Students at Fuller GT/AG Elementary are preparing for end-of-grade testing through ELA and math skill review rotations and test preparation. In other subjects, students will study animal research reports, zoo habitats, North Carolina culture through a culture fair project, and animal nutrition. Field trips are planned to the NC Zoo and a science enrichment day. The school requests donations of supplies and reminds parents of homework expectations and upcoming dates.
Students at Fuller GT/AG Elementary are preparing for end-of-grade testing through ELA and math skill review rotations and test preparation. In other subjects, students will study animal research reports, zoo habitats, North Carolina culture through a culture fair project, and animal nutrition. Field trips are planned to the NC Zoo and a science enrichment day. The school requests donations of supplies and reminds parents of homework expectations and upcoming dates.
Students at Fuller GT/AG Elementary are preparing for end-of-grade testing through ELA and math skill review rotations and test preparation. In other subjects, students will study animal research reports, zoo habitats, North Carolina culture through a culture fair project, and animal nutrition. Field trips are planned to the NC Zoo and a science enrichment day. The school requests donations of supplies and reminds parents of homework expectations and upcoming dates.
Students at Fuller GT/AG Elementary are preparing for end-of-grade testing through ELA and math skill review rotations and test preparation. In other subjects, students will study animal research reports, zoo habitats, North Carolina culture through a culture fair project, and animal nutrition. Field trips are planned to the NC Zoo and a science enrichment day. The school requests donations of supplies and reminds parents of homework expectations and upcoming dates.
Students are reviewing ELA skills from the year. We will be
doing EOG prep rotations beginning in May. For writing, students will be writing animal research reports and designing zoo habitat dioramas for their creatures.
Students are working on a unit related to decimals. They will
represent decimals in word form, model form, and fraction form as well as comparing and ordering decimals. We will end quarter four with a unit on measurement where students will convert metric systems and convert customary systems of measurement while learning to record on line plots. Science (Goldsmith/Varnell Homerooms) Students will be working on their units about animal studies where we will discuss habitats and characteristics of animals in relation to nutrition needed for animal survival. We will have the opportunity to observe live animals both in the science lab and at the NC Zoo! Social Studies (Varnell/Goldsmith Homerooms) Students will be beginning their unit on North Carolina culture. All students will participate in our culture fair where they are researching a topic of their choice and presenting to their peers at our NC Culture Fair.
Homework Club
Homework club worked wonders so we have begun again for April.
It will run through 04/28 and we will celebrate on 04/29. Please continue to encourage your child to complete their homework and be on the lookout for the Sign Up Genuis to send in celebration goodies for the homework club celebration. We appreciate your continued support!
Grade Level Notes
Zoo permission slips and transportation
notes go home Tuesday. Please complete and return these ASAP. Please remind your students that they should be reading nightly for 30 minutes. Remember your students have nightly homework for math and weekly for ELA.
We can always use
Lined paper Expo markers Pencils Copy Paper (colored and white)
Dates to Remember
04/21 Science Enrichment Day
04/28 Magnetic Fuller Family Night 05/06 Zoo Field Trip 5/23 Camp Learn-a-Lot Eog Review Day 05/30 Holiday- No School 05/09 Last Day of School