Cloud Computing Is Changing How We Communicate: By-Ravi Ranjan (1NH06CS084)

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Cloud Computing;

is Changing how we Communicate

Ravi Ranjan (1NH06CS084)
What is Cloud Computing ?
Cloud computing refers to a network that distributes processing
power, applications, and large systems among many computers.

Cloud computing is a complex infrastructure of software, hardware,

processing, and storage that is available as a service.

Cloud computing offers a way for people to expand their local

computing power onto the (seemingly) infinite processing power of
the Internet. Using the Internet for communication and transport
provides hardware, software and networking services to clients.

Cloud computing is a metaphor for the internet, its breadth and

range are much more significant and ground-breaking.


• Cloud computing customers do not own the physical infrastructure.

• They consume resources as a service.
• The service is fully managed by the provider.
• The consumer only needs a personal computer and Internet access.
A Little Background
The term ‘cloud’ first appeared in the early 1990s, referring mainly to large
ATM networks. Cloud computing began in earnest at the beginning of this
century, just a short eight years ago with the advent of Amazon’s web-based
services. Less than two years ago, Yahoo and Google announced plans to
provide cloud computing services to some of this country’s largest universities:
Carnegie Mellon, University of Washington, Stanford, and MIT. IBM quickly
announced plans to offer cloud computing technologies, followed almost at once
by Microsoft. More recent entries into the fray include wellknown companies:
Sun, Intel, Oracle, SAS, and Adobe. All of these companies invested mightily in
cloud computing infrastructure to provide vendor-based cloud services to the
Types of Clouds

• Public
• Resources are dynamically provisioned on a self-service basis.
• Provided by an off-site third-party provider who shares resources and
bills utility computing basis.
• Private
• Capitalise on data security, corporate governance, and reliability
• Users "still have to buy, build, and manage clouds“
• lacks the economic model that makes cloud computing such an
intriguing concept. 
• Hybrid
• A hybrid cloud environment consists of multiple internal and/or
external providers.
Cloud Computing Architecture
Software as a Service:
This is a model of software deployment where an
application is hosted as a service provided to customers
across the Internet.
It is generally used to refer to business software rather
than consumer software, falls under Web 2.0!
By removing the need to install and run an application
on a user’s own computer it is seen as a way for
businesses to get the same benefits as commercial
software with smaller cost outlay.
It alleviates the burden of software
maintenance/support, but users relinquish control over
software versions and requirements.
• Strengths: - Sometimes free; easy to use; lots of different offerings;
easy to access; good consumer adoption; proven business models.

• Weaknesses: - You can only use the application as far as what it is

designed for; no control or knowledge of underlying technology.

Company examples:
Gmail, SalesForce.
5 Steps to built an Infrastructure
Step 1: Decide which technology will be the basis for your
on-demand application infrastructure.

Step 2: Determine what delivery infrastructure will be used

to abstract the application infrastructure.
Step 3: Prepare the network infrastructure.
Step 4:Provide visibility and automation of management
Step 5: Integrate all the moving parts, such that the
infrastructure actually becomes on-demand and realizes the
benefits of abstraction, automation, and resource sharing.
CC is all about…
Cluster Grid
Computing Computing
Computing Virtualization
SaaS High-

Virtualization Basics
Some Virtualization Benefits
Distributed Computing
Distributed Computing
CC Extends Cluster Computing
A form of computing in which a group of computers are
linked together as a single entity.

Common usage is to avoid failure by increasing

redundancy .

Used for hosting websites with distributed load.

Also used to distribute a work load in the form of small

chunks of data, a technique known as grid computing.
Grid Computing
 Grid computing is the act of sharing tasks over multiple
computers. Tasks can range from data storage to complex
calculations and can be spread over large geographical
distances. In some cases, computers within a grid are
used normally and only act as part of the grid when they
are not in use. Can offer computing, network, sensor and
storage resources.

 It is a toolkit to handle computation management, data

movement, storage management and other
infrastructure that could handle large grids without
restricting themselves to specific hardware and
oud Computing Vs Grid Comput
Grid Computing Cloud Computing

Open Standard(OGF…). No standardized interfaces.

Public funded & operated (slow evolution). Private funded &operated (fast evolution).
No central management. Managed by single entity.

Interoperability importance. No interoperability.

Geographically distributed; locally owned Geographically distributed; Centrally
and managed. owned & managed.
Share (usually modest) local resources. Make huge system available.
Scientist research, high – end user. Enterprise applications, information
processing, data mining.
w does Cloud Computing works
• No need of running heavy servers and
maintaining them.

• Instead, run applications on a shared data


• Just plug in to the shared data servers just like

using a utility.

• Its fast to get started and costs less.

When using any application in the cloud, the client
just needs to log in to his account; just like any other
application and access his resources!!
Basic CC Characteristics

flexibility and elasticity.

pay as much as used and needed.

always on!, anywhere and any place type of network-

based computing.
Basic Concerns Of CC
There are 3 issues of Cloud Computing:

a.Privacy & Security.

c. Portability & Choice.
Advantages of CC

Increase reliability.
Device independency.
Unlimited storage.
Remote access.
Some more Advantages…
Facilitates collaborations.
All time data availability.
Improved performance.
Highly automated.
Easily scalable.
More mobility.
Disadvantages of CC


Totally internet connection oriented.
Require high bandwidth of net connection.
Vendor dependence for data.
 Much high budget to establish cloud
computing environment.
Not accessible by everyone.
 Chances of fraudaness .
Huge power is required.
What the Future might look like
o Activities are loosely grouped.

oCentralised computing.

oGrid Computing, the recent research-led centralised


oCan install and run on local cluster.

oRun variety of applications on these systems.

o Issue- Mainstream adoption.

ome Commercials Cloud Offerin
Industrial predictios by 2010
• Intel cloud chip will be shipping a 48 core piece of silicon
for less then $500.
• VM density will exceed 200 on this chip in the data
• Windows OS will be over 75% of the VMs that run in the
data center.
• 200 copies of same the Windows operating system
running on 1 chip.
• Total Market share in Cloud Computing.

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