What is Acromegaly?
- Caused by the overproduction of growth
hormone made by the pituitary gland
- Causes abnormally large
Detecting Acromegaly
- Blood tests can determine if the GH
(growth hormone) is too high.
- Imaging can locate a pituitary tumor,
pituitary tumors make the glands create
too much of the growth hormone.
Tanya Angus
Sex: Female
Height: 611
Weight: 392.4 lbs.
Diagnosed with
Acromegaly at the age
of 21
Medical Tests
- Tanya had a blood test done and an X-ray. She
also went to the eye doctor.
- Her eye doctor noticed the vision in her right eye
was being affected.
- Tanya Angus tested for an above normal GH level
and a pituitary tumor was found.
- Surgery and Radiation can both be used to remove the
pituitary tumor.
- Tanyas tumor was located on her carotid artery, and was
- Somatostatin analog (Octreotide, Lanreotide) is an
injection you can receive, which can shrink the tumors 3050%.
- Keep growing larger if tumor is not removed, you can also
develop high blood pressure and heart disease.
Nutritional Supplements
To help regain and keep the
skeletons health:
- Avoid eating unhealthy
- Exercise regularly
- Get regular blood tests
- Get regular eye
Through the next sixth months after surgery:
- Damage can affect the surrounding normal pituitary tissue, which
requires lifelong use of pituitary hormone replacement.
- Radiation therapy is usually reserved for people who have some tumor
remaining after surgery and do not respond to medications.
Throughout life:
- Check-ups a few times a year to check progress
- Lives are shortened because the tumor and the treatment destroys
vital brain tissue.
Works Cited