Noura Ali HCT Ss 04 11 15

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Table 12:

RAKWC B Ed EPR Practicum 3b: MCT/MST Assessment Report

EPR Student Assessment Criteria:
This report is to be completed by the Mentoring School Teacher in consultation
with the Mentoring College Teacher and refers to teaching competencies in the
High School.

Date: 04.11.2015


Name of MST: Hazar

Name of Student: Noura

Garnel Desravins

Name of MCT:

Please add specific comments about the student teachers observed strengths during this
teaching practicum and identify areas in which you feel further development is necessary.
Observed Strengths: /
The materials she used was strongly effecting
in making the students more involve.
The activity that she planed was very
organized. And she gives clear instruction.
So students didnt ask for any more guides.
Different kind of activities
The group work activity was matching the
students level. And they were involved with it.

Areas in which further development is needed:

To introduce the topic in more interest way like using
examples from the real life.
The use of the lessons big question could be used in
more effective way. So it will help her by leading the
coming part of the lesson in more smooth way.
Example: explain the relationship between food and
The explanation of the energy flow from one organism to
other was not clear
The meaning of Producer is not clear for the students.
And the energy flow from the sun to the plant was not

General Comments: she was prepared in a good way

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