Dr. Hordinsky's Obituatiary

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Toronto professionals elect Ciupka

by Andrij Wynnyckyj
Toronto Press Bureau
TORONTO - The Toronto chapter of
the Ukrainian Canadian Professional and
Business Association held a general
meeting on June 6, at which it elected an
executive for the next two years, headed
by Gregory Ciupka as president.
In his acceptance speech, Mr. Ciupka,
formerly the association's treasurer,
pledged to increase the UCPBA's membership rolls from just under 400 to
1,000 by the end of his term. The president-elect said the organization no longer
needed to prove its relevance, that it had
arrived in the mainstream of Ukrainian
community life in Toronto and that it
was ready to make its presence felt on
the Canadian scene.
The latter is certainly true in terms of
the national UCPBA. At its convention
in Montreal, to be held June 29-July 2,
the past p r e s i d e n t of the T o r o n t o
UCPBA, Raya Shadursky, will be running for the position of national president.
About 50 people (whose average age

was in the late 30s) attended the meeting,

held at the Ukrainian Canadian Art
Foundation in the Bloor West Village.
O u t g o i n g T o r o n t o chief Roman
Dubczak inadvertently alluded to the
community's relatively unchanging leadership as he reviewed his tenure, saying
"[the community] doesn't often allow
someone with as little experience as
myself to run an organization as important as ours." Amid general laughter, he
added, "I didn' t mean that as a shot
against the community, but take it as you
Mr. Dubczak said his two-year presidency was "very rewarding." He was
particularly pleased with the UCPBA's
move into the business field. "This is a
new role, opened up by various opportunities in Ukraine, and it's a role we
should focus on in the coming years," he
The outgoin g p r e s i d e n t said his
"coach's picks" or highlights of the year
included the President's Award, which
went to Gerald Fedchuk of ITT Canada
(Continued on page 20)

Ukrainian victims recalled at Ehenzee

SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 1995

No. 26


The Rt. Rev. Semen Izyk, Winnipeg editor

by Christopher Guly
O T T A W A - The Rt. Rev. Semen
Izyk, a survivor of the Bergen-Belsen
camp during the second world war who
went on to edit a Ukrainian-English
weekly newspaper and host popular television and radio programs in Winnipeg,
died in Winnipeg on June 9. He was 82.
Recently profiled in "Canada Courier"
in the May 7 issue of The Weekly, the
Ukrainian Catholic priest was diagnosed
with cancer of the colon in March. His
illness prevented him from attending a
May 31 testimonial dinner in his honor,
hosted by the Osvita Foundation and the
M a n i t o b a Parent s for Ukrainia n
Education organization.
The Rt. Rev. Izyk was born in the village
of Vysotsko-Nyzhne, Turka county, in the
Ukrainian region of Boykivshchyna on
March 17, 1913. His parents, Ivan and
Kateryna, were ardent Ukrainian nationalThe Rt. Rev. Semen Izyk
ists and were sent to Siberia by the Soviets,
where they later died. The Rt. Rev. Izyk
Izyk emigrated to Canada on October 19,
almost experienced a similar destiny.
1947, settling in Manitoba; he became a
After completing studies of theology
Canadian citizen in 1956.
at the seminary in Peremyshl, he was
Small in stature and bespectacled, the
ordained to the priesthood in 1940 in # cleric divided his career between the
Yaroslav by Bishop Hryhoriy Lakota. He media and parish work. He amassed long
was arrested by the Nazis in 1942 and service in both fields.
spent three years in German concentraHe devoted much time to youth, orgation camps during World War II, includ- nizing Ukrainian studies courses, dance
ing the infamous B u c h e n w a l d and groups and choral ensembles, and pubBergen-Belsen.
lishing a c h i l d r e n ' s m a g a z i n e , Miy
Fifty years ago this past April 15, the Pryiatel (My Friend).
Rt. Rev. Izyk was among the 40,000
From 1950 to 1993, the Rt. Rev. Izyk
prisoners liberated by British soldiers served five parishes in the Archeparchy
when they arrived at Bergen-Belsen.
of Winnipeg. At one of them, Blessed
He spent a c o u p l e of years in a Virgin Mary the Protectress in Rossdale
German displaced persons' camp, where (20 miles north of Winnipeg), he helped
he ministered to the faithful in Hannover,
part of the British zone. The Rt. Rev.
(Continued on page 16)

Bohdan Hordinsky, North Dakota physician

A monument to commemorate those Ukrainians who died in the Nazi concentration camp at Ebenzee in northern Austria during World War II was unveiled on
May 6 during ceremonies marking the 50th anniversary since the war's end.
Among the participants in the commemorations were official Ukrainian and
Austrian delegations. Ukraine's Ambassador to Austria Mykola Makarevych delivered the keynote address and also read a greeting from President Leonid
Kuchma. The monument was built in the Zhytomyr region of Ukraine through the
efforts of the World League of Ukrainian Political Prisoners.

D R A K E , N . D . - Dr. Bohdan Z.
Hordinsky, a physician specializing in
internal medicine and dermatology, died
on April 20. He was 84.
The son of Jarosla v and Helen
(Birczak) H o r d i n s k y , he was born
February 19, 1911, in Kolomyia, western
Ukraine. He grew up in Lviv, where he
graduated from medical school in 1935.
He also studied in Berlin and Vienna,
where he specialized in internal medicine
and dermatology. On June 16, 1938, he
married Irene Tysowsky in Lviv.
During World War II the Hordinsky
family left their home in Lviv and fled to
Vienna. They later moved to the small
city of W e y e r an der E n n s , in the
Austrian Alps. When the war ended they
moved to Salzburg, Austria, where Dr.
Hordinsky headed a United Nations hospital until October 1947.
On Christmas Day, 1947, he and his
family arrived in New York through a
United States program to admit displaced
p e r s o n s . He p r a c t i c e d at St. J a m e s
Hospital in Newark, N.J. In 1949 they
moved to North Dakota, where he served
a one-year internship at Bottineau.
The family then moved to Drake,
N.D., where Dr. Hordinsky practiced
internal medicine and dermatology. Until
recently retiring, Dr. Hordinsky had seen
patients from throughout North Dakota,
as well as many other states and Canada.
Dr. H o r d i n s k y was c o m m i t t e d to
maintaining his medical knowledge at
the highest level. He attended advanced
medical courses and was a member of the
North Dakota Medical Association and
the Ukrainian Medical Association of
North America and was a lifetime member of the American Academy of Family

Dr. Bohdan Z. Hordinsky

Physicians and the American Academy
of Dermatology. He shared his medical
knowledge by lecturing in many countries and publishing in several medical
journals. He gained a reputation as a
compassionate doctor with a remarkable
ability to diagnose ailments.
He is survived by his wife, Irene; one
d a u g h t e r, Dr. Maria H o r d i n s k y Kramarczuk of St. Paul, Minn.; two sons,
Walter Hordinsky of Drake and Dr. Jerry
Hordinsky of Oklahoma City; seven
grandchildren; and one sister, Daria
Karanowycz of Newark, N.J.
The family has requested memorial
donations to the Ukrainian Cultural
Institute, Dickinson State University,
Box 6, Dickinson, ND 58601.

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