The document discusses the topics of pure shear and stress concentration due to torsion for Lesson 8 of the Mechanics of Materials course. It provides information on stress and strain in pure shear, including the sign convention for shear stresses on inclined sections. There are also reminders of homework due dates and assigned readings covering thin-walled tubes and composite beams in preparation for an exam on Friday, March 14th.
The document discusses the topics of pure shear and stress concentration due to torsion for Lesson 8 of the Mechanics of Materials course. It provides information on stress and strain in pure shear, including the sign convention for shear stresses on inclined sections. There are also reminders of homework due dates and assigned readings covering thin-walled tubes and composite beams in preparation for an exam on Friday, March 14th.
The document discusses the topics of pure shear and stress concentration due to torsion for Lesson 8 of the Mechanics of Materials course. It provides information on stress and strain in pure shear, including the sign convention for shear stresses on inclined sections. There are also reminders of homework due dates and assigned readings covering thin-walled tubes and composite beams in preparation for an exam on Friday, March 14th.
The document discusses the topics of pure shear and stress concentration due to torsion for Lesson 8 of the Mechanics of Materials course. It provides information on stress and strain in pure shear, including the sign convention for shear stresses on inclined sections. There are also reminders of homework due dates and assigned readings covering thin-walled tubes and composite beams in preparation for an exam on Friday, March 14th.
Reminder: Sign Convention Shear Stress on inclined sections
Kim Rask Petersen, MME M1 Spring 2014
Stress and Strain in pure shear
Sign Convention:
Normal stresses are positive in tension
On a non inclined plane shear stresses are positive acting in positive axis directions acting on positive faces ( with surf normals pointing in positive axis dir) On inclined sections shear stresses are defined positive tending to produce a CCW rotation Kim Rask Petersen, MME M1 Spring 2014