Video Worksheet
Video Worksheet
Video Worksheet
Video Worksheet
Life Season 1, Episode 6, Insects
Subject Area: Biology
Grade Level: 9th
Topic: Animal Diversity (Insects)
Title: Life Season 1, Episode 6, Insects
Genre: TV Documentary
Sponsor: BBC Earth
Year: 2009
Source: Netflix
Time: 00:00 30:00
**Watch this episode about insect diversity. During the film you will be
required to answer the first ten fill-in-the-blank and short answer questions
below (just a few words). They will be used as an information resource for the
questions at the end of this worksheet. After the film, work with your
shoulder partner to answer the last 5 short essay questions on a separate
sheet of paper (at least 3-4 sentences per question)**
(00:30) There are more kinds of insects in the world than all other
kinds of animals put together. True or False?
(03:30) Why do the male Darwins beetle need immense jaws? For
(06:30) One of an insects keys to success is that their bodies can take
on an almost infinite variety of shapes.
(07:20) All insects share a similar body design: 6 legs and an armor
covered body.
(11:40 & 13:20) What are two dangers for a female damselfly
specifically when laying her eggs? Predators and Drowning
(16:30) Monarch butterflies do not hibernate. True or False?
(21:00) Alkali flies are some of the only animals capable of surviving
Mono Lake, therefore they have virtually no competitors.
(22:10) What is one special ability the Alkali fly has developed to live
in Mono Lake? Can walk underwater, eats algae, trap air to prevent
drowning, neutralize lethal levels of salt.
(24:50) An oogpister beetle is a predator to ants in south Africa,
hunting them as a food source.
10. (27:15) Some insects have evolved to spray chemicals to defend
themselves against predators.
1.What do you think is the reason for such diversity amongst insects? Explain.
2.In what ways have insects adapted to better fit their environment? (at least 3)
3.How do insects play a role as both consumers and a food source in the biological
world? Provide examples, but feel free to use an example outside of the video.
4.Why do you think insects developed an armored body rather than a skeletal
system? Explain.
5.What benefits do insects have living in colonies? What are the drawbacks?