Information Literacy Lesson Plan
Information Literacy Lesson Plan
Information Literacy Lesson Plan
Beth Mashburn
FRIT 7136
Fall 2012
Dr. Judi Repman, Instructor
Georgia Southern University
Beth Mashburn
GRADE: Kindergarten
Beth Mashburn
Beth Mashburn
Product: The students will be assessed using personal communication. Their ticket out the
door of the computer lab is to tell the SLMS if a book is probably fiction or nonfiction by
looking at the cover and the inside of the book. After presenting their project to the class the
students will also complete a self-assessment.
Process: The SLMS and teacher will observe the students as they listen to the 2 books to ensure
they are paying attention, and also observe the students as they are using the computer to
complete the project.
Student self-questioning:
1) Did I listen well enough to complete the project?
2) Did I complete the project?
3) Did I present the project?
4) Do I understand the difference between fiction and nonfiction?
Resources students will use:
Online subscription database(s) Web sites Books Reference
Nonprint Periodicals/newspapers Other (list): Self-Assessment Worksheet
o Direct instruction: Students will enter the computer lab and will be directed to sit on
the floor. The SLMS will ask the children if they have ever been to a zoo and what
they already know about the zoo. The SLMS will read Wild About Books and
then ask the students if the story is true or fake. The SLMS will explain what makes
this book fiction and then explain the difference in fiction and nonfiction books. The
SLMS will then explain to the students that in order to complete their project they
will need to listen to the facts in the nonfiction book and remember at least 2 facts
about an animal of their choice. The SLMS will read the nonfiction book Zachary
Goes to the Zoo. The SLMS will again go over the differences in the fiction book
and nonfiction book. The students will then go to the computers and the SLMS will
explain how to navigate the Kerpoof website and explain to them all the components
they need to include to complete their project (name, animal, drawing of animal, and
2 facts about the animal).
o Modeling and guided practice: The SLMS will first tell the students how to type
their name into their document on Kerpoof. She will use the SMART board to
demonstrate to the class. After the SLMS shows the students how to type their name
into their document, she will allow the students to type their own name and then
check for accuracy and answer any questions. Then the SLMS will demonstrate
how to complete the project and how to use the tools for their project.
o Independent practice: The students will be observed by the SLMS and the teacher
while they complete their project on Kerpoof and will be instructed to ask for help if
Beth Mashburn
o Sharing and reflecting: Once the students return to the classroom, they will each
present their work using the SMART board. Finally, the students will complete the
Student Self-Assessment.
Beth Mashburn
From the beginning, I was so afraid of this task! I do not have a teaching background so I was
reluctant to begin this project. Mrs. Chambers had told me several times before that if I ever
needed her help with anything school related to feel free to ask. So, she was my obvious choice
for this collaboration. Collaborating with her was very easy. She was very open to my ideas
and she talked to me about her ideas. We came up with our lesson pretty quickly and since we
needed the computer lab the timing worked out perfectly because her class was already
scheduled for the computer lab the week I did the lesson. Mrs. Chambers was willing to meet
with me anytime I needed her and she answered any questions I had. I mostly met with her
after school or during her planning time and we also communicated through email and text
messaging. Once I had my lesson plan and the materials I was going to use, I was actually quite
excited to execute the lesson. Mrs. Chambers asked me the day before if I was nervous and I
told her that surprisingly I was not. I have never been the type of person who feels comfortable
speaking in front of a group, but after I was prepared for the lesson, I was not as nervous as I
expected that I would be.
When it was time for the lesson, the students came into the computer lab and for the most part
they sat quietly and participated while I did the lesson on fiction and nonfiction. I was actually
surprised at how comfortable I felt teaching the lesson. When it was time for the students to go
to the computers I demonstrated using the SMART board how they were to type their name into
a text box and then I let them do it. This is when I realized that I would have to change my plan
a little. It took a lot longer than I expected for the students to get the text box onto their page,
put the cursor in the text box, delete the words type here, and then type their name. Of course
some students got ahead of me and wanted to use all the tools on the site, some students were
behind, and some accidentally deleted their work. I originally planned to have the students type
their name, type 2 facts about the animal of their choice, and draw a picture of the animal. Mrs.
Chambers suggested that we change our plan slightly and just let them draw the animal and then
when they present their work they could tell their facts. Even with the students just typing their
name and drawing their animal it was fairly time consuming. Mrs. Chambers, Mrs. Ledford (a
student teacher), and I observed the students working and we all helped when needed. We got
through it and all the students were excited to see their work when it printed. Unfortunately we
were not allowed to use the color printer, so the colorful work the students completed on the
computer could only print in black and white. One student commented that it was okay because
they could color them when they got back to the room. Before the students could go back to the
classroom, their ticket out the door was to tell me if they thought a book was fiction or
nonfiction by looking at the cover and the inside of the book. Once everyone was back in the
classroom they all gathered in front of the SMART board and they each presented their work.
After all the students had presented their work, they completed the self-assessment rubric.
When the rubric criteria were read to the students, we changed I typed 2 facts to I told 2
Beth Mashburn
By the time it was all over, I felt really comfortable and more confident. I think I probably
over-prepared for the lesson because I really felt like I was at a disadvantage because I have no
teaching experience. Not only did I have to collaborate with the teacher as the media specialist,
but I also had to observe the teacher a couple of times before the lesson to see how best to
interact with and teach the students. After everything was completed, I realized that I have
more ability than I thought I did. I really enjoyed executing the lesson plan and interacting with
the students. The students enjoyed the lesson, too, and they all enjoyed using the computer to
complete their assignment. Overall, I think the experience was a success.
Assessment Results:
Ticket out the door assessment: Out of 21 students, 15 correctly answered fiction or nonfiction
when asked and 6 answered incorrectly.
Student self-assessment:
100% listened to the book
90% typed their name
100% drew an animal
90% told 2 facts
100% presented their work to the class
100% asked for help if they needed it
Beth Mashburn
Student Self-Assessment
Name ____________________________
Needs Work
I listened to
the book.
I typed my
I drew an
I typed 2
I presented
my work to
the class.
Beth Mashburn
I asked for
help if I
needed it.