The Star of Kazan
The Star of Kazan
The Star of Kazan
chairs. Before Annikas mother had come to fetch her, Annika had read to an
old lady in Vienna. The lady was a famous actress when she was younger, and
told Annika about all of her riches, and fame. The lady soon became poor, when
she was too old to act, and had spent all of her money. When she was in
France, she sold all of her jewels to a generous hunch-back that had fallen in
love with her. He made her fake jewels that looked identical to the ones she
sold him. When the lady died, she left the trunk with all of her costumes and
fake jewels to Annika. It turned out, that the hunch-back had loved her so
much, that he had paid her millions of dollars for the jewels, but didnt make
her fake ones. He just said he did, but actually gave them back. Annika didnt
even know the trunk was left to her. Her mother did, though, and found out
that they were actually real jewels. So, one day, Annika, and a thirteen year
old boy, named Zed, who worked in the von Tannenberg stables, were walking
along the lake. A small leather case that had been in the old ladies trunk was
washed up along the shore. While this was going on, Annikas mother had been
coming home with riches, and expensive gifts. She said that she had inherited
this money from her godfather who had passed away. She sends Annika, to a
boarding school, Annika hated it. One of the professors, and Stephan, one of
Annikas best friends, tried to rescue her. They said that they had come to
perform for the students, with one of the professors big harps. The head
mistress found out that they were impostors, just as they were ready to leave,
because they had found Annika. She was coming up the stairs, and the huge
harp fell on top of her. They escaped, and so did many other students. Annika
had found out by her mother that the old ladies trunk was left to her. Though,
Annikas mother had said it had never come. Annika told her about the old
ladies case, in the lake. Annikas mother accused Zed, and he had run away to
where the gypsys were, for his mother was one. On the way, he stopped of in
Vienna. Now, both Annika and Zed were in Vienna, Annika showed Zed many
places. Ellie and Sigrid had sent a letter to Annikas mother, telling her that
they had Annika. So, she also came to Vienna. Annika decided to ask her
mother the truth, she was sure the truth would make her feel a lot better. So
she made her way, to her mothers hotel. Annika got it out of her mother, and
her mother explained that Annikas father gambled all of their familys money,
and then fled to America. Her mother explained that she wanted the best for
her daughter, at Spittal, so, yes; Annikas mother did steal the trunk. Annika
forgave her mother, and decided to go back to Spittal with her, and told
everyone else. They were all shocked at the fact that Annika didnt even tell
the police, after all, she did steal from her own daughter, but Annika pointed
out the fact that it was her mother. Who would tell the police on their mother?
Then on the way back to Spittal, Pauline, Annikas friend, realizes that Annika
is in danger, between life and death. Pauline, Stephan, Zed and a neighbour
with a motor car, Herr Egghart, drove as fast as they could to the dock, but it
was too late. The ship had taken off. Annika saw them all, yelling she is not
your mother! Frau von Tannenberg had tricked them in thinking that Annika
was her daughter for wealth and money, from the jewels. So Annika climbed
down the ladder, and jumped off the boat. She had dreaded Spittal, and her
mother. So she wasnt disappointed at all to find out that she wasnt her
mother. Now she could start her dreams all over again, the way she did before.
So Annika lived happily in Vienna, the way she did before, but now also with
I enjoyed reading this book, because it was very suspenseful, and stated every
detail perfectly. It was very exciting, because just when you think that
everything is back to normal, something happens again, whether it is good or
bad. Thank you for reading my report on The Star of Kazan. I hope you
enjoyed reading it. They call the book The Star of Kazan because it was the
old ladys biggest and most expensive gemstone that she had in her chest.
Author: Eva Ibbotson