Technology Tools

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Christa Thurman
April 10, 2016

Raft Task Card

This RAFT Card is designed for ___3rd_ grade level.
ROLE (student)


Explanation on

The value of coins



projector screen
Text messaging

Proper spelling





Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
nouns and verbs

RAFT Row 1
Objective: You will be able to understand the value of each coin, and be able to combine
them in several different ways to make a dollar.
Student Role: The teacher
Audience: The class
Format: take notes as the presentation is given, and write out each coin and the value of
that coin.
Topic: The value of coins

Directions:1. Go to websites provided, and find different videos and games on coins, their
values, and adding them together. 2. Create a spreadsheet on Microsoft word of the

different coins and state their values. Mix the coins on the spreadsheet in different ways to
make up a dollar.
Resources: www.topmarks.comuk/

Assessment: Prepare a presentation on a projector, explaining each coin, and the value of
that coin. Show three different ways to add and mix different coins to total a dollar. Share
your spreadsheet that you created on Microsoft word, and explain how it helped.

RAFT Row 2
Objective: Identify and use proper spelling
Student Role: Student
Audience: Peers
Format: Text Messaging
Topic: Did you spell that correctly?

Directions: Each student is to pair up with another student to send a 4-6 sentence text
message to. After each text message is sent, the student is to review the message that was
sent to them, and correct any errors in spelling. Go to resources provided to help with your
spelling. The students findings will be shared with the rest of the class for discussion.

Assessment: Each student will show his or her findings of spelling errors in the text
message that was received. The student will then demonstrate the correct spelling of the
word, and share with the rest of the class.

RAFT Row 3

Objective: The student will be able to identify a noun and a verb in a sentence
Student Role: teacher
Audience: student
Format: Email
Topic: Recognizing nouns and verbs.

Directions: Each student will pair up with another student to write a five sentence email to
the other on their favorite things to do. Once the email is received, the student will go over
each sentence, identify the nouns and verbs in each sentence, and highlight them. Go over
the resources provided for help with understanding nouns and verbs. Once the student is
finished, then print out the paper, and share the results with the class.

Assessment: The student will demonstrate emails exchanged with peers on a PowerPoint to
show the findings on nouns and verbs. Each student will go over each sentence that was
emailed and received, point out the highlights, and explain which one is the noun, and
which one is the verb, as well as an explanation as to what makes them a noun and a verb.

Section Four: Differentiating Instruction through Technology

Technology is a very useful and beneficial tool to differentiate instruction in the

classroom. There are several different ways to use technology to increase many skills in the
classroom. Computers, iPads, websites, internet, and text messages are just a few of many
examples of how technology can teach both lessons, develop other skills. Technology can
enhance critical thinking skills, customize learning styles, and give a student the chance to
collaborate with many others for success.

Name of Technology Tool: PowerPoint

PowerPoint is a great tool to include in the classroom help the teacher explain a lesson.
PowerPoint can be used to create presentations for the classroom, and teachers can use this as
they give a lecture. When students have a visual of what the teacher is trying to explain, it helps
them gain a better understanding, and keeps their attention. It also is exceptionally beneficial to
the visual learner. It has a positive impact on students as it helps students create presentations of
their own. It also helps students to develop research skills, typing skills, and critical thinking
skills. It also benefits their communication and collaboration, and ability to speak to peers, and
come up with ideas together online when students are doing the research needed for a
ISTE Standards
PowerPoint exhibits the ISTE standards 1.d and 3.c. PowerPoint helps students
model the collaborative knowledge that have been learned with peers, as well as promoting
student reflection using this tool to share the collaboration between the students.
Collaboration is a very important part of the learning process. According to Granberg,
(2000), as technology is being introduced into the classroom, faculty is finding that it
raises the quality of class discussion and involves students much more deeply in their own
education. PowerPoint can help a student become more involved, because it enables a
student to share a presentation with the whole class, and enables communication and
Name of Technology Tool: Text Messaging
Text messaging can serve as a great tool in the classroom. It gives a teacher the tool to get
a message across to students and parents immediately. A teacher can use the app remind to serve
as a way to send out messages of reminders to parents of upcoming events, or to use as a school

bulletin board. Students can benefit from this by having access to the classroom at all times with
a cell phone. Students can also benefit by having access to the teacher for any questions that they
have outside of the classroom. It also gives them the ability to communicate and collaborate with
other students on assignments, and share ideas on an assignment that they are working on. It gets
the message across immediately, and helps a student to learn proper grammar, spelling, and
ISTE Standards
Text messaging is a very valuable tool for communication with students. Using text
messages as part of an assignment models the ISTE standard 3.b by allowing the student to
communicate with other students, peers, and the teacher. It is a fast way to get a message
across, and can be very helpful with spelling and grammar. This also enhances
communication and collaboration, as well as allowing the student to become more student.
Name of Technology Tool: Email
Email serves as a great tool for teachers and students to communicate. It enables a teacher
to communicate with parents, and gives parents and students a way to address any issues,
questions, or concerns with the classroom. Students can benefit from email by learning how to
use it, and learning how to communicate with it. It is also very beneficial in developing their
writing and typing skills, as this is essential in the professional field. Email can help a student
with their spelling, and formatting. It teaches them another form of communication, and how to
use it with technology. It also gives them the ability to communicate with their teacher, as well as
their peers outside of the classroom.
ISTE Standards

Email is a great tool for communication between the teacher, parents, and students. Email
allows students to add attachments that have been downloaded, and send the assignment
through email to the teacher. Email exhibits ISTE standards 1a., 2a., and 3a. It promotes
and supports creative thinking, and inventiveness, and gives the student the chance to
incorporate digital tools and resources to promote learning. Anything that is created online
can be downloaded and attached to an email. For example, a student could create a
portfolio and email it to a teacher. According to West and Bleiberg, (2013), portfolios
express creativity, and serve as a platform for students to demonstrate growth, as well as
the advantages over paper based options. (West & Bleiberg, pg. 2). Email serves as a great
tool to save time for students by typing an assignment instead of writing. It also helps
develop typing skills that will be needed on a professional level.

Technology can be very beneficial for the classroom, but can also be distracting.
Technology can enhance a students skills, as well as teach them how to use the internet, find
resources, create presentations, and communicate globally. It also gives them more access to
more information, and gives them a chance to be more social. The internet can give a student
answers to a question immediately, instead of them having to wait until they are in the classroom
and have availability to the teacher. There are some disadvantages to technology as well.
According to Concordia, (2012), the disadvantages of technology are the harmful effects of
digital devices, inappropriate material being viewed, distraction from schoolwork, cyberbullying,
and the disconnection of students from face to face activities. (Concordia, 2012, par. 6-10).
Technology is highly beneficial to students as long as the proper safety precautions are taken. It

is important to make sure that students are not interacting with strangers online on a personal
level, and bullying others. It is also important to monitor students to ensure that the student is not
being bullied. Proper controls can be installed to protect students from viewing inappropriate
material, as well as the supervision of the parent and the teacher. Giving the student a time limit
on the devices that are used will also help the student from becoming disconnected from the
classroom. Technology can teach students so much, as well as the students learning how to
operate the devices at the same time. This is very important in personal growth and development,
as well as professional skills.
Concluding Paragraph (4-6 sentences)
In conclusion, technology has opened the doors to unlimited possibilities and
opportunities for todays student. It helps students with critical thinking skills, and gives a
student a much wider access to information. Students have access to so much help with the use
of technology, and this helps students to be able to learn independently as well. Technology
enhances critical thinking skills, customizes different learning styles, and gives a student a
chance for communication and collaboration with others outside of the classroom.

West, Darrell M. & Bleiberg, Joshua. (May 7, 2013). Five Ways Teachers Can Use Technology to
Help Students. The Huffington Post.
Granberg, Ellen M. (2000). How Technology Enhances Teaching and Learning.
Concordia Online Education. (November 7th, 2012.) Pros and Cons of Allowing Digital Devices
in the Classroom.
Pensgen, Nicole M. (December 10, 2012). Use of Computer Technologies in Supporting 3rd
Graders Literacy Development.

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