Agile Interview Questions
Agile Interview Questions
Agile Interview Questions
Here are some of important Agile Interview Questions that one should be aware of:
It provides greater visibility to stakeholder from the start of the sprint, which in turn
provide early feedback and ensures project success.
Release Planning
In this release plan is prepared, which include list of features that needs to be delivered, release
date of software into Production, number of iterations/sprints for that release etc.
Spring Planning
In this product Owner presents the set of features he would like and the team asks questions to
understand the requirements in sufficient detail to enable them to commit to delivering the listed
features in sprint.
Daily Scrum Meeting
Daily Scrum Meeting is for answering the following 3 questions:
1. What have you done since yesterdays meeting?
2. What are you going to get done today?
3. What obstacles do you need to be removed?
Sprint Review
It is demonstration of the new features the team has completed during the sprint; it is used to
gather early feedback.
Sprint Retrospection
It follows immediately after the sprint review. It is focused on the process, the way in which
the Scrum team is working together, including their technical skills and the software
development practices and tools they are using.
In this meeting team discuss on following points:
1. What went wrong?
2. What went well?
3. What can be improved?
3. How you do Estimation in Agile? How to estimate using Planning Poker?
In Agile often estimation is done using planning poker:
Each member of team is given deck of card which contains stories points in Fibonacci
sequence: 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13...
Scrum Master lists the user stories and provides brief overview of them. Team discusses
and clarifies any questions/risks.
Each team member privately assigns a card representing his estimate of the size for the
user story.
Later on all estimates are revealed and people having low estimates and high estimates
need to provide justification for the same and after discussion within team story point is
finalized for use story. Same is repeated for all user stories.
4. What is Continuous Integration and why it is important for Agile? What are the
software/tools available for the same?
Epic is a group of related User Stories, or it is large use story which cannot be completed in
single Sprint.
User stories should be created by Product Owner as these are written from client perspective.
Tasks should be created by someone from Development Team who is aware about them from
technical perspective.
7. What is Pair Programming? Whats the benefit of that?
As per Wiki Pair programming is defined as:
Pair programming is an agile software development technique in which two programmers
work together at one workstation. One, the driver, writes code while the other, the observer or
navigator, reviews each line of code as it is typed in. The two programmers switch roles
Benefits of Pair Programming:
In short term there may be loss of productivity but it increase productivity of resource
due to gain in business or technical knowledge.
8. What is TDD (Test Driven Development)?
Scrum Master is important role in Agile Methodology.Following are the roles and
responsibility that scrum master plays in any agile project :
1. He leads and facilitates the daily Scrum Meetings.
2. He looks out for any impediments for team and removes them.
3. He participates in Release Planning Meeting.
Here are some of Important Scrum Master Interview Questions that one should
be aware of:
1. What are Responsibilities of Scrum Master?
Check this Responsibilities of Scrum Master
2. How you report status of your team in Agile?
In Agile team progress can be shown using Burnup or Burndown chart.
Burnup Chart shows progress of stories done over time. X Axis: Time, Y Axis: no. of
user stories completed.
Burndown Chart shows how much work was left to do over time. X Axis: Time, Y
Axis: no. of user stories remaining.
3. What are the challenges you have faced in your project while
adopting to agile methodology?
Depends on individual experience, you need to think of the challenges faced on the
line of agile process like: Changing requirements, Refactoring challenges,
aggressive delivery timeline, quality, integration issues, team velocity issues etc.
Some of the important commercial tools available for agile project management:
Jira GreenHopper, VersionOne, Rally, Team Foundation (by Microsoft), Mingle (by
5. What you will do if you are in the middle of Sprint and know that
team will not be able to deliver on time?
Scrum master needs to be proactive in handling such situations and must share
information to stakeholder for any blocker/impediments. In such cases scrum
master needs to move some user stories out of the scope of sprint or add to new
resources after having agreement with stakeholders.
6. How you do Estimation in Agile? How to Estimate using Planning