Lesson Plan Braille 2520fluency3 Standard 7

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Phase 1:Intended Curriculum

Week of:

Subject/Grade Level Braille

Reading/6th grade

Standards and Elements: CC6RL2: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
Learning Targets: The student will be able to use good braille reading techniques to increase reading
Braille Goal: N. Ross will increase her tactile Braille reading skills by the following objectives.
Objective 1: N. Ross will tactically increase her tactile Braille reading speed to 50 wpm, by her next
annual review date of 3/3/2017. (Baseline: 0 wpm)

Phase 2: Delivered Curriculum

Oh! No Game:

Activator Materials
Work Session

Braille some common decodable and non-decodable (w/contractions) words. Place

these in a container along with 10-15 cards that say, "Oh No!" Have students read
each card as they pull them out. If they are read it correctly, the student gets to keep
them. When an "Oh No!" card is pulled out, the child must put all of their cards
back in the container.
Small index cards, Container for cards
Step 1: Listen to audio of student reading a short Braille passage as student follows
Step 2: Have student read the same passage orally to teacher.
Step 3: Have student read the same Braille passage over again, but set timer.
Step4: Continue to repeat above step (#3) setting the timer each time. ( 5 minutes, 3
minutes, 1 minute)


The student will gradually increase their reading fluency / rate to improve their

Based on Data

Accommodations and Modifications: Review Braille Words, Contractions

Evidence of

Teacher Reflection
(Evaluation of
Data /Next Step)

Phase 3: Achieved Curriculum

Summative Assessment:
Formative Assessment:
Observing the students
Student will have a self-rubric to record fluency
tracking and hand techniques,
rate by using a timer. Will check to see if there is
checking for scrubbing and
an increase in fluency rate each 9 weeks
light touch.
To observe and record data to see if progress is being made in fluency
rate/speed. Check for understanding of what is read informally with 5 Ws.




Comments: Use Braille Note Taker to work on listening skills as it can be used
with Bookshare.
Directions: For using Fluency Progress Chart
(1) Have your child take out the passage to read.
(2) Set a timer for one minute.
(3) Start the timer as soon as your child
begins to read.
(4) Mark any words your child misses as s/he reads to you on your sheet.
(5) At the end of one minute, talk to your child about what word(s) s/he missed.
(6) Record the name of the passage, the number of words read total (even if they
missed the word),and the number of errors.
(7)Complete steps 1-6 two more times.
Bookport, Timer, Rubric for Student, Fluency Progress Chart for Parents, Braille
Note Apex

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