Eric Kenneway Libro Complete Origami
Eric Kenneway Libro Complete Origami
Eric Kenneway Libro Complete Origami
The possibility of using paper to manufacture
cheap, portable houses was first considered
seriously during World War II. It was thought
that they would provide shelter quickly for
large numbers of people who might suddenly
become homeless as result of enemy action.
Paper houses were later developed during the
1960s, by exponents of the survival culture, a
culture based on self-sufficiency and
closeness to nature.
La posibilidad de utilizar papel para la
fabricacin de casas baratas, porttiles fue
considerado por primera seriamente durante
la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Se pensaba que
iban a proporcionar refugio rpidamente a un
gran nmero de personas que de repente
pudieran quedar sin hogar como resultado de
la accin del enemigo. Las casas de papel
fueron posteriormente desarrolladas durante
la dcada de 1960, por exponentes de la
cultura de supervivencia, una cultura basada
en la autosuficiencia y la cercana a la
Origami has had no direct influence on these
developments, but it is interesting that one of
the architectural designs considered most
successful is, in essence, origami. This is the
plydom, designed in 1966 by Canadian
architect Herbert Yates, to house migrant
agricultural worker in California. Its
appearance is not unlike a giant concertina.
The material used in constructing these
houses actually comprises two layers of paper
with a layer of polyurethane foam between
them. The exterior is coated with
polyethylene. The combination is considered
to be warm and waterproof.
Origami no ha tenido ninguna influencia
directa sobre estos acontecimientos, pero es
interesante que uno de los diseos
arquitectnicos considerados de mayor xito
es, en esencia, el origami. Esta es la Plydom,
diseada en 1966 por el arquitecto canadiense
Herbert Yates, para albergar trabajador
agrcola migrante en California. Su aspecto
no es diferente a un acorden gigante.
El material utilizado en la construccin de
estas casas realmente comprende dos capas de
papel, con una capa de espuma de poliuretano
entre ellos. El exterior est recubierta con
polietileno. La combinacin se considera que
es clido y resistente al agua.
Chinesse tradition
There is a line in a poem by the eighth century Chinese poet
Tu Fu which runs like this: Old wife draws on paper, squares
for a game of chess. What does this mean?.
Hay una lnea en un poema del poeta chino del siglo octavo Tu
Fu, que dice as: "Vieja esposa dibuja sobre el papel,
cuadrculas para un juego de ajedrez". Qu significa esto?.
For centuries the Chinese have used not a board for what we
call board games, but a square of paper folded and unfolded
into a chequered pattern of creases. An inked brush is run
lightly along each folded edge to achieve a series of fine black
lines drawn with greater accuracy than can be done with a ruler.
If the line from Tu Fu refers to this practice, as seems likely,
then it is the first recorded reference to paperfolding anywhere
in the world.
Durante siglos los chinos han utilizado una tabla no para lo que
llamamos juegos de mesa, pero un cuadrado de papel plegado y
desplegado en un modelo a cuadros de arrugas. Un cepillo de
entintado est dirigido ligeramente a lo largo de cada borde
doblado para lograr una serie de lneas negras finas dibujadas
con mayor precisin que se puede hacer con una regla. Si la
lnea de Tu Fu se refiere a esta prctica, como parece probable,
entonces es la primera referencia registrada a doblar el papel en
cualquier parte del mundo.
Paper originated in China. Its invention is attributed to Tsai
Lun, in the year 105 A.D. The main use for paper then, as now,
was as writing material, but someone must have soon
discovered that paper could be bent and flattened to create a
straight folded edge.
Papel origin en China. Su invencin se atribuye a Cai Lun, en
el ao 105 dC El uso principal para el papel, entonces como
ahora, era como material de escritura, pero alguien debe tener
pronto descubri que el papel podra ser doblado y aplanado
para crear un borde recto doblado.
The main tradition of Chinese paperfolding is to be found
within the tradition of Chinese funerary art, in which replicas or
representations of money or household goods were made to be
placed in the tombs of the dead, or burnt on funeral pyres. This
custom grew out of burying all a mans possessions with him to
take on his journey to the next world. This was a constant
templation to grave robbers and paper replicas were substituted
for the real thing. To this day, the burning of paper offerings is a
feature of funerals in Chinese communities where there is a
strong Buddist or Taoist tradition.
La principal tradicin de los chinos de plegado de papel se
encuentra dentro de la tradicin del arte funerario chino, en el
cual se hicieron rplicas o representaciones de dinero o bienes
del hogar para ser colocados en las tumbas de los muertos, o
quemados en piras funerarias. Esta costumbre surgi de enterrar
a todos unas posesiones man's con l para tomar en su viaje al
otro mundo. Este fue un templacin constante para los ladrones
de tumbas y rplicas de papel fueron sustituidos por la cosa
real. A da de hoy, la quema de ofrendas de papel es una
caracterstica de los funerales en las comunidades chinas, donde
hay una fuerte tradicin budista o taosta.
Pajarita is Spanish for little bird. It is
also the word that Spaniards use for
folded paper models is general. Most
Spanish people regard folding paper as
synonymous with making little paper
birds because this is something that
nearly all of them learn to do as children.
The fold they learn is the traditional
pajarita shown below.
Pajarita es espaol para el "pajarito".
Tambin es la palabra que los espaoles
utilizan para los modelos de papel
doblado es general. La mayora de los
espaoles se refiere al papel de papel
como sinnimo de hacer pajaritas de
papel, porque esto es algo que casi
todos ellos aprender a hacer de nios. El
pliegue que aprenden es el tradicional
"pajarita" que se muestra a
The model may have originated in Spain
but it is known throughout Europe. In
France, Emile Zola coined the expression
faire des cocottes longeur de journe
to describe the work of people employed
in government offices. The hens he
accused them of making all day were
folded paper hens in fact, the same
traditional model that Spanish children
El modelo puede tener su origen en
Espaa pero es conocido en toda Europa.
En Francia, Emile Zola acu la
expresin "faire des cocottes a longueur
de journe" para describir el trabajo de
las empleadas en las oficinas del
gobierno. Las gallinas que los acusaron
de hacer durante todo el da plegaron
gallinas de papel - de hecho, el mismo
modelo tradicional que los nios
espaoles plegaban.
To many German children it is known as
a crow, although it sometimes also
serves as a horse in their play. In Britain
it used to be called a hobby-horse, but it
is no longer widely known and seems
never to have won childrens affection to
the extent that it has in France and Spain
countries where the little paper bird is
recognized as a symbol of childhood.
Indeed, there is an old-established sweet
shop called La Pajarita in Madrid which
sells pajarita-shaped chocolates, and in
the northern Spanish town of Huesca,
there is a monument to the pajarita in a
local park.
Para muchos nios alemane que se
conoce como un cuervo, aunque a veces
tambin sirve como un caballo en su
P155 Sembazuru
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