m5 Signature Assignment - Final Exam

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Josh Miller

CSIS 1030
Denise Jefferson

What can you do with a Computer Science Degree?

Computers are essential to our modern world. Nearly everyone walks around with a
mobile computer in their pocket in the form of their smartphone, but it is easy to take for
granted just how much computers affect our daily lives. Everything from your car (which have
been using some form of basic computer to manage electrical systems since the 80s or earlier)
to traffic lights, paying for your lunch with a card, communication, working, entertainment, the
list is immeasurable and growing. But these systems dont just pop out of nowhere, each one
probably has countless hours of work and time invested by teams of programmers, designers,
engineers, etc. and are constantly updated and improved upon. Earning a degree in computer
science is more than just learning computer skills, it involves using computers to solve
problems, logical thinking, and creating and analyzing algorithms. Earning a computer science
degree will not only teach technical computer skills, but also skills to be applied to every other
aspect of life like problem solving, creativity and adaptability and is regarded as one of the best
majors today.
Computer science (CS) is a growing field that constantly changes and adapts to new
technologies and ideas. As more aspects of our lives and industry become computerized new
jobs and opportunities are created for those with the necessary CS skills, making CS one of the
best fields to go into for earnings potential, job opportunities and above average starting
But what is computer science? When you Google what is computer science the first
result states that computer science is the study of the principles and use of computers. While

this is a good definition, it could be expanded upon. CS covers much more than just
programming, or other aspects that usually come to mind when thought of. Computer science
can be described as a science of problem solving. The field of computer science is continually
growing, as more and more aspects of our lives, our jobs and our industries become digitized or
can be optimized with computers, expanding into fields such as healthcare, business, banking,
industry, etc.
The work of computer scientists falls into three categories: a) designing and
building software; b) developing effective ways to solve computing problems,
such as storing information in databases, sending data over networks or
providing new approaches to security problems; and c) devising new and better
ways of using computers and addressing particular challenges in areas such as
robotics, computer vision, or digital forensics. [1]
The Association for Computing Machinery lists four main career paths in computer

Designing and implementing software

Devising new ways to use computers

Developing effective sways to solve computing problems

Planning and managing organizational technology infrastructure.

The first path will deal mainly with software development, including web and interface design,
security, mobile computing, etc. This is the path the majority of CS majors will take. The second
path refers to innovation in the use of computer technology. The third path deals with using
algorithms to find the best possible solutions to problems. The fourth path is geared towards
information technology (IT) work.
A CS degree is one of the best gateways to many jobs with not only high earnings
potential, but great starting salaries and job demand, with many mid-career jobs earning over
$120,000 annually. [2] Earning a CS degree however doesnt mean that you will spend your
career staring at a screen not speaking to anyone in real life. There are many famous and

extremely successful CS majors including not only programmers and engineers, but comedians,
actors, entrepreneurs, authors and even astronauts! [3]
Computer science is a science of problem solving and innovation. A CS degree can be
the Launchpad to many different careers with huge earning potential and the ability to expand
into virtually any field. Earning a computer science degree is more than just learning to program
and troubleshoot, but is one of the best majors today for earnings potential, job demand and
beginning wages but will also teach invaluable problem solving skills, creative thinking and
being able to adapt to many different situations.

Works cited
1. http://computingcareers.acm.org/?page_id=8
2. http://www.payscale.com/college-salary-report/common-jobs-formajors/computer-science
3. http://www.ranker.com/list/famous-people-who-majored-in-computerscience/reference



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