Fair Use in The U.S. Economy: Economic Contribution of Industries Relying On Fair Use
Fair Use in The U.S. Economy: Economic Contribution of Industries Relying On Fair Use
Fair Use in The U.S. Economy: Economic Contribution of Industries Relying On Fair Use
Economic Contribution of
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Cite as: Thomas Rogers & Andrew Szamosszegi, Fair Use in the U.S.
Economy: Economic Contribution of Industries Relying on Fair Use (CCIA:
2010) available online at ccianet.org.
ISBN 978-0-9799443-1-4
ta b l e o f c o n t e n t s
Preface 04
Executive Summary 06
References 30
Appendix I 32
Appendix II 55
Appendix III 58
Appendix IV 66
Appendix V 74
Appendix VI 78
Appendix VII 84
Appendix VIII 92
Glossary 94
As policy makers focus on how to promote innovation and economic
growth, the subject of intellectual property (IP) is frequently raised.
While IP is not the only—nor necessarily the best—means to promote
innovation in any given case, its expansion is a means frequently urged
upon Congress. But at what cost? How much is the economy affected by
where the boundaries of intellectual property are drawn?
This report employs the latest data available to answer a very important
question: what contribution is made to our economy by industries that
depend on the limitations to copyright protection when engaged in
commerce? As this report shows, such industries make a huge contribution.
“We are only beginning to fully understand
in the 21st century that what copyright leaves
unregulated—the ‘fair use economy’—is as
economically significant as what it regulates.”
Ed Black
President & CEO
Computer & Communications Industry Association
Executive Summary
The 2010 “Fair Use in the U.S. Economy” presents the most
up-to-date data on the economic contribution of industries
relying on fair use and related exceptions to copyright law.
This report incorporates full year data for 2007 and demonstrates
that the fair use economy grew significantly in 2007:
hile policy makers devote significant attention to copyright in-
fringement, exceptions to copyright protection also promote
innovation and are a major catalyst of U.S. economic growth.
Specific exceptions to copyright protection under U.S. and international
law, classified here under the broad heading of “fair use,” are vital to
many industries and stimulate growth across the economy. Companies
benefiting from fair use generate substantial revenue, employ millions of
workers, and represent one-sixth of total U.S. GDP.
• m
anufacturers of consumer devices that allow individual
copying of copyrighted programming;
• educational institutions;
• software developers; and
• Internet search and web hosting providers.
1. 17 U.S.C. § 107.
These industries and others that depend upon fair use and related
limitations and exceptions are referred to here as “fair use industries.”
As summarized in the following report, the courts have held in favor of
fair use in situations that are integral to many industries. The courts
have established, for example, that fair use permits the main service
provided by search engines, that software development depends on
making temporary copies to facilitate the programming of interoper-
ability, and that consumers can make copies of television and radio
programming for personal use.
Industries benefiting from fair use have grown dramatically within the
past 20 years, and their growth has had a profound impact on the
U.S. economy. The report contains detailed data by industry and sum-
marizes activity and growth in five areas:
Fair use industries also grew at a faster pace than the overall economy.
From 2002 to 2007, the fair use industries accounted for 23 percent of
U.S. real economic growth.
Further illustrating the rapid growth of fair use industries, total payrolls
expanded rapidly, rising from $895 billion in 2002 to $1.2 trillion in 2007.
Productivity — Productivity, the amount of goods and services that
can be produced with a given number of inputs, is the foundation
for rising living standards. From 2002 to 2007, the productivity of
U.S. fair use industries increased to nearly $128,000 per employee,
far exceeding economy-wide average productivity of $100,000 per
employee. Numerous researchers have determined that companies
dependent on fair use, such as information technology companies,
have stimulated U.S. productivity growth.
By any measure, the growth rate of fair use industries has outpaced
overall economic growth in recent years, fueled productivity gains, and
helped the overall economy sustain continued strong growth rates.
The research indicates that the industries benefiting from fair use—and
other limitations and exceptions—make a large and growing contribu-
tion to the U.S. economy. The fair use economy in 2007 accounted
for $4.7 trillion in revenues and $2.2 trillion in value added, roughly
one-sixth of total U.S. GDP. It employed more than 17 million people
and supported a payroll of $1.2 trillion. Fair use companies generated
$281 billion in exports and rapid productivity growth.
The protection afforded by fair use and other limitations and exceptions
has been a major contributing factor to these economic gains, and will
continue to support growth as the U.S. economy becomes even more
dependent on information industries.
Economic Contribution Of Fair Use And
Information Technology Dependent Industries
To The U.S. Economy
In 2003, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) produced
a guide on surveying the economic contribution of copyright-based in-
dustries.2 Even before the guide was completed, several countries had
produced reports assessing and promoting the role of copyright-based
industries.3 In contrast, the large and growing economic contribution
of industries that depend on and/or benefit from limitations and excep-
tions to copyrights, including the fair use of copyrighted materials, has
not been studied extensively. As with the original study, the objective of
this update is to fill the gap and, based on a comprehensive review of
available data, estimate the economic activity and scope of industries
benefiting from balanced copyright.
2. G
uide on Surveying the Economic Contribution of the Copyright-Based
Industries, WIPO, Geneva 2003 (“WIPO Guide”).
3. Id. Table 1.1 in the WIPO Guide lists 13 separate national studies of copyright
industries. See also Stephen E. Siwek, Copyright Industries in the U.S. Economy:
The 2006 Report, prepared for the International Intellectual Property Alliance
(IIPA), Nov 2006, available at www.iipa.com
4. M
ichael A. Einhorn, Media, Technology and Copyright: Integrating Law and
Economics (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2004) at 1.
6. T
he complete set of limitations and exceptions studied herein are listed
in Part II and described further in the Glossary.
the rise of the digital economy, as fair use permits a range of activities
that are critical to many high technology businesses, including search
portals and web hosting.7 In the discussion that follows, the term “fair
use” sometimes will be used as a shorthand expression referring to the
full range of limitations and exceptions in U.S. copyright law.
Industries benefiting from fair use have grown dramatically within the
past 20 years, and their growth has had a profound impact on the U.S.
economy.8 The development and spread of the Internet as a medium
for both business and personal use has been creative and transforma-
tive. The creation of new businesses (e.g., Google and Amazon) and
business activities has in turn fueled demand from other sectors of
the U.S. economy (e.g., fiber optics, routers and consumer electronics)
and transformed a host of business processes (e.g., communications
and procurement).
The advent of the Internet and networking technology also has been
widely credited with reviving U.S. productivity growth after two-decades
of below-trend productivity.9 As higher productivity is an important
source of income to labor and capital resources, the “new economy”
has helped spur overall growth and offset structural declines in other
sectors of the economy.
7. S
ee, for example, Jonathan Band, “Fair Use: Its Effects on Consumers
and Industry,” Testimony before the Committee on Energy and Commerce,
Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection
(Nov 16, 2005).
8. F
or a literature review and discussion of the impact of the “new economy”
on official U.S. economic statistics, see, J. Stephen Landefeld and Barbara
M. Fraumeni, “Measuring the New Economy,” Survey of Current Business
(Mar 2001).
9. F
or a survey of the productivity-related literature, see Landefeld and Fraumeni
at 27–8.
Fair use of copyrighted material and other limitations and exceptions
are an important foundation of the Internet economy. For example,
one force driving the expansion of the Internet as a tool for commerce
and education is the user’s ability to locate useful information with
widely available search engines.10 The courts have held that the main
service provided by search engines is fair use.11 Absent the exceptions
to copyright law provided by the fair use doctrine, search engine firms
and others would face uncertain liability for infringement, a significant
deterrent to providing this valuable service. Such an outcome would
thwart the educational purposes and growing commerce facilitated by
Internet search engines, thereby reducing the economic contribution
of the Internet.
10. S
earch engine software copies vast quantities of information from publicly
accessible websites onto the search engine’s database. Users then access
the search engine’s database for relevant information, retrieving links to the
original site as well as to the “cache” copy of the website stored in
the database.
11. T
he Ninth Circuit in Kelly v. Arriba Soft, 336 F.3d 811 (9th Cir. 2003) found
that the caching of reduced-sized images copied from websites, and the
display of these images in response to search queries, constituted a fair use.
It reaffirmed that proposition in Perfect 10, Inc. v. Amazon.com, Inc., 487
F.3d 701 (9th Cir. 2007). Similarly, the district court in Field v. Google, 412 F.
Supp. 2d 1106 (D. Nev. 2006) excused Google’s display of text cached in its
search database as a fair use.
12. S
ee Sega v. Accolade, 977 F.2d 1510 (9th Cir. 1992); Atari v. Nintendo, 975
F.2d 832 (Fed. Cir. 1992); Sony v. Connectix, 203 F.3d 596 (9th Cir. 2000).
(Fair use permits the copying that occurs during the course of software
reverse engineering.)
13. S
ection 512(c) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) provides safe
harbors for the entities hosting user content.
programming for personal use. Thus, because of fair use, consumers
can enjoy copyrighted programming at a later time (“time-shifting”), 14
transfer the material from one device to another (“space shifting”),15
and make temporary cache copies of websites on the random access
memory of their computers.16 The utility derived from these activities
has spawned consumer purchases of a broad range of products such
as digital video recorders and MP3 players, stimulating additional
economic activity in the United States and in all of the countries where
the machines used for these activities are manufactured.
14. S
ony Corp. v. Universal City Studios, Inc., 464 U.S. 417, 423–24 (1984).
15. R
ecording Industry Ass’n of America v. Diamond Multimedia Sys., Inc.,
180 F.3d 1072, 1079 (9th Cir. 1999).
16. P
erfect 10, Inc. v. Amazon.com, Inc., 487 F.3d 701 (9th Cir. 2007).
17. F
or an explanation of both views, see Joseph Ferrell and Carl Shapiro,
“Intellectual Property, Competition, and Information Technology,” in Hal
Varian, Joseph Ferrell, and Carl Shapiro, ed., The Economics of Information
Technology (Cambridge University Press, Banca Intessa, 2004) at 58–61.
non-core industries that benefit from fair use.18 The present endeavor
is by no means the final word on the subject, but we hope that it will
serve as a stimulus to further refinement and better understanding of
the digital economy and the important role and economic contribution
made by fair use in the digital age.
18. T
he WIPO framework for evaluating copyright-based industries suggests
4 categories: core, interdependent, partial, and non-dedicated support
industries. WIPO Guide at 27–35. As discussed in Section II, this report adopts
a similar but more streamlined definition of core and non-core industries.
19. T
his section of the report was prepared with the assistance of Professor
Peter Jaszi of American University Washington College of Law.
Appendix I consists of a table that illustrates how individual provisions
apply to and benefit core and non-core industries. The table represents,
by 2007 NAICS category and description, those industries that depend
on fair use.20 Each NAICS code is followed by citations to statutory
provisions and principles of law embodying the limitations and excep-
tions upon which the described industry depends. The accompanying
Glossary on page 94 supplements the discussion of each fair use
provision and identifies relevant court decisions.
20. T
his report uses the 2007 version of the North American Industry
Classification System (2007 NAICS). The 1997 NAICS replaced the old SIC
standard. In the NAICS convention, a two-digit number refers to an industry
sector. For example, code 51 refers to the Information sector. Three, four
and five-digit codes refer to an industry subsector, an industry group, and
industry, respectively. Codes of six or more digits are also considered
industries in their own right even though they are part of a larger industry.
This study incorporates data mostly at the three and four-digit industry
group level, and, as appropriate, at the five-or-more-digit industry level,
without double counting. For ease of reference, the table in Appendix I
lists the NAICS 2007 codes and official descriptions of the industries and
industry groups considered.
21. S
ee WIPO at 32. As noted by WIPO, the “definition and identification of ‘non-
core’ industries has been characterized by blur [sic] borders and frequent
changes across borders.”
B. Fair Use Industries, Core and Non-Core
This study adopts the guidelines suggested by WIPO, and used in other
studies, to evaluate the economic contribution of fair use.21 However,
instead of defining four distinct groups of industries as suggested in
the WIPO guidelines, the study employs a simpler classification into
core and non-core industries that depend on or benefit from fair use.
Core industries are defined as industries that produce goods and
services whose activities depend in large measure on the existence of
limitations and exceptions provided in U.S. copyright law. As shown in
Appendix I, the core covers a broad range of industries whose output
is driven increasingly by activities made possible by fair use including
many that depend extensively on the Internet.22 Due to the nature of
the Internet—in particular the intensive use of temporary copies—all
of the Internet-based industry groups and industries are classified in
the fair-use core.
or example, recent advances in processing speed and software functionality
are being used to take advantage of the richer multi-media experience now
available from the web. Thus, purchases of new computers and software
increasingly are driven by the desire to maximize the Internet experience,
rather than to increase word processing and spreadsheet performance.
23. See,
for example, Kurt Larsen and Stéphan Vincent-Larsen, “The Impact
of ITC on Terciary Education,” in Brian Kahin and Dominique Foray, ed.,
Advancing Knowledge and the Knowledge Economy (MIT Press, 2006) at
of the fair use core. Companies in these sectors derive a significant
amount of their current business from the demand generated by fair
use and the Internet, and are interdependent with the core industries.24
24. W
IPO advocates the inclusion of such “interdependent copyright industries”
as part of copyright-based industries. WIPO defines interdependent
industries as “industries that are engaged in production, manufacture, and
sale of equipment whose function is wholly or primarily to facilitate the
creation, production, or use of works and other protected subject matter.
See World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Guide on Surveying
the Economic Contribution of the Copyright-Based Industries (Geneva, 2003)
at 33 (available at http://www.wipo.org/copyright/en/publications/pdf/
25. A
s the Internet economy grows, it is likely that the U.S. Department of
Commerce and other agencies will expand and refine their data collection
efforts to track this growth.
26. T
his approach is consistent with the WIPO Guide which suggests measuring
the size of the industries as a percentage of GDP, employment and foreign
trade. WIPO Guide at 36.
the local level, and these results are used to refine and revise the gov-
ernment’s existing data collection programs.27 As a result, most of the
2007 data points for revenues and payroll do not have to be estimated,
but can be drawn directly from the Economic Census.28
27. S
ee U.S. Census Bureau, 2007 Economic Census User Guide (Mar 24, 2009)
at 4 and 14.
28. H
owever, the economic census data will be revised in future releases, which will
likely lead to generally minor revisions to 2007 data in future fair use reports.
A. Revenue
Chart 1 illustrates the estimated revenues for the fair use related core
and non-core industries for 2002, 2006 and 2007. The data indicate
that the core group of fair use industries accounted for $1.8 trillion in
revenue, approximately 52 percent of the total fair use industry revenue
of $3.4 trillion in 2002.
29. A
ppendix III contains tables detailing revenue for each core and
non-core industry.
The strong revenue growth by the core industries has been driven by
growth in several industries. In percentage terms, the most significant
growth occurred in internet publishing and broadcasting, web search
portals, electronic shopping and electronic auctions, and other financial
investment activity.
B. Value Added
Value added measures the contribution of each industry’s labor and
capital to its gross output and to GDP. Industry value added equals
an industry’s gross output minus its purchased intermediate inputs.
Value added is an important tool to measure economic growth because
it does not include value added by another industry or double count
own-industry value added.
Value added in 2002 for the fair use industries defined in this report
are shown in Chart 2. Total value added was an estimated $1.7 trillion
in 2002, with the core industries accounting for nearly $1 trillion, and
non-core industries accounting for nearly $700 billion. Although the fair
use industry value added is significantly less than core and non-core
revenue, the value added data show that these industries represented
nearly one-sixth of current dollar U.S. GDP in 2002.30 The core share of
GDP was 9.3 percent, while the non-core share of GDP was 6.6 percent.
By 2007, fair use-related industry value added increased 34 percent to
an estimated $2.2 trillion. As with revenue, the growth rate for core fair
use industries outpaced growth in the non-core sectors. Core value added
increased by 41 percent compared to non-core growth of 24 percent. 31
30. U
.S. GDP in current dollars was $10.5 trillion in 2002 and
$13.8 trillion in 2008. For a time series of U.S. current dollar
and real GDP, see http://www.bea.gov/national/xls/gdplev.xls and
The GDP estimates in this study are based on the latter.
31. A
ppendix IV contains tables detailing value added for core and non-core industries.
In total, fair use industries accounted for 16.2 percent of U.S. current
dollar (i.e., nominal) GDP in 2007. In all, the core and non-core fair
use industries contributed $571 billion to U.S. GDP growth during the
2002 to 2007 period, accounting for 17 percent of U.S. current dollar
economic growth.
32. T
he estimation procedure for the core contribution to real GDP growth is
shown in Appendix V.
C. Employment and Payroll
The fair use-related industries measured in this report are major
employers in the U.S. economy. Chart 3 below shows the number of
employees for 2002, 2006 and 2007. The exhibits indicate that em-
ployment related to fair use increased from 16.9 million in 2002 to
17.5 million in 2007.
33. A
ppendix VI contains tables detailing employment for each core and non-core industry.
34. D
ata on employment by industry are available at
While employment levels have been relatively stable, total fair use
industry payroll has been expanding. Chart 4 indicates that total fair
use industry payroll increased by 29 percent from approximately
$900 billion in 2002 to $1.2 trillion in 2007. In 2002, core industry
payroll was $558 billion, accounting for 62 percent of total fair use
payrolls. In 2007, core industry payroll was $751 billion, accounting
for 65 percent of total fair use payroll. From 2002 to 2007, the payroll
of core industries grew by 34 percent, while the payroll of non-core
industries grew by 21 percent.35 In real terms, the payroll of core fair
use industries increased by 17 percent from 2002 to 2007, while the
payroll of non-core industries grew by five percent.36
35. A
ppendix VII contains tables detailing payroll for each core and non-core industry.
36. P
ayroll values were deflated by the consumer price index for urban
consumers (series ID CUUR0000SA0,CUUS0000SA0).
The combination of stable employment levels and increasing payrolls
has produced a sizeable increase in payroll per employee at fair
use related firms. Table 1 below indicates that payroll per employee
expanded from approximately $53,000 per year in 2002 to $66,000
in 2007. For the core industries over the same period, payroll per
employee expanded from $55,000 to $73,000.37
D. Productivity
On the supply side, a country’s economic growth depends overwhelm-
ingly on two factors: changes in the level of productive inputs such as
labor and capital and the productivity with which those inputs are used.
In other words, an economy experiences economic growth if it adds
inputs (e.g., more workers and more machines), increases the output
associated with a given level of inputs, or does both.
In order to improve the earnings for labor, by increasing real hourly wages,
for example, it is necessary to increase productivity.38 Rising productivity
is therefore the key to long-term improvements in living standards.
37. B
ecause the Census data do not include payroll data for NAICS 5251
(insurance and employee benefit funds), this industry was excluded from
the calculations.
38. F
or example, if growth is achieved solely by adding workers without
increasing productivity, then wages will not rise in the long term.
A large body of work attributes the higher productivity growth during and
after the late 1990s to Information Technology (IT) producing sectors
serving the new economy, and recent work indicates that IT-using indus-
tries, not just IT-producing industries, are increasing productivity as well.39
The data show that there has been strong productivity growth in both
the core and non-core industries. Further, fair use industries have led
U.S. growth as productivity in the fair use economy of $128,000 per
employee greatly exceeds economy-wide productivity, which was ap-
proximately $100,000 per employee in 2007.40
39. S
ee, for example, Erik Brynjolfsson and Lorin M.Hitt, “Computing
Productivity: Firm-Level Evidence” (June 2003); MIT Sloan Working Paper No.
4210-01. Dale W. Jorgenson and Kevin J. Stiroh, Raising the Speed Limit: U.S.
Economic Growth in the Information Age (May 1, 2000); Tarek M. Harchaoui,
Faouzi Tarkhani & Bilkis Khanam, “Information Technology and Economic
Growth in the Canadian and U.S. Private Economies,” in Jorgenson, ed.,
Economic Growth in Canada and the United States in the Information Age
(2004); Economic Report of the President: 2002 (GPO: Feb 2002) at 58-60;
and J. Steven Landenfled and Barbara M. Fraumeni, “Measuring the New
Economy,” Survey of Current Business (Mar 2001) at 23–39.
40. T
he national total is based on current dollar GDP divided by the annual
average of seasonally adjusted monthly nonfarm employment levels reported
by BLS (series ID CEU0000000001).
The fair use-related industries not only achieve higher than average pro-
ductivity levels, but they have experienced strong productivity growth
during the past five years.
E. Trade
The globalization of the U.S. economy has been one of the primary
economic trends in recent decades. U.S. trade in goods and services now
accounts for nearly 29 percent of U.S. GDP. 41 While the United States runs
a large deficit in merchandise trade, it traditionally has run a surplus in
services trade, and is believed to hold a comparative advantage in many
service sectors. In 2007, the United States surplus in services trade was
$140 billion.42
41. S
ee Bureau of Economic Analysis, Gross Domestic Product: Table 1.1.5
(Dec 29, 2009). Net exports of goods and services in 2007 were $1,656
billion, imports were $2,370 billion, and U.S. current dollar GDP was
$14,078 billion.
42. B
ureau of Economic Analysis, US International Services, Table 1 (Oct 30,
2009). U.S. private service exports in 2007 totaled $478.1 billion, while
service imports totaled $338.2 billion.
43. T
hough the revenue from the goods and services exports of fair use
industries is included in the revenues and value added already measured
above, exports are also reported separately in order to highlight the growing
importance of trade to those industries.
Chart 5 shows that estimated fair-use industry exports increased by
57 percent from $179 billion in 2002 to $281 billion in 2007.44 Due to
the high level of aggregation of services trade data, it is not practical
to distinguish between core and non-core exports. Instead, Chart 5
breaks down exports into goods and services.
44. A
ppendix VIII contains tables detailing fair use exports of goods and
services by category.
The U.S. economy is an increasingly knowledge-based economy that
benefits from the dynamic diversity of core and non-core fair use in-
dustries. These knowledge-based industries in turn spur production of
additional goods and services that further fuel economic growth.
This report has sought to measure the footprint of fair use on the U.S.
economy. It has considered not only the core fair use industries, but also
the suppliers of goods and services to the fair use core and major users.
The research indicates that the industries benefiting from fair use and
other limitations and exceptions make a large and growing contribu-
tion to the U.S. economy. The fair use economy in 2007 accounted for
$4.7 trillion in revenues and $2.2 billion in value added, roughly 16.2
percent of U.S. GDP. It employed more than 17 million people and
supported a payroll of $1.2 trillion. It generated $281 billion in exports
and rapid productivity growth.
The protection afforded by fair use has been a major contributing factor
to these economic gains, and will continue to support growth as the U.S.
economy becomes even more dependent on information industries.
45. B
rian Kahin and Dominique Foray, eds., Advancing Knowledge and the
Knowledge Economy (MIT Press, 2006) at ix.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor, Current Employment
Statistics, at http://www.bls.gov/ces/
Kahin, Brian and Dominique Foray, eds., Advancing Knowledge and the
Knowledge Economy. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2006).
Siwek, Stephen E., Copyright Industries in the U.S. Economy: The 2006
Report, prepared for the International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA),
November 2006, available at http://www.iipa.com
Varian, Hal R., Joseph Farrell, and Carl Shapiro. The Economics of
Information Technology. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004).
U.S. Census Bureau, Department of Commerce. 2002 Economic
Census, at http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/DatasetMainPag-
Appendix I: Fair Use Industry Definitions, Core
Core Industry/ Reliance on
Detailed NAICS Description
NAICS Codes Fair Use
Core Industry/ Reliance on
Detailed NAICS Description
NAICS Codes Fair Use
Appendix I: Fair Use Industry Definitions, Core
Core Industry/ Reliance on
Detailed NAICS Description
NAICS Codes Fair Use
Core Industry/ Reliance on
Detailed NAICS Description
NAICS Codes Fair Use
Appendix I: Fair Use Industry Definitions, Core
Core Industry/ Reliance on
Detailed NAICS Description
NAICS Codes Fair Use
Core Industry/ Reliance on
Detailed NAICS Description
NAICS Codes Fair Use
Appendix I: Fair Use Industry Definitions, Core
Core Industry/ Reliance on
Detailed NAICS Description
NAICS Codes Fair Use
Core Industry/ Reliance on
Detailed NAICS Description
NAICS Codes Fair Use
Appendix I: Fair Use Industry Definitions, Core
Core Industry/ Reliance on
Detailed NAICS Description
NAICS Codes Fair Use
Core Industry/ Reliance on
Detailed NAICS Description
NAICS Codes Fair Use
Appendix I: Fair Use Industry Definitions, Core
Core Industry/ Reliance on
Detailed NAICS Description
NAICS Codes Fair Use
Core Industry/ Reliance on
Detailed NAICS Description
NAICS Codes Fair Use
Appendix I: Fair Use Industry Definitions, Non-Core
Non-Core Industry/ Reliance on
Detailed NAICS Description
NAICS Codes Fair Use
Non-Core Industry/ Reliance on
Detailed NAICS Description
NAICS Codes Fair Use
Appendix I: Fair Use Industry Definitions, Non-Core
Non-Core Industry/ Reliance on
Detailed NAICS Description
NAICS Codes Fair Use
Non-Core Industry/ Reliance on
Detailed NAICS Description
NAICS Codes Fair Use
Appendix I: Fair Use Industry Definitions, Non-Core
Non-Core Industry/ Reliance on
Detailed NAICS Description
NAICS Codes Fair Use
Non-Core Industry/ Reliance on
Detailed NAICS Description
NAICS Codes Fair Use
Appendix I: Fair Use Industry Definitions, Non-Core
Non-Core Industry/ Reliance on
Detailed NAICS Description
NAICS Codes Fair Use
Non-Core Industry/ Reliance on
Detailed NAICS Description
NAICS Codes Fair Use
Appendix I: Fair Use Industry Definitions, Non-Core
Non-Core Industry/ Reliance on
Detailed NAICS Description
NAICS Codes Fair Use
Non-Core Industry/ Reliance on
Detailed NAICS Description
NAICS Codes Fair Use
Appendix I: Fair Use Industry Definitions, Non-Core
Non-Core Industry/ Reliance on
Detailed NAICS Description
NAICS Codes Fair Use
Promoters of This industry comprises See exceptions listed
performing arts, establishments primarily under NAICS 5121,
sports and similar engaged in (1) organizing, 7111, 7115
events promoting, and/or managing live
performing arts productions,
7113 sports events, and similar
events, such as state fairs,
county fairs, agricultural fairs,
concerts, and festivals, held in
facilities that they manage and
operate and/or (2) managing
and providing the staff to
operate arenas, stadiums,
theaters, or other related
facilities for rent to other
promoters. It also comprises
promoters primarily engaged in
organizing, promoting, and/or
managing live performing arts
productions, sports events, and
similar events, such as state
fairs, county fairs, agricultural
fairs, concerts, and festivals, in
facilities that are managed and
operated by others. Theatrical
(except motion picture) booking
agencies are included in this
Agents and This industry comprises See exceptions listed
managers for establishments of agents and under NAICS 5121,
artists, athletes, managers primarily engaged in 7111, 7115
entertainers and representing and/or managing
other public figures creative and performing artists,
sports figures, entertainers, and
7114 other public figures. The
representation and management
includes activities, such as
representing clients in contract
negotiations; managing or
organizing client’s financial
affairs; and generally promoting
the careers of their clients.
APPENDIX II: Methodology and Data Sources
i. Revenue
The revenue data for the core and non-core industries were based on
statistics issued by the U.S. Census Bureau of the Department of
Commerce. The underlying revenue data for each industry appear in
Appendix III. The economic census data were used for 2002 and 2007.
However, many data points for 2006 were revised, using primarily two
sources. For manufacturing industries, the total value of shipments
was sourced from the Annual Survey of Manufactures: Statistics for
Industry Groups and Industries for 2006.1 For most services industries,
information from the Service Annual Survey was used.2 The revenue
data from this publication are benchmarked to the 2002 Census.
Rather than relying on the survey revenues benchmarked to 2002, the
2006 data estimates are computed by applying the growth rate from
2006 to 2007 published in the Services Annual Survey to the 2007 data
from the Census Bureau.
1. D
ata from the Annual Survey of Manufactures can be accessed at
2. S
ee, for example, U.S. Census Bureau, Service Annual Survey 2007:
Current Business Reports (Mar 2008).
APPENDIX II: Methodology and Data Sources
iii. Payroll
Detailed payroll data are available for 2002 and 2007 from each year’s
Economic Census. For 2006, two sources were consulted. The Annual
Survey of Manufactures: Statistics for Industry Groups and Industries
for 2006 was used for manufacturing industries. Service industries’
payroll information was drawn from the U.S. Census Bureau’s County
Business Patterns database.4
3. In many instance, the value added and gross output data for services,
published by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), are at higher levels of
aggregation than the various fair use industries. The BEA industries offering
the best match for each core or non-core industry were used.
4. D
ata from the County Business Patterns database can be accessed at
http://www.census.gov/econ/cbp/index.html. In a small number of cases
when Economic Census or other industry data were not available, this
database, which is current through 2007, was also used to estimate revenues
and employment for 2006 and 2007.
iv. Emp loyment
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) publishes data on employment by
industry. These data were used for all three years. However, employment
levels for some fair use industries are not available at a detailed level.
For these industries, information on employment levels from alternative
sources, such as the Economic Census, the Annual Survey of Manufac-
tures, and County Business Patterns database, was used instead.
v. Trade
The U.S. Government publishes detailed merchandise trade data on
the basis of the Harmonized Tariff System. The government also
converts these data to a NAICS basis and makes them available on
the web site of the U.S. International Trade Commission.5 Data on
services trade are reported at a relatively high level of aggregation by
the Bureau of Economic Analysis.6 As a result, the export data shown
in the tables do not distinguish between core and non-core exports.
As an alternative, the export data are reported separately between
exports of fair use goods and exports of fair use services.
5. M
erchandise trade data from the U.S. International Trade Commission can be
accessed at http://dataweb.usitc.gov
6. S
ervices trade data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis can be accessed at
http://www.bea.gov/international/intlserv.htm (see Table 1).
Appendix III: Revenue Data for Fair Use Industries
(M ill ions of Doll ars)
Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
Appendix III: Revenue Data for Fair Use Industries
(M ill ions of Doll ars)
Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
1. The 2002 data for electronic shopping and electronic auction revenues were
revised to include data for nonemployers using information from the Annual Retail
Trade Survey.
2. In the 2007 NAICS, the revenues of Internet service providers are no longer
included in NAICS 518, but are instead included in NAICS 5171 and 5179, which
this report treats as non-core. Estimated ISP revenues have been added to the core
revenues of 2007 in order to maintain comparability with prior years’ estimates.
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau: 2002 Economic Census; 2007 Economic Census;
Annual Retail Trade Survey; Service Annual Survey, various issues.
Appendix III: Revenue Data for Fair Use Industries
(M ill ions of Doll ars)
Non-Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
Non-Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
Appendix III: Revenue Data for Fair Use Industries
(M ill ions of Doll ars)
Non-Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
Non-Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
Non-Core 2,036,476
Industries Total
1. Code 5175 is not included in the 2007 NAICS. Data from this 2002 NAICS
code are distributed in NAICS 5171 in 2007.
2. In the 2007 NAICS, the revenues of Internet service providers are no longer
included in NAICS 518, but are instead included in NAICS 5171 and 5179, which
this report treats as non-core. Estimated ISP revenues have been subtracted
from the non-core revenues of 2007 in order to maintain comparability with prior
years’ estimates.
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau: 2002 Economic Census; 2007 Economic Census;
Annual Retail Trade Survey; Service Annual Survey, various issues
Appendix IV: Value Added Data for Fair Use Industries
(M ill ions of Doll ars)
Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
Appendix IV: Value Added Data for Fair Use Industries
(M ill ions of Doll ars)
Core Industries
NAICS Description 2002 2006 2007
Core Industries
NAICS Description 2002 2006 2007
. The 2002 data for electronic shopping and electronic auction value added were
revised to include data for nonemployers using information from the Annual Retail
Trade Survey.
2. In the 2007 NAICS, the data for Internet service providers are no longer included
in NAICS 518, but are instead included in NAICS 5171 and 5179, which this report
treats as non-core. Estimated ISP revenues have been added to the core revenues of
2007 in order to maintain comparability with prior years’ estimates.
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau: 2002 Economic Census; 2007 Economic Census;
Annual Retail Trade Survey; Service Annual Survey, various issues.
Appendix IV: Value Added Data for Fair Use Industries
(M ill ions of Doll ars)
Non-Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
Non-Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
Appendix IV: Value Added Data for Fair Use Industries
(M ill ions of Doll ars)
Non-Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
Non-Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
. Code 5175 is not included in the 2007 NAICS. Data from this 2002 NAICS
code are distributed in NAICS 5171 in 2007.
2. In the 2007 NAICS, the revenues of Internet service providers are no longer
included in NAICS 518, but are instead included in NAICS 5171 and 5179, which
this report treats as non-core. Estimated ISP revenues have been subtracted
from the non-core revenues of 2007 in order to maintain comparability with prior
years’ estimates.
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau: 2002 Economic Census; 2007 Economic Census;
Annual Retail Trade Survey; Service Annual Survey, various issues.
Appendix V: Estimated Contribution of Core Industry
Value Added to GDP
2007 NAICS
Chain-type quantity index Real value added2 Contribution to
change in GDP
2002 2005 1
2007 2002 2007 2005=100
Appendix V: Estimated Contribution of Core Industry
Value Added to GDP
2007 NAICS
Elementary & Secondary Schools, Junior Colleges,
Colleges, Universities and Professional Schools
Chain-type quantity index Real value added2 Contribution to
change in GDP
2002 20051 2007 2002 2007 2005=100
1. Estimated by applying the compound average growth rate from 2002 to 2007
for each industry.
Appendix Vi: Employment Data for Fair Use
Industries (Thousands)
Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
3346 Manufacturing 55 42 38
and Reproducing
Magnetic and
Optical Media
Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
Appendix Vi: Employment Data for Fair Use
Industries (Thousands)
Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
6111, Elementary
6112, & Secondary
6113 Schools, Junior
2,213 2,369 2,386
Colleges, Colleges,
Universities, and
Professional Schools
7115 Independent 40 48 49
Artists, Writers and
Non-Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
4236901 Communications
equipment merchant
Appendix Vi: Employment Data for Fair Use
Industries (Thousands)
Non-Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
Non-Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
7113 Promoters of
Performing Arts, Sports
and Similar Events
1. Code 5175 is not included in the 2007 NAICS. Data from this 2002 NAICS
code are distributed in NAICS 5171 in 2007.
Appendix VII: Annual Payroll Data for Fair Use
Industries (Mi l lion s of Do l lars)
Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
Appendix VII: Annual Payroll Data for Fair Use
Industries (Mi l lion s of Do l lars)
Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
. The 2002 data for certain education services were revised based on data for
County Business Patterns (2002). The Economic Census does not include data
for all types of education services.
2. In the 2007 NAICS, the annual payroll data of Internet service providers
are no longer included in NAICS 518, but are instead included in NAICS 5171
and 5179, which this report treats as non-core. Estimated ISP revenues have
been subtracted from the non-core revenues of 2007 in order to maintain
comparability with prior years’ estimates.
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau: 2002 Economic Census; 2007 Economic Census;
County Business Patterns; Annual Survey of Manufactures.
Appendix VII: Annual Payroll Data for Fair Use
Industries (Mi l lion s of Do l lars)
Non-Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
Non-Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
Appendix VII: Annual Payroll Data for Fair Use
Industries (Mi l lion s of Do l lars)
Non-Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
Non-Core Industries
2007 NAICS
Description 2002 2006 2007
1. Code 5175 is not included in the 2007 NAICS. Data from this 2002 NAICS code
are distributed in NAICS 5171 in 2007.
2. In the 2007 NAICS, the annual payroll data of Internet service providers are no
longer included in NAICS 518, but are instead included in NAICS 5171 and 5179,
which this report treats as non-core. Estimated ISP revenues have been subtracted
from the non-core revenues of 2007 in order to maintain comparability with prior
years’ estimates.
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau: 2002 Economic Census; 2007 Economic Census;
County Business Patterns; Annual Survey of Manufactures.
Appendix VIII: U.S. Exports for Fair Use
Industries, Goods ( Mil lion s of Do l lars)
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau: 2002 Economic Census; 2007 Economic Census;
County Business Patterns; Annual Survey of Manufactures.
Services (Mi llions of Do l lars)
Glossary of Fair Use Provisions
17 U.S.C. § 102(a) (non-copyrightability of facts)
The fact/expression dichotomy is a limitation on the scope of copyright
that renders facts non-copyrightable. This principle limits severely the
scope of protection in fact-based works. The result of Section 102(a)’s
requirement of originality is that raw facts may be copied at will. See
Feist Publ’ns, Inc. v Rural Tel. Serv. Co., 499 U.S. 340, 350 (1991).
17 U.S.C. § 107 (fair use: criticism, comment, news reporting,
teaching, scholarship, research, etc.)
Section 107 of the Copyright Act explicitly protects the fair use of a
copyrighted work for purposes including but not limited to criticism,
comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies
for classroom use), scholarship, or research. Such use is not an
infringement of copyright.
Glossary (continued)
17 U.S.C. § 117(a) (backup, essential step copies)
The Copyright Act permits the owner of a copy of a computer program
to make a copy of that program: as an essential step in the utilization of
the program in conjunction with a computer; or for archival purposes.
Sony principle
Under Sony Corp. of Am v. Universal City Studios, 464 U.S. 417 (1984),
the sale of an article of commerce that may be used for both infringing
and non-infringing uses will not lead to secondary infringement if the
product is capable of substantial noninfringing use.
Computer & Communications
Industry Association