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Chapter 9 Estimation

After studying this chapter you should

appreciate the importance of random sampling;

understand the Central Limit Theorem;

understand the concept of estimation from samples;

be able to determine unbiased estimates of the variance;

be able to find a confidence interval for the mean, .



How will 'first time' voters cast their votes in a general election?
How do they differ from older voters?
Which issues concern them most?
Before these questions are considered it is worth noting a few
ideas about statistics itself.
Firstly, if everyone was the same, there would be no need for
statistics or statisticians; you could find out everything you
needed to know from one person (or one event or one result).
Statistics involves the study of variability so that estimates and
predictions can be made in complex situations where there is no
certain answer. The quality and usefulness of these predictions
depend entirely on the quality of the data upon which they are

Activity 1
Consider again the three questions above.
Talk with other people in your group and decide:
(a) Which groups of people are referred to in the questions?
(b) How can each target group be defined? (i.e. How can you
decide whether a person belongs to either group or not?)
(c) How can the information be obtained?
(d) Is it feasible to obtain information from all members of a
(e) Why might taking a sample/samples be a good idea?

Chapter 9 Estimation

(f) Could a sample survey possibly give better quality

information than a census of the whole population?


Sampling methods

Methods of sampling have already been considered in Chapter 2;

some of them will be revised here. You will need the 'fish' sheet
from Section 7.2 (p135).

Activity 2

Finding the mean by sampling

A : non random samples

(a) Select a sample of 5 fish which you think are representative.
(b) Measure the length of each fish in your sample (in mm).
(c) Calculate the mean length of the 5 fish in your sample and
record your result.
(d) Repeat this for two more samples.
(e) Collect the results for everyone in your class and record them
on a stem and leaf diagram (or frequency table).
B : random samples
Note that the fish are numbered from 1 to 57.
Use 2-figure random numbers from a random number table,
calculator or computer to select a sample of 5 fish from the
population. The method is described here. For 3-figure random
numbers from a calculator, decide in advance whether you will
use the first two digits, the last two digits, or the first and last.
Some of your 2-figure numbers will be larger than 57. These can
be ignored without affecting the fairness of the selection process.
Here is an example showing a line of random numbers from a








The fish selected are numbered






Note that you must use random numbers consecutively from the
table after making a random start. You may not move about at
will selecting numbers from different parts of the table.

Chapter 9 Estimation

Measure the lengths of these 5 fish as before.

Find the mean length of your sample.
Collect together sample means from all the students in your
group. Display your results on a stem and leaf diagram.

Comparing sets of sample means

Compare the two stem and leaf diagrams for your sample means.
What do you notice?

Activity 3

Analysing the results

Answer the following questions with reference to your two sets

of results from Activity 2. Firstly, though, measure the lengths
of all fish on the sheet and find the true population mean, .
(a) How close were your results to the true population mean?
(b) How many samples under estimated ?
(c) How many samples over estimated ?
(d) Is either of your two sets of samples biased?

To clarify your ideas, precise definitions will now be given.
A population is the set of all elements of interest for a
particular study. Quantities such as the population mean are
known as population parameters.
A sample is a subset of the population selected to represent the
whole population. Quantities such as the sample mean x are
known as sample statistics and are estimates of the
corresponding population parameters.
Random sample
A random sample is a sample in which each member of the
population has an equal chance of being selected. Random
samples generate unbiased estimates of the population mean,
whereas non-random samples may not be unbiased. Also, the
variability within random samples can be mathematically
predicted (as the next section will show).

Chapter 9 Estimation


Sample size

The next experiment will consider the significance of the sample

size. As the sample gets larger, so the estimate of the sample
mean should become closer to the true population mean.

Activity 4

Selecting your samples

In this experiment you will need a table of random numbers or a

calculator or computer to generate random numbers.
(a) Select a sample consisting of five single-digit random
numbers (taking them consecutively from the random
number table after making a random start). If you are using
a computer or random number tables you require singledigit random numbers, so use each digit, one at a time.
Treat three- figure random numbers from a calculator as
three single numbers for your sample.
(b) Record these values together with their mean.
(c) Repeat this for four more samples (continuing to use
consecutive random numbers).
(d) Now repeat the procedure for five samples each consisting
of ten single-digit random numbers. Record your results
together with their mean.
(e) Collect together the class results for means of samples of
size n = 5 and n = 10 separately.
(f) Calculate the means of your two groups of sample means,
and also the variances. Enter the values of x obtained for
samples of size n = 5 into your calculator. Use the
statistical functions to find x , the mean of the sample
means, and its standard deviation n . Square this second
result to find the variance of the x 's.
Repeat for samples of size n = 10.
(g) Which group of sample means is more variable?
Before any further analysis or discussion can be undertaken, the
population mean and variance must be known.


The population of single-digit random numbers is theoretically

infinite and consists of the numbers 0 to 9. These occur with
equal probabilities and form a discrete uniform distribution,
which you have already met in Chapter 4.

What is the value of p( x ) for x = 0, 1, ..., 9 ?



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9x

Chapter 9 Estimation

Activity 5

Exploring population parameters

(a) Use the formulae

= x p( x ) , 2 = x 2 p( x ) 2
to find the mean and variance of the population of singledigit random numbers.
(b) Do your class distributions for x ( n = 5 and n = 10 ) appear
to be uniform distributions?
How would you describe them?
(c) Do any values of x appear to be more likely than others?
(d) Compare the mean of x with the population mean for
n = 5 and n = 10.
(e) For samples of size n = 5, compare the variance of x with
the population variance.
Is it close to 8.25 5?
(f) For samples of size n = 10, compare the variance of x with
the population variance.
Is it close to 8.25 10 ?


The distribution of X

Consider the idea of taking samples from a population. If it is a

large population, it is possible (but perhaps not practical) to
take a large number of samples, all of the same size from that
population. For each sample, the mean x can be calculated.
The value of x will vary from sample to sample and, as a
result, is itself a random variable having its own distribution.
The value of the mean from any one sample is known as x . If
the distribution of all the possible values of the sample means is
considered, this theoretical distribution is known as the
distribution of X.
So X itself is a random variable which takes different values
for different random samples selected from a population.
In general, sample means are usually less variable though, than
individual values. This is because, within a sample of size
n = 10, say, large and small values in the sample tend to cancel
each other out when x is calculated. In the example in the last
section, even in a sample of ten random digits, x is unlikely to
take a value greater than 7 or less than 2. Larger samples will
generate values of X which are even more restricted in range
(less variable).

Chapter 9 Estimation

There is an inverse relationship between the size of the samples

and the variance of X . Also, the distribution of X tends to be a
peaked distribution (with mean and mode at ) which
approaches a normal distribution for large samples.

The Central Limit Theorem

The Central Limit Theorem describes the distribution of X if all
possible random samples (of a given size) are selected from a
population. The following results hold.

The mean of all possible sample means is the population

mean; i.e.

( )

E X =

The variance of the sample means is the population

variance divided by the sample size

( )

V X =


As n increases, the variance of X decreases and as n

( )

V X 0.

If all possible values of X are calculated for a given sample

size n 30 a normal distribution is formed irrespective of
the distribution of the original population: i.e. for n 30
X ~ N ,

Note that these results are true only for random samples. For
non -random samples you cannot make predictions in terms of
mean, variance or distribution of X .

Activity 6

Computer follow up

Use a computer package to investigate the distribution of X for

random samples
(a) of different size, n;
(b) selected from different populations.


Chapter 9 Estimation


Identifying unusual samples

Afzal believes that the packets of crisps in the school tuck-shop

are underweight. He takes a sample of ten packets of salt and
vinegar crisps and finds their mean weight is 24.6 g. As the
weight stated on the packets is 25 g, he writes to the
manufacturer to complain. He receives the following reply :
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your letter of 5th July. We do share
your concern over the weight of crisps in our packets
of salt and vinegar crisps.
Over a period of time, we have found that the
standard deviation of the weights of individual
packets is a little below 1 g. For this reason we
believe that your sample mean weight of 24.6 g
comes well within the normal limits of acceptability.
Yours faithfully,

Does this reply give a valid argument?

The Central Limit Theorem can be used in practical situations
like this to identify unusual samples, which are not typical of
the population from which they have been selected.
For a given size of sample, the distribution of all possible
sample means forms a normal distribution. The mean of this
distribution is (the overall population mean) and the variance

Referring to normal distribution tables, 95% of any normal
distribution lies between z = 1.96 and z = +1.96. So for a
particular sample size n, 95% of all sample means should lie
within 1.96 times the standard error each side of .

95% of
all sample


+ 1.96

Distribution of all possible sample

means for random samples of size n

A sample mean outside this range may, in general, be :

(a) a genuine 'freak' result; after all, 5% of random samples do
give means outside these limits;
(b) a result from a random sample selected from a different
(c) a sample selected from the population specified but not a
random sample (e.g. a high proportion of children with
above average IQs due to school selection procedures).

Chapter 9 Estimation

A survey of adults aged 16-64 living in Great Britain, by the
Office of Population Censuses and Surveys (OPCS), found that
adult females had a mean height of 160.9 cm with standard
deviation of
6 cm.
A sample of fifty female students is found to have a mean height
of 162 cm. Are their heights typical of the general population?
The population mean is given by

= 160.9 cm.
Since the sample size is n = 50 , the standard error is given by


= 0.849.

Thus the range of values for 95% of all sample means ( n = 50 ) is

160.9 (1.96 0.849) x 160.9 + (1.96 0.849)

160.9 1.66 x 160.9 + 1.66

So 95% of all x should lie in the range 159.24 x 162.56 .

You can see that the sample mean of 162 cm obtained from the
fifty students is within the range of typical values for x . So
there is no evidence to suggest that this sample is not typical of
the population in terms of height.

95% of


162.56 x

These ideas can be used to identify unusual sample means for

large ( n 30 ) random samples selected from any population, or
for small samples selected from a normal population provided
the value of the population variance is known.

Exercise 9A
1. IQ (Intelligence Quotient) scores are measured
on a test which is constructed to give individual
scores forming a normal distribution with a mean
of 100 points and standard deviation of 15 points.
A random sample of 10 students achieves a mean
IQ score of 110 points. Is this sample typical of
the general population?


2. A large group of female students is found to have a

mean pulse rate (resting) of 75 beats per minute
and standard deviation of 12 beats.
Later, a class of 30 students is found to have a
mean pulse rate of 82 beats per minute. What are
your conclusions?

Chapter 9 Estimation

3. Over the summer months, samples of adult

specimens of freshwater shrimps are taken from
a slow moving stream. Their lengths are
measured and found to have a mean of 39 mm
and standard deviation of 5.3 mm. During the
winter, a small sample of 10 shrimps is found to
have a mean length of 41 mm.

4. Re-read the crisps problem at the beginning of

this section. Do you agree with Afzal or do you
agree with the manufacturers? Would it help
Afzal to take a larger sample?

(a) Have the shrimps continued growing in the

colder weather?
(b) What assumptions have you had to make in
order to answer the question?


Confidence intervals

In many situations the value of , the population mean, may not

be known for the variable being measured.
Is it possible to estimate the value of in such cases?
The best estimate of is the value of x obtained from a
random sample. As the estimate consists of a single value, x , it
is referred to as a point estimate. (Other less reliable point
estimates can be obtained from the sample median or midrange.) The sample mean x is an unbiased estimator for ,
but even so, the value of x obtained from any particular random
sample is unlikely to give the exact value of . In fact, as an
unbiased estimator, half the values of x will under estimate
, while half will give over estimates.
In order to 'hedge our bets' a range of values may be given
which should include the value of . This is called an interval
estimate or confidence interval.
The ideas introduced in earlier sections can be used to construct
such an interval estimate.

Population variance known

sample value
of x

The distribution of all possible sample means, X, forms a

normal distribution, with a mean , at the true population mean.
(The variance of this distribution is

95% of

and decreases for larger

sized samples.)


In reality, you are unlikely to know and all you have is one
sample result x . (Now x could lie anywhere in the distribution
as shown in the diagram opposite.)

Distribution of all possible

values of x obtained from x 1.96
random samples of size n.

+ 1.96

(not actually
x + 1.96


Chapter 9 Estimation

In order to estimate , a range of values can be taken around x

which hopefully will include the true value of .
The 95% confidence interval for is found by taking a range
of 1.96 times the standard error either side of x ; that is

x 1.96

, x + 1.96


Providing x lies within the central 95% of the distribution of all

possible sample means, the confidence interval will include .
This will happen for 95 random samples out of 100. If the
sample is a 'freak' sample and the sample value of x lies at one
of the extreme ends of the distribution, the confidence interval
will not include . This will happen for only 5 random samples
(roughly) out of every 100.
If this margin of error is to be reduced a wider interval (which
will include for, say, 99 samples out of 100) can be
constructed. This is called a 99% confidence interval.

What values of the standard variable z trap 99% of the

Tables of the normal distribution give z = 2.58 to give 0.5% of
the distribution in each tail.

, the range of values for which

99% of all sample means should lie is
Since the standard error is

x 2.58

, x + 2.58


This gives the required confidence interval.

For 1 sample in every 100 the confidence interval will not
include .
For other confidence intervals, e.g. 90%, 98%, you can look up
the appropriate z value in the normal distribution tables.

A random sample of 100 men is taken and their mean height is
found to be 180 cm. The population variance 2 = 49 cm 2 .
Find the 95% confidence interval for , the mean height of the

Chapter 9 Estimation


Lower limit = x 1.96

upper limit = x + 1.96

when the standard error is given by



= 0. 7

Hence the 95% confidence interval for is given by

= (180 1.96 0. 7) cm
= (180 1.37) cm.
So should lie between 178.63 and 181.37.
It should be noted at this stage that a parameter is a measure of
a population, e.g. the population mean , or population
variances, etc.; whilst a statistic is a similar measure taken from
a sample, e.g. the sample mean x.
So a statistic is an estimator of a parameter. When investigating
a practical problem, it is unlikely that information concerning all
the items in a given population will be available. Knowledge will
normally be limited to one sample, from which tentative
conclusions may be drawn concerning the whole population from
which the sample is taken. The larger the sample, the greater the
confidence in the estimation.

Activity 7
The lifetimes of 10 light bulbs were observed (in hours) as
1052 1271 836


1019 1051 512

1027 1219 1040

Assuming that the standard deviation for light bulbs of this type
is 80 hours,
(a) find the 95% confidence interval for the mean lifetime of
this type of bulb;
(b) find the % of the confidence interval that has a total range
of 80 hours;
(c) determine the sample size, n, needed to restrict the range of
the 95% confidence interval to 50 hours.


Chapter 9 Estimation

Population variance unknown

If the population variance is unknown and a large sample is taken,
then the variance must be established from the sample itself. If s 2
is the sample variance, the best estimate for the population
variance is given by

ns 2
2 =
( n 1)

(this is derived in the text Further Statistics)

n 1
x2 x 2

( n 1) n

x2 n x 2 .
( n 1)

[This quantity is shown on calculators as n 1 or sn 1 . ]

This result is used in the next example.

A user of a certain gauge of steel wire suspects that its breaking
strength, in newtons (N), is different from that specified by the
manufacturer. Consequently the user tests the breaking strength,
x N, of each of a random sample of nine lengths of wire and
obtains the following ordered results.
72.2 72.9 73.4 73.8 74.1 74.5 74.8 75.3 75.9

[ x = 666.9

x 2 = 49 428.25 .

Calculate the mean and the variance of the sample values.

Hence calculate a 95% confidence interval for the mean breaking
Comment upon the manufacturer's claims that the breaking
strength of the wire has a mean of 75.
For the sample,

= 74.1

mean =


Chapter 9 Estimation

x2 x 2
( 74.1)

variance =

The estimate of the population variance is given by

2 =

( n 1)


= 1.370 .


The 95% confidence interval is now given by

x 1.96

, x + 1.96


74.1 1.96

( 73.34 , 74.86).

, 74.1 + 1.96


So the manufacturer's claim of a mean of 75 N is unlikely to be

true since it is not included in the 95% confidence interval.


Miscellaneous Exercises

1. A sample of size 250 has mean 57.1 and standard

deviation 11.8
(a) Find the standard error of the mean.
(b) Give 95% confidence limits for the mean of
the population.
2. A company making cans for lemonade wishes to
print 'Average contents x ml' on their cans, and
to be 99% confident that the true mean volume is
greater than x ml. The volume of lemonade in a
can is known to have a standard deviation of
3.2 ml, and a random sample of 50 cans
contained a mean volume of 503.6 ml.
What volume of x should be stated?
3. Butter is sold in packs marked as salted or
unsalted and the masses of the packs of both
types of butter are known to be normally
distributed. The mean mass of the salted packs
of butter is 225.38 g and the standard deviation
for both packs is 8.45 g.

A sample of 12 of the unsalted packs of butter

had masses, measured to the nearest gram, as
219 226 217 224 223 216 221 228 215 229 225 229

Find a 95% confidence interval for the mean

mass of unsalted packs of butter.
Calculate limits between which 90% of the
masses of salted packs of butter will lie.
Estimate the size of sample which should be
taken in order to be 95% sure that the sample
mean of the masses of salted packs does not
differ from the true mean by more than 3 g.
State, giving a reason, whether or not you would
use the same sample size to be 95% sure of the
same accuracy when sampling unsalted packs of


Chapter 9 Estimation

4. The lengths of a sample of 100 rods produced by

a machine are given below.
Length (cm) 5.60-5.62 5.62-5.64 5.64-5.66 5.66-5.68 5.68-5.70 5.70-5.72 5.72-5.74 5.74-5.76 5.76-5.78 5.78-5.80
Number of

Find the mean and standard deviation of the

lengths in this sample.
Estimate the standard error of the mean, and give
95% confidence limits for the true mean
length, , of rods produced by the machine.
Explain carefully the meaning of these
confidence limits.
By taking a larger sample, the manufacturers
wish to find 95% confidence limits for which
differ by less than 0.004 cm. Find the smallest
sample size needed to do this.
5. A piece of apparatus used by a chemist to
determine the weight of impurity in a chemical is
known to give readings that are approximately
normally distributed with a standard deviation of
3.2 mg per 100 g of chemical.
(a) In order to estimate the amount of impurity in
a certain batch of the chemical, the chemist
takes 12 samples, each of 100 g, from the
batch and measures the weight of impurity in
each sample. The results obtained in
mg/100 g are as follows:

3.4 13.7 8.6

11.6 8.9







(i) Find 95% central confidence limits for

the mean weight of impurity present in a
100 g unit from the batch.
(ii) The chemist calculated a 95% confidence
interval for the mean weight of impurity
in 100 g units from the batch. The
interval was of the form < mean .
Find the value of .
Suggest why the chemist might prefer to
use the value rather than the limits in
(iii)Calculate an interval within which
approximately 90% of the measured
weights of impurity of 100 g units from
the batch will lie.
(b) Estimate how many samples of 100 g the
scientist should take in order to be 95%
confident that an estimate of the mean weight
of impurity per 100 g is within 1.5 mg of the
true value.






6. Experimental components for use in aircraft

engines were tested to destruction under extreme
conditions. The survival times, X days, of ten
components were as follows:
207 381 111 673 234 294 897 144 418 554

(a) Calculate the arithmetic mean and the

standard deviation of the data.
(b) Assuming that the survival time, under these
conditions, for all the experimental
components is normally distributed with
standard deviation 240 days, calculate a 90%
confidence interval for the mean of X.
7. A company manufactures bars of soap. The bars
of soap are either pink or white in colour and
differently shaped according to colour. The
masses of both types of soap are known to be
normally distributed, the mean mass of the white
bars being 176.2 g. The standard deviation for
both bars is 6.46 g. A sample of 12 of the pink
bars of soap had masses, measured to the nearest
gram, as follows.
174 164 182 169 171 187
176 177 168 171 180 175
Find a 95% confidence interval for the mean
mass of pink bars of soap.
Calculate also an interval within which
approximately 90% of the masses of the white
bars of soap will lie.
The cost of manufacturing a pink bar of soap of
mass x g is (15 + 0.065x ) p and it is sold for 32p.
If the company manufactures 9000 bars of pink
soap per week, derive a 95% confidence interval
for its weekly expected profit from pink bars of
8. Sugar produced by a company is classified as
granulated or caster and the masses of the bags
of both types are known to be normally
distributed. The mean of the masses of bags of
granulated sugar is 1022.51 g and the standard
deviation for both types of sugar is 8.21 g.
Calculate an interval within which 90% of the
masses of bags of granulated sugar will lie.
A sample of 10 bags of caster sugar had masses,
measured to the nearest gram, as follows.

Chapter 9 Estimation

1062 1008 1027 1031 1011

1007 1072 1036 1029 1041

To produce a bag of caster sugar of mass x g

costs, in pence,

(32 + 0.023x )
Find a 99% confidence interval for the mean
mass of bags of caster sugar. Find a 99%
confidence interval for the mean mass of bags of
caster sugar.

and it is sold for 65p.

If the company produces 10 000 bags of caster
sugar per day, derive a 99% confidence interval
for its daily profit from caster sugar.


Chapter 9 Estimation


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