Capstone Final Draft-2
Capstone Final Draft-2
Capstone Final Draft-2
This is Me.
Being an indecisive person who holds themselves to crazy high standards has been
something that always came back and slapped me in the face. To top it off, I'm a crazy
procrastinator. However, I can say I always get my work done. This scares me though. I know
college will be different from high school, and this routine I’ve picked up might not work for me
in college, so I will have to change some things. One thing about me is I can adapt to change. It
might take me a little while but I can adjust to many different environments.
I was born in Grand Rapids, MI, in the early 2000s. May 27th, 2004 to be exact.
Spectrum Health hospital is where my mother gave birth to me, and I came into this world.
What’s strange is that the hospital is my employer now. Both my parents were born in Escuintla,
Guatemala and I’ve had the opportunity to visit both their homes in Guatemala. I have three
separated in 2011, and it was one of the most challenging moments in my childhood. I was too
young to understand, I was far too young and very baffled, but in those moments, I was glad to
have my sister by my side. Although we were both kids, she did as much as possible to try and
distract me from what was going on at home, but we couldn't avoid noticing my dad's clothes or
shoes not being there anymore. I am glad to say that the whole situation made my sister and I
become so much closer at the time and those are some of the memories I'll forever cherish. In
2019, my dad got married and had my little brother, Angel. I could not have asked for a better
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wife for him. I don’t think I could ever see her as my stepmom though. She’s an amazing mother
to both my youngest siblings and I'm forever grateful, but I think I'm just too old to see her as
that type of role model. I come from a massive family and I love it. My mom is the youngest out
of her 12 siblings. My dad, he's one of the middle children out of his 11 siblings.
I have lots of goals I want to accomplish in college. My overall goal is to become a NICU
(Newborn Intensive Care Unit) physician assistant, but I have a long road ahead. I plan to get
summer. I know I need lots of hands-on clinical hours for PA school, so I want to start getting
some as soon as possible. When I start school in the fall, I plan to major in public health and start
completing some of the prerequisites needed for PA school. Right now, I plan to attend the
University of Michigan and major in public health. Although U of M doesn’t necessarily have a
PA program, they do have lots of the prerequisites you need to apply to PA school. So when I
obtain my degree, I will need to complete an additional two years of PA school and I'll officially
be a physician assistant.
Many people don’t tend to understand the role of a physician assistant. We’re not nurses
but we aren’t doctors either. We’re right in between. What’s nice about us though is the
flexibility we have. As I said earlier, I’m such an indecisive person. My current plan as of now
neonatology, you'll care for infants under the direction of a physician. Your job duties will
include assessing patients, performing physical exams, ordering diagnostic tests, making
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We have the okay to do things a nurse would not be allowed to do but under the
it’s okay to prescribe medication to a patient. You are expected to have enough knowledge that a
physician would trust you enough to make your own medical decision. You tend to have lots of
the same roles as a physician for lower pay, but it’s way less school and debt. Also, it is way
better work/life balance. "Typically, the PA lifestyle – it's a little less stressful because there's a
little less responsibility involved, less schooling obviously," (Johnson as cited in U.S.News).
This is one of the main reasons I believe this career is a good fit for me. I want a big family and I
want to spend time with them so this career has lots of advantages in my case.
Overall, every career has a different journey. I know my journey will not be easy and I
have a long way to go, but I have the determination and that’s what makes me confident. I will
attend the University of Michigan and major in public health. After my bachelor's degree, I will
continue to apply to PA school and complete my 27 months of training. I am grateful for all the
experiences and lessons I've learned over the years here at Lee High School and beyond excited
Works Cited
Smith-Barrow, Delece, and Ilana Kowarski. “How a Physician Assistant Career Compares to a