Money Smart
Money Smart
Money Smart
Table of Contents
Introduction to the Money Smart Program......................................................................................................................... 3
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Target Audience .................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Money Smart Modules........................................................................................................................................................... 4
Money Smart Training Materials ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Instructor Guide................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Participant Guide ................................................................................................................................................................. 6
PowerPoint Slides ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
Instructor Preparation ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Materials and Equipment Needed to Present a Module ...................................................................................................... 7
Things to Do Before Presenting a Module .......................................................................................................................... 7
Presentation Strategies ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Classroom Set Up ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Training Tips ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
The Role of the Instructor ................................................................................................................................................... 9
Delivering Effective Presentations ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Meeting the Needs of Your Target Audience...................................................................................................................... 9
Assessments ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Layering Table .................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Conducting Activities ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
Facilitating Discussions..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Using Chart Paper ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Using PowerPoint Slides and Other Visual Aids .............................................................................................................. 11
Consider the Three Learning Styles While Teaching........................................................................................................ 11
Things to Avoid During a Presentation ............................................................................................................................. 12
Questions for Self-Reflection ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Accommodating Participants with Disabilities ................................................................................................................ 13
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 .......................................................................................................................... 13
How to Make Classes Accessible to Participants with Disabilities................................................................................... 13
Guidelines for Talking About Disabilities ........................................................................................................................ 15
Ten Commandments of Etiquette for Interacting with People with Disabilities ............................................................... 16
Financial education fosters financial stability for individuals and for entire communities. Poor financial decisions could
result in years of financial pain. The more people know about credit and banking services, the more likely they are to
make informed decisions on money matters, save money, and improve their financial health and well being. The Money
Smart curriculum helps individuals build financial knowledge, develop financial confidence, become more money-savvy,
and use banking services effectively.
After completion of the 11 Money Smart modules, participants will have the knowledge and resources they need to:
Use the services and products of financial institutions (e.g., banks, thrifts, and credit unions) confidently
Create and implement a spending plan
Distinguish between “wants” and “needs”
Use credit and borrow money responsibly
Protect their financial rights and safeguard their money
Determine their readiness to buy a home
Recover their financial lives and rebuild their credit
Target Audience
Targeted participants for the Money Smart Financial Education Curriculum modules include adults who are unbanked
and under-banked, adult populations in their 20s and beyond who are establishing financial lives and credit histories, and
adults who would like to improve their financial lives and credit histories.
Every module is formatted and structured the same. The components of each module consist of an Instructor Guide, a
Participant Guide, and PowerPoint slides.
Instructor Guide
The Instructor Guide is your roadmap for presenting each module. The detailed lesson plan includes:
The purpose and objectives of the module
A layering table to help you modify the module to the audience’s needs
Answers to the pre- and post-tests, engaging questions, and practice exercises
A copy of participant handouts, including activity and evaluation forms
A script with instructor notes and a thumbnail copy of the corresponding slide
Each lesson plan is laid out in a two-column format. The left-hand column contains notes (e.g., how and when to use
content, tools, and resources during the training) and thumbnail images of the PowerPoint slides for instructor reference.
The right-hand column contains a script of the module content, including italicized glossary terms and bolded answers to
engaging questions and practice exercises.
Instructors are encouraged to modify each module according to their audience’s needs and interests, which can be
obtained through information gathered from participant introductions, the What Do You Know? evaluation form, and the
pre-test. Use the layering table to customize the training and select the topics that best meet the audience’s needs and
interests. If time permits you can also supplement the Instructor Guide by sharing and discussing additional examples or
ones based on participants’ situations. The following is an excerpt from the Bank On It Instructor Guide.
[Write participants’ responses on chart paper.] These words reflect how you
view banks.
Banks, credit unions, and thrifts are businesses that offer you a safe place to
keep your money, and then use your deposits to make loans. Banks, credit
Participant Guide
Each participant should receive a Participant Guide to use during training. The guide is a useful reference for participants
during and after the class session because it contains:
Important concepts and facts presented in the module
Tools and activities to help you learn the material
Tips and checklists
A glossary of important terms
A list of resources
PowerPoint Slides
Each module includes a PowerPoint slide to help you present the module content. Some PowerPoint slides may contain
animated text or images. The Instructor Guide contains directions and indicates when you must click the space bar, right
arrow, or mouse to initiate the animation.
Instructor Preparation
Materials and Equipment Needed to Present a Module
You may need the following equipment and materials to present the Money Smart modules:
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) projector, computer, and module PowerPoint file (included on the CD-ROM) or a
printed copy of the slides (e.g., in Handouts or Notes Pages form) for each participant
Chart paper and easel
Markers in different colors
Tape or push pins
A Participant Guide for each participant
Other materials or equipment needed to present the module (refer to the Module Overview section in the
Instructor Guide)
Presentation Strategies
Each module is designed to be presented as a separate course, generally taking 60 to 120 minutes or longer to present.
Longer modules can be divided into two class periods, or you can customize the content to meet your class time.
Instructional strategies used to present module content include lecture, demonstrations, large and small group discussions,
and activities that reinforce learning and actively involve participants in the learning process. As you present the material:
Introduce each topic.
Emphasize key information and available resources, including online support, written materials, and resources
that participants can use to help them in their day-to-day financial activities.
Facilitate discussions.
Lead participants through brief activities.
Provide feedback and answer questions.
Summarize what participants learned.
Classroom Set Up
Consider the best layout for the room and how you plan to present the module and activities. For instance, you may want
all chairs and tables in a long row facing you and the screen, or you may want tables and chairs spread out so participants
can sit and work together in small groups. Participants can work on activities together as a class, individually, or in small
groups with one or two people seated next to them.
Training Tips
The following training tips are designed to help you present the Money Smart modules.
You can accomplish these things by listening, asking questions, observing participants’ reactions, and leading by example.
Each module includes a What Do You Know? evaluation form and a pre-test for the participants to complete at the
beginning of the module to help you make an informed decision about focal topics. If you determine that the class is
already adept at budgeting, for example, you can spend more time on sections providing advice on decreasing spending,
and what to do in response to financial problems rather than how to establish a spending plan. It is strongly recommended
that all information in the module be covered to some degree, as time permits, to accommodate groups with varied needs
and interests. Even participants knowledgeable in a particular subject matter have indicated that they learned something
new when the information was covered in a Money Smart module.
You may choose to administer the post-test and have participants complete the What Do You Know? and module
evaluation forms at the end of each module to assess what the audience has learned and determine if you have presented
the material effectively. This information may also help you tailor the content for future trainings.
Layering Table
Each module includes a matrix of the material to help you tailor the modules. This matrix, or Layering Table, is located at
the beginning of each Instructor Guide and delineates the module’s topics. The matrix will assist you in presenting
material responsive to the needs of your target audience within the suggested timeframes.
Conducting Activities
Instructions for all module activities are included in the Instructor Guides. Speak clearly and slowly when presenting the
objectives of an activity and giving instructions. Make sure to define important terms and concepts and, when possible,
demonstrate activities or provide examples for the participants. Also, periodically ask if there are any questions.
Interaction among participants contributes to a successful learning experience, so provide opportunities for participants to
exchange information and encounter different perspectives. Ask questions about how the participants reached their
conclusions. Avoid becoming redundant or repetitive by asking the next group to report findings that are different from
the previous group’s findings, or by asking groups to respond to different questions. Call on different individuals or
groups to provide responses. Encourage participants with different experience levels and perspectives to contribute their
observations. Acknowledge correct responses and provide alternative approaches if incomplete or inaccurate responses
are given.
Facilitating Discussions
Informative discussions and the exchange of information among instructors and participants are key to the success of this
course. Your role as an instructor is to elicit comments from the participants while maintaining the focus of the discussion.
The following tips may be useful when you are leading group discussions:
Paraphrase what someone has said so the participant will know he or she has been understood, and to ensure the
rest of the class hears the comment.
Compliment participants on interesting or insightful comments.
Use open-ended questions that require more than one-word answers (e.g., “Why did you decide to get a credit
Mediate differences of opinions, and pull ideas together showing their relationship to one another.
Summarize (and record on chart paper if appropriate) the major views of the group.
It is helpful to practice using visual aids before delivering the actual presentation. All visual aids should be free of
grammatical errors and clutter. When presenting visual aids, describe the content and add a few anecdotes or meaningful
details. Visual aids should not be read verbatim. Remember that visual aids enhance learning.
Visual learners are those who learn best by seeing how things are done. They typically:
Like to see the instructor’s body language and facial expression to fully understand the content presented.
Prefer to sit toward the front of the room to avoid visual obstructions (e.g., people’s heads)
Think visually (e.g., pictures) and learn best from diagrams, illustrations, PowerPoint slides, videos, flipcharts,
and handouts.
Money Smart for Adults Curriculum Page 11 of 16
Guide to Presenting Money Smart
Auditory learners are those who learn best by listening or hearing instructions. They typically:
Are affective learners; that is, they tend to be more intuitive than rational
Have to feel the learning experience
Like to get involved with others and share ideas and information
Like thinking out loud about what they are learning
Learn best from exercises that allow them to share the experiences with each other; and from lectures and audio
Tactile/kinesthetic learners are those who learn best by doing. They typically:
Like to experiment, handle materials, manipulate or assemble parts, and complete writing or drawing activities
Dislike conventional educational approaches
Become bored with lectures, presentations, or anything that does not allow them to be physically active
Learn best from hands-on training and physically active exercises
Prefer role plays, physical games, and activities
For people with disabilities, discrimination often also takes the form of inaccessible facilities that make it impossible for
them to gain access to or participate in “standard” activities. For example, stairs leading to the only entrance into a
building prohibit entry by a person who uses a wheelchair.
A version of the Money Smart curriculum (adult version) for visually impaired individuals is available through your FDIC
Community Affairs Officer.
Qualified individuals with disabilities cannot be denied participation simply because of their disability. You can limit
participation in your course to individuals who meet some general criteria (e.g., being over the age of 62 or unemployed),
but if an individual qualifies on those grounds he or she may not be denied participation because of a disability.
Physical Access
When deciding where to hold the Money Smart class, look for a location that is accessible for people who use wheelchairs
or scooters, or who have other difficulties walking or climbing stairs. People with mobility limitations need to be able to
access the building without using steps or crossing over a high object. A sign should be posted indicating the location of
the closest accessible entrance if the main entrance is not accessible. Classes should be held on the upper floors of a
building only if they can be reached by an elevator. The building should also have at least one accessible restroom.
Other physical access issues to consider in determining the location of the Money Smart classrooms are: clearly marked
accessible parking spaces located close to the accessible entrance, Braille signage on the elevator call buttons and on the
buttons inside the cab, and raised letters and Braille signage identifying the restrooms. The elevators should also have
chimes or a recorded voice indicating the different floors.
In the classroom itself, check to be sure that there is at least 32 inches of clear space in the aisles and along the edges of
the seating area. This is how much space a person using a wheelchair needs to move freely around the room. If you are
using individual desks and chairs and a person who uses a wheelchair enters the room, ask that person if you should move
one of the desks, or if he or she prefers to transfer from the wheelchair to the desk chair. Always ask; never assume.
People with a disability know what works best for them.
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Guide to Presenting Money Smart
Similarly, if the room is arranged like a classroom with long tables and individual chairs, ask the person in the wheelchair
if he or she wants to transfer to a chair or if you should remove one of the chairs. With classroom-style seating, it is
always a good idea to remove one or two of the chairs from the ends of rows in different areas of the room before the class
starts. This allows persons using wheelchairs or scooters a choice of seating arrangements—the same way that others in
the class have a choice of where they want to sit.
Effective Communication
Some individuals have disabilities that affect their ability to communicate. For example, people who are blind or have low
vision, or people who are deaf or hearing impaired. Other disabilities that affect communication include cognitive or
learning disabilities that impact the ability to read. People who have cognitive disabilities or learning disabilities may have
difficulty reading written material.
The ADA requires private and public entities to communicate effectively with individuals with disabilities. The obligation
to communicate effectively applies to the presentation and exchange of information in all forms, including: sound, print,
graphics, and speech.
The law states that people with communication disabilities are entitled to appropriate “aids and services where necessary
to ensure effective communications.” With respect to the Money Smart courses, these aids and services could include:
Obtaining a version of Money Smart for individuals who are visually impaired from your FDIC Community
Affairs Officer
Assisting someone with cognitive or learning disabilities by reading aloud the pre- and post-tests
Helping someone with a disability write their answers to the assessments and activities
Making sure not to turn your back on someone who is lip reading
Wearing a lapel microphone, or using a handheld microphone to amplify what is being said for persons who use
hearing aids or auxiliary listening devices
Making sure that any videos used in class are captioned for persons who are deaf and ensuring that written
material presented on screen is read aloud, either by the narrator on the video or by the course instructor
Sometimes communication assistance can include providing a sign language interpreter, on request, if doing so does not
result in an undue burden. Undue burden is defined in the ADA as “significant difficulty or expense.” Even if providing a
sign language interpreter or some other type of communication assistance is an undue burden, you still are expected, if at
all feasible, to provide some other type of assistance (e.g., a copy of the Instructor Guide so that a person who is deaf or
hard of hearing can follow along as the class is taught).
Some people with visual disabilities have difficulty reading standard-size text or viewing materials projected on a screen.
Copies of the slides for each module can be printed out and given to these individuals to use as you present the course
content. Similarly, handouts used during the course can sometimes be difficult for people who have difficulty using their
hands and fingers (e.g., due to cerebral palsy, severe arthritis, or spinal cord injury). If the pages are enclosed in clear
plastic file folders, people with small motor impairments can handle them more easily.
Other people may have difficulty hearing what you are saying. Allow individuals who read lips to sit in the front where
they can have an unobstructed view of your face. Make sure that you continue to face these individuals throughout the
presentation. Keep your Instructor Guide open to the individual slides; or better still, print out a copy of the PowerPoint
slides so that you can read the text on the slides without turning your head away from the person who has the hearing
impairment. When there is class discussion or when someone asks a question, repeat what has been said so that the person
lip reading can be part of the discussion.
Some individuals with significant speech disabilities use an augmentative communication device that produces
synthesized speech. They must use a keyboard to key in what they want to say (e.g., when they want to ask a question or
contribute to the class discussion). This may take a few moments; therefore, you should acknowledge their intention to
speak by saying something like, “Mr. Jones, we will come back to you (or please let us know) when you are ready to
share.” Then be certain that you go back to the individual as soon as they have finished keying in their comment or
question. (Note: Most keyboards make a small beep as each word or phrase is keyed in.) However, during an interaction
between the person with the disability and another individual, etiquette demands that you wait respectfully until the
comments are keyed in and played, just as you would wait for someone who stutters or stammers, or for whom English is
a second language to choose and utter the appropriate words.
2. Offer to shake hands with people who have a disability. It is appropriate. People with limited hand use or who
wear an artificial limb can usually shake hands. Shaking hands with the left hand is an acceptable greeting.
3. Identify yourself and others who may be with you when meeting a person who is visually impaired. Also, identify
the person to whom you are speaking when conversing in a group.
4. Do not be afraid to ask questions when you are unsure of what to do. If you offer assistance, wait until the offer is
accepted. Then listen to or ask for instructions.
5. Treat people humanely. Address people who have disabilities by their first names only when extending the same
familiarity to all others. Never patronize people who use wheelchairs by patting them on the head or shoulder.
6. Never lean or hang on to a person’s wheelchair. This is similar to leaning or hanging on to a person. The chair is
part of the personal body space of the person who uses it.
7. Listen attentively when you are talking to a person who has difficulty speaking. Be patient and wait for the person
to finish, rather than correcting or speaking for the person. If necessary, ask short questions that require short
answers, a nod, or a shake of the head. Never pretend to understand if you are having difficulty doing so. Instead,
repeat what you have understood and allow the person to respond. The response will clue you in and guide your
8. Place yourself at eye level in front of the person to facilitate the conversation when speaking with a person who
uses a wheelchair or a person who uses crutches.
9. Tap a person with a hearing impairment on the shoulder or wave your hand to get their attention. Look directly at
the person and speak clearly, slowly, and expressively to determine if the person can read your lips. Not all people
who are deaf can read lips. For those who read lips, be sensitive to their needs by placing yourself so that you face
the light source, and keep hands, cigarettes, and food away from your mouth when speaking.
10. Relax. Do not be embarrassed if you happen to use accepted, common expressions (e.g., “See you later,” or “Did
you hear about that?”) that may relate to a person’s disability.