understanding of commonly performed investigations including cardiac catheterisation A,C 1
echocardiography, stress testing and radionucleotide testing, as well as pulmonary function tests
Is able to discuss and critically analyse the risks and benefits of available anaesthetic techniques for all aspects of
cardiothoracic surgery and cardiology identified at the intermediate level and in addition describe the management of
patients with:
CT_HK_02 • Mitral valve repair and replacement A,C 1
• Management of post infarct VSD
• Complex thoracic aortic reconstruction
• Interventional cardiological procedures e.g. transvenous device placement for ASD and Aortic valve surgery
Describes the anaesthetic requirements for complex cardiac and thoracic procedures.
CT_HK_03 A,C 1,2
To include techniques for circulatory arrest, partial bypass, chest wall resection,
Describes the physical, physiological and psychological support required for patients in the immediate postoperative period
CT_HK_04 for all cardiac and thoracic procedures, including cardiovascular support systems, in such a way that demonstrates an A,C 1,2
understanding of the changes that can occur in the post-operative period associated with such surgery [include an
Competence Description GMP
understanding of post-operative cognitive and neurological deficit, timing of withdrawal of mechanical support]
Is able to describe the surgical principles involved in common cardiology procedures including coronary stenting, atrial septal
CT_HK_05 defect closure, ablation, pacemaker insertion, defibrillator insertion and other electrophysiological procedures, and their A,C 1
perioperative anaesthetic care.
Describes the problems of anaesthetising the adult patient with congenital heart disease and also their management during
CT_HK_06 A,C 1
Describes the perioperative anaesthetic management of adult patients with intrathoracic aortic pathology requiring surgery
including [but not exclusively]:
CT_HK_07 • The assessment of thoracic aortic dissection and how this influences arterial line placement A,C 1
• The indications for spinal drainage
• The techniques available to monitor cerebral well being during thoracic aortic surgery
Discusses the management of post-operative bleeding in cardiac patients and is able to describe the signs and symptoms of
CT_HK_08 cardiac tamponade, its clinical management and appropriate investigation [including any appropriate near patient testing] A,C 1
and understands the indications for return to theatre versus continued haematological support.
CT_HK_09 Discusses specific implications of blood and blood product transfusion on patient morbidity in cardiac surgery C 1
Competence Description GMP
Demonstrates the ability to critically evaluate and present the salient features of:
CT_HS_01 • The pre-operative condition of patients with cardiac disease Including, where relevant, decisions made within a A,C,D 1,2,3,4
cardiac MDT
Demonstrates the ability to provide patients with information on the risks associated with complex cardiac procedures from
CT_HS_02 A,D 1,2,3,4
an anaesthetic perspective
Demonstrates the ability to provide safe and effective perioperative anaesthetic care for high risk cardiac procedures ,
CT_HS_03 A,C,D 1,2,3,4
including valve surgery
Demonstrates understanding of when patients are suitable for “fast track” surgery and effects appropriate anaesthetic
CT_HS_04 A,C,D 1,2,3,4
Demonstrates the ability to manage a patient for cardiopulmonary bypass, including appropriate myocardial protection,
CT_HS_05 A,C,D 1,2,3
coagulation management, transfer to, and the weaning of patients from bypass with local supervision, to include:
Competence Description GMP
• Demonstrating understanding of the anaesthetist’s role in perfusionist administration of drugs
• The problems associated with prolonged bypass and how to deal with them
• Issues surrounding disconnections, air embolisation and acid base management
Demonstrates appropriate use of cardiac investigations and monitoring such as the Oesophageal Doppler, Transthoracic and
CT_HS_06 Transoesophageal ECHO, LIDCO, PICCO and a variety of non-invasive monitors for determining cardiac output in the A,C,D 1
management of patients undergoing cardiac surgery
Demonstrates the ability to provide a team management plan for the post operative critical care of patients who have had
CT_HS_07 cardiac surgery, including the management of associated cardiovascular problems and communicates this plan effectively to A,C,D 1,2,3
CICU staff
Demonstrates the ability to recognise, and appropriately manage, patients with excessive bleeding after cardiac surgery
CT_HS_08 A,C,D 1,2,3,4
including the investigation and immediate management of a patient with cardiac tamponade
CT_HS_09 Demonstrates the ability to manage patients with assist devices Including indications for insertion and withdrawal A,C,D 1
Demonstrates the ability to design, complete and evaluate an audit/quality improvement project related to the perioperative
CT_HS_10 A,C,D 1
anaesthetic management of cardiac patients
Demonstrates leadership skills during resuscitation and stabilisation of a sick cardiac patient pre-operatively. Is able to defend
CT_HS_11 A,C,D,M 1,2,3,4
decisions made, by reference to current literature
Through active participation in the preoperative assessment and preparation of patients for thoracic surgery, is able to
demonstrate an understanding of suitability for surgery, or need for optimisation of a patient for thoracic surgery, and can
CT_HS_12 defend the decisions made with reference to current literature. Examples might include: A,C,D 1,2,3,4
• Evaluation of a patient with borderline lung function for pneumonectomy
• Evaluation of the relative merits of open versus video assisted lung resection
Demonstrates the ability to provide safe and effective perioperative anaesthetic care to patients undergoing thoracic surgery
CT_HS_13 A,C,D 1,2,3,4
including procedures such as bronchoscopy, Video assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS) and thoracotomy for lung resection
Demonstrates understanding of ventilatory issues through appropriate airway and ventilatory management including the
ability to utilise ventilatory strategies to minimise barotrauma or re-expansion pulmonary oedema
CT_HS_15 Demonstrates the correct management of chest drains D 1
Prepares a post-operative management plan for patients who have had thoracic procedures which demonstrates an
CT_HS_16 understanding of the physiological and physical changes that occur following thoracic surgery [include a rational approach to A,C,D 1,2,3
postoperative pain management and the use of multimodal therapies]
CT_HS_17 Correctly manages patients with chest trauma, including the recognition and management of patients with pneumo- and A,C,D 1,2,3
Competence Description GMP
haemo- thorax, fractured ribs and flail segments
General duties
It is expected that the vast majority of anaesthetic trainees will do twelve months of ‘general duties’; as a minimum all trainees must do six months; those doing less
than twelve months must receive prospective approval from the RCoA Training Department. There are fourteen units within this broad essential unit of training,
many of which have a significant number of transferable competencies which may be obtained in the course of ST years 5-7 training without being part of a specific
‘block’ of training. All trainees must complete at least nine of these units satisfactorily, whatever their final career aspirations may be, three of which must be ‘airway
management’,‘management of respiratory and cardiac arrest’ and ‘perioperative medicine’ as these are core areas for all anaesthetists. Elderly patients form an
increasing part of anaesthetic caseload across all specialist areas, and emphasis on their care and attendant problems should feature in many subunits of general
duties. Those trainees who have approval for less than twelve months must complete a pro-rata minimum number of units satisfactorily.
It is anticipated that many trainees will complete this unit of training in non-specialist hospitals and therefore the units available will vary. The fourteen units are as
Airway management*
Day surgery
Head, neck, maxillo-facial and dental surgery
General, urological and gynaecological surgery
Management of respiratory and cardiac arrest*
Orthopaedic surgery
Perioperative medicine*
Transfer medicine
Trauma and stabilisation
Vascular surgery
[Note, units of training annotated with an * are essential for all trainees]
Airway management*
This higher unit is one of the three mandatory units of higher training which all trainees are expected to complete satisfactorily during their general duties training
block. It shares a number of important competencies with ENT, maxillo-facial and dental surgery and it is expected that it can be delivered in many of the non-
specialist hospitals that form part of many, if not all, Schools of Anaesthesia.
Learning outcomes:
Become skilled at managing the more complex airways by building upon intermediate knowledge, skills and experience
Competence Description GMP
AM_HK_01 Discusses the use of novel airway techniques, including the use of retrograde catheters and airway exchange devices A,C 1,2
Competence Description GMP
AM_HS_01 Demonstrates ability to perform awake elective fibreoptic intubation, including obtaining consent A,D 1,2
Demonstrates ability to perform fibreoptic intubation for elective cases including for those with airway pathology under
AM_HS_02 A,D 1,2,3,4
distant supervision
Demonstrates ability to perform fibreoptic intubation for emergency cases including for those with airway pathology under
AM_HS_03 A,D 1,2,3,4
direct supervision
Demonstrates management of an operating list involving multiple patients for airway related surgery, including patients with
AM_HS_04 A 1,2,3,4
predicted difficult airway, with appropriate airway management decision making
AM_HS_05 Demonstrates the correct use of high frequency jet ventilation [Cross ref; ENT] A 1,2
AM_HS_06 Demonstrates ability to use a variety of advanced airway management techniques A,S 1
Demonstrates the use of novel methods of laryngoscopy including but not limited to:
AM_HS_07 • Straight blade laryngoscope A,S 1
• Videolaryngoscopy
Day surgery
It would be expected that the majority of trainees would complete this unit as part of a year of higher general duties. Many of the competencies may be achieved
while managing appropriate day case procedures as part of other higher units of training.
Learning outcomes:
Develops expertise by building on the knowledge, understanding and skills gained in the intermediate level day surgery curriculum
Become more independent in managing anaesthesia for day case lists as demonstrated by requiring less consultant guidance and supervision
Competence Description GMP
Recalls/describes an evidence based approach to the anaesthetic management of day case procedures for patients with a
DS_HK_01 C,E 1,2,3,4
range of significant co-morbidities, and issues presented by the elderly
Competence Description GMP
Demonstrates the team leadership and communication skills necessary to effectively manage day surgical lists to the
DS_HS_01 A,C,D,M 1,2,3,4
benefit of patients and the organisation
Demonstrates the ability to critically evaluate the pre-operative condition and suitability of patients with significant co-
DS_HS_02 A,C,D,M 1,2,3,4
morbidities for day surgical procedures, for example the elderly
Demonstrates the ability to supervise and teach less experienced trainees in all aspects of anaesthesia for day surgery,
DS_HS_03 A,C,D,M 1,2,3,4
whilst recognising the limitations of their expertise
Head, neck, maxillo-facial and dental surgery
The majority of trainees are expected to complete this unit satisfactorily during a year of higher general duties. It shares a number of important competencies with the
‘Airway Management unit [which is one of the two mandatory units of higher training] and it is expected that it can be delivered in many of the non-specialist
hospitals that form part of many, if not all, Schools of Anaesthesia. Chair dental surgery is not mandatory for successful completion of this unit but where available,
trainees should receive some exposure during their higher training.
Learning outcomes:
Build on knowledge, skills and experience acquired in the intermediate syllabus
To supervise more junior colleagues providing peri-operative anaesthetic care for minor/intermediate cases in these surgical sub-specialties
To acquire knowledge, skills and experience treating complex clinical cases and challenging airway situations
Competence Description GMP
Discusses the principles of pre-operative assessment and optimisation of patients with significant ENT pathology and/or with
EN_HK_01 A,C 1,2,3,4
concomitant disease [ASA 3 or 4] including team approaches to planning and management of such complex surgery
Discusses anaesthetic techniques used for more complex surgery including, but not exclusively:
EN_HK_02 A,C 1,2,3,4
Major head and neck surgery
Procedures requiring multi-disciplinary surgical teams
Discusses techniques used to assist the preservation of facial nerve function during procedures such as parotid and mastoid
EN_HK_03 A,C 1,2
EN_HK_04 Discusses the pathophysiological effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy A,C 1,2
EN_HK_05 Discusses the importance of managing nutrition in major head and neck surgery and how this can be optimised A,C 1,2,3,4
Identifies the post operative management and complications of patients who have had complex maxillofacial surgery
EN_HK_06 A,C 1,2,3,4
including but not exclusively jaw wiring, tracheostomy and HDU/ICU care
Outlines the paediatric syndromes associated with the need for anaesthesia for ENT and maxillo facial surgery, the range of
EN_HK_07 A,C 1
surgical procedures performed and the implication for perioperative anaesthetic care [Cross Ref Paeds]
Competence Description GMP
Demonstrates the ability to critically evaluate the pre-operative condition and plan appropriate optimisation for patients with
EN_HS_01 A 1,2,3,4
significant ENT pathology and/or concomitant disease [ASA 3 or 4] requiring complex surgery
Demonstrates the ability to provide comprehensive safe peri-operative anaesthetic care to patients requiring complex ENT
and maxillo-facial surgery including but not exclusively:
EN_HS_02 Those in which the airway presents particular difficulty, such as those requiring laryngectomy A,C,M 1,2,3,4
Complex middle ear surgery
Complex cancer surgery
Demonstrates the ability to induce anaesthesia by the inhalational route for a significant number of both adult and paediatric
EN_HS_03 A,D 1
Demonstrates the ability to manage both elective and emergency list of complex cases, such as thyroidectomy or middle ear
EN_HS_04 A,M 1,2,3,4
surgery; possibly mixed with more common procedures, intermediate supervision and a mixture of adults and children
Demonstrates provision of safe peri-operative anaesthetic care for patients where preservation of the facial nerve is required
EN_HS_05 A,C,D 1,2,3,4
e.g. parotid surgery
EN_HS_06 Demonstrates the ability to perform surgical airway techniques [S] [Cross ref critical incidents; cardio-respiratory arrest] A,D,S 1,2
Demonstrates the ability to use jet ventilation safely and effectively when needed in both the emergency and elective
EN_HS_07 A,D 1
situation [Cross Ref; airway management]
Where available, demonstrates provision of safe perioperative anaesthetic care for emergency ENT surgery, including
EN_HS_08 A, C, M 1,2,3,4
bleeding tonsil under distant supervision
Demonstrates the ability to be an effective member of a multi-disciplinary team, managing all elective and emergency
cases/lists in these surgical sub-specialties, safely and effectively. This implies demonstrating essential generic
EN_HS_09 L,M 1,2,3,4
communication, teamwork, leadership and professional skills, as well as those specific to the perioperative anaesthetic care
of the patients
Demonstrates effective communication skills with patients and relatives particularly when allaying anxiety in patients who
EN_HS_10 A,M 1,2,3,4
recognise that their surgical/medical condition is a severe risk to life, or when things have not gone well
Demonstrates the ability to supervise and teach less experienced trainees in all aspects of ENT, maxillo-facial and dental
EN_HS_11 A,D,M 1,2
anaesthesia whilst recognising the limitations of their expertise
General, urological and gynaecological surgery (incorporating peri-operative care of the elderly)
The majority of trainees are expected to complete this unit satisfactorily during a year of higher general duties and it is expected that this unit can be delivered in
many of the non-specialist hospitals that are part of many, if not all, Schools of Anaesthesia.
Learning outcomes:
To supervise more junior colleagues providing peri-operative anaesthetic care for general surgery, gynaecology, urology
To anaesthetise patients of all ASA grades for complex surgery
To consolidate/recall anaesthetic implications of the elderly
Competence Description GMP
Recalls / describes an evidence based approach to the management of complex ASA I-IV patients for elective and emergency
major non-cardiac, non-neurological surgery, including, but not exclusively, the management of patients with significant
GU_HK_01 A,C 1,2
comorbidity, the elderly, recent cardiac surgery, drug-eluting stents and organ system failure [e.g. cirrhosis/dialysis
GU_HK_02 Discusses the principles and interpretation of novel techniques for assessing coagulation, such as thromboelastography A,C 1,2
Critically evaluates the recommendations from NCEPOD reports and discusses the ways in which these influence care of the
GU_HK_03 A,C 1,2,3,4
non-elective surgical patient
Competence Description GMP
Demonstrates focussed preoperative evaluation of patients of all ASA grades who are at risk of post-operative morbidity,
GU_HS_01 including the implementation of risk stratification methods such as scoring systems and measures of functional capacity D,A,C,M 1,2,3
[including basic interpretation of cardiopulmonary exercise testing results]
GU_HS_02 Demonstrates effective contribution to surgical decision making including the risks and benefits of surgery, and futility issues A,C,M 1,2,3,4
Demonstrates safe and effective peri-operative anaesthetic care to patients of all ASA grades requiring major intra-abdominal
surgery covered in this unit of training under distant supervision including, but not exclusively:
• Those requiring complex colo-rectal, gynaecological and urological surgery
GU_HS_03 • Those requiring bariatric surgery A,C,L,M 1,2,3,4
• Those requiring high risk emergency surgery, including those with potential for massive haemorrhage [e.g. the
ruptured aortic aneurysm [Cross Ref vascular]]
Demonstrates the safe and appropriate use of equipment used to manage major blood loss during surgery, including but not
GU_HS_04 A,C,L 1,2,3
exclusively rapid infusion and cell saver devices
Demonstrates the ability to be an effective member of a multi-disciplinary team managing elective and emergency general
GU_HS_05 surgery, urology and gynaecology lists, safely and effectively. This implies demonstrating essential generic communication, L,M 1,2,3,4
teamwork, leadership and professional skills, as well as those specific to the perioperative anaesthetic care of the patients
GU_HS_06 Demonstrates the ability to participate effectively in the post-operative care of the patient as part of a multi-disciplinary team A,C 1,2,3,4
Demonstrates the ability to supervise and teach less experienced trainees in all aspects of complex major colorectal,
GU_HS_07 D,A,C,M 1
gynaecological and urological surgery
Management of respiratory and cardiac arrest*
This unit is one of the three higher mandatory units that all trainees must complete satisfactorily during higher training [the others are Airway management and
Perioperative Medicine]. It is expected that this unit can be delivered in most hospitals.
Learning Outcome:
Develop expertise by building on the knowledge, understanding and skills gained during intermediate training
Competence Description GMP
RC_HK_01 Discusses the legal principles of resuscitation, advanced directives and DNAR orders A,C 1,2,3,4
RC_HK_02 Discusses factors affecting prognostication and the indications for withdrawal of support A,C 1,2,3,4
Competence Description GMP
RC_HS_01 Demonstrates the ability to gain a surgical airway [Cross reference Intensive Care] [S] D,S 1,2
Demonstrates the ability to provide comprehensive clinical care throughout the resuscitation attempt and during further care
RC_HS_02 D,A,S 1,2,3,4
if indicated
RC_HS_03 Demonstrates the ability to initiate and manage therapeutic hypothermia when indicated D 1
Demonstrates team leadership and the ability to make end of life decisions and when to cease active treatment in a
RC_HS_04 compassionate and caring manner, including leading the discussion on the appropriateness, or otherwise, of withdrawing D,A 1,2,3,4
treatment with both staff and relatives
It is expected that the majority of trainees will complete this unit during higher training as many of the competencies can be achieved in the course of completing a
number of other units, both general and specialist.
Learning outcomes:
Develop expertise by building on the knowledge, understanding and skills gained in the intermediate curriculum
Become more independent in managing patients in a greater variety of out of theatre environments, including remote sites, under distant supervision [See
section 6.2 for greater detail about Remote Site supervision]
Competence Description GMP
Discusses in-depth, the peri-procedure [diagnostic or therapeutic, elective or emergency] anaesthetic/sedation needs for
DI_HK_01 complex ASA 1-4 patients that may take place outside the operating theatre, including remote sites [See section 6.2], C,E 1,2,3,4
including but not exclusively in the following settings: The Radiology suites, Radiotherapy and ECT
Competence Description GMP
Demonstrates the team leadership and communication skills necessary to effectively manage cases/lists in any non-theatre
DI_HS_01 A,C,D,M 1,2,3,4
environment to the benefit of patients and the organisation
Demonstrates the ability to critically evaluate the pre-operative condition and suitability of patients with significant co-
DI_HS_02 A,C,D,M 1,2,3,4
morbidities for such procedures
DI_HS_03 Demonstrates the ability to supervise and teach less experienced trainees, whilst recognising their limitations A,C,D,M 1,2,3,4
The majority of trainees are expected to complete this unit satisfactorily during a year of higher general duties and it is expected that this unit can be delivered in
many of the non-specialist hospitals that are part of many, if not all, Schools of Anaesthesia, provided that they have a consultant-led obstetric unit.
Learning outcome:
Capture the maturation process by building on the experience gained in intermediate training and achieve a greater emphasis on undertaking more complex
obstetric cases
Competence Description GMP
OB_HK_01 Discusses the limitations of a non specialised maternity unit and appropriate referral to a tertiary unit C 1
OB_HK_02 Discusses current advances and controversies in obstetrics C 1, 2
Competence Description GMP
OB_HS_01 Demonstrates the ability to assess women with factors complicating pregnancy A,C 1,2,3,4
Demonstrates the ability to construct a safe and effective plan for the management of a women with factors complicating
OB_HS_02 C 1,2,3,4
OB_HS_03 Demonstrates the ability to be an effective part of a multidisciplinary team A,M 1,2,3,4
Demonstrates the ability to manage an elective caesarean section list effectively, to the benefit of patients and the
OB_HS_04 A,M 1,2,3,4
OB_HS_05 Demonstrates the ability to manage an elective or emergency caesarean section for placenta praevia A,D 1,2
OB_HS_06 Demonstrates skill in managing emergencies including pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, major haemorrhage A,C,D,M 1,2,3,4
Competence Description GMP
Demonstrates the skills required to provide safe and effective regional anaesthesia using a variety of techniques including
OB_HS_07 A,D 1,2
spinal, epidural, combined spinal-epidural and rectus sheath blocks in both normal and ‘difficult’ backs
Demonstrates the ability to deliver safe and effective general anaesthesia to the obstetric patient, both in elective and
OB_HS_08 A,M 1,2,3,4
emergency settings, including the ability to anticipate, recognise and manage the expected and unexpected difficult airway
OB_HS_09 Demonstrates skill in allaying anxiety and helping mothers deal with disappointment A,M 1,2,3,4
OB_HS_10 Demonstrates effective communication with patients and relatives/partners, including when things have not gone well A,M 1,2,3,4
Demonstrates skill in providing information about analgesia and anaesthesia to pregnant women, with or without
OB_HS_11 A,D,M 1,2,3,4
complicating factors, to midwives and other professional groups
OB_HS_12 Demonstrate ability to supervise and teach less experienced trainees in all aspects of obstetric anaesthesia A,D,M 1,2
OB_HS_13 Participates in local processes for monitoring the standards of practice M 1,2,3,4
Orthopaedic surgery
The majority of trainees are expected to complete this unit satisfactorily during a year of higher general duties and it is expected that this unit can be delivered in
many of the non-specialist hospitals that are part of many, if not all, Schools of Anaesthesia.
Learning outcomes:
Captures the maturation process by building on the knowledge, understanding and skills gained during intermediate training
To consolidate/recall anaesthetic implications of the elderly
Become more independent in managing anaesthesia for complex orthopaedic surgery as demonstrated by requiring less consultant guidance and supervision
Competence Description GMP
Recalls / describes an evidence based approach to the management of complex ASA I-IV patients for elective and emergency
OR_HK_01 major orthopaedic [including spinal] surgery, including, but not exclusively, the management of patients with significant A,C 1,2
comorbidity , the elderly, recent cardiac surgery, drug-eluting stents and organ system failure
Competence Description GMP
Demonstrates the ability to critically evaluate the pre-operative condition, plan appropriate optimisation and deliver safe
OR_HS_01 A,C,D,M 1,2,3,4
perioperative anaesthetic care to all adult patients however complex requiring routine and emergency orthopaedic surgery
OR_HS_02 Demonstrates the team leadership and communication skills necessary to manage major orthopaedic surgical emergencies A,M 3,4
Demonstrates the ability to supervise and teach less experienced trainees in all aspects of elective and emergency
OR_HS_03 A,D,M 1,2,3
orthopaedic surgery
Demonstrate the ability to provide comprehensive safe peri-operative anaesthetic care for:
• Spinal surgery including scoliosis surgery.
OR_HS_04 A,D 1,2,3,4
• Pelvic fracture surgery
• Fixation of long bone fractures in the multiply injured patient
Competence Description GMP
Demonstrates the ability to manage both elective and emergency orthopaedic surgical sessions effectively to the benefit of
OR_HS_05 A,D,M 1,2,3,4
patients and the organisation
Demonstrates effective communication skills with patients and relatives particularly when allaying anxiety in patients who
OR_HS_06 A,M 1,2,3,4
recognise that their surgical/medical condition is a severe risk to life, or when things have not gone well
Demonstrates the ability to supervise and teach less experienced trainees in all aspects of anaesthesia for orthopaedic
OR_HS_07 A,D,M 1,2
surgery, whilst recognising the limitations of their expertise
Perioperative Medicine*
This unit is one of the three higher mandatory units that all trainees must complete satisfactorily during higher training [the others are Management of respiratory and
cardiac arrest].
This unit of training is intended to run in parallel with other units of training and is not designed to be undertaken as a standalone dedicated module. The learning
outcomes are applicable to all patients and will be achievable during clinical practice whilst undertaking the other units of training. Demonstrating the ability to lead a
medical preoperative assessment clinic is a mandatory component of this unit of training.
Learning outcomes:
To deliver high quality preoperative assessment, investigation and management of all patients for elective and emergency surgery
To deliver high quality individualised anaesthetic care to all patients, focusing on optimising patient experience and outcome
To plan and implement high quality individualised post-operative care for all patients
To take a leadership role in the multidisciplinary team in delivering perioperative care
Preoperative care:
Competence Description GMP
POM_HK_01 Describes strategies for prehabilitation and patient optimisation and the limits of such strategies C 1
POM_HK_02 Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of enhanced recovery pathways and their limitations C 1
POM_HK_03 Explains the relevance of assessments of the patient’s functional cardiorespiratory capacity to perioperative decision making A,C 1
POM_HK_04 Describes how quality improvement principles could be used to develop local services C 2,3
POM_HK_05 Critically analyses evidence related to perioperative practice C 1
POM_HK_06 Explains the importance of primary and social care in perioperative pathways C 3
POM_HK_07 Describes the effects of ethnicity on disease processes C 1,3,4
Competence Description GMP
POM_HS_01 Demonstrates a holistic and patient centred approach to care A,L,M 3
POM_HS_02 Makes complex clinical decisions in the face of uncertainty A,L,S 1,2,3
POM_HS_03 Uses risk scoring systems to inform communication with patients and colleagues A,C,L 1,3
Discusses treatment options and risks with patients, including those with complex comorbidities, taking into account their
POM_HS_04 A,L 3,4
individual needs and requirements
POM_HS_05 Takes a collaborative approach to perioperative decision making with colleagues A,L,M 3
POM_HS_06 Communicates effectively with patients and colleagues as part of integrated care A,L,M 3
POM_HS_07 Leads a medical preoperative assessment clinic (with appropriate supervision) L 1,3,4
Contributes sensitively to discussions with patients, relatives and colleagues when significant uncertainty exists with regards
POM_HS_08 A,L 3,4
to the benefits of a proposed procedure versus the burdens of treatment
Intraoperative care:
Competence Description GMP
POM_HK_08 Describes the evidence base for and limitations of Goal-Directed Therapy A,C 1
POM_HK_09 Interprets the evidence of the use of advanced haemodynamic monitoring A,C 1
POM_HK_10 Summarises the evidence regarding the impact of anaesthetic technique on patient outcome A,C 1
POM_HK_11 Describes techniques to minimise deviations in physiological parameters that may affect outcome A,C 1
POM_HK_12 Describes a coherent fluid management strategy including the use of blood products A,C 1,2
Competence Description GMP
POM_HS_09 Demonstrates mastery of anaesthetic techniques for patients with complex comorbidities A,D,S 1
POM_HS_10 Uses depth of anaesthesia monitoring effectively A,C 1
POM_HS_11 Takes steps to minimise the risk of accidental awareness under general anaesthesia A,C 1,2
POM_HS_12 Implements strategies to avoid post-operative cognitive dysfunction A,C 1
Competence Description GMP
POM_HS_13 Demonstrates an appropriate leadership role in patient safety and quality improvement within an organisation A,L,S 2,3
POM_HS_14 Anticipates and acts to pre-empt complications during surgery A,L,S 1,3
POM_HS_15 Uses Goal-directed Therapy in clinical practice A,S 1
Postoperative care:
Competence Description GMP
POM_HK_13 Evaluates the benefits and limitations of perioperative patient pathways C 1,2
POM_HK_14 Describes the importance of pain management in perioperative outcomes including enhanced recovery pathways C 1
POM_HK_15 Describes evidence-based methods of optimising circulating volume in the postoperative patient C 1
Competence Description GMP
Shows leadership and communicates sensitively with patients regarding complications and adverse events and co-ordinates
POM_HS_16 A,L,M,S 3,4
appropriate actions
POM_HS_17 Prescribes postoperative medications and therapy to optimise recovery and minimise length of stay A,L 1
POM_HS_18 Takes an active role in the post-operative multidisciplinary team A,L,M,S 3
POM_HS_19 Demonstrates the ability to recognise when standard pathways should be adapted and tailored to individual need A,L 1,2
It is expected that this unit will often be completed in conjunction with the higher unit in orthopaedic surgery.
Learning outcomes:
Captures the maturation process and continues to develop understanding and skills gained at the intermediate level
Demonstrate proficiency in managing the regional techniques learnt during that time under distant supervision
Increase the range of block techniques practiced
Increased understanding of, and skill in, the use of ultrasound in regional anaesthesia
Take appropriate opportunities to use regional anaesthesia as part of the anaesthetic technique when clinically indicated
Become skilled in performing some more complex blocks with distant supervision
Has appropriately integrated regional anaesthetic practice into the range of clinical alternatives within their practice
Competence Description GMP
RA_HK_01 Discusses the principles, practice and complications of continuous catheter techniques for peripheral nerve blocks A,C 1,2
RA_HK_02 Discusses the principles, practice and complications of the use of continuous spinal anaesthetic blockade A,C 1,
Discusses the principles of the use of ultra sound for guiding nerve/plexus blocks and the insertion of catheters
including, but not exclusively:
RA_HK_03 A,C 1,
Explaining the mechanisms by which hyperechoic, hypoechoic and anechoic images are obtained
Explaining the difference and uses of ‘B’ mode [bright] and ‘M’ mode [Motion] ultrasound
Competence Description GMP
Demonstrates the ability to develop a peri-operative management plan and perform safely and effectively a number of the
following blocks under distant supervision using either/or peripheral nerve stimulation or ultrasound guidance [those marked
with an asterisk are considered essential, the remainder are optional]:
• Peripheral nerve blocks [e.g. femoral nerve]*
• Brachial plexus*
• Deep cervical plexus blocks
RA_HS_01 A,D 1,2,3,
• Supra and infra clavicular blocks
• Intercostal nerve blocks
• Thoracic epidural anaesthesia*
• Lumbar plexus blocks
• Sciatic blocks
Demonstrates clinically relevant sonoanaotomy of the brachial & lumbosacral plexus [upper and lower limb] with reference
RA_HS_02 A,D 1,2
to performing recommended regional anaesthetic techniques
RA_HS_03 Can demonstrate local anaesthetic injection and circumferential spread around the intended nerve / plexus A,D 1
Demonstrates correct needling technique using either an in or out of plane approach with ultrasound [Cross ref vascular and
RA_HS_04 A,D 1
intensive care]
Demonstrates good communication skills when managing patients who requires regional blockade and the staff responsible
RA_HS_05 A,D,M 1,2,3,4,
for surgical and nursing care
RA_HS_06 Demonstrates ability to lead discussions on appropriateness of a regional technique for surgery and post-operative analgesia A,D 1,2,3,4,
Demonstrates the ability to co-ordinate and manage a list with suitable patients for regional blockade including liaising with
RA_HS_07 A,D,M 1,2,3,4,
surgeons, theatre nursing and anaesthetic staff
Demonstrates the ability to supervise and teach regional anaesthetic techniques to less experienced trainees, whilst
RA_HS_08 A,D,M 1,2,3,4
recognising the limitations of their expertise
This is an important unit of training, as it covers core skills required by all anaesthetists [including those with a major commitment to ICM]. It is expected that the
competencies/minimum learning outcomes will be gained during the course of higher training through ST year 5 and 6, rather than as a dedicated block.
Learning outcomes:
To be able to deliver pharmacological sedation to patients of all ages, safely and effectively
To be able to teach and supervise more junior colleagues in the provision of conscious sedation
Competence Description GMP
CS_HK_01 Discusses how multiple drug use may enhance sedation techniques, whilst detailing how this increases risks A,C,E 1,2,3
Competence Description GMP
Demonstrates focused preoperative evaluation of patients of all ASA grades who are at risk of perioperative
CS_HS_01 A,C,D,M 1,2,3,4
morbidity/mortality, ensuring engagement of patients in open and compassionate discussions
Demonstrates the ability to contribute to clinical decision making including the risks and benefits of specific procedures that
CS_HS_02 A,C,D,M 1,2,3,4
require the use CS to ensure they are completed successfully
Demonstrates the ability to select sedation techniques appropriate to management in patients of all ages, including those
CS_HS_03 A,C,D 1,2,3
with significant co-morbidities [i.e. any ASA grade]
Demonstrates the ability to administer and monitor sedation techniques to all patients [identified in CB_HS_01 above] for
CS_HS_04 A,D 1,2,3
appropriate clinical procedures, safely and effectively
CS_HS_05 Demonstrates the ability to supervise and teach safe conscious sedation techniques to less experienced trainees A,D 1,2,3
Transfer medicine
The majority of trainees undertaking this level are expected to complete it during a year of higher general duties. It shares common competencies with the
Trauma/stabilisation and ICM units and it is expected that the competencies/learning outcomes can be achieved during the course of a six to twelve month general
duties block, without can be delivered as a dedicated unit, in many of the non-specialist hospitals that form part of many, if not all, Schools of Anaesthesia.
Training note: Any trainee who has successfully completed a Helicopter Crew Course or equivalent may be assumed to have the competencies listed relating to
helicopter transfer
Learning outcome:
Capture the maturation process by building on the knowledge, understanding and skills gained during intermediate training
Competence Description GMP
TF_HK_01 Discusses the special requirements of inter-hospital transfer by helicopter C 1,2,3,4
TF_HK_02 Demonstrates a basic understanding of HEMS legislation C 1
Describes the effects of flight on:
• Patient’s physiology
TF_HK_03 C 1
• Monitors / equipment
• Medical staff
Discusses the key aspects of safety relating to helicopter transfer:
• Loading / unloading a patient
TF_HK_04 C 1,2
• Securing a patient during transfer
• Personal safety
TF_HK_05 Discusses the drills required during common emergencies on helicopters C 1,2,3,4
Competence Description GMP
TF_HK_06 Discusses the principles of communication with flight crew and correct radio procedures C 1,2
TF_HK_07 Discusses the principles of handover following helicopter transfer C 1,2
TF_HK_08 Discusses the importance of team working and outlines the roles and responsibilities of the medical, ambulance and aircrew C 2,3,4
Discusses the key qualities of leadership required in those undertaking transfers, including the safe management of complex
TF_HK_09 C 1,2,3,4
or prolonged transfers by land or air
TF_HK_10 Discusses the key issues in basic radio communication C 1,2
Discusses the importance of audit/quality improvement projects of the transfer process, reporting of critical incidents during
TF_HK_11 C 1,2,3
air transfer and research
TF_HK_12 Understands the basics of crew resource management C 1,2,3,4
TF_HK_13 Discusses the issues regarding supervision of arranging patient transfers C 1,2,3,4
TF_HK_14 Demonstrates the ability to plan teaching of trainees the basic levels of competencies for intra-hospital transfer C 1
Competence Description GMP
Demonstrates leadership in the clinical management of any patient requiring transfer to another area/hospital for further
TF_HS_01 A,D,M 1,2,3,4
TF_HS_02 Demonstrates the ability to teach the basic competencies of intra-hospital transfer to trainees A,D,M 1,2,3,4
TF_HS_03 Demonstrates the ability to supervise more junior trainees undertaking intra-hospital transfers A,D,M 1,2,3,4
Demonstrates the necessary organisational and communication skills required to effect the transfer of patients in a timely
TF_HS_04 A,C,M 3,4
and efficient manner
Demonstrates the ability to communicate effectively in a compassionate, non-discriminatory and understanding manner
TF_HS_05 A,M 3,4
when communicating with patients and relatives/carers when organising transfers
TF_HS_06 Demonstrates leadership of the multi-disciplinary team undertaking the transfer A,D,M 2,3,4
TF_HS_07 Demonstrates the ability to package a patient for transfer by helicopter A,D,M 1,2,3,4
TF_HS_08 Demonstrates the correct use of communication by radio A,D 1
TF_HS_09 Demonstrates basic crew resource management skills A,D,M 1,2,3,4
Competence Description GMP
TF_HS_10 Demonstrates a willingness to participate in audit/quality improvement projects, critical incident reporting and research M 1,2,3,4
Trauma and stabilisation
The majority of trainees are expected to complete this unit satisfactorily during a year of higher general duties. It is expected that it can be delivered in many of the
larger non-specialist hospitals that form part of many, if not all, Schools of Anaesthesia, although time in a specialist ‘trauma centre’ would provide valuable additional
Learning outcome:
Captures the maturation process by building on the knowledge, understanding and skills gained during intermediate training
To supervise more junior colleagues providing the anaesthetic care to the multiply injured patient from arrival in the Emergency Department and on through
definitive treatment
To acquire knowledge, skills and experience in treating the most complex of clinical cases
Competence Description GMP
MT_HK_01 Discusses the role of pre-hospital care of multiply injured patients including triage and modes of transport to hospital A,C 1,2,3,4
MT_HK_02 Explains the importance of good communication networks with the out of hospital emergency services A,C 1,2,3,4
Outlines the importance of major incident planning within hospitals and the roles and responsibilities of members of the
MT_HK_03 C 1,2
anaesthetic team.
Competence Description GMP
Demonstrates ability to lead a multi-disciplinary trauma team, co-ordinating and delivering the early hospital care of all types
MT_HS_01 of complex multiply injured patients including the primary survey, resuscitation and secondary survey and appropriate A,C,M 1,2,3,4
HDU/ICU admission
Competence Description GMP
Demonstrates the ability to lead and/or deliver the safe perioperative anaesthetic care to all multiply injured patients
MT_HS_02 A,C,M 1,2,3,4
including HDU/ICM admission if required for continued care
Demonstrates the ability to identify common abnormalities on the CT scans in patients with head injury, including but not
limited to:
• Extradural haematoma
• Subdural haematoma
MT_HS_03 • Intracerebral haematoma A,C 1,2
• Skull fractures
• Diffuse axonal injury
• Subarachnoid blood
• Abnormalities of the ventricular system
MT_HS_04 Demonstrates the ability to teach, supervise and feedback on all aspects of trauma care to less experienced trainees A,C,M 1,3
Demonstrates good communication skills with all members of the trauma team when leading the clinical care of the multiply
MT_HS_05 A,M 2,3
injured patient and seek prompt and active advice from specialties not involved in the initial resuscitation when needed
Demonstrates the ability to:
• Recognise when the patient’s needs exceed local resources and specialist expertise and that transfer for further
definitive care is necessary
MT_HS_06 • Recognise the need to debrief and undertake in an ordered and understanding manner A,C,M 1,2,3,4
• Manage end of life decisions in the multiply injured patient in a compassionate, non-discriminatory and understanding
manner, communicating effectively with both relatives and the staff providing immediate care, whilst respecting
spiritual and ethnic diversity
Vascular Surgery
Whilst it is an ‘optional unit’ at the Intermediate level, it is hoped that many trainees will be able to access this unit satisfactorily during a year of higher general duties.
It shares a number of important competencies with the higher general, urology and gynaecology unit [this includes reference to emergency vascular surgery] and the
non-theatre unit.
Learning outcome:
Builds on the knowledge and understanding gained at the intermediate level and obtain perioperative anaesthetic experience managing patients with vascular
Competence Description GMP
VS_HK_01 Explains the principles of research developments in peri-operative management of coexisting diseases A,C 1,2,3,4
Describes the methods of assessment of cardiovascular and respiratory disease and their use and limitations preoperatively,
VS_HK_02 A,C 1,2
including advice on the risks of surgery relative to its benefits
VS_HK_03 Describes National and international guidelines for management of patients with coexisting cardiac and respiratory disease A,C 1
VS_HK_04 Explains the methods of risk stratification including scoring systems A,C 1,2
VS_HK_05 Explains the advantages and disadvantages of using regional and combined GA/regional techniques for major vascular surgery A,C 1,2,3,4
VS_HK_06 Describes techniques for pre-optimisation of patients undergoing vascular surgery A,C 1,2
VS_HK_07 Explains the use of functional monitors during carotid artery surgery A,C 1
Competence Description GMP
VS_HS_01 Demonstrates the pre-operative assessment of vascular patients with coexisting disease A,D,M 1,2,,3,4
VS_HS_02 Performs the pre-operative optimisation of high risk vascular patients A,C,D,M 1,2
Competence Description GMP
Manages the effects of aortic clamping, including the implications of supra-renal or thoracic aortic clamping with distant
VS_HS_03 A,D 1,2
Demonstrates safe peri-operative anaesthetic care of patients having combined surgical / radiological procedures, including
VS_HS_04 A,,D,M 1,2,3,4
those performed in isolated sites using either regional or general anaesthesia
VS_HS_05 Demonstrates the ability to perform either general or regional anaesthesia safely and effectively for carotid artery surgery A,D 1,2,3,4
Demonstrates the ability to perform safe and effective regional anaesthesia for vascular surgery including placement and 1,2,3,4
VS_HS_06 A,D
management of thoracic and lumbar epidural, spinal and combined spinal –epidural
This is an essential unit of higher training, which all trainees are normally expected to complete. As a minimum, at least 4 weeks must be undertaken in the higher
years of training. Ideally it should be completed as a dedicated block.
Learning outcomes:
Capture the maturation process by building on the knowledge, understanding and skills gained during intermediate training
Become more independent in managing paediatric anaesthesia as demonstrated by requiring less consultant guidance and supervision
Be competent at managing complications that arise in paediatric anaesthesia without immediate consultant support
This section is to be undertaken in the latter years of specialist anaesthetic training. Trainees may achieve many of these higher level competencies in the early years
[ST3/4] of speciality training but in order to have contemporaneous skills in paediatric anaesthesia at completion of specialty training [CCT] it is essential that at least
one month of paediatric higher training takes place during ST6/7
Competence Description GMP
Undertakes a critical discussion about the problems and risks inherent in anaesthesia for former premature babies and
PA_HK_01 A,C 1,2,3,4
children with significant co-morbidity
Undertakes a critical discussion about the commoner problems of paediatric intensive care, including ventilatory and
PA_HK_02 A,C 1,2,3,4
circulatory support, upper airway problems and trauma.
PA_HK_03 Provides a clear explanation of the current local and national guidelines for provision of paediatric services C 1,2,3,4
Demonstrates the ability to provide safe peri-operative anaesthetic care for children less than 3 years of age under direct
PA_HS_02 A,D 1,2,3,4
PA_HS_03 Demonstrates ability to manage children with difficult venous access A,D 1,2,3,4
PA_HS_04 Demonstrates the ability to manage the airway in children and babies of all ages safely and effectively A,D 1,2
PA_HS_05 Demonstrates the correct management of fluids, electrolytes, glucose and temperature peri-operatively. A,C,D 1,2
Demonstrates the ability to manage acute pain in children safely and effectively, including the use of local and regional
PA_HS_06 anaesthetic techniques, the use of opioids (including infusions and PCA/NCA where these are used), adjuvant NSAIDs and A,C,D,M 1,2,3,4
simple analgesics
Demonstrates the ability to provide safe and effective caudal epidural and peripheral nerve blockade without direct
PA_HS_07 A,C,D,M 1,2,3,4
Demonstrates the ability to provide safe and effective anaesthetic management of the young child [less than 5 years of age]
PA_HS_08 A,D,M 1,2,3,4
with a full stomach
Demonstrates the ability to provide safe and effective anaesthesia for children over the age of 3 years for diagnostic
PA_HS_09 A,D,M 1,2,3,4
radiological procedures
Demonstrates effective management of anaesthetic emergencies in children e.g.: acute airway obstruction, croup and acute
PA_HS_10 epiglottitis, inhaled foreign body, loss of airway, laryngospasm, malignant hyperthermia, anaphylaxis [including latex allergy] A,D,S,M 1,2,3,4
PA_HS_11 Demonstrates ability to provide safe transport of critically ill children and babies [S] A,D,S,M 1,2,3,4
Demonstrates appropriate engagement in compassionate, authoritative discussions with patients, parents and/or carers and
PA_HS_12 A,M 1,2,3,4
gives a balanced judgement of the estimated risks and likely complications of anaesthesia
PA_HS_13 Demonstrates ability to take responsibility and appropriate action when non-accidental injury is suspected A,C,M 1,2,3,4
The RCPCH Adolescent Health Project (Module 3 and 4) can be found at:
Optional units
Pain medicine
This is an optional higher unit of training. It is a progression from Basic and Intermediate training and is essential for all trainees who wish to progress to Advanced
Pain Medicine Training. In addition, the College and the Faculty of Pain Medicine recommend that these higher competencies are the minimum required for a trainee
to consider a future consultant post with an interest in Acute Pain [See also further guidance on Leads for Acute Pain Medicine in the Advanced Pain section].
Learning Outcome:
To build on the competencies achieved at basic and intermediate level
Competence Description GMP
PM_HK_01 Explains the advanced principles of neural blockade to include autonomic blocks, in acute and chronic pain A,C,E 1,2
Lists and explains the assessment and management principles of chronic and acute on chronic pain in a multi-professional
PM_HK_02 A,C,E 1,2,3
context in inpatient and outpatient settings
PM_HK_03 Explains the advanced assessment and management principles of cancer pain in a multi-professional context A,C,E 1
Explains the principles and describes the applications and side effects of physiotherapy and other physical therapies used for
PM_HK_04 A,C,E 1,2
treating pain
Describes the psychological mechanisms in pain and techniques for their management including cognitive behavioural
PM_HK_05 A,C,E 1,2
PM_HK_06 Explains the place of surgery in the management of pain A,C,E 1,2
PM_HK_07 Explains the importance of disability and incapacity, and factors influencing their assessment A,C,E 1,2,3,4
Competence Description GMP
PM_HK_08 Explains the importance of psychological, social and ethical issues around good Pain Medicine C,E 1,2,3,4
PM_HK_09 Explains the role of social services, rehabilitation and other support services A,C,E 1
Competence Description GMP
PM_HS_01 Demonstrates techniques of assessment and management principles of pain in a multi-professional context A,C,E 1,3
Demonstrates the ability to recognise patients with pain who have psychological problems and who require psychological
PM_HS_02 A,C,E 1,3,4
Demonstrates the ability to perform, within the context of a full and appropriate pain management plan the following
activities, including but not limited to:
• Manage an acute pain ward round
PM_HS_03 • Assessment of a complex non-postoperative inpatient referral [eg cancer pain, sickle cell, abdominal/pelvic pain] A,D,E,L 1,2,3
• Epidural injection under x-ray control
• Teaching to use a TENS machine
• Peripheral nerve blockade under ultrasound guidance
Demonstrates the need to ensure continuity of care, including ability to communicate effectively with patients, relatives and
PM_HS_04 A,C,E 1,2,3,4
professionals in primary or secondary health care or in other organisations
PM_HS_05 Demonstrates an ability to assess incapacity and disability in patients with pain A,C,E 1,3
PM_HS_06 Demonstrates the ability to become an effective member of a multi-professional pain medicine service M,E 1,2,3,4
Paediatric intensive care medicine
Learning outcome:
At the end of a period of higher paediatric intensive care medicine training an anaesthetist should be able to manage, as a member of a skilled team, the
critically ill or injured child presenting in the district general hospital. As defined in the DH report – ‘The critically ill and injured child in the DGH’
To recognise the signs and symptoms of clinical deterioration in infants and children which might lead to a PICU admission
To institute, as a member of a skilled team, appropriate resuscitative measures to manage acute deterioration and stabilise the critically ill and injured infant
and child prior to transfer to a PICU
To understand the principles and hazards of transferring, when appropriate (eg acutely deteriorating head injury) a critically ill and injured paediatric patient
to an appropriate referral centre for further management.
Competence Description GMP
PI_HK_01 Describes the principal anatomical and physiological differences in neonates, infants and children A,C,D 1
PI_HK_02 Describes the principle pharmacological differences in neonates, infants and children A,C,D 1
PI_HK_03 Describes/recalls recognised Paediatric ICM techniques of sedation and analgesia in children A,C,D 1
Describes/recalls the management of fluids and electrolytes in medical and surgical emergencies in neonates, infants and
PI_HK_04 A,C,D 1
Describes/recalls respiratory management of infants & children using but not limited to nasal CPAP, pressured controlled
PI_HK_05 A,C,D 1
ventilation, High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation
Describes/recalls differential diagnosis for the collapsed neonate caused by but not limited to cardiac abnormality , sepsis,
PI_HK_06 A,C,D 1
metabolic abnormality or non-accidental injury
Describes/recalls common presentations of paediatric cardiac anomalies; causes of cardiac arrest and how management
PI_HK_07 A,C,D 1
differs from adults
Describes/recalls the management of paediatric medical conditions requiring critical care including but not limited to:
PI_HK_08 septicaemia, bronchiolitis, status epilepticus, asthma and upper airway obstruction [including foreign body and infective A,C,D 1
causes] diabetic ketoacidosis and basic working knowledge of other metabolic emergencies
PI_HK_09 Describes/recalls the causes of coma and loss of consciousness in children A,C,D 1
Describes/recalls the management of severe trauma in children including but not limited to isolated head injuries and raised
PI_HK_10 A,C,D 1
intra-cranial pressure
PI_HK_11 Describes/recalls the principles of the psychological aspects of critically ill or injured children A,C,D 1
PI_HK_12 Describes/recalls the importance of parental roles and family dynamics in paediatric intensive care A,C,D,M 1,3,4
PI_HK_13 Describes/recalls the equipment required for intra and inter-hospital transfer for critically ill or injured children A,C,D 1,2,3,4
PI_HK_14 Describes/recalls the management of children and parents/carers for end of life care and child death procedures in Trusts A,C,D,M 1,3,4
Competence Description GMP
PI_HS_01 Demonstrates the intra and inter-hospital transfer of critically ill or injured children A,D,M 1,2,3,4
Demonstrates the resuscitation of infants and children and their admission to intensive care. Including intubation, insertion of
PI_HS_02 A,D 1,2,3
arterial and central venous catheters, and intra-osseous needles [Resuscitation standard to APLS/EPLS guidelines]
PI_HS_03 Demonstrates the correct selection of equipment for different ages and sizes of patients for procedures in PI_HS_02 A,D 1,2
PI_HS_04 Demonstrates early initiation of child protection measures A,D,M 1,2,3,4
PI_HS_05 Demonstrates an understanding of the principles of ‘listen to the child’ and Gillick competence’ as applied to PICM A,D,M 1,2,3,4
This is one of the eight optional units in higher training. It is recognised that, as for Intermediate training, it may not be available to all trainees as it will be dependent
upon the distribution and availability of local services.
Learning Outcomes:
Captures the maturation process by building on the knowledge, understanding and skills gained during intermediate training, so developing the diversity of skills
that allow optimal conditions for ophthalmic surgery and the best results for the ophthalmic patient
Becomes more independent in managing anaesthesia for complex ophthalmic surgery as demonstrated by requiring less consultant guidance and supervision
Competence Description GMP
Discusses the perioperative anaesthetic care for orbital surgery including:
OP_HK_01 • surgery for tumours of the eye and orbit A,C ,2,3,4
• advanced reconstructive oculoplastic surgical techniques
OP_HK_02 Discusses techniques for post-operative pain relief in patients undergoing major reconstructive oculoplastic surgery A,C 1
Competence Description GMP
Demonstrates the ability to critically evaluate the pre-operative condition, plan appropriate optimisation and deliver
OP_HS_01 A,C 1,2,3,4
perioperative anaesthetic care to all adult patients however complex requiring routine and emergency ophthalmic surgery
OP_HS_02 Demonstrates the ability to provide safe perioperative anaesthetic care for children requiring ophthalmic surgery [Ref Paeds] A,C 1,2,3,4
OP_HS_03 Demonstrates the ability to perform peribulbar and sub-Tenon’s blocks A,D 1
OP_HS_04 Demonstrates the ability to provide safe and effective sedation for ophthalmic procedures A,D 1,2
OP_HS_05 Demonstrates effective communication with and understanding of the needs of the surgeon for optimal operating conditions A,M 1,3
Competence Description GMP
OP_HS_06 Demonstrates team leadership and the ability to teach others A,M 1,3
OP_HS_07 Demonstrates briefing and debriefing skills A,M 1,3
OP_HS_08 Demonstrates the ability to provide safe peri-operative anaesthetic care for the elderly requiring ophthalmic surgery A,C 1,2,3,4
This is one of the eight optional units in higher training. It is recognised that, as for Intermediate training, it may not be available to all trainees as it will be dependent
upon the distribution and availability of local services.
Plastics: This surgical service may be more available and trainees may be able to gain experience in this area of practice. Major reconstructive surgery [including free-
flap grafting] may be linked with other units of training such as ENT and maxillo-facial surgery.
Burns: As severe burns, may be initially admitted to many Emergency departments it is therefore important that trainees gain a good understanding of their initial
resuscitation prior to transfer to a specialist unit, which may also involve the trainee. There are some cross competencies with Trauma and Stabilisation.
Following on for the above, this unit contains important generic skills and it is hoped that trainees will be able to access appropriate training opportunities to complete
it successfully during ST years 5-7.
Learning outcomes:
Obtain intermediate level competences for both plastics and burns [if possible] if not already completed
Become more independent in the management of major plastic reconstructive cases including free-flap surgery
Understands the principles of perioperative management of burns patients for grafting & related procedures
Competence Description GMP
PL_HK_01 Describes appropriate anaesthetic techniques for major plastic surgical cases including free-flap surgery A,C 1
Explains the principles of anaesthesia for primary and secondary cleft lip and palate repair [if not completed in paediatric
PL_HK_02 A,C 1,2
Describes the recognition & appropriate management of the plastic surgical patient with a potentially difficult or
PL_HK_03 A,C 1,2
compromised airway including
PL_HK_04 Describes local protocols for the transfer of burns patients to specialist regional centres C 1,2
Competence Description GMP
Demonstrates the ability to provide safe perioperative anaesthetic care for major plastic surgical cases including free-flap
PL_HS_01 A,D,M 1,2,3,4
Provides a management plan for the post-operative care of a patient who has undergone plastic surgery including the
PL_HS_02 A,C 1,2
methods of assessment of adequacy of blood flow in reconstructive flaps
Burns (if clinical placement and/or simulator-based training available)
PL_HS_03 Demonstrates correct management of a patient with a severe inhalational injury
Demonstrates the ability to provide safe perioperative anaesthetic care to burns patients requiring surgery including dressing
PL_HS_04 A,D,M 1,2,3,4
changes, grafting & related procedures
Anaesthesia in developing countries
This is an optional unit of training; see section 12.7 for detailed information about the delivery of this unit
Learning outcomes:
To gain knowledge, skills and experience of the peri-operative anaesthetic care of patients in a developing country
To support the speciality of anaesthesia by providing teaching and training to anaesthetists, theatre staff and medical students in a developing country.
To understand the level of competency, skill and support that is required to sustain safe and effective provision of anaesthesia in a resource poor setting.
Competence Description Delivery GMP
AD_HK_01 Describes the anaesthetic equipment used in developing countries, and its maintenance SD C 1,2
AD_HK_02 Lists anaesthetic drugs commonly used in developing countries in the peri-operative period SD C 1,
AD_HK_03 Describes health delivery in the country or countries to be visited and the associated challenges SD, DC C 1,
AD_HK_04 Describes the politics, customs and culture of the country or countries to be visited SD, DC C 1
Lists the diseases occurring in the country or countries to be visited which may influence delivery of anaesthesia
AD_HK_05 SD, DC C 1
and peri-operative care
AD_HK_06 Explains the difficulties and opportunities delivering education to medical and other health workers SD, DC C, M 1
Describe the factors which contribute to or detract from the safe conduct of surgery and anaesthesia in the
AD_HK_07 SD, DC C 1
country/ies to be visited
Competence Description GMP
Demonstrates peri-operative management of patients undergoing a wide range of surgical procedures, including paediatrics,
AD_HS_01 D,C,A,M 1,2,3,4
obstetrics, trauma, emergencies and sick patients requiring post-operative care in HDU/ITU environment
Demonstrates peri-operative management of patients with concurrent morbidity including infectious diseases such as HIV, TB
AD_HS_02 D,C,A,M 1,2,3,4
and malaria
Demonstrates the use of anaesthetic equipment used in resource poor contexts (eg draw-over apparatus) including simple
AD_HS_03 D,C,A,M 1,2
AD_HS_04 Demonstrates the use of alternative systems for oxygen delivery, including oxygen concentrators D,C,A,M 1,2
AD_HS_05 Demonstrates the use of drugs such as ketamine, diazepam, halothane and ether D,C,A,M 1,2
AD_HS_06 Demonstrates the safe administration of regional anaesthesia and peripheral nerve blocks using limited resources D,C,A,M 1,2
AD_HS_07 Demonstrates safe peri-operative monitoring of patients with limited resources C,A,M 1,2
AD_HS_08 Demonstrates management of a recovery area with limited resources C,A,M 1,2,3
AD_HS_09 Demonstrates the management of acute pain with limited resources C,A,M 1,2,3,4
Demonstrates the management of patients for surgical and medical conditions in a HDU/ITU environment with limited
AD_HS_10 C,A,M 1,2,3,4
AD_HS_11 Demonstrates the appropriate use of asepsis, infection control and sterilisation of equipment C,A,M 1,2
AD_HS_12 Demonstrates safe application of cross matching blood and transfusion C,A,M 1,2
Demonstrates ability to teach and train anaesthetic clinical officers, doctors, theatre staff and medical students with limited
AD_HS_13 M 1,2,3,4
educational resources
AD_HS_14 Demonstrates ability to maintain a high standard of documentation in an unfamiliar clinical cultural environment C,M 1,2
AD_HS_15 Demonstrate understanding of providing the best care possible whatever the environment C,M 1,2,3,4
Demonstrate the ability to assess the clinical environment, suggest appropriate changes, and work towards implementing
AD_HS_16 C,M 1,2,3,4
AD_HS_17 Demonstrate awareness of issues surrounding safety and security in the country to be visited C,M 1,2,3,4
• be able to provide safe anaesthesia in a challenging environment with limited resources to a wide variety of patients, including those with extreme and very
advanced pathology.
• have enhanced his/her experience and competence in the fields of paediatrics, obstetrics and trauma, where available
• have experienced working and living in a multi-cultural and, frequently, multi-lingual environment and will have developed an approach to planning and
practice which emphasises effective communication and team management.
• have undertaken teaching and training to personnel from diverse cultural, linguistic and educational backgrounds.
Conscious sedation in dentistry
This optional unit of training should only be undertaken once the advanced unit of conscious sedation has been completed. It is anticipated that not all Schools of
Anaesthesia will be able to deliver this unit of training, as there are a limited number of trainers proficient in delivering the necessary supervision and training.
Learning Outcomes:
Gain mastery in this special interest area of practice by building on all the principles, knowledge and skills learnt and developed in the advanced CS unit of
To develop the necessary skills and knowledge to use conscious sedation techniques for dentistry appropriately in the hospital and non-hospital setting
To understand the spectrum of behavioural and pharmacological techniques of pain and anxiety control for dentistry as an adjunct to local anaesthesia
To understand the limitations of working in the isolation of the non-hospital environment
Competence Description GMP
CD_HK_01 Discusses the importance of published guidance for the use of conscious sedation use in dentistry A,C 1,2,3,4
CD_HK_02 Discusses the causes of dental pain and describes the mechanisms of pain transmission in the oro-facial region A,C 1
CD_HK_03 Discusses the use of local anaesthesia for dentistry and describes techniques and complications A,C 1,2
CD_HK_04 Explains the complexity of treatment need and how this may influence clinical management 2
CD_HK_05 Describes the definition and development of dental anxiety and phobia A,C 1,2,3
Explains the importance of being able to recognise the signs and symptoms of dental anxiety and describes the assessment of
CD_HK_06 A,C 1,2
its severity [e.g. Modified Dental Anxiety Score [MDAS]]
Outlines the role of behavioural strategies for management of dental anxiety including, but not exclusively:
• Communication including the use of appropriate language
• Positive reinforcement
CD_HK_07 • Distraction and the environment A,C 1,2,3,4
• Desensitisation and tell/show/do
• Modelling techniques
• Cognitive behavioural therapy [CBT]
Explains the role of pharmacological techniques in the spectrum of pain and anxiety control for dentistry as an adjunct to and
CD_HK_08 A,C 1,2
not a substitute for effective local anaesthesia and good behavioural management
CD_HK_09 Discusses the range of standard and alternative sedation techniques available for out-patient dental practice as defined in A,C 1,2,3
Competence Description GMP
published guidance, the different routes of administration and their role in the management of the anxious patient
Explains the importance of thorough preoperative preparation of dental out-patients, the consent process and aftercare,
CD_HK_10 A,C 1,2,3,4
focusing on medical, social and psychological assessment and evaluation of risk
CD_HK_11 Discusses the place of intravenous infusions and TCI in out-patient dental practice A,C 1,2
Discusses the limitations imposed by working in the isolation of the non-hospital environment including:
• The need to ensure that each component of the premises [e.g. waiting room, surgery, recovery area] is appropriate to
the sedation technique[s] used
• The importance of robust patient selection including, but not exclusively: dental, psychological, medical and social
CD_HK_12 A,C 1,2,3,4
assessment, and that it be undertaken in advance of actual treatment and include a valid consent process
• Awareness that staff and equipment available must meet the needs of both the technique [including monitoring] and
its possible complications; awareness of the need to ensure that resuscitation equipment is regularly checked,
maintained and includes all the drugs and equipment necessary for advanced life support
Discusses the inherent risks associated with the use of infusions and/or multiple drugs with synergistic actions, the potential
CD_HK_13 of narrow therapeutic index and reduced margin of safety and the danger of such techniques when not used in a setting A,C 1,2,3,4
equipped with full resuscitation and general anaesthetic facilities
Discusses the following in relation to the use of conscious sedation in children for dentistry in the out-patient/non-hospital
setting [cross ref paeds]:
• The recommendation that inhalational sedation [nitrous oxide/oxygen], titrated to the individual child’s needs, is
suitable for use in dental out-patient/non-hospital settings
CD_HK_14 • Intravenous sedation for children should only be provided in an environment with facilities equivalent to those found A,C 1,2,3,4
in NHS hospitals
• That children undergoing intravenous sedation must be managed by staff who have received appropriate training
• Anaesthetic staff administering sedation to children should have been trained equivalent to that detailed in the ‘higher
level’ paediatric anaesthesia section of the curriculum [Cross ref paeds]
Describes why all staff involved in out-patient dental sedation practices need to understand:
• The implications of sedation for medically compromised patients, with particular regard to limitations imposed by the
non-hospital environment
CD_HK_15 A,C 1,2,3
• How to monitor sedated patients including the use of commonly used sedation scoring systems
• The need for robust recovery and discharge criteria and the importance of appropriate escort arrangements
• The principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 in relation to special care dentistry
Competence Description GMP
CD_HK_16 Discusses the specific complications associated with conscious sedation techniques for dentistry and their management A,C 1,2
CD_HK_17 Discusses how general anaesthesia may have a role in the management of the anxious or phobic dental patient A,C 1,2,3
Competence Description GMP
Demonstrates an understanding that conscious sedation for dentistry in the dental practice setting requires:
• Recognition that it is very different from the sedation delivered by anaesthetists in the hospital setting
• An ability to select, assess and determine suitability of patients for treatment under conscious sedation, including the
ability to decide which patients may be treated in the non-hospital setting and those whose interests would be best
CD_HS_01 served by referral to a hospital facility A,C,M 1,2,3,4
• An ability to communicate effectively with patients and be sympathetic to their anxieties or phobia
• An ability to work as a member of a multi-professional team, showing good communication skills
• An appreciation of the importance of regular update and team scenario training of the management of sedation-
related complications and medical emergencies
Demonstrates skill in titrating drug[s] to a recognised end-point, avoiding the risks implicit in over-sedation in the remote
CD_HS_02 A,C 1,2,3,4
dental out-patient setting, and the need for the same level of care and monitoring as general anaesthesia should this occur
Demonstrates mastery in the peri-procedural care of patients when using any of the following standard conscious sedation
techniques [including an ability to teach less experienced trainees]:
CD_HS_03 • Inhalation sedation using nitrous oxide and oxygen A,C,M 1,2,3,4
• Intravenous sedation using midazolam alone
• Oral / transmucosal benzodiazepine
Demonstrates mastery in the peri-procedural care of patients when using any of the following alternative conscious sedation
techniques [including an ability to teach less experienced trainees]:
• Any form of conscious sedation for patients under the age of 12 years other than nitrous oxide / oxygen inhalation
CD_HS_04 • Benzodiazepine plus any other agent with sedative effects [e.g. opioid, propofol, ketamine] A,C,M 1,2,3,4
• Propofol either alone or with any other agent [e.g. benzodiazepine, opioid, ketamine]
• Inhalation sedation using any other agent other than nitrous oxide / oxygen
• Techniques simultaneously combining two or more routes of administration
Competence Description GMP
CD_HS_05 Demonstrates mastery in the peri-procedural care of patients requiring the use of infusion or TCI pumps A,C 1,2
Demonstrates maturity in clinical decision-making such that unnecessary complications are avoided by the use of timely
CD_HS_06 A,C,M 1,2,3,4
interventions, or abandonment of a technique, when it has proved problematic or unsuccessful
Demonstrates the necessary maturity and clinical leadership required to lead the multi-disciplinary team in the management
CD_HS_07 of unexpected medical emergencies that may arise in an isolated out-patient dental surgery whenever CS is used as a A,C,M 1,2,3,4
Demonstrates the ability to design, complete and evaluate audits/quality improvement projects related to this area of clinical
CD_HS_08 M 1,2
CD_HS_09 Demonstrates active participation in educational programmes within this field of practice M 1
Demonstrates active participation, engagement and leadership where appropriate in inter-disciplinary team meetings
CD_HS_10 A,C,M 1,2,3,4
developing safe and effective patient management services in this area of practice
Military Anaesthesia
Learning Outcomes:
To equip the trainee with the additional knowledge and skills required to perform appropriate pre-hospital care, resuscitation, field anaesthetics and critical
care within military environments
To gain an understanding of the management of medical support to military operations
Competence Description Delivery GMP
Pre-hospital care
SD, B,
MA_HK_01 Explains military triage assessment and categories A,C,D MERT, 1
SD, Dep,
MA_HK_02 Explains military major incident management A,C,D MILITARY 1
SD, B,
MA_HK_03 Recalls physiological hazards of transporting patients by air A,C,D MERT, 1
SD, B,
MA_HK_04 Recalls aircraft features and aircrew procedures likely to impact on patient safety A,C,D MERT, 1,2,3,4
SD, B,
MA_HK_05 Describes Medical Emergency Response Team equipment A,C,D MOST, 1,2
Competence Description Delivery GMP
SD, Dep,
MA_HK_06 Recalls casualty reporting systems A,C,D 1
MA_HK_07 Describes Pre-HospitAl Resuscitation Options including Principles of Damage Control Resuscitation A,C,D 1,2,3,4
MA_HK_08 Describes Military Pre-Hospital Analgesia A,C,D MOST, 1,2
In-hospital resuscitation and field anaesthetics
SD, B,
MA_HK_09 Recalls relevant trauma scoring systems and military audit projects A,C,D 1,2
MA_HK_10 Explains the Surgeon General’s current transfusion policy, including recombinant Factor Vlla policy A,C,D MOST, 1
SD, Dep,
MA_HK_11 Recalls the logistics of medical resupply and the maintenance of appropriate storage conditions A,C,D 1
MA_HK_12 Recalls indications for, and the safe use of emergency blood donor panels A,C,D,S MOST, 1,2,3,4
Describes field surgical team equipment, including tri-service anaesthetic apparatus (with paediatric adaptions)
MA_HK_13 and operating tables, knowledge of rapid infusion devices, transport ventilators, broselow bag, regional A,C,D,S 1
anaesthesia equipment and PCA
Competence Description Delivery GMP
SD, Dep,
MA_HK_14 Explains field sterilisation and clinical waste disposal methods A,C,D MOST, 1,2
SD, Sim,
MA_HK_15 Explains understanding of ketamine A,C,D Dep, 1
MA_HK_16 Explains current Military Anaesthesia Concepts on dealing with a Difficult Airway in a Trauma setting A,C,D,S 1,2,3,4
SD, Dep,
MA_HK_17 Recalls the principles of anaesthetics for damage control surgery A,C,D,S MOST, 1,2,3,4
MA_HK_18 Describes the use of near point coagulation testing RoTEM and its use in Damage Control Resuscitation A,C,D,S MOST 1,2
MA_HK_19 Management of the traumatic pelvis A,C,D,A ATLS, 1
MA_HK_20 Current concepts in the management of traumatic cardiac arrest A,C,D,S MERT, 1
MA_HK_21 Military Anaesthesia for Severe Burns A,C,D,S 1
MA_HK_22 Military Anaesthesia for Head Injuries A,C,D,S 1
MA_HK_23 Describes concepts of Blast and Ballistic in terms of Military Anaesthesia A,C,D MOST 1
SD, Dep,
Recalls the current methods for management of acute pain in the field including field hospital analgesia ladder,
MA_HK_24 A,C,D MOST, 1,2,3
early prophylaxis of neuropathic pain
Critical Care
Competence Description Delivery GMP
SD, Dep,
MA_HK_25 Explains the capabilities and limitations of field critical care A,C,D,I 1
SD, Sim,
MA_HK_26 Recalls preparation of patients for handover to an aeromedical transfer team A,C,D,I Dep, 1,2,3,4
SD, Dep,
MA_HK_27 Explains the role of the AELO in the evacuation process A,C,D,I 1
SD, Dep,
MA_HK_28 Recalls a basic understanding of CCAST equipment A,C,D,I 1
MA_HK_29 Recalls specific deployable medical assets such as field haemofiltration teams A,C,D,I 1
MA_HK_30 Discusses the management of Blast Lung C,D,I 1
MA_HK_31 Knowledge of CBRN in the context of anaesthesia and damage control resuscitation C,D,I CBRN 1,2,3,4
SD, Dep,
MA_HK_32 Explains the repatriation process for KIA including appropriate liaison with SIB and UK coroners A,C,D,I MOST, 1,2,3,4
Battle Casualty Rehabilitation
MA_HK_33 Recalls the casualty reception process in the UK A,C,D RCDM, 1,2,3,4
MA_HK_34 Explains the rehabilitation process C,D Headley 1,3,4
MA_HK_35 Recalls the chronic pain management options for battle casualties A,C,D 1,2,3
Deployed Military Hospital Management
Competence Description Delivery GMP
MA_HK_36 Describes a working knowledge of Joint Warfare Publication 4-03 – Medical Support to Operations C,D 1,2,3,4
SD, B,
MA_HK_37 Recalls clinical Guidelines for Operations (CGOs) A,C,D,S Dep, 1,2,3,4
Explains the structure and responsibilities of the Defence Medical Services, Joint Medical Command, Surgeon SD,
MA_HK_38 C,D 1,2,3,4
General’s Department, Land, Fleet and Air Commands. RCDM
MA_HK_39 Recalls the procurement process for new medical equipment C,D 1,2,3
SD, Dep,
MA_HK_40 Explains the role and responsibilities of a Field Hospital Clinical Director and the Commander Medical C,D 1,2,3,4
SD, Dep,
MA_HK_41 Explains the role of host nation, friendly-force medical facilities and non-government organisations C,D 1,2,3,4
MA_HK_42 Explains the role of UK Role 2 (light manoeuvre) and sea-based medical facilities C,D 1,2,3,4
SD, Dep,
MA_HK_43 Explains the operational medical entitlement matrix C,D 1
SD, Dep,
MA_HK_44 Describes medical communication systems C,D 1,2,3
SD, Dep,
MA_HK_45 Recalls the field hospital major incident plan C,D 1,2,3.4
Overview of key issues around contingency operations, decisions when resources are limited, and the key ethical MERT,
MA_HK_46 C,D 1,2,3,4
decisions required by the Deployed Clinical Director MAPLS,
MA_HK_47 Describes Military Clinical Governance Structure C,D Complet 1,2,3,4
Competence Description Delivery GMP
es audit
or QuIP,
Competence Description Delivery GMP
Pre-hospital Care
Demonstrates emergency skills in trauma with particular reference to emergency airway management including SD, B,
MA_HS_01 A, D, C 1,2
use of field cricothyroidotomy kit, insertion of chest drains and gaining central venous access Sim,
Competences in marked * may only be achievable on or after active service and are to be regarded as desirable rather than essential for the completion of the Unit
Competence Description Delivery GMP
SD, B,
Demonstrates application of the combat application tourniquet (CAT) and haemorrhage control compression Sim,
MA_HS_02 D 1
dressing bandage BATLS,
SD, B,
MA_HS_03 Demonstrates the use of Intra osseous rapid access devices D 1
SD, B,
MA_HS_04 Demonstrates Novel haemostatic techniques such as Hemcon and QuikClot dressings A, D 1
In-hospital Resuscitation and Field Anaesthetics
SD, Sim,
Demonstrates provision of anaesthetics for elective, emergency and damage control surgery using current UK Dep,
MA_HS_05 A, C, D,S 1
Military field anaesthetic equipment modules MOST,
SD, Dep,
MA_HS_06 Demonstrates use of field and regional anaesthetics as an adjunct to acute pain management in the field A,D,C,S 1
SD, Dep,
MA_HS_07 Demonstrates use of field PCA equipment D,S 1,2
Critical Care
SD, Sim,
MA_HS_08 Demonstrates packaging of casualties for safe aeromedical evacuation C,D Dep, 1,2,3,4
SD, Sim,
MA_HS_09 Demonstrates management of massive blood transfusion in a field hospital A,C,D,S MOST, 1,2,3,4
MA_HS_10 Demonstrates ability to assist the AELO with completion of evacuation signals and documentation* D,M SD, 1,2,3
Competence Description Delivery GMP
Battle Casualty Rehabilitation
Visit the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre and present a case report on an inpatient to your military
MA_HS_11 M, C Headley 1,3,4
Educational Supervisor
MA_HS_12 Demonstrate patient progress by follow-up visit after 6 months* M, C SD, Dep 1,3,4
Deployed Military Hospital Management
e with
MA_HS_13 Draft a Statement of Requirement for a piece of new medical equipment A,C,D 1,2,3,4
MA_HS_14 Present a case at the weekly RCDM/Field Hospital Video Teleconference* C, M RCDM 1,2,3,4
SD, Dep,
MA_HS_15 Present on a military medical topic at a CME meeting C,M 1,2,3,4
op at
Demonstrate briefing ability by shadowing the Field Hospital Clinical Director for a day, present on his behalf at a
MA_HS_16 C,M STAT if 1,2,3,4
Command Brief and deliver a backbrief to clinical staff*
Summary of Achievement:
To ensure military anaesthetists are familiar with the additional equipment, environmental, management and logistic challenges they will encounter on deployment.
By proposing strategies and preparing trainees for independent practice in the military environment, it will achieve the aims of a higher training unit.
The unit is designed to be flexible enough to incorporate new developments, to provide a framework for maintaining knowledge and skills at all levels of seniority and
to be deliverable in more peaceful times.
Glossary of Terms:
AELO Aeromedical Evacuation Liaison Officer SD Study day, tutorial or pre-deployment training course
B Battlefield Advanced Trauma Life Support Course SIB Special Investigation Branch (Royal Military Police)
CCAST Critical Care Air Support Team Sim Simulator Session
Dep Instruction and supervision on deployment STAT Society of Tri-Service Anaesthetists in Training
KIA Killed in Action TSAS Tri-Service Anaesthetic Society
RCDM Royal Centre for Defence Medicine
Remote and rural anaesthesia
Learning Outcomes:
Application of the knowledge and understanding gained at CT1-2 and ST1-3 to the practice of anaesthesia in the remote and rural setting.
Develop and modify the skills of administering general and regional anaesthesia to include a focus on the special difficulties presented by the remote and rural
setting. This will include developing knowledge, skills and experience of the managing critical care services in a multidisciplinary team setting where resource
may be limited.
To develop an understanding of and skills in transfer medicine (paediatric and adult), neonatal resuscitation, chronic pain and palliative care suitable for a
remote and rural location practice.
Become more independent in managing all clinical and management issues as demonstrated by requiring less consultant guidance and supervision.
Competence Description GMP
RR_HK_01 Explains what is meant by a remote and rural location with respect to anaesthesia services C 1,2,3,4
RR_HK_02 Outlines the differing epidemiology of disease patterns in remote and rural locations C 1,2
RR_HK_03 Describes the difficulties in delivering a service in remote and rural locations C 1,2,3,4
RR_HK_04 Explains the need to rationalise resources C 1,2,
Competence Description GMP
RR_HK_05 Explains the physiology of transport medicine [See also Transfer Medicine and Pre-hospital care] A, C 1
RR_HK_06 Outlines the principles of transfer medicine and describes the indications, the methodology and the practice D, A, C 1,2,3
RR_HK_07 Explains the contra-indications to transfer C 1,2,3,4
RR_HK_08 Outlines the principles of safe transport of critically ill children and neonates D,C,A 1,2,3,4
RR_HK_09 Describes the management of neonatal resuscitation D, A 1,2,3,4
RR_HK_10 Explains the impact of living and working in small communities where the ability to secure time away from work is limited C, M 3,4
RR_HK_11 Describes the management structure for health care delivery in a remote and rural setting C, 1,3,4
RR_HK_12 Explains the need to use generic skills achieved in previous training and adapted to remote and rural location D,A,C 1,2,3,4
Competence Description GMP
Demonstrates the assessment and optimisation of the patient (adults, child and neonates) requiring anaesthesia in or
RR_HS_01 D,C,M 1,2,3,4
transfer from a remote and rural location
RR_HS_02 Demonstrates appropriate management of transfer of a patient (adult, child and neonate) to a referral centre D,C,M 1,2,3
RR_HS_03 Demonstrates appropriate use of resources in the remote and rural location C 1,2,3
RR_HS_04 Demonstrates a recognition of the importance of the leadership role D,M 1,2,3,4
RR_HS_05 Demonstrates the provision of appropriate pain management in the remote and rural setting D, A, C 1,3
Demonstrates participation in delivering high quality teaching on relevant anaesthesia topics to the multidisciplinary
RR_HS_06 D,M 1
RR_HS_07 Demonstrates participation in the management of a remote and rural department D,M 1,2,3,4
RR_HS_08 Demonstrates communication skills with patients, relatives and other team members M,D 3
RR_HS_09 Demonstrates appreciation of the multiple roles undertaken by team members in remote locations M,C 3
RR_HS_10 Demonstrates a high level of professional self reliance and independence M,C 1,2,3,4
RR_HS_11 Demonstrates understanding of when to seek more experienced help appropriately M,C 1,2,3
RR_HS_12 Demonstrates willingness to be involved in management roles M 1,2,3,4
RR_HS_13 Demonstrates ability to forge links with the local community M 3,4
Demonstrates an appreciation of the important teaching role bestowed upon the anaesthetist in the remote and rural
RR_HS_14 D,M 1
Blueprint of workplace based assessments mapped
against the higher level units of training
Unit of Training
Essential units
Anaesthesia for neurosurgery, neuroradiology and neuro critical care √ √
Cardiothoracic anaesthesia and cardiothoracic critical care √ √
General duties*
Airway management √ √ √
Day surgery √ √ √
Head, neck, maxillo-facial and dental √ √ √
General, urological and gynaecological surgery √ √ √
Management of respiratory and cardiac arrest √ √
Non-theatre √ √
Obstetrics √ √ √
Orthopaedic √ √ √
Perioperative medicine √ √ √
Regional √ √ √ √
Sedation √ √ √
Transfer medicine √ √ √
Trauma and stabilisation √ √ √
Vascular √ √ √
Intensive care medicine See Annex F
Paediatric √ √
Optional units
Pain medicine √ √ √ √
Paediatric intensive care medicine √ √
Ophthalmic √ √ √
Plastics/Burns √ √ √
Anaesthesia in developing countries √ √
Conscious sedation in dentistry √ √
Military anaesthesia √ √
Remote and rural √ √