Review For Final
Review For Final
Review For Final
Morpheme: a segment of language with two types bound and free.
Morphology/morphological: the study of morphemes, and how they
work bound and free.
Polysemy: many meanings for the same word.
Short Answer
Explain what it means to teach vocabulary directly (explicitly):
teaching the students 5 Tier II words that they will really need to
understand for the unit and using different ways of instruction to help
them learn those words.
Explain what it means to teach vocabulary indirectly (implicitly): words
that need to be taught as they come across in a unit. These words are
Tier III words that are best taught spur of the moment but of course the
teacher should have a definition on hand to explain to the students
when the word comes up.
Define academic language, and then describe the role of Tier II and
Tier III words in academic language: academic language is language
that needs to be known in order to better understand schoolwork. Tier
II words consist of mostly general academic vocabulary and they are
the focus for all vocabulary instruction. Tier III consists of domain
specific vocabulary, which is used in discipline areas.
Explain how morphology and a word's roots and affixes can be used to
help vocabulary instruction (generative vocabulary instruction): you
can have students focus on the connections between words that share
base words and roots. Have the students do this in groups and
individually to see what they can come up with.
List two ways to introduce rich vocabulary into your content area
classroom: use picture books that use the vocabulary in the text to
introduce content area reading. Engage in word games and puzzles
that pique students interest in words for your content area.
Describe how you might evaluate a student's knowledge of vocabulary
words you were introducing for your lesson, before you taught the
students the meaning of the words: present the students with a list of
words and asked to rate their understanding of each word. Ask the
students how the terms are alike, and what we might learn from the
terms. After we go through a lesson/reading have their students rate
the words again.
Select a vocabulary word related to your content area/discipline.
Explain how you would use a specific graphic organizer (choose one
-Single Place
2-Think and Search (In The Book)
-Literal Synthesis
-Multiple Places
3-Author & you (On Your Own)
-Require inference
-Info, text & background knowledge
4-On your own (On Your Own)
-Background knowledge
4) Describe the four good reader strategies that make up Reciprocal
teaching. What is the 5th added in reciprocal teaching plus?
1-Predicting what the reading is about
2-Raising questions about the reading
3-Clarifying difficult terms and concepts
4-Summarizing the important points
The 5th good reader strategy that is added in reciprocal teaching plus is
analyzing the text that was read
5) Choose I-chart or discussion web. Describe how the teacher directed
strategy helps mimic what good readers do. (i.e. which good reader
strategies are supported by that strategy).
I choose an I-Chart. This teacher directed strategy can be a graphic
organizer for KWL/KWHL and those right there are basically what a
good reader does. The good reader strategies that are supported by
the I-Chart can include, setting a purpose for the reading because they
can answer, What do I want to know? from KWL. They can use
existing knowledge to make connections when they answer, What do I
know? from KWL as well. I-Charts can emphasize synthesis and help
them practice summarization, which is also a strategy for good
readers. Another strategy that is included in an I-Chart is to ask real life
questions, which can be put in the new questions column of the IChart. I think you could cover almost all strategies for a good reader in
just this one teacher directed strategy.