Right Work Graphic
Right Work Graphic
Right Work Graphic
According to our 2013 -2014 school report card our closing the gap scores were:
Closing Gaps: 47.3/100
These scores are significantly lower than our scores in student growth and achievement, which are 59.1 and 77.3 respectively. As the percent of students with disabilities rises to 11.5% and percent of
students who are economically disadvantaged rises to 19.8%, it becomes increasingly imperative to address this issue.
Goal: Increase our closing gaps score to at least meet the state average of 66.5, or 33.25 in Reading Achievement Gaps and 33.25 in Mathematics Achievement Gaps by implementing Universal for
Design strategies in all areas of practice. In order to create such a large increase this will require 2nd order change and a shift in the way we view classrooms, students, and curriculum for most teachers,
however there are some teachers who this will be a 1st order change (see Action Steps Table).
Instructional Strategies
Provide teachers with instructional feedback for planning
units that employs researchbased strategies.
Leadership Responsibilities
Although all of the leadership responsibilities are necessary to make change I feel the following responsibilities are the most important to help my school achieve our goal. Each of the below responsibilities have actions specific to my schools goal, explained below them. In order to see which responsibilities correlate with educational factors you m ay refer to the matching colored circles at the bottom of
the above boxes.
Celebrate progress made towards achieving our goal
at staff meetings and in weekly staff notes. Use student achievement data to celebrate success.
Identify staff strengths and share with all staff.
Develop time at staff meetings to regularly recognize
risk-takers in new instructional strategies.
Situational Awareness
Have school leadership team help keep a pulse on the
school by reporting out at BLT (Building Leadership
Team) Meetings on:
What are the general attitudes and feelings toward implementation of UDL strategies?
What strategies are people trying? Not trying?
How are strategies impacting learning or not impacting learning?
Monitoring /Evaluating
Our principal should conduct walk-throughs and provide formative
(timely and specific) feedback related to UDL practices.
(professional development should demonstrate what UDL practices
Principal and leadership team should identify roadblocks and challenges the goal will present, but also how we will overcome them.
Change Agent
Principals and leadership should work with individual teachers to implement new instructional practices, developing
units using backwards design, with opportunities for coaching and co-teaching.
Ask strategic questions and lead difficult conversations on times when actions do not reflect agreed
upon goal to close the achievement gaps.
Share data related to other schools that have implemented the innovation and successfully increased
Focus on the student achievement goal. Allow teachers flexibility in instructional strategies, if they are
closing the achievement gap with their students.
In order to create change the above leadership responsibilities will need to be used in an appropriate balance, and change as we progress towards our goal. Reaching our goal by implementing
UDL practices and closing our achievement gaps will require bot first order change and second order change. It will require that leadership balances the responsibilities of both, as well as, recognize who will be experiencing second order change and who will be experiencing first order change. Although, all strategies will be useful for both first and second order change, it will be more
important to utilize optimizing, visibility, situational awareness, communication, culture, input, and relationships in first order change situations. In second order change situations in will be important to use the responsibilities of optimizer, monitoring/evaluating, change agent, knowledge of curriculum, instruction, and assessment, and flexibility.