Julias First Matrix
Julias First Matrix
Julias First Matrix
The goal is to promote technology integration that is seamless and that adds significant value to students learning of core
curriculum (language arts, math, social studies, and science content). You will investigate theoretical and practical issues
surrounding the use of multimedia, applications, Internet resources, educational software, and hardware within K-12 classrooms.
The Technology Integration Matrix is to assist preservice educators in making connections between theories, resources, content,
and pedagogy.
Learning Objective
Students will analyze projects completed in class on the Technology Integration Matrix to demonstrate the relationships between
theories, content, technology, and pedagogy.
Course Objectives
2. Integrate technology into curriculum and pedagogy for ALL students.
4. Describe appropriate uses of technologies (Internet, multimedia, communication tools, etc.) in learning environments.
Skills Development
5. Apply information literacy skills (including searching and evaluation strategies) while using electronic resources.
6. Locate, analyze, and contribute to information from Web 2.0 sources.
Teaching with Technology
12.Research, teach, and publish ways to use innovative technology in education.
1. Read all information (introduction, objectives, explanations, the matrix)
2. Compare the concept, project, or method to the matrix.
3. Fill in how and why the concept, project, or method applies to the theory and standard and provide suggestions for use.
4. Write a five sentence reflection describing more detail or providing clarification for the information you filled in on the
5. Load the matrix to the appropriate dropbox in BlackBoard and post it to the matrix page on your ePortfolio.
Explanation of Standards
Colorado Academic Standards were created by the Colorado Department of Education to increase student performance in K-12
education and success post high school. The standards create accountability and are a topical organization of material in multiple
content areas. Every grade level has several standards for each content area designed to provide clarity and direction.
The standard elements include:
You may agree or disagree with theories presented, but knowing and understanding if they have any value to add to your
pedagogy, and if they are in alignment with your teaching and technology integration philosophies, is vital to your preparation for
becoming an educator. If you are unfamiliar with the concepts and theories presented, please take the time to follow the links for
further information.
Explanation of Differentiation
Technology can be the great equalizer. In a classroom of 30 students, how will you meet the diverse needs of students?
Technology is one method to assist you in making this process a bit easier. Differentiation is modifying instruction to help
students with diverse academic needs and learning styles to master the same academic content using engaging techniques and
methods. As you complete projects for this class, you need to think of how they can be adjusted for gifted and talented students,
students with physical disabilities, and students with learning disabilities.
for Students
Students make a
video and/or photos
of the steps needed
to remember how to
add, divide,
multiply, and divide.
They will keep them
organized on the
website in order to
be able to look back
Standard 1 (a)
1. Number Sense,
Properties, and
2. Patterns, Functions,
and Algebraic
3. Analysis, Statistics,
and Probability
Create a poll to
teach about
statistics and help
students analyze
the results after
they go to the eportfolio to vote
and keep track of
Standard 2. (a)
Understand by
Students will organize
and be able to
illustrate their clear
understanding of how
to add, subtract,
divide, and multiply
and show in their own
words how they
complete each task.
Analyze by organizing
The students will learn
how to organize the
collection of data, how
to analyze it, and also
how to apply it to the
subject matter and
what it exactly means.
4. Shape, Dimension,
and Geometric
Reading, Writing, and Communicating
1. Oral Expression and
Organize a speech
using their website
as a guide to teach
their classmates
about an
reading book project
of their choice. They
will use both
Evaluate by checking
Students will be
responsible for paying
attention to their
peers by checking in
online and giving
Student Use
technology through
the website and
also with a
projector. Their
peers will then go
onto the students
website and
comment positively
about the
presentation so it
shows that they
were listening.
Standard 2 (a)
Make a blog on
the eportfolio
where students
talk about certain
chapters of the
books they are
reading in groups.
They will have a
deadline but it is
free for them to
do at their own
pace without
being timed.
Standard 3 (a)
Create by producing
Students will be able
to create and shape
their own opinions on
their reading into
blogs which are
shared with their
3. Writing and
4. Research and
Social Studies
1. History
Create by planning
Students will interact
online with their peers
but then also bring
the character to life
by dressing up and
becoming apart of the
history. By publishing
this experience, all
the other students will
also understand by
the exemplification of
the dressing up.
2. Geography
Understanding and
comparing by
Students will be able
to fully know the
region they are talking
about by comparing
their knowledge to the
visuals they present
and relate it back to
their own reality and
3. Economics
4. Civics
1. Physical Science
2. Life Science
3. Earth Systems
Understand by
summarizing and
Students will be able
to identify different
living things and
understand their
importance within the
food chain. They will
be able to see
different perspectives
by seeing their peers
opinions as well.
Students will
perform a science
experiment at home
about the weather
systems or natural
disasters and
Create by generating,
planning, and
producing a science
Students will learn
about the scientific
perform their
project with facts
and results. They
will upload their
video on their
website so all of
their peers can view
it and it will act as
on online science
Standard 1 (c)
Learning Disabilities EEOs
Physical Disabilities
Gifted/ Talented
After creating this matrix I have mostly realized how easily a website or eprofile can be incorporated into any lesson. Technology
is a wide spectrum and I am excited to learn about many different types of programs and aspects that can be used in the
classroom. The teacher and student columns are interesting because it shows the responsibility of incorporating technology and
learning from it is both the teacher and the students job. The differentiation columns I feel are the most important part of the
matrix because it is crucial that a teacher can manipulate each lesson to help every single student in the classroom. Being a
gifted and talented student in elementary school myself, I thought it was just as important to think of ways to challenge those
students as well. In all, this matrix is very eye opening and informational.