Modern Fairy Tales
Modern Fairy Tales
Modern Fairy Tales
Year Level: 7M Time: 8:55am-9:45am Date: 13/05/16
Learning Area: English
Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum
Identify and explore ideas and viewpoints about events,
issues and characters represented in texts drawn from
different historical, social and cultural contexts
Personal and
Sustainability (N)
Proficiencies:(Mathematics only)
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
Identify common fairy tale stereotypes that exist in childrens literature.
Compare known common fairy tale stereotypes with unconventional outcomes in modern adaptations of
Fairy Tales.
Revise different narrative conventions and their association with Fairy Tales and other narratives.
Objective 2:
Objective 3:
Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Interactive Whiteboard
Can students guess what topic the class will be covering today?
Answer: Fairy Tales
Expanding on original and modern adaptations of fairy tales, how they are
created (narrative conventions) and why they are created.
**Teacher to make students aware that this is just an introduction lesson and
there will be more lessons to come exploring the topic**
Teacher to give a basic overview of the Fairy Tale: Rapunzel
First published in 1634 (382 years ago)
Best known for the line: "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair
Plot (See Appendix 2)
Lesson Steps
Teacher asks for student to hand out The Practical Princess: Main Event,
Expectation, Reality Table (Appendix 3)
**Teacher to project table onto interactive whiteboard**
Appendix 4
Teacher to stop video at required points to allow for discussion and for
students to enter their answers into the box.
Dragon is Killed: 2:13 minutes
Wealthy Lord Garp wants to marry the princess: 5:00 minutes
Princess escapes from the tower: 8:05 minutes
Lord Garp dies: 8:20 minutes
Prince wants to marry Princess: end
Key Questions:
Can students see any similarities to other movies or television series they
have seen? (ie Disneys Rapunzel 1996, Tangled 2010, Once Upon a
Time 2011 or Into the Woods 2014)
Which one did you like better? The original or the modern version?
Was anyone surprised by the changes made in The Practical Princess
compared to Rapunzel?
Language: Once upon a time and they lived happily ever after,
brave prince slay the dragon
Characters: Prince, princess, dragon, evil witch
Setting: In a kingdom far far away
POV: Third person (shifting to first)
Students to glue in work book while teacher readies YouTube video: Short
Story Elements (4:10minutes)
YouTube (Elements of a
Short Story)
Lesson Closure:
Teacher to collect The Practical Princess: Main Event, Expectation, Reality
Table (Appendix 3) from students to mark and return the following day.
Teacher instructs students that in the coming lessons they will be taken
through topic of narrative conventions in more depth.
Students pack away English materials and collect materials for next three
classes as they will not be coming back to the class until 5 th period.
Teacher dismisses students
Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)
Objective 1:
Identify common fairy tale stereotypes that exist in childrens literature.
To meet objective, students will complete the Expectation column in The
Practical Princess: Main Event, Expectation, Reality Table (Appendix 3).
Objective to be judged by completion of Objective Assessment Checklist
(Appendix 5).
Objective 2:
Compare known common fairy tale stereotypes with unconventional
outcomes in modern adaptations of Fairy Tales.
To meet objective, students will complete the Reality column in The Practical
Princess: Main Event, Expectation, Reality Table (Appendix 3). Objective to be
judged by completion of Objective Assessment Checklist (Appendix 5).
Objective 3:
Revise different narrative conventions and their association with Fairy
Tales and other narratives.
To meet objective, students watch the Elements of a Short Story YouTube
video and participate in class discussions regarding narrative conventions
Appendix 5
Learning Area: English
Year Level: 7M
Date: 13/05/2016
Time: 8:55am-9:45am
Assessment of Objectives:
1. Identify common fairy tale stereotypes that exist in childrens literature.
2. Compare known common fairy tale stereotypes with unconventional outcomes in
modern adaptations of Fairy Tales.
Student Name
Objective 1
Not Met
Objective 2
Not Met
Matthew Allengame
Brodie Anderson
Jeremy Awford
Luke Baggaley
Chloe Baker
Will Boyd
Ayuol Chol
Jazmyn Clark
Xavier Garner
Masie Grimes
Olivia Henderson
Kynan Hogan
Zoe Hunter
Alex Kosta
Connor Ludbrook
Tianna McKee
Brayden Noack
Chelsea Pitchers
Jarred Southern
Kaitlyn Streeter
Siobhan Websdale
Ashton Wilkins