Vietnam 1964-1973
Vietnam 1964-1973
Vietnam 1964-1973
5 presidencies
(Eisenhower, JFK, LBJ,
Nixon, Ford)
France out in 1954
Cold War Stuff
Hot War 1964-1973
Division of Vietnam
Why We Fight
Domino Theory
Vietnam, Laos,
Cambodia, Thailand,
Who We Fight
Vietcong South
Vietminh North
Officially called the
NLF (National
Liberation Front)
Civil War
LBJs War
"Im not going to be the
president who saw
Southeast Asia go the
way China went."
Dean Rusk, Sec. of State
Robert McNamara, Sec.
of Defense
Non-Communist Govt.
US Escalates
Domino Theory!!
US bombing
"Ho Chi Minh Trail"
Jungle War
1968 Homefront
Tet Offensive
My Lai Massacre
Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinated
Robert Kennedy assassinated
Riot outside the Democratic National Convention
in Chicago
Nixons victory ushered in an era of political
Stokely Carmichael & Black Panthers
Summer of Love
Nixons War
1969 Secret Plan?
Nope. 4 more years,
thousands lost
Lottery draft
Nixon Doctrine