Tel 311 Signature Assignment

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Classroom Management Plan

Signature Assignment
Pirrone TEL 311
Spring 2015
Bethany Casselman

Table of Contents
Self Introduction..........................................................................................3
Classroom Arrangement..............................................................................5
Classroom Procedures
Beginning of Class...........................................................................12
Ending of Class................................................................................12
Collecting Homework................................................................................13
Handing-Back Work...................................................................................13
Material Distribution...................................................................................14
Student Absences........................................................................................14
Late Work....................................................................................................14
Grading Policy.............................................................................................15
Parent Communication................................................................................15
Consideration for Diverse Learners............................................................16
Rules and Consequences.............................................................................17

Self Introduction
My name is Bethany Casselman. I am a junior at Arizona State University at the
West campus. I am studying in the Mary Lou Fulton teachers college and am in block
number one of my program. I am studying to one day become a high school English
teacher. I have an associates degree in liberal arts from Glendale Community College
and I graduated in the top twenty percent of my class from Greenway high school. I am
certified to teach touch math, and I have a long background in teaching reading and
Becoming a teacher was not one of those life long goals for me as it was for
others. As a child I thought I would like to be a schoolteacher, but as I got older I became
very serious about cooking and photography and thought I would make a living in one of
these fields. However, through the years I always seemed to gravitate towards jobs that
had to do with children. I was a nanny, a camp counselor and a child photographer. I
realized that I had a passion for education and for children, and what better way to
combine those two things then to teach? I want to teach to inspire. To change someones
mind about something they thought they hated like reading or writing. I want to create a
positive environment for students who have never known the excitement of having a
teacher that is happy and excited to be with them every day. The biggest reason I want to
teach is to provide students with a different perspective of education. I want to show them
that learning can be fun and useful. And to make it clear to my students that no matter
their background, race, or gender, anyone can learn to love learning.
My beliefs on working with diverse student populations has been heavily
influenced by people like Madeline Hunter, Dr. Harry Wong, Dr. Fred Jones and Dr.
Richard Lavoie. Because of their research I believe that it is so important for student
development to have a diverse classroom. Students need to learn how to work with
people who are different from them in order to prepare for real life experiences. As a
teacher it is important to have a diverse classroom setting so that I can be prepared to
teach and work with multiple personalities and disabilities. Every person has a right to an
education no matter their circumstances, and I as a teacher am tasked to communicate

that to them. The most important thing is to make sure every student feels they are getting
the same education. There may be students who need extra help, or accommodations but
the other students should never feel neglected. There is not a single child that should be
given up on, or not given the opportunity to learn. I cant wait to become a teacher so that
I can inspire the minds of so many diverse and interesting students.

Classroom Arrangement
Arranging a classroom correctly is crucial to the overall educational experience of
students. It is important to create a comforting and well as constructive environments that
students will be ready to work in. Dr. Fred Jones also teaches us the importance of
inclusion in the way we arrange our classrooms, and plenty of walking space. Each little
piece of my classroom has been put in its place for a reason. The arrangement and feel of
my room design is welcoming and hip and definitely a reflection of my personality as an

Teachers Desk- The teachers desk is the main hub of activity in the
classroom. It is where the students turn in their homework, where I sit to
grade, and where I observe the class on test taking days. For this reason I
chose to be slightly unorthodox and put my desk to the side of the room
facing in. I did this for two main reasons. The first is so that I can easily
observe the students without being in front of them as a distraction. The
second is I have always felt the teachers desk at the back of the room to
be daunting. Even if I was not doing anything wrong I was constantly
feeling watched by the teachers because I couldnt see them. I want my
students to feel comfortable addressing me and feel comfortable in my

Material Cabinet- I placed the cabinet that will hold all of the materials
readily available to the students at the back of my room among the
bookshelves. I chose to put it here because this is the area of the classroom
with the most standing space. If multiple students are trying to get supplies
out of the cabinet they will not be squished into a small space trying to

negotiate their way through the crowd to the markers.

Bookshelves- I chose three large bookshelves to be placed at the back of
the room. I chose to put them here, again because of the space but also so
that students cannot find things on the bookshelf to distract them during
work time. I tried to contain most of the classroom items to behind the
students, that way most of their attention is focused on the front of the
room where learning occurs.

Homework Stations- There are two homework stations in my classroom.

There is a tray located on the teachers desk where students can hand in
their work at the beginning of class. There is also an Absent Bin by the
classroom door on a small table where students can go if they are absent
and grab all the papers they missed which I will have waiting for them
with their names on it. I chose to have them separated so that students
would not get confused and put their homework in the wrong place. Also
having them turn in their work at my desk assures I can observe which

students are not regularly turning in homework.

Teachers Locked Cabinet- The teachers locked cabinet is at the side of
the room near my desk. I chose to put it here because this is an area close
to the students and it holds no temptation because they know they cant
get in it. I also like having it close to my desk just so I can keep an extra

eye on it.
Filing Cabinet-Similarly, the filing cabinet is right next to the locked
cabinet. I placed it here for the same reasons, proximity and minimal

student distraction.
White Boards- I have two white boards in my room. One at the very front
of the room directly in front of the students, and one to the left of that on
the side of the students. I decided to do that so I could write and teach on
the one at the front of the room, and the side one could be taped and

turned into a weekly calendar for the students to view.

Student Tables- I chose a slightly odd way of seating my students. Many
teachers have students sit at tables, but most do not have them sit in
groups of three at a table. The biggest reason I decided to seat three
students to a table is to encourage group thinking. I am a big advocate of
students working together and helping each other and groups of three
provide added insight a twosome simply cannot. I also chose to have the
desks hold three students to save space for the library center in the back of
the room. The tables are high, and students can push their chairs entirely
under them, which adds even more space when the students are standing.

There are wide walkways horizontally and vertically along the desks,

which makes it easy for the students and myself to walk about the room.
Mounted Projector- This choice is pretty self-explanatory. I chose to put
my mounted projector in the middle of the room facing directly toward the
smart board. This is so that I can display things on the main screen surface

of the room.
Trashcans- My room has four trashcans. One at my desk for any waste I
myself create during the day. There is one right as students come in the
door so they can through away their trash as they enter, or exit the room.
There is also one in the reading nook for students that may be snacking
during free read time. The final trashcan is at the front of the room in the
corner. This is mainly so that there is no excuse for the room to be a mess,
if you have a trashcan close by at all times, you are less likely to throw

things on the floor.

Bulletin Boards- I have chosen to put two bulletin boards in my
classroom. One on either side of the wall when you walk in the door. They
are black and made from recycled rubber. I did not add them to the object
key because it would have just looked like black lines. But if you look
close you can see small raised rectangles where they are located. One
Bulletin board will be fairly large and split into two sections. The first
section will be all of the school policies, rules, regulations, dress code, the
U.S. Constitution, and other logistic items. On the other half of the board
we will call it the YANA board or the You are Not Alone board. This
half will be where I will have numbers and resources posted for things like
teen pregnancy, suicide hotlines, drug addiction hotlines, counseling, and
other issues teens may have a hard time talking to an adult about. I will
create this board so that I can display all of the school-mandated items,
and also so students who are feeling helpless have a place to go without
feeling like they have to tell me their problems. I will put it right as you
come through the door so that if a kid is shy about looking at it they can
wait to be the last out of class and glance at it once everyone has left the
room. The board on the other side will be our Quidditch Cup Board. This

will be our Harry Potter themed achievement board (and semi competition
between classes) where I will display things like positive homework
assignments, little notes with good deeds I had seen the kids do, art the
students have given me, and house points I will award to the classes
with the most items on the board at once. I will put this by the door so that

students can check it out right when they come into class.
Anything Specialo Record Player-I have chosen o put a record player in my room
because I think music is an important key to brain development,
and I love the way vinyl sounds. It will also give me the
opportunity to educate my students on actual good music. I chose
to place it on top of my locked cabinet because students will
already know that is an off limits area. Also it is close to my desk
and up off the floor.
o Fish Tank- I love fish and I think it is neat to have something in the
classroom the students can be responsible for. We can assign charts
and delegate who feeds it every day and who is in charge of the
weekly tank cleaning. Students who volunteer to do the tankcleaning job get extra house points. I chose to put it at the back
of my room near my desk so that I could see the cute fish from my
desk. I also wanted them behind the students so they wouldnt be
distracted during teaching time.
o Plants- I have put plants here and there all around the room
because green is a color that promotes creativity and because
plants are pretty and they make me happy.
o Couch- In the back corner of the room, wedged between two
bookshelves, lays my favorite place: the reading nook. In this nook
I have a non-toxic, eco-friendly, flame retardant couch. I want
students to have a comfy enjoyable place to read that will get them
excited about reading time. I put the reading nook at the back of
the room so that it could be near all the books, and to separate the
learning space from the leisure space.

o Bean Bag Chair- I chose a beanbag chair to accompany the couch

for extra seating room, and because it is also flame retardant.
o Rug- Since I chose to have wood floors in my room, I added a very
large, round area rug to go under my reading nook. This adds some
excitement to the space and also makes it comfortable to sit on the

Television-The TV is in the front corner of the room on a stand. This is
pretty self-explanatory. I put it here because its visible to all the students,

and out of the way.

Smart Board- This beauty takes front and center in my room. I placed the
Smart Board in the front of my class and in the middle. This is so that no
matter where you are in the room, you can see what is being presented on

the board.
A Large Accommodation Table- I chose a large round accommodation
table at the back of the room near the reading nook. I chose this because it
is still near the desks, but can also be used for students to place their
drinks on when in the reading nook so no books get liquids spilled on

Wall Mounted Clock- I have three clocks in my classroom. One behind my
seat at my desk, one at the front of the room, and one at the back. This is
so students will easily be able to keep track of their class time no matter

where they are in the room.

Door- The door is directly across from my desk on the opposite side of the
room. I chose to put it here because I liked the shape of this room, and
because the students will see me first thing as they enter the room.

Room Object Key

Bean Bag





Extra Table

Filing Cabinet

Fish Tank



Locked Cabinet


Missed Work Tray

Smart Board

Mounted Projector

Student Desk

Teacher Chair

Teacher Desk
Trash Cans
White Board

Classroom Procedures



Beginning class:

Teacher will stand at the door and greet the students as they enter. Making them

feel invited and getting them excited for the time about to be spent together.
Students will pick up necessary papers for class that day from the homework table

located by the door as they walk into the room.

Students are to sit in their assigned seats as soon as they pick up their papers.
When the bell to begin class rings, students will take out their novels and

immediately start reading for the first fifteen minutes of class.

When the fifteen minutes of reading is up, the teacher will then redirect students
on to the days lesson.

Ending class:

The ending class activity will be different every day. In the last five minutes of
class a fun activity will be administered to the students.

Depending on what we cover in class that day the closure could be a game, a class
discussion, a ticket out the door, or any other activity the teacher finds relevant.

The teacher will dismiss the students after the bell has rung and they have put
away any books/materials belonging to the classroom.

Transitions between activities:

The teacher will give any necessary instructions before students start specific


Instructions for the activity will be either displayed on the board, or if it is a

worksheet, it will be handed out.

A timer will be used to minimize the amount of wasted time.
The teacher use the auditory signal 1-2-3 eyes on me to bring the students back

from their individual work.

Upon hearing the signal, students will stop what they are doing in order to give

the teacher their full attention.

Students will always be given a certain amount of time to complete activities as to

reduce wasted time.

If students finish an assignment or test early, they are expected to sit quietly in
their seats and work on other homework or read a book until the entire class is

Collecting homework:

Homework will be due at the end of the class period each day.
There is a homework tray on the edge of the teachers desk that the students will
place their homework in.

Handing back work:

The teacher will give the students work back at the beginning of class while the

students are doing their daily reading.

Any comments or feedback will be written at the top of the page in the corner.
If students have questions regarding grades, they are to see the teacher before or
after class.

Handing out materials for the lesson:

Students will pick up any necessary materials for the day upon entering the class
from the worktable by the door.


If textbooks are needed for the day, the teacher will place the books on the

students desks before first period.

The last class period of the day will be responsible for putting them back on the

If materials are needed at any time other than the beginning of class, one student
from each table will be responsible for collecting them for their group.

Student absences:

If a student is absent, they are responsible for picking up their own make-up work.
Make-up work for the absent students will be placed in an absent tray on the

entry door table.

The students name will be written on the top of the late work and all papers will

be paper clipped together.

For extreme cases where students make-up work spans back more than a week

long it will be e-mailed home on a weekly basis.

Students will have one day to make up work for each day they are absent.

Late work:

Late work will always be accepted.

Students will be able to turn in late work in the homework bin on the teachers

Students will be write either late one day, late two days, or late three days on the

top of their paper.

If students turn papers in later than three days they will not be given credit.
5% will be taken off for one day late, 10% will be taken off for two days and
15% will be taken for three days late.

Grading and recording student work:


For quizzes, tests, and short assignments, the turnaround time for grading will be

two days.
For essays or research reports, the turnaround time for grading will be one week.
Teacher will record grades online in the schools grade database.
Students will receive typed feedback stapled to the paper for essays or research

If a student is unsatisfied with their grade, they will sometimes be given the
opportunity to retake tests or rewrite essays, and the average between the two

scores will be put in the grade book.

If the teacher notices 70% or higher of the class has failed their test, issue will be
addressed and students will be given a new or adjusted test.

Communicating with parents:

Parents questions or concerns will be addressed the same day they are presented

by e-mail or phone.
A weekly newsletter will be sent out every Friday that covers the lessons for the

next week as well as school activities and information.

If an email or phone call does not adequately address the parents concerns, a
conference or meeting may be scheduled.

Consideration of diverse learners:

Classroom procedures will provide structure to all students within the class.
Dr. Harry Wongs research will be implemented within the classroom, by teaching

procedures, practicing them, and re-teaching, if need be.

Students will be taught classroom procedures and practice together to ensure

If procedures are not being correctly followed, they will be re-visited and


Dr. Richard Lavoies research stresses how important it is to have patience within

the classroom.
Diverse learners will in time become accustomed to the classroom procedures in

place because they will be taught with patience and understanding.

Procedures will be posted at all times to remind students daily.
IEPs and 504 plans will be closely followed in order to ensure students will get
the most out of their learning.

Rules and Consequences

My class will have five easy to follow but specific rules for students. My rules are
based on the research of Dr. Harry Wong and Dr. Rick Lavoie and they will benefit every
student in my class, including the diverse learner. The five rules will be taught to the class
as a whole within the first few days of school and strictly enforced there on out. The rules
and consequences will be posted in the classroom on a corkboard when the students enter
the room. It is my belief that all students are capable of achieving greatness and by
establishing clear and structured rules they are more likely to succeed. Following
consistent expectations will ensure that every student in the classroom with benefit
equally. These simple five rules will create a safe and structured learning environment.
The five classroom rules are:
1) Remain seated during lectures and work time.
2) Kind words are the only option.
3) Phones stay in bags until the end of class time.
4) Only one person is talking at a time, and always with respectful language.
5) Always have a book on you.
Consequences will follow due process as well as being consistent, enforceable,
and simple. Consequences will apply to all classroom rules as well as school and district


rules. Additional consideration will be given based on a student's Individualized

Education Program (IEP) if necessary.
The consequences in order of offense are as follows:

First Offense- Warning/Conference

Second Offense- Call Home
Third Offense- Detention
Fourth Offense- Administrative Referral

* The teacher has the right to skip steps based upon the severity of the violation despite
due process.


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