MUSC 210 Music Appreciation
MUSC 210 Music Appreciation
MUSC 210 Music Appreciation
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Story of History:
14-18 century
The South Sea, Trade
Story of History:
13-18 century
from Overseas.
Issan, Heritage of the
Story of History:
Khmer Civilization
The mighty Capital,
Story of History:
14-18 century
Fiery Hell
Beyond Imagination:
Mystical Himapaan
Beyond Imagination:
Blissful Heaven
Beyond Imagination:
Festivals songs
Ancient Kingdom of
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In this part, the music was using drum, and included a high pitch
inurement. This is likely 20th music. This music is disjunct and
instrumental conception, also wide ringing. The reason of this
music is 20th: music is Bright, Lean sound, and tight form. But in this
music has put some element of Thai old music, it is revived some
older forms while I was listening there, however this cannot be sure,
as so many different sounds are ring as the same time.
I feel afraid of the message of this scene. By the music and the
show on stage.
For the interval, have large and small, all in all to say, this is not
singable music. This is disjunct music because the notes are not
following any chord. No countermelody.
There has different rhythm: the beat is not steady; cannot tell what
meter is that; as the meter is keep changing, although I did not
hear, but I believe there has upbeat. This probable is polyrhythm.
About the Harmony, this should be pentatonic scale, triad chord,
and consonance. Those songs did not have especial form, mostly
likely 20th. Since this part want to give people feel scare and afraid,
so the temp is around allegro.
I learn the stage setting and the sound of the show should be the
main affect of people feeling, but not the action of the charter on
stage. The most of time, people might think eyes affect is strong
than everything, however, in this show, most of the action of
charters is very general, and even in the frightening part is very
soft. So the main thing, which affects people, should be the sound
effect during each scene