Claire Maria Johnston
Artist Researcher Teacher
Domain - Painting
Scheme - an A3 painting investigating surface qualities and
complementary colours in a still life comprising of kitchen
objects with reflective surfaces, fruit, strong colour
Group: 5th years
No. of Pupils: 18
Planned duration
Actual duration
To help students to
-Develop new skills, concepts, the techniques, and principles of painting a still life.
Exploring setting up a still life in consideration of composition, colour and surface
Lesson Three
Lesson Objectives:
Students will learn about different
forms of composition, open/closed
Lesson Five
Lesson Objectives:
Lesson Six
Lesson Objectives:
Understanding the
importance of paint management and
keeping colours clean and not murky.
Review of Scheme
Overall the scheme ran quite
smoothly . There was no major
changes throughout the duration
of the scheme. There were of
course minor changes here and
there. I do feel students
accomplished most of the learning
outcomes I outlined for them.
However I feel that a deeper level
of engagement could have been
had by the class as a whole
Extract from reflective Journal
I am finding it difficult to get students to work back into paintng and build up
detail. They just seem to want the project to be over and move on to the next
one. The attention span of the class as a whole is quite short
Planned timeline
Actual timeline
Group discussion
Finish painting
Exhibition in hallway.
Example of a change
Top row
Students enjoyed working with
oil pastel the results were a lot
stronger than Mondays class of
working with paint. students
identified the areas of light and
dark now to translate this to
Bottom row
Students that found the task
difficult still showed areas of
movement in the fabric.
Colour Wheel
- Still Life
- Paper
- Palette
- Jar and water
- Brushes
- Paint