Letter of Introduction 21916

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Eloise Schmitt
3481 Highwood Ct. #105
Simi Valley, CA, 93063
Date: February 19, 2016
To Whom It May Concern
My name is Eloise Schmitt and I am a senior at Santa Susana High School. I am the
Director of Publicity for Dynamic Dance. I am great with kids of all ages and I hope to
work with them after college. Although I am unsure of my college choice I have always
been fairly sure about my long-term plans. I have wanted to be a teacher as long as I
could remember, but now since I have discovered Pediatric Occupational therapy it has
made my decision harder. I am driven and know I will find the right path for me, I am
also sure that no matter which I choose I will be able to do great things in either field.
In my Adult life I hope to become either a teacher or a pediatric occupational therapist. I
hope to graduate from Moorpark College in 2 Years and then head on to 4 year university.
If I decide to become an occupational therapist then from there I will need to get my
masters. I have already been accepted into Moorpark College and will begin in the fall to
get my GE. I have also begun looking at schools for after but dont want to decide until I
have chosen my career.
Thank you for reading this and please enjoy the rest of my portfolio. I hope you enjoy it
as much as I enjoyed making it.

Eloise Schmitt

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