Ot 6
Ot 6
Ot 6
Edward Lenox:
"A little boy fell over the front end of the wagon during our journey. In his case, the great wheels
rolled over the child's head----crushing it to pieces."
Great thunderstorms took their toll. A half-dozen emigrants were killed by lightning strikes;
many others were injured by hail the size of apples. Pounding rains were especially difficult for
the emigrants because there was no shelter on the open plains and the covered wagons eventually
Perhaps the biggest problem on the Trail was a mysterious and deadly disease--called cholera for
which there was no cure. Often, an emigrant would go from healthy to dead in just a few hours.
Sometimes they received a proper burial, but often, the sick would be abandoned, in their beds,
on the side of the trail. They would die alone. Making matters worse were animals that regularly
dug up the dead and scattered the trail with human bones and body parts.
Emigrant Agnes Stewart:
"We camped at a place where a woman had been buried and the wolves dug her up. Her hair
was there with a comb still in it. She had been buried too shallow. It seems a dreadful fate, but
what is the difference? One cannot feel after the spirit is flown."
Cholera killed more emigrants than anything else. In a bad year, some wagon trains lost twothirds of their people.
Emigrant John Clark:
"One woman and two men lay dead on the grass and some more ready to die. Women and
children crying, some hunting medicine and none to be found. With heartfelt sorrow, we looked
around for some time until I felt unwell myself. Got up and moved forward one mile, so as to be
out of hearing of crying and suffering."